More importantly, how can it be of any benefit to you?
To cut right to the chase, this blog is meant to help you “cook up” your own reality — whatever it might be that you want your life to be.
Question: How do I intend to help you create a life reality that you actually enjoy living?
Answer: By giving you practical “recipes” (techniques of manifesting) that you can use in order to create whatever reality you want. It may sound like fantasy but I can assure you 100 per cent from personal experience, as well as the experience of countless others, that it is not fantasy. It is stone cold real.
The Purpose Of This Blog
What is the purpose of this blog? In other words, what’s my angle here? Upon reflection of the years of my life, I feel that I could have accomplished more than I did. Thus, in the short time that I have left here, it is my hope that the information imparted in this blog will help to make someone’s life better.
If you personally doubt that your thoughts, your words, your purposeful activities, your feelings, your beliefs affect your reality, then this blog will be of no benefit to you. Fear and doubt are poisons. They will sadly have you spinning your wheels every time.
This blog is in existence so that you can be informed of things that you can actually do…..on your own… make your life what you want it to be. You may have heard about the concept of manifesting your reality and thought to yourself, “Yeah that’s all well and fine but what can I actually do, that I am able to do, to make it happen in my life?” That is where The Manifest Cookbook comes in.
A Cookbook For Success
A cookbook is a collection of methods of making a food creation. Take the example of creating (manifesting) a great cake on your own. Now imagine if a chef told you to go mix some eggs and sugar and flour and spices and butter and baking powder and flavorings in a container. Then this same chef told you to put it in an oven, turn the oven on and you will have a cake. Pretty ridiculous right?! Obviously, unless you have a practical recipe, the cake would not turn out the way you want it. You need to know which ingredients to use, how much of each ingredient to use, how to mix the ingredients, what type of container to put the ingredients in before putting them in the oven, what temperature to set the oven for and how long to bake the ingredients at that temperature. You need to know more than the fact that you can do it. It is necessary to know specifically what you are to do, that you are able to do, in order to make the cake successfully. That is where the recipe shows you the way.
The basis of this blog – The Manifest Cookbook – is to provide you with practical recipes (techniques) to assist you in creating whatever reality you want for your life. You really do have that power but it is totally up to you to use it.
The very first blog post that I wrote back in August of 2020 stated that you would be receiving different recipes for manifesting your reality. Over the years this has been done. Within the 130 posts that have been published to date, there are several manifesting recipes. This blog post reveals to you another recipe called “Mental Prayer Treatment” (MPT).
A Mental Prayer Treatment is a technique of employing the true power of prayer. This treatment is to bring about healing of a specific troubling situation. In an MPT, you direct the thoughts of your mind to focus on the Presence of God. The Presence of God is in you. Around you. Wherever you are. Always. An MPT differs from general prayer which is a visit with God.
General Versus Specific
General prayer can be compared to enjoying fresh air and sunshine, eating good food in the right amounts, and giving your body a moderate amount of exercise to keep all the muscles in your body in good shape. They are enjoyed as ends unto themselves. They also serve the purpose of keeping you in good health.
The objective of a Mental Prayer Treatment is to focus in on a specific desire that you wish to see manifested into your reality. The power engine of an MPT is the removal of all thought of what you are lacking from your mind. A complete removal. You can call it a “lackectomy”. During this treatment, the one focus of your thoughts is on the One True Presence – God – The I AM that I AM. When you successfully do this, the healing immediately commences.
Two Parts To This Recipe
There are two distinct parts to this manifesting recipe. First, you lay the foundation phase for your creation. Secondly, you proceed with the actual cooking of the ingredients for the second part, the claiming phase. The foundation phase can be compared to all the necessary pre-cooking steps. These include getting the proper utensils and cookware ready, assembling all the various ingredients required in the proper amounts, pre-heating the oven or setting the proper flame level on the range and so on. The claiming phase is the actual cooking of the ingredients.
Give yourself an MPT as often as you desire during the course of your day. Usually, the beginning and the end of your day are best. This is because at these two times you are the most relaxed. The more relaxed you are, the better. Find your own rhythm. If you are a midday napper, just before or after, when you are still drowsy, would be another good time to perform a Mental Prayer Treatment.
Keep Stirring The Pot
When using MPT’s, do your best to banish any feelings of being tense. Stay loose and as relaxed as you can possibly get yourself without falling asleep. It will help greatly with your manifestation. Refrain from continually turning off the range and pouring everything on a plate to check and see if it is cooking the right way. Just keep stirring the pot and have faith in the recipe. If you keep removing the pot from the range, it will take forever for your manifested reality to arrive. If your MPT is done in true faith, the treatment is most assuredly working. Just continue treating every day and be alert. Ultimately, things will start happening for you that will advance the manifestation of your chosen desire. Persevere. Persevere. Persevere. Lack of perseverance and lack of faith are the reasons why 99 percent of people will fail at conscious manifesting.
A Dirty, Scummy Skillet
Before you start your treatment, make sure that the skillet you are using is sparkling clean. No chef is going to get good results if using a dirty, scummy skillet. Keep fear and doubt totally out of your thoughts. This is how you ensure that your skillet is clean. Clean skillet equals good results. Dirty skillet equals poor results. Refrain from blaming the skillet if you refuse to clean it before using. Understand that the blame will be on you. Do what you need to do and stop playing the victim
Look at it like a scientific mathematics equation. First, understand that the Presence of God equals perfection. Second, is the fact that the Kingdom of God is within you and is with you wherever you are. Third, no lack can co-exist with the Presence of God. And fourth, by you choosing to focus all on the Presence of God, right where the problem is, the problem will have no option but to ultimately disappear.
Step One
The MPT is truly a beautiful method of prayer whereby you will see for yourself that good things happen as a result. Faith is critically important. If you do not believe the words of your MPT, why bother even saying them. Your reality in life is primarily what you decide it to be. Thoughts lead to Words (Your MPT). Words lead to Actions. Actions lead to Feelings. Your Feelings lead to Beliefs. Beliefs lead to Faith. Faith lead you to the Kingdom of God where anything and everything is possible.
Just make believe that there is a dimension of reality where the object of your Mental Prayer Treatment is already a “done deal” (There actually is you know). Believe that your chosen reality has already manifested into your current reality. Persevere with an MPT and these two dimensions of reality will, in due time, merge together, bringing forth your chosen desire fulfilled. The two reasons why most people fail with an MPT are: (1) lack of perseverance and (2) lack of faith. A successful MPT requires the personal discipline to persevere until completion and a 100 percent belief in the truth of the MPT.
Here is an example of the first phase (foundation) of a sample Mental Prayer Treatment:
The Kingdom of God is within me.
God is my true North Star.
Thru God I live. Thru God I breathe. Thru God I am.
Thru God I am free of fear.
I am free from fear of the past.
I am free from fear of the future.
I live free from fear of the now.
The freedom of God is my freedom.
The above foundation can be used with a great variety of Step Two (claiming) phases. These include those involving your finances, your health, your relationships, your career or your avocation. It can also be used when you engage in an MPT for someone else or even a beloved pet. The foundation can be shorter or it can be longer. Use the above sample or construct your own.
Step Two
The claiming phase of your mental prayer treatment targets the specific circumstance that you wish to treat or heal.
Here is an example of the claiming phase of a mental prayer treatment to treat your finances:
I live prosperity. I feel prosperity.
I am prosperity.
My faith is the evidence.
My ongoing beliefs produce my ongoing prosperity.
With all that I ever was…….With all that I am now…….With all that I ever will be…….I am truly thankful.
So Be It.
The Portal
What you are able to perceive as you go about your daily activities is your surface consciousness. You are fully aware of things and events that happen in your surface consciousness. The things that you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Your memory of all the events that have ever happened in your life. The laws of nature that you live under. The other human beings with whom you interact. These are all a part of your surface consciousness.
Beneath your surface consciousness however, exists your subconscious. It is just as real as your surface consciousness. What happens in the world of your subconscious has everything to do with what happens in your surface consciousness, that which you call “the real world”.
The subconscious is that mysterious portal that connects you with Divine Intelligence. What a Mental Prayer Treatment does is to penetrate beneath your surface consciousness. Your MPT reaches down into the fertile ground of your subconscious. This visit to your subconscious, with your Mental Prayer Treatment, then ultimately alters what you term “the real world” resulting in benefit to you or for the benefit of a loved one for whom you are giving the treatment.
The Essential Ingredient
In a prized recipe for a much sought after dish, the chef usually has uses one essential ingredient that ensures the success of the recipe. In this recipe, that ingredient is faith. The Mental Prayer Treatment will always be an effective method of prayer if done in faith. “Done in faith” means that you 100% believe in the truth of your treatment. You have banished all fear, all doubt as you relentlessly proceed with your treatment.
This article puts forth information that is for your benefit. It is now up to you whether or not you choose to use it. To use it means that benefit will come to you. To not use it simply means that you will continue to experience the same old shit in your life. Make your choice. It’s your life.
You Will Give UpSome Things
Let me ask you a simple question.
What do you really have to lose by engaging in a Mental Prayer Treatment?
Let me list some things that you will lose:
Your painful frustration as a result of failure after failure;
Your beating your head against the wall and getting the same lousy results;
Your utter exhaustion after running on life’s treadmill and getting nowhere;
Your looking in the mirror at yourself and saying “You suck”.
The Divine Kitchen
Immersing yourself in a Mental Prayer Treatment places you in the Divine Kitchen. Give yourself a Mental Prayer Treatment regarding something that is troubling you. Give yourself a chance to be a vehicle for Divine Power. The Kingdom of God is within you. It always has been. Your being led to read this article is not a random event. It is a Divine synchronicity. Proceed forth. May you always perceive the beauty of the Presence of God.
Most people recognize time as being something absolute, independent of any and all external events and happenings. It flows continuously at a constant rate. Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Every second is unique and when that second dissipates, another second of equal duration comes forth. Once a second is done, the activities of that second can only be experienced through our brain’s memory files. Newton postulated that one second on earth is also one second at any point in the universe. Most people’s concept of time follow the Newtonian description of time.
The Newtonian concept of time is that time is something that flows forward uniformly and without interruption. It is independent of any external event or happening. Tick-tock, Tick-tock. Until the twentieth century, science pretty much held Newton’s position on time as accurate. Have you ever thought however that maybe time is an illusion?
Albert Einstein Contradicts Newton
One of the most influential physicists to have ever lived, Albert Einstein, came to a new conclusion about time in the twentieth century. He stated, ” People like us who believe in physics know the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
Twenty-first century discoveries in the realm of physics have led many esteemed scientists to the theory of spacetime. They put forth that there is a block universe where time and space are connected. In this block universe, called spacetime, everything that has ever happened or ever will happen is happening right now.
Time Travel Is Real
Time travel is real. A bold statement indeed but one born of first hand experience. I know because I have time travelled. It happened recently. I was in my car at a stop light, waiting for the light to change to green. This particular light has a pretty long wait time of about a minute and a half so I put the car in park and took my foot off the brake pedal. The intersecting road is heavily travelled. As I began waiting for the light to change I looked specifically at the door of one room of an adjacent chain motel. That room was Room 245. Within that room over forty years ago I had met with several co-workers in the evening. Our office was in Newark, NJ but we all had investigatory assignments in southern New Jersey. We all had rooms at this chain motel.
One evening, after dinner, we all met in Room 245. The bottle of Dewars came out, the cigarettes were already creating a haze in the room. In a totally relaxed atmosphere, we enjoyed each other’s company. Jokes and stories of this, that or the other were told in a spirit of true camaraderie. It was an evening that I enjoyed but nothing earth-shattering happened. There was no dramatic event of any type during that evening. It was just a pleasant evening with friends.
A Very, Very Weird Feeling
I turned my head away from the motel to look at the traffic light. Within another second, I was not in my car any longer. I was physically in Room 245. Not there merely in my memories. Not there only in my thoughts. My physical body, the body that I had over forty years ago, was actually there, in Room 245 with all my friends. I was standing there just enjoying the repartee. I had a glass of scotch in my left hand and a Camel cigarette in the other hand. It was an extremely weird feeling. I was there in the room, but I also could watch myself. I even saw the names of the cigarettes on the packs that the smokers were smoking – Camels, Winston and Parliament. I could not have been back in Room 245 for more than fifteen seconds tops, when I suddenly was back behind the steering wheel of my car. The traffic light had still not changed.
No Cigarettes In Over 40 Years !
After looking back and forth between the motel room door and the traffic light, the light finally changed and I drove off. I was so spooked by the experience however that I maneuvered my car to get back to that traffic light again. I looked at the door of Room 245. Nothing happened. I did not go back in time. I maneuvered my car again but this time I parked in the motel lot. For fifteen minutes I stared at the door of Room 245. I wanted so much to go back in time to that room again, but no dice. No transportation back in time. Just memories, nothing more.
That whole fifteen seconds (or whatever it was) was a spooky, weird feeling. It was most assuredly more than just my memories kicking in. I drive by dozens of places every month that bring up vivid memories. This weird experience was much more than a vivid memory. I was actually physically there. An event that took place over forty years ago but was also happening right now. The strangest part of the whole thing is this – immediately after experiencing this shift of dimensions – while I was back in my car – my right hand smelled of Camel cigarettes. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in over forty years. Camel cigarettes have no filter, only tobacco. As such, occasionally a small piece of tobacco would work itself into into the mouth when smoking Camels. As I was waiting at the light, I opened the drivers side car window in order to spit out a small piece of tobacco from my mouth.
I have no idea why or how I was physically transported back in time to that motel room. It was not something that I tried to do. It just happened. Although there are definitely things that I would have done differently in my past if I had the chance, time travel is something that I never aspired to. My focus these days until my last day is on the “now moment” in time. I only wish that I could have stayed in Room 245 a while longer. It was a bittersweet but amazing experience.
Quantum Physics
There are numerous scientists and esteemed thinkers today that are proclaiming that everything happens in the now. They argue that there exists a block universe where time and space are connected. This block universe is called spacetime. This theory states that space and time are part of a four dimensional structure where everything that has ever happened or will happen has its own coordinates in spacetime. This would allow everything to be real in the sense that the past and even the future are there in spacetime.
Think of the block universe as a four-dimensional space-time structure. In this structure, time is like space. Every event has its own coordinates in space-time. Time is tenseless with all coordinates equally real so that the past and the future are no less real than the present.
So, is time irreducible, fundamental and an ultimate descriptor of reality? Or is it that our subjective sense of flowing time has been generated by our brains and is merely an illusion to allow us to make sense of our stay here in this earth dimension? What do you think?
Meister Eckhart
Have you ever heard of a man called Meister Eckhart? He was a German cleric, teacher, philosopher and mystic in the late 1200’s, early 1300’s. I have read some of his translated writings. He was an extraordinary man of God. Through his writings, he proposes that everything happens in the Now moment. One can conceivably read that to mean that the past, present and future are all happening at the same time in the time continuum.
Here is a quote from the writings of Meister Eckhart: “There exists only the present instant…a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday, nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.”
Everyone Is A Day Trader
In the ever growing community of investors who are looking to make money from trading, there has evolved the practice known as day trading. This is the practice of buying and selling a commodity in a very short time frame, typically within a day. The goal of day trading is to earn a small profit on each trade and then compound those gains over time. If you are making good trades, you will create substantial profits. If you are making poor trades, you can lose your shirt (and pants and socks and everything else as well).
Do you realize that you are an active day trader? Every day you are conducting trades in the most valuable commodity on earth — time. When you were born, your account was fully funded for the balance of your stay on earth. You can only speculate how much time has been placed into your trading account. Every day of your life you are required to trade 24 hours of your time. Replenishment is not an option. Your total life account may have less than 24 hours or it may have over 100 years of time. It is to your benefit to recognize the precious nature of time. Likewise, it is also to your benefit to trade whatever time you have remaining with sharp focus and determined intention.
Hundreds Of Ways
There are hundreds of ways that you can trade your time for every day. A certain amount of time you spend for sleep. Next is time spent at your place of employment. More of your time is traded for grooming, hygiene, commuting to and from work, and eating your daily meals. Additional time is traded engaging in social relationships (spouse, family, friends, etc.), purchasing essential (things you need) and non-essential supplies (things you want), maintaining your lodging and your vehicle, maintaining the health of your body, engaging in recreational activities and pursuing your various hobbies and interests. Your life then is one continuous day trading session after another.
Have you traded wisely thus far? Be honest. Have you received a good return on your trading? If yes, good. Continue in this vein. If no, then realize the game of your life is not over yet As long as you are still breathing, there is still time to turn things around.
A Now Consciousness of Being
To live fully in the now will bring you inner peace and personal fulfillment. You must actively and consistently work at it however. Most are too comfortable with the familiar. That which they know, feels safer to them than the unknown. So they sadly shuffle along to the end of their life in an unconscious trance all the while wondering about that vague feeling that they have that something is missing.
Commit yourself to the daily work. It will be more than worth it to you. Immerse yourself in the daily work of exclusively living your life in the now consciousness. If you honestly do this, sooner or later the scales will fall off your eyes. And my friend, you will see the truth and the truth will set you free.
Free from what you say? Free from fear. Free from needing, grasping, clinging. You will be free from hoping that this person or that group will save you. Free from waiting for this to happen or that to happen before you can experience power, peace and joy. Freedom is living fully in this now moment, then the next, then the next, right on up to your last breath.
What To Make Of That 15 Second Journey
I am still pondering over the “Room 245” happening. That it did indeed happen is the strongest fact concerning this whole thing. Why it happened however, to an average Joe sitting at a traffic light, I do not know. The next fact is that during those fifteen or so seconds in the motel room, I heard, saw, felt, smelled and tasted. All five of my physical senses were in full use. I heard the voices and laughter. I saw my friends clearly. I felt the glass of Scotch whiskey and water in my hand (no ice) and the cigarette in the other hand. I smelled the cigarette smoke. I tasted the cigarette and the Scotch from my glass.
Perhaps I was being told by an angel (do they do time travel?) to remember to live fully in every remaining now moment. It may be by doing that with greater consistency, it will help to facilitate my manifesting efforts.
What I do know for sure is this – it was real. It was not a dream. Nor was it a hallucination or a vivid memory. I always try, as best as I can, to learn from every situation in which I find myself. That was not always the case. In my past I was prone to repeating the same mistakes over and over again. So, I guess what I am going to learn from this whole Room 245 thing is this: (1) live FULLY in the Now as best as I possibly can; (2) be THANKFUL wherever I can in the Now moment, and (3) EXPECT good things to manifest in what little remains of my life. I think it is about time, my friend, that you did the same.
Have you ever heard of the politician Huey P. Long. His nickname was “The Kingfish”. Huey was a prominent national political figure from the state of Louisiana. His heyday was in the late 1920’s up to 1935 when he was assassinated in the Louisiana State Capitol Building. During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Huey advocated a program he called “Share Our Wealth”.
Millions of Americans joined Share Our Wealth clubs which were springing up all across the country. There didn’t seem to be a middle ground when it came to what people thought about Huey. He was loved as a champion of the poor and forgotten or hated as a dictator demagogue who would dismantle democracy. In the 1920’s when Long argued a case before the U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice (and former president) William Howard Taft called Long “the most brilliant lawyer who ever practiced before the court”. Long was mortally wounded by a lone assassin in September of 1935.
The Share Our Wealth Program
The basic gist of Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth program was that way too much of the wealth of the United States had become concentrated in way too few people. These mega-wealthy individuals relentlessly used their riches to buy political, judicial and mass media influence in order to continuously tip the scales of the system in their favor. Huey advocated for a wealth tax and a wealth distribution program which he labelled Share Our Wealth. In December of 1934, he gave a speech before the Washington Press Club that has been called the “Huey Long Barbeque Speech”. If you wish to watch it, it is freely available on the internet. I will give you a few passages to give you an idea of the flavor of the speech. Note: He mentions the names of Morgan, Rockefeller, Mellon and Baruch. These men were all some of the richest of the rich at that time.
The Barbeque Speech
“How many men ever went to a barbeque and would let one man take off the table what’s intended for 9/10’s of the people to eat. The only way you’ll be able to feed the balance of the people is to make that man come back and bring back some of that grub he ain’t got no business with.”
“We have been praying to the Almighty to send us a feast…The Lord has answered the prayer. He has called the barbeque ‘Come to my feast’ He said to 125 million American people. But Morgan and Baruch and Rockefeller and Mellon have walked up and took 85 percent of the vittles off the table”.
“Now how you going to feed the balance of the people? What’s Morgan and Baruch and Rockefeller and Mellon gonna do with all that grub. They can’t eat it, they can’t wear the clothes. They can’t live in the houses. Give ’em a yacht! Give ’em a palace! Send them to Reno and give them a new wife when they want it, if that’s what they want.”
But when they’ve got everything on God’s loving earth that they can eat and they can wear and they can live in, and all that their children can live in and wear and eat, and all their children’s children can use, then we got to call Mr. Morgan and Mr. Mellon and Mr. Rockefeller back and say, ‘Come on back here. Put that stuff back on the table here that you took away from here — that you don’t need. Leave something else for the American people to consume’. And that’s the program.”
The Big Concentration
In 1984, there were a total of 15 billionaires in the United States. Today in 2024, there are now 813 billionaires. Meanwhile the average wage of the common worker increased 115 % over the same time period. The only problem with that is that during that 40 year timespan inflation pushed prices up 160%. You do the math. While billionaires are proliferating like rabbits, the income of the average American worker is going backwards. While the mega-rich are exponentially increasing their stockpile of money, the average worker has less spending power than 40 years ago. The Big Concentration is in full swing.
Today, 1 % of Americans hold over 40 % of the nation’s wealth. 10 % of Americans hold over 75 % of the wealth of the nation. The remaining 90 % of Americans hold less than 25 % of the wealth. Between 1984 & 2024, the wealth possessed by the 1 % increased from 30 % to over 40 % while the wealth held by the bottom 90 % fell from 35 % to under 25 %.
It would seem that events are trending in a certain direction. How do you feel about this? Do you believe that the mega-rich will be content with 40 % of everything? Were they content with 30 %? If one group keeps gobbling up huge portions of the pie, where will that leave you? Will they allow you to have the crust? And here is the biggest question of all — How can you keep the mega-rich from taking control of your life?
The Henry Frick Syndrome
Have you ever heard of Henry Frick? He lived during the era in American history known as “The Gilded Age” (1865 – 1902). Mark Twain labeled it the gilded age because he said it was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath. Big business owners benefited tremendously from the Second Industrial Revolution. Many were called robber barons because they obtained huge profits through ruthless means and unrestrained greed.
The man they called the “King of the Robber Barons” was a man named Henry Frick. Frick was a first class prick. He was Andrew Carnegie’s right hand man in building up U. S. Steel to be an industrial titan. Frick placed corporate profits above all else. In 1892, when the steelworkers union sought increased wages in line with the corporations mammoth profits, Frick refused to negotiate. He then slashed their wages. When the union went on strike, Frick hired strikebreakers and brought in Pinkerton thugs to attack the strikers and end the strike. Frick subscribed to the philosophy of fellow robber baron Jay Gould who was once quoted as saying “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”.
Frick used his wealth to build himself mansions and amass a priceless collection of art. He was oblivious to the plight of the underpaid workers. His greed had no bounds. And his huge fortune bought him a huge amount of power as he bought politicians and judges left and right. Today’s mega-rich hold Henry Frick as their hero in their relentless march to create an oligarchic society.
A Stacked Deck
In the game of poker, there is a term “a stacked deck”. It means picking up the cards from a completed hand such that you unfairly arrange to deal yourself a good hand on the next hand. In a general sense it means to arrange something in a dishonest way in order to achieve the result that you want. Stacking the deck is a means of controlling others.
The concentration of wealth, in the hands of the mega-rich controllers, is utilized to “stack the deck” in their favor. They do this by purchasing influence with the structuring of society’s laws, rules, regulations and norms. They literally buy politicians, judges and other influential people in order to accomplish their control. The deck is stacked against the average citizen.
It is critical that you choose to learn how to use the power of your subconscious mind. This is so that you can manifest a reality that you desire and not one forced on you by the fat controllers. Your subconscious mind is your direct connection to the Almighty, the Divine Force that holds the universe together, the Divine Force that supersedes everything, everybody, everywhere.
A Nefarious Example
Money is a necessary tool of a civilized society. It is used as a uniform means of trade. Money itself is merely a tool. It is neither good nor evil. It is neutral. It is continuously used however by the mega-rich for the purpose of control over your life.
Take the case of one particularly nefarious mega billionaire. He cunningly masquerades as a philanthropist while at the same time attempting to create a stranglehold on the food seed bank of the world. He owns multiple patents on GMO food seed and constantly touts the benefits of GMO food for humanity. At the same time he also is purchasing huge tracts of farmland. It is a classic example of a massive scam. It is a blatant push for greater control over human beings through controlling the food supply. Meanwhile, he masquerades as a “do-gooder” telling everyone “I want to help you”.
They Live
Have you ever watched the 1988 film “They Live”? It is a science fiction horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. It portrays a world where “human controllers” are everywhere. They have successfully fooled the overwhelming majority of the earth’s population into following the agenda of the controllers.
Here is a quick synopsis of the film. It has been discovered by human resisters that signals are sent out through television waves (today it would be cell phone signals). These broadcasts have hypnotized most of the population, keeping them in a subservient, dream-like state. After a resisters group has been raided and destroyed, a man finds a box of sunglasses among the wreckage of the raid. Upon trying on a pair, he is shocked to observe that there are subliminal messages everywhere, directing people to conform and obey. These sunglasses also reveal the true faces of the many alien invaders who now co-mingle with human beings.
Ultimately the man is successful in infiltrating the main broadcast nerve center of the aliens. It was during a large meeting of the aliens and their human collaborators. They are celebrating another year of control as well as their successful raid of the resister group. With great difficulty, the man destroys the main broadcast transmitter. He is killed by guards but not before giving them the finger before he dies. The destruction of the transmitter frees humanity from its controlled state. Humans now have the ability to see aliens among them.
Before Your Very Eyes
The scenario of the movie, “They Live”, is in a sense, going on today in front of your very eyes. While it may not involve an alien invasion, large portions of the populace are in a kind of hypnotic state to conform to the dictates of the fat controllers of society. These societal controllers are shaping and molding events so that all the populace will voluntarily buy the bullshit that they are peddling. That is the bullshit that takes you further away from trusting the Kingdom of God within.
In, But Not Of
Jesus Christ stated that those who reside in the Kingdom of God within, are in the world but not of the world. Those who have chosen to go within and live in the Kingdom of God are not influenced by the world’s controllers. Those souls live in the world, eating, working, interacting with others, paying bills, avoiding crazy drivers, etc. However, they are influenced and controlled by Divine Guidance. That, and that alone is their true “North Star” by which they navigate their life.
The so-called leaders of society, and all facets of mass media and consumerism are not a part of who these souls are. Nor is it part of their thoughts, words, actions, feelings or beliefs. The Kingdom of God within is impenetrable to all the manipulations of the world’s controllers. Living within the Kingdom of God, you are safe, you are powerful, you are at peace. The freedom of God is your freedom.
Please do not just take my word for it. Ask, seek, knock (Matthew 7:7) for yourself. If you do, you will certainly find out for yourself first hand. But you must desire to enter the Kingdom of God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. Half-hearted attempts will just not cut it.
You Really CAN Do It, But……
You may say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all that stuff before. You just don’t get it. I got six different things in my face all at the same time. All types of things are hitting me. Things are going on with my wife, with my kids, with my parents, with my health, with my boss. I’m being squeezed, man”.
Regardless of anything, despite everything, you really can follow the very best path for you but you have to earnestly ask Divine Intelligence to guide you. Ask without ceasing. Read this from the Old Testament book of Jeremiah of what your Creator says, “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart.
If you honestly desire to understand how to live your life in freedom and consciously manifest all manner of good things in your life, you can. Seek the Divine within with all your heart, mind and soul. As Saint Augustine said, “If you really want to see God, you have the means to do so.”
The Time Has Now Come
The time has now come for every person under the sway of the billionaire controllers. The time has now come for you to tell the controllers of the world to “f**k off”. You can probably come up with numerous reasons why you can’t do this. “I have a family to support”. “I need the diploma so I can get a good job”. “I will be shunned”. “My wife will divorce me”. My kids/friends/relatives will hate me”. “I need the health insurance”. “Everyone will think I am nuts”. The police will arrest me”. “I need food and a place to live”. All are reasons why you have to march to the tune of the controllers.
The controllers have you by your figurative cajones. They have successfully used fear as a motivator for centuries. Fear keeps people “in line” and under control. It is undeniable that technology is moving forward at exponential speed. The full intention of the controllers is to use the power of fear, coupled with the use of technology, to subtly coerce you to switch from voluntary servitude to involuntary servitude in perpetuity. They will do this under the guise of “helping and protecting you”. Beware their use of the microchip.
Conceive, Believe, Receive
Jesus Christ stated it with crystal clarity. “Whatsoever things you desire, believe that you have received them, and they will be yours”. Your belief must extend beyond your surface consciousness. It must go far beyond “I think I can achieve this” or even “I believe I will achieve this”. Your belief must go all the way to the end. It must be “I have already achieved this. I am thankful”. Most human beings, including myself, find this difficult to do for extended periods of time. Doubt and fear always get in the way. If however, you are one that is able to do it, then my friend, you most assuredly have in your hand the golden key that opens the door to successful manifesting, regardless of any and all societal conditions, conundrums or chaos.
Conscious Manifesting
Every human being that has a mind capable of thinking a thought, engages in manifesting. There are two distinct methods of manifesting things in your life The first method is by far the most common. It is unconsciously manifesting. Drawing things to you or pushing things away from you without ever perceiving that you are doing so. The second method is conscious manifesting. This is when you consciously discipline yourself to focus on the Presence of God, and with steadfast belief, live as if your desire is fulfilled.
Both methods of manifesting use the same basic ingredients in the creation of your outer circumstances. They are (1) your thoughts, (2) your words, (3) your actions, (4) your feelings and (5) your beliefs. The difference between the two methods, unconscious and conscious, is control.
In unconscious manifesting, your circumstances, thoughts, words, and beliefs control you. If you think fear-based thoughts, speak fear-based words and believe fear-based ideas, then fear-based circumstances will follow, as the night follows the day.
In conscious manifesting, you control what you think, say and believe. You allow love-based thoughts, words, and beliefs to be the focus of your life, no matter what. God is love. Love is God. Going back and forth between fear and love is a classic recipe for frustration. Belief – belief that “it is done, it is complete” – is the real deal that guides all your conscious manifesting. Good things will happen when you maintain your belief. I have seen it happen numerous times. Conscious manifesting will keep you out of the grasp of the controllers.
In some manner or fashion, every human being that is alive now, amd every human being that has ever lived, has expressed the concept of “I want success”. All eight billion of our species that presently walk the earth, think the wanting, speak the wanting, feel the wanting of success. A newborn infant wants to be successfully fed or have their diaper changed. A boy or girl wants what they want and desires to be successful in fulfilling that want, be it a toy or a cookie or a hug. As adults we formulate more advanced wants in the areas of money, relationships, career, health and so on. An elderly person may want relief from the pain of an infirmity. To want a successful outcome of your efforts, whether you are saint, sinner or somewhere in between, is perhaps the most universally held feeling that human beings have.
If somehow you were able to poll every human being in the world as to whether they have achieved success, the predominant majority would answer in the negative. To have enough money for the comforts of life. To experience sparkling good health. To engage in relationships that are mutually satisfying. To work at a job that is fulfilling. To be in a position to help loved ones experience success. To fulfill your true destiny here on earth. Each of those things are a facet of living a life of success. So then, why is it so fucking hard for people to achieve the success that they desire? The answer lies in that obstructive feeling of “wanting”.
That Obstructive Feeling
What is it then that causes the overwhelming mass of humanity to fall short of success with all the concomitant frustration that comes along with it? That question was clearly answered by Jesus of Nazareth – Whatsoever things that you desire, believe that you have received them and you shall have them. Now if you accept that statement as truth, you must likewise accept that if you are in a state of “wanting”, you have not received the object of your desires. As long as you “want”, you do not “have”. Thus, you have placed a self-originated obstruction between you and your desire. If you feel and believe that you are in a state of “wanting”, then that is what you receive – being in a state of “wanting” but not “having”.
This feeling of “want” places a big wall between you and your desire. There may be many factors at play but your feeling of wanting or lacking, plays a starring role in the life movie of you. If you “want” it, that means that you do not “have” it. Your belief of “I do not have it” is honored by Universal Intelligence. Events then play out according to your belief. You become successful in your belief that you are wanting, but not having.
That Puzzling Statement
Resist not evil. Ever since I first heard that statement as a kid in Sunday school class, from then on I was puzzled by it. I stated my puzzlement to the Sunday school teacher. Basically the teacher’s answer was “Don’t degrade yourself by repaying evil with evil. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” I got the feeling that the teacher did not want to spend time debating the issue. So I just let it go. You can say I left the table still hungry, so to speak.
Most people would struggle with that puzzling dictum. Does it mean that you should just stand there and do nothing as you (or a loved one) gets slapped around? If you go under the surface of that puzzling statement however, there is a deeper truth at work. If you look at the reality of evil being a construct of human error of thought, you can begin to see what Jesus was getting at. When you spend your life energy resisting evil, you feed the monster and actually increase its power over you. When you accept only the truth that emanates from the kingdom of God within, you starve the monster.
Emmet Fox touched upon this situation in his essay, “The Golden Key”. He advised that when you encounter any type of evil or adverse circumstances, drop whatever you are thinking and just dwell on what you know of God. Let the truth of the Most High fill your mind. Only God exists. Only God.
Your Sovereign Right
You always have the sovereign right to protect you or a loved one from harm. That puzzling statement – Resist Not Evil – is not a call to be passive. On the contrary, it is a call to arms. A call to actively draw upon that power that is always in you, waiting to be used. Drawn to its logical conclusion, if all humans refused to accept evil and accepted only the peace and presence of the Divine, evil would wither and die.
Hell Yeah, It’s Hard – Very Hard
Regarding “Resist Not Evil”, you may say, “OMG, do you even realize how incredibly hard that is to do in your everyday life reality?” Hell yeah, it’s hard – very hard. It is hard because it involves a new way of thinking. Anything new and unfamiliar is going to be hard. When you think about it however, it makes perfect sense. If you think of God, dwell on God, you will grow in power and peace through the Kingdom of God within you. If you think of evil, dwell on evil, you are in error and you give the error of evil ever more power over you.
With regard to wanting success in your life, the same Cosmic principle applies. If you are continually “wanting” success, that is what you will receive – wanting but not having success
How? How? How?
Alright, stop your shouting. I am getting to the “how” right now. That, of course, is the billion dollar question. How do you refrain thinking about and dwelling upon evil? How do you get your mind and soul to accept only the reality of the Omnipotent Force of All That Is? How do you kick evil out of the lodging of your mind when the shit is hitting the fan on one or more facets of your life?
Be Still. The Psalms tell us “Be still and know that I am God.” Just as two pieces of matter cannot simultaneously occupy the same space, you cannot think two different thoughts simultaneously. Your mind may be bombarded with all types of thoughts and feelings.
Go to a quiet place. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm (think stomach, not chest). Choose a focus word or words. Keep it simple. Silently say your focus word or words. A good one to start with is “God”. You may choose to branch out to attributes of God – “Power, Peace, Compassion, Prosperity.” Start by saying them, then start feeling them as best you are able. Say them over and over again.
As you repeat your focus word or words, you are going through the process of centering yourself within the Kingdom of God within. When you are firmly centered in the Kingdom of God, the concept of evil cannot get in. Continue centering yourself for a minimum of two to three minutes, more if you like. Do a centering session as many times as you feel led uring the course of your day.
Be still and know that I am God. The Kingdom of God is within you. Two beautiful verses that say so much with so few words.
The Alarm Clock Is Ringing
With the exponential explosion of knowledge and technology, things may get kind of crazy in the years to come. The fat controllers of the world can perceive that more and more people are waking up. Every day more people come to understand that they are children of God, made in the image of the Almighty.
People like you and me are learning that when we conceive and believe, we should stand ready to receive. Center yourself in a state akin to sleep (SATS). Conceive your desires. Then, believe that your desire is already received. in your mind, live in the end result. All the details are handled by Universal Mind. Your responsibility is thought, belief and a readiness to act as the Spirit of God leads you. The alarm clock is ringing. It is time to wake up now.
What The Mind Believes, Humankind Receives
“If you can believe, you will receive”. A statement of truth from Jesus Christ. The entire universe is based on that statement. First, use your ability to think so as to image what you desire. Second, believe with all that you are, that you have received it. Divine Intelligence will handle the rest. You create nothing. Universal Mind does everything. Be alert however when Divine Intelligence presents you with something to follow up on. God has endless ways to manifest your desire.
Listen and watch for guidance. You cannot will something to happen on your own accord. When you have thought of and believed that your desire is already fulfilled, despite any and all adverse circumstances, everything that you need to do will be communicated to you. Divine Mind will provide you with guidance. Listen and be alert. Once you are fully convinced of the reality of your successful manifestation, your desire will manifest as a result of your faith, not through any ferocious display of will on your part.
Winter. The time of the year for cold, snow, wind, ice and sleet. It’s the perfect time for a trip. A trip inside that is. Winter – time to go inside to the inner you. The you that longs to reside in the true reality of the Kingdom of God within. Forget Disneyworld, the Yucatan, Paris or Bora Bora. To take a trip within yourself is a trip you will never, ever forget. You will never want to forget it.
It is a trip that may initially trouble you but will subsequently astonish and amaze you. After taking this trip you will palm slap yourself and say “Why? Why did I not go here before this?” Perhaps best of all, it is a trip that will not cost you so much as one penny of your money. The only cost to you will be your time.
Free From Outside Distractions
Winter is a perfect time to go on your journey. During the cold and snow of winter, the distractions are removed that “good weather” throws at you. Hiking, picnics, barbeques, sports activities, swimming, boating, gardening, bicycling, etc., etc., etc. During the cold of winter, your desire is to stay within the warmth of the indoors. Rather than throw away this ultra valuable time watching tv or tik tok videos, you have the golden opportunity to move your life in the direction of greater fulfillment, joy and inner peace.
If you prefer to watch reruns of Gilligan’s Island, so be it. Say hi to the Skipper and Mr. and Mrs. Howell for me. It is always your choice. You are sovereign. The Light of creation that created you has gifted you with that choice. Choose wisely. Choose successfully.
Where Reality Begins
You may now say, “So what’s the big deal about going deep unto your inner self? Sounds like a bunch of baloney to me.” The big deal that you mention is really a big, big deal. For deep within, after you depart your surface consciousness, is the subconscious. The subconscious is where all the action is. It is your portal to manifesting your reality. It is where “reality” begins. Your subconscious is your connection to the Kingdom of God.
When you are able to leave your outer consciousness – with all its fears and doubts and bias and misbeliefs – and travel inside to your subconscious, you are in the glorious world of conscious manifesting. When your subconscious perceives that you believe that you already have the object of your desire, manifestation begins. Sometimes quickly. Sometimes slowly. As long as you maintain your faith however, your desired reality is in the process of being formed.
Go Beyond The Threshold
The threshold of your outer consciousness is what your senses are able to perceive. What you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Your emotions. The memories that you carry within you from all of your life experiences. The laws of nature and science such as gravity and thermodynamics. The people with whom you interact throughout your lifetime. These all encompass your outer consciousness. They are the threshold of what your outer consciousness is able to process and perceive.
Winter is a good time to take that journey into the inner consciousness of you. This journey takes you beyond the threshold of your outer consciousness. In the beginning of your journey, you will get glimpses of the Kingdom of God within you, the Kingdom that has always been within you. The more that you journey there, the longer looks you will be able to get. It is a Kingdom from which emanates Eternal Light, Eternal Truth, Eternal Love, Eternal Peace. You will begin to feel the beautiful peace and the real power that inhabits this Kingdom. You will be able to “go beyond the threshold”.
You Can And You Should
So you may say, ” I’m not some illumined master from some cave in Tibet. How the hell am I supposed to journey within myself as you say. Kinda sounds like some sort of mumbo-jumbo”. The answer to that is simple yet hard. Ask, seek, knock. Keep on asking until you are answered. Continue seeking until you find. Persist in knocking until the door is opened. Simple because anyone, anywhere, under any conditions can do it. Hard because you are conditioned by the outer circumstances and societal pressures to look upon the outer and not the inner.
Going within to the Kingdom of God within you requires true desire, commitment and belief. The gospel of Thomas states, “That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves”. If you really want to, you can. You can and you should. In the Kingdom of God within is the knowledge that you have been searching for. Your eyes will be magically opened. You will see the folly of placing your trust in outer circumstances. You will be strong with the power and centered in the peace of the Kingdom of God.
Find a quiet place free from distractions. Your bedroom. The bathroom. Up in the attic or down in the basement. Out in your car or out in the park. If you really want to, you will find such a place. Close your eyes. Stop thinking about everything under the sun. As you will probably find this difficult, just focus on one word over and over again until your mind calms down. I like to use the word “God” or the phrase “Jesus Christ is King”. When your mind finally calms down, just breathe. Then ask, seek, knock.
Ask for guidance and direction in your life. Seek the truth of your existence. Knock on the door of the Kingdom with resolute earnestness Be like that persistent, almost obnoxious door to door salesman who just won’t stop knocking on your door. If your intention is sincere, you will receive response to your asking. You will receive guidance. You however, are a sovereign being. You are the one to make the choice of acting on divine guidance or refusing to act on said guidance. The choice is always yours.
As A Mirror Reflects
You look in a mirror, maybe in your bedroom or in your bathroom. Maybe you like what you see. Maybe you don’t. Damn, another visible nose hair that you clip off. A long hair or a stain on your shirt or blouse. You need a haircut or you really like the haircut you just got. Whether you like what you see in the mirror or dislike it, either way it is not the doing of the mirror. The mirror simply reflects back to you what you are at that moment in time. That Now moment. Changing the mirror or the position of the mirror do absolutely nothing with regard to reflecting back to you what you are at that moment in time.
So it is with the circumstances of life. They are a mirror. They reflect back to you what is going on with regard to your inner self. If you manifest money or possessions or earthly direction over other humans ( a corporate or government leader) and you do not reside in the Kingdom of God, you are in poverty. If you manifest money or possessions or earthly direction over other humans and you experience the peace, the light, the love, the power of the Kingdom of God within you, you are rich beyond measure.
From the gospel of Thomas again, “the kingdom is inside you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you will dwell in poverty and it will be you who are that poverty.”
The Foundation And The Structure
When the builder of a house commences with carrying out the house blueprints, before building the house, a foundation for the house must be put in place. A house foundation is a necessary part of any house. It serves to provide a secure base for the structural stability of the house. Without a solid foundation, the structure will collapse under its own weight.
Thus it is with manifesting your reality. First, you need to go within yourself, examine yourself honestly and drop your fears and doubts. Then receive guidance from the general contractor (God) and use the power of faith, feeling and imaginative belief. That is your foundation. Then, the actual prayer technique that you employ, is the building the structure of the house itself on top of the foundation.
Using a manifesting “recipe” or specific prayer technique, without having a solid and secure foundation in place, is using words without any real power. Whether you say the words of your prayer technique aloud or silently in your mind, without a foundation they are impotent.
Foundation and Structure. Male and Female. Yin and Yang. Foundation needs the structure and the structure needs the foundation.
Conscious Manifesting Begins Here
Manifesting your desired reality is not some hocus-pocus game. Just say the special words and presto, your desired reality appears. It is a way of life that leads to the Eternal Light. When you nurture and build your faith, your inner imaginative belief, that is where conscious manifesting begins. You are placing your very existence on a foundation of truth.
Ultimate Source created you, created all humans, with the ability to imagine and create. You are a child of God. When you go inside to your inner true self, the scales begin to fall from your eyes. You begin to actually see ultimate reality. It is similar to what occurred in the movie “They Live”. When the hero put on the special sunglasses, he was able to see the true reality of the world around him. Go within. Travel to the Kingdom of God within you. It is your true destiny.
December 25 – Christmas. Christians throughout the planet celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The message of Jesus Christ as King can be observed in several verses throughout the Bible. One verse is John 18:37 – “Therefor Pilate said to him, ‘ So you are a king?’Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this I have been born, for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of truth hears my voice.” Another verse is located in Revelation 19:11 – “On his robe and on his thigh he had this name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.
Christ the King has been used as a name for churches, schools, seminaries, hospitals and religious institutions. In the liturgical calendar for the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church there is celebrated a Feast of Christ the King. Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Nazarene, Reformed and United Protestant churches also celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.
I have always been grounded in the Christian faith. The phrase “Jesus Christ is King” is a phrase that I had been aware of but had never actually verbalized. That abruptly changed some twenty-seven years ago. At that time, those four words came out of my mouth without thinking. I was under extreme duress. Those four words turned out to be my protection against an approaching ominous spiritual entity.
The Dream Of All Dreams
I was sprawled out on the living room couch late at night. I was watching college basketball on television. As I found myself very drowsy, using the remote control, I remember turning off the tv. It was one of those situations where I was so damn tired that I did not even feel like getting up to go to bed. I just thought to myself, “I’m just going to rest my eyes here for ten minutes and then I’ll head to bed.” Of course, I promptly dozed off to a deep sleep.
I never remember my dreams. Even the remarkable dreams fade away shortly after awakening. I have tried keeping a dream journal a few times but gave up after a month or two. It was too much work. The dream that I had that night however, is something that is permanently etched into my memory. No need to write it down. I remember every second of it even now, twenty-seven years later. It was as real as anything that I have ever experienced during my seventy years of life.
A Chill Shot Down My Spine
In my dream, I was laying down on the living room couch in precisely the manner that I had fallen asleep after turning off the tv. Everything in the house was quiet. Light from the street lamp outside shined dimly through the living room picture window, In my dream I was awake, just laying on the sofa.
Suddenly, a cold chill went down my spine I looked diagonally over to my right to the stairs that led to the second level of the house. My eyes saw a grey luminous mist. It had a general outline of a human being but without any real definition or features of any kind. You can call it an entity or a presence or a spirit or any one of dozen different things. Call it whatever the hell you want but it was there and the evil essence it gave off was unmistakable. It was midway down the stairs and heading in my direction. While it had no features, I sensed that it was looking directly at me. I likewise sensed the thought that it sent out telepathically – “There is no escape from me”.
Dire Danger
Whatever this thing was, I intuitively knew it was malevolent in nature. It wasn’t coming to kiss me good night. As soon as I saw it on the steps, I felt that I was in dire danger. I felt the essence of its complete contempt for me and my ability to resist it. My entire body was literally frozen in fear. I couldn’t move. I felt its cold hatred directed at me. It was coming toward me and whatever its intent was, it was bad. It was the type of off-the-charts terror that can cause a heart attack.
No Escape
I was paralyzed and powerless to fend off this malevolent presence. It was the mother of all nightmares. I have had nightmares where when I was about to be killed or captured, I just woke up. Aliens or some other type of bad guys would be chasing me. I would have one close call escape after another ( a la Indiana Jones). Then at some point in the nightmare I would actually have the thought, “Alright, enough of this bullshit. I’m waking up now” and I would wake up. Not this time however. In this dream, there was no escape.
The Four Words
In this dream I was screwed. The malevolent entity was at the bottom of the stairs. At that point, from the innermost part of my being, came the words out of my mouth, “Jesus Christ Is King”. I had no thought beforehand of saying it. I did not think “What am I going to do?” The words just came out of me without thinking. Since my vocal cords were partially paralyzed as well, I was barely able to get the words out. I spoke them slowly “Jesus…..Christ….Is…..King” somewhat in the manner that a stroke victim would struggle to speak.
As soon as those four words came out of my mouth, the evil presence stopped in its tracks. Then, immediately, in a more pronounced manner, I spoke those four words “Jesus Christ is King”. This caused the entity to shrink backward and begin to lose presence. Without thinking, I followed up with a third more forceful, almost shouting, “Jesus Christ is King”. Intuitively, I now knew that I was in possession of the sword and shield that it was not able to resist. So it left. After the third pronouncement, it vacated the scene and was gone.
We Live Within An Invisible World
As soon as the malevolent force departed, I opened my eyes and woke up. It hit me immediately that I was in the exact same position on the couch now that I was awake as I was in the dream. I was wearing the exact same clothes. Everything in the living room was exactly the same as in the dream. Even the light from the street light shining through the picture window was the same. My immediate thought was “WTF was that”?! Was I in the Twilight Zone or something? I was somewhat shaken by the experience. I turned on a living room lamp and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
As I passed the stairs, I just stopped for a moment and stared for a moment at the spot where “it” was. I sat on the couch for a short while in the quiet of the night pondering over what I had just experienced. The thought came into my mind at that time – “We live within an invisible world”. I prayed a succinct “Thank You” before going to bed. My conclusion was simple yet profound – the dream was no dream. It was real.
The Return – Twenty Years Later
Flash forward twenty years later to the year 2016. I was now living in another house It was a one story house. I slept in one bedroom. My oldest son, who lives with me, was sleeping in the other bedroom. I had the habit of keeping a forty watt lamp on in the living room at night. I slept with my bedroom door open. This was for easier access to the bathroom as my BPH was inevitably going to be sending me there at least a few times during the night. In those intervening twenty years, I never for a moment forgot my encounter with the evil entity. I even kept a crucifix on the wall above my bed that had been in my mother’s room when she was alive.
Anyway, it is the middle of the night and I am in bed sound asleep. All of a sudden, in my dream, I am awake, laying in bed. I look at my open bedroom doorway. Standing there in the hallway, just outside the bedroom is “you know who”. It is the same evil entity that I encountered twenty years prior. The exact same grey luminescence. You might wonder how I could possibly know that since the spirit had no discernable features. I can only respond that I just knew. It was totally an intuitive knowing, no logic, just a knowing.
Same Entity – Different Response
This time however, I had a different reaction than my first encounter twenty years prior. Just as before, it was standing there, observing me with contempt and hatred. This time my memory banks kicked in immediately. I was not frozen in fear as before. I simply said out loud, “Oh, it’s you again”. Then I followed up with the very same phrase of protection that I had used before – “Jesus Christ is King”. At the sound of those words, it froze. I followed up with a second “Jesus Christ is King”. After that second salvo, it started backing away. I felt it was losing energy. One more time I repeated loudly “Jesus Christ is King”. With that third pronouncement, the malevolent entity departed – poof – gone. This time I knew from the start that the power of Jesus Christ would protect me.
Freedom From Fear
I was aware of the malevolent essence of the being. This time however, I had freedom from fear. In fact, in this second vivid “dream”, after the departure of the entity, I said aloud to myself, “And that takes care of that”. In my dream, I turned to my side, my back to the hallway and went back to sleep. And then I opened my eyes and woke up. Everything in my bedroom was exactly the same as in the dream. The bed, my position in the bed, the bedsheet, my bed clothes, the bureau, the wall hangings, the quiet of the house, even the light from the living room lamp. This time I understood that my shield of protection was something that the evil presence could not overcome. I then said, “Thank you Lord, now I’m going back to sleep” and proceeded to close my eyes and do just that.
Merry Christmas to you and have a very happy new year of manifesting.
One of the funniest movies of all time is the 1999 classic, “Office Space”. It is packed solid with laughs. In one scene, two consultants, both named Bob, are explaining to the head honcho and his lackey about a glitch they discovered. Apparently, an employee named Milton Waddams was laid off five years ago. Through a payroll glitch however nobody ever told him about it and he continues to work there and receive a regular paycheck. The consultants state that they went ahead and fixed the glitch. At this, the lackey says, “So Milton has been let go.” One of the Bobs responds, “Just a second there Professor. We fixed the glitch so he won’t be receiving a paycheck any more. We like to avoid confrontation wherever possible. Problem solved from your end.”
Whenever I am in conversation with one of my two sons about something and one of us makes a statement that requires further clarification, the other usually comes back with “Just a second there Professor”. Both of us never fail to start laughing.
With regard to the holiday of Thanksgiving, you may have moved on into December in anticipation of what is next. Before putting Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror however, allow me to say to you, “Just a second there Professor”. There is something underneath Thanksgiving that bears closer examination.
If You Look Underneath
Everyone knows about Thanksgiving Day. The last Thursday in November. Off from work. Family gatherings. Turkey or ham with all the assorted fixings and trimmings. Thanksgiving prayer at the table. Warm dinner conversation. Football on television. Maybe the day off from work on Friday as well. A beautiful day all around. Then, after it is over, it is business as usual. If you take the time and effort to “look underneath” Thanksgiving Day, you will discover something. Something that can put your entire remaining life on a higher level of peace, joy and fulfilling manifestations (if indeed that is what you really desire).
Are You Crazy?!
In the Bible, in the book of First Thessalonians, it states the following – “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (NIV). Yeah, it really says that – in all circumstances.
Now a response to that from many reasonable people might be as follows: “That’s total bullshit. Why should I be thankful about the shit hitting the fan in my life or the life of someone I love? Are you crazy or what?! Fair enough. Who the hell wants to be thankful about bad things happening? Part of the widespread error in belief about thanksgiving however, is how the process is misperceived. Read on.
Dance Minions, Dance
As you grew up, you were primarily told by your parents to say thank you when someone gives you something or does something for you. This may have been reinforced by religious leaders, teachers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends, neighbors, Joe Butinski down the street, etc. You were told and observed how people like it when they are thanked. So as time goes on you angle your thank you’s in keeping with society’s system.
You may have been told it is good manners to say thank you. You may have been told by Uncle Charlie that if you don’t get your ass over there and thank Aunt Gertrude for that incredibly ugly sweater, Aunt Gertrude will be pissed and take it out on Uncle Charlie when they get home.
A member of the clergy of your particular religion may imperiously state, ” It is the will of God for you to be thankful so make sure to do it”. The unspoken rest of the statement is “or else”. It tends to present an image of an old guy with a long white beard wearing a flowing robe. The imposing geezer has a stern look on his face as he looks over his entourage issuing the command, “Dance, my minions, dance”. Then if he sees someone not being thankful, he frowns and reaches for his divine taser. Then next thing that you hear from the crowd is “Yeowww! That hurt!”
The Law Is The Law
Universal Law is divinely impartial. It always works regardless of who employs it. Your life reality merely reflects back to you your awareness of being in the same manner that a mirror merely reflects back to you what you look like. If you are truly feeling (and not just faking) thanksgiving, you are in active transmission mode. You are transmitting neural electro-magnetic impulses to the universe. In turn, the universe responds accordingly to your transmission. This sets off a fateful chain reaction for something good to happen in your reality. It is a scientific certainty. It is equivalent to a television signal sent out from a broadcasting tower.
A specific wave frequency dials you into the television channel that you have chosen to watch. Change the chosen frequency, you get a different channel. Universal Law responds in kind to whatever frequency you choose to transmit. The Law is the Law. That is the hidden secret underneath Thanksgiving. Lift up he top of Thanksgiving and you will see Universal Law in play. Even in the midst of adverse circumstances, scripture counsels you to be thankful in all circumstances. Find something, anything, for which to be thankful. It is your way out of the maze. It is your way out of your trouble.
700 Years Apart
Two mystics, seven hundred years apart, were on the same wavelength when it comes to the critical nature of giving thanks.
The thirteenth century mystic, Meister Eckhart, summed it up concisely. He wrote, “If the only prayer that you ever uttered during your entire life was “thank you”, it would be enough.”
Some seven hundred years later, the latter day mystic, Neville Goddard, wrote ” a way of praying is simply to feel thankful. If I want something, either for myself or another, I immobilize the physical body, then I produce the state akin to sleep and in that drowsy state, just feel happy, feel thankful, which thankfulness implies realization of what I want.
The Cha-Ching
And there it is. Therein lies the hidden secret underneath Thanksgiving. The Law is the Law. That is the precise reason for being thankful in all circumstances. Not so some Zeus up on Mount Olympus won’t zap you. Not to please this one or that one. It is for your benefit. It is to bring you something good. If your circumstances are good, you desire to keep them that way. Thanksgiving. If your circumstances are stuck in neutral, you want to kickstart things in your desired direction. Thanksgiving. If the circumstances are bad, you want to turn things around to the good side somehow. Thanksgiving. The Law is the Law. It does not change. And therein lies the cha-ching of Thanksgiving. You may ask why the universe acts in this manner. What do you think, that I know everything? It is how it is.
If you feel thankful, you will then have a desire to do something to express that gratitude. This empowers you. You are stepping up your game. You are walking the divine path. The divine path of creating. That divine gift of creating something good that did not exist before. Yes, it is hard to be thankful for anything when things are not going good. Very hard. Underneath Thanksgiving however is the secret. Feeling thankful for something, anything, sets the wheels in motion to turn things around to the good. Yes, it is hard but you do it for you. And in doing it for yourself, at some subsequent point, someone else will benefit in some way. Win-win. You exercise and demonstrate your true power as a child of Divine Source – God.
Eternal And Magical
Thanksgiving is eternal. Thanksgiving is magical. As best as you can, choose to set your mind and your heart on giving thanks on a daily basis over the next twelve months. You will reap what you sow – the golden harvest.
“There exists only the present instant…..a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.”
This statement was made over 700 years ago by Eckhart von Hochheim, commonly known as Meister Eckhart. He was a German Catholic theologian, lecturer, preacher, philosopher and mystic.
The above statement of fact can be boiled down to this — the only “real” is right now. To live in the past cannot be done. The past is just a memory. To anticipate a future is mere speculation. The future is only an array of potentialities. Both past and future are illusionary. To attempt to be in the past or the future is self-defeating. If, you really and truly desire to live a life of inner peace, joy and successful manifestations, the only permanent avenue is to be fully present in your current moment.
Right Now Is Literally….. Everything
What is “being fully present in your current moment?” It means no rehashing past grievances. It means not putting your life on hold until something that you anticipate happens in the future.
Stop and understand the full import of this statement – Now is all you really and truly ever have over the course of your entire life. What is. The Now moment is the whole deal, the total enchilada. Accept what is. Do whatever you need to do to manifest something or remediate some situation, but right now, what is, is.
Observe the Now moment, from outside your mind, while residing in the Kingdom of God within. Refrain from ranting and railing against what is. Make the choice to keep yourself from going over and over past injustices. Refrain from waiting until some expected event takes place before being fully conscious. Either option only serves to keep you trapped and imprisoned. The above statement of truth was put forth by Meister Eckhart over seven centuries ago. And as Jesus Christ said, “the truth will set you free.”
Slave Master Or Useful Tool
Your mind is either a relentless slave master or an incredibly useful tool. It can keep you imprisoned without mercy. Or it can help you to bring about wonderful manifestations all throughout your life.
There never was a time when your life was not Now. There will never be a time in your life other than right Now. Everything that happened in your past happened in the Now and everything that will ever happen in your future, will happen in the Now. The Kingdom of God within you operates only in the Now. Living in the Now is truth. The truth sets you free from being a prisoner of time and mind.
There is a place for time and mind. Time and mind allow you to meet the practical requirements of functioning in everyday society. Use your mind for a specific purpose, then put it away. Much of the relentless thinking that you do just repeats itself and is detrimental to you. When you cannot stop thinking of stuff, your mind is master and you are its slave. Going back to Meister Eckhart — ” time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time.”
Maynard G. Krebs
There was a television show that I used to watch in the late fifties, early sixties called “The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis”. It was a situation comedy with an ensemble cast. The main character, Dobie Gillis, had a “beatnik” sidekick named Maynard G. Krebs. Maynard was played by Bob Denver.
Maynard G. Krebs was a stereotypical beatnik with a goatee and a bohemian appearance. One of his ongoing comical reactions was whenever he heard the word “work”. When he heard the word “work”, in any context, he would yelp “Work?!” and would jump in fear.
Maynard’s reaction to the thought of work is actually a common reaction in varying degrees to many people (including myself). To live fully in the Now will bring you a life of inner peace, joy and true fulfillment but you must actively work at it. Many are too comfortable with the old familiar way of linear living. People tend to shy away from things out of their comfort zone. That which you “know” is safer and more comfortable than the unknown. So, you shuffle along to the end of your time here in the world in an unconscious trance wondering about that vague, almost imperceptible feeling that something is missing. Something very important.
Commit yourself to the daily work. This is the work of your centered intention to do whatever you have to do to live your life in Now consciousness. Do this and sooner or later, the scales will begin to fall off your eyes. And my friend, you will see truth and the truth will set you free.
Why Are You Here?
You are here in the world to allow God, the I Am That I Am, to be brought into experience. Your very existence is to facilitate the overall Divine Purpose of the universe to come forth. When you unclench your mind and just let go of mental and emotional resistance to what is, right Now, you open the portal. This portal connects you to Divine Source, Ultimate Love and Intelligence. Through that portal comes inner guidance direct from the Kingdom of God within you.
True Salvation
True salvation is a state of freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from suffering. Freedom from needing, from grasping, from clinging. Freedom from waiting for this or that before experiencing power, peace and joy. True salvation is living fully in this moment, then the next, then the next, right up to your last breath.
Once you decide once and for all to do what you must do to live as a fully conscious soul in the Now only, you are on the road to true salvation. Power, peace, joy, fulfillment that you never felt before will be your due reward.
State Of Being
Circumstances do not matter. Only state of being matters.
Circumstances do not matter. Only state of being matters.
Circumstances do not matter. Only state of being matters.
Here And Now
Whenever you feel any type of negativity rising up in you, take immediate action. Take it as a signal telling you to live fully in your current Now.
The author, Aldous Huxley, wrote a novel near the end of his life titled “Island”. The book was about a South Pacific island called Pala. An English adventurer was shipwrecked on Pala. On this island was a very unique society of people. They treasured the concept of continuously staying in the present moment. What amazed the shipwrecked man was that the myna birds on the island seemed to be voicing the words “Attention. Here and Now. Attention. Here and Now”. He later learned that the islanders had taught the birds to sound those words as a continual reminder for them to live in the Now.
With Every Breath
With every breath you take, you possess an opportunity. You possess an opportunity to reside in peace, power and fulfillment in the Kingdom of God within you in every Now moment.
You have everything you ever wanted. You have nothing unless you reside in the Kingdom of God within.
Pain and suffering afflicts you. You are healed, where healing is most essential, when you reside in the Kingdom of God within.
Poverty and bills hound you like demons. You are rich beyond measure when you reside in the Kingdom of God within.
Be fully conscious of each Now moment. You will feel power and peace that you never felt before. You will feel right. Once you begin to live fully in the Now moment, you will never go back to the walk of the unconscious trance. Inner peace will flow through you as blood flows through your physical body. You will be free.
Earlier this year I was driving in Burlington county and decided to pull in to the parking lot of a Wawa convenience store in order to get something to eat and drink. After making my purchase, I got into my vehicle which was parked by the front door of the store. As many customers of this particular store do, I sat in my car eating my sandwich, casually observing those entering and exiting the store.
One man in particular caught my attention. He was a young man who appeared to be in his twenties. He was portly but not excessively obese. The man wore a brimmed “captains’ hat” with an anchor insignia in the front. He rode up to the front of the store riding an older type bicycle. It was the type without any gears to shift. It looked somewhat like the bike that Pee Wee Herman rode in the movie Pee Wee’s Great Adventure.
He got off his bike, leaned it against the the front wall of the store and entered the store. When he exited the store, he was carrying three bottles of soda. One was a one liter bottle. The other two bottles were twenty ouncers. His bike had no basket so I wondered how he was going to carry the bottles and ride his bike. Walking over to his bike, he placed the three bottles on the flat top of the store’s metal waste and recycling container. Next, he opened the bottle of the one liter soda and proceeded to drink the entire contents. Then he proceeded to gulp down the contents of the other two bottles.
A Bottle of Spring Water
After finishing the third bottle of soda, he walked back into the store. Within a few minutes, he came back out carrying a half liter bottle of spring water. He stuck it in his pants pocket, got on his bicycle, and rode out of the lot onto Route 38. I continued to observe him until he rode out of sight, giving him the nickname of “The Soda Guy”.
For the remainder of the day, my thoughts lingered over my observation of Soda Guy. I conjured up a scenario in my mind based on my observations. The young man was born with some challenges with regard to his mental processes. He probably lived with his parents who monitored and controlled his soda intake for health reasons. He told his parents/caregiver that he was going to the Wawa store to buy some spring water. While there, he had the opportunity to guzzle soda. He had to drink it at the store because he could not bring it home.
What Is His Destiny In Life?
There is a special place in my heart for those who go through their lifetime here on earth dealing with certain congenital challenges. Nature dealt them a raw hand at birth. Nevertheless, like the rest of the eight billion humans on this planet, they were born into this world with something specific to achieve – a destiny. Perhaps the destiny of Soda Guy is to be a teacher. A teacher of the importance of expressing the divine quality of compassion and kindness and sacrificial love on behalf of a soul who cannot survive on his own.
The Electric Tricycle Guy
Not long after my observation of Soda Guy, I observed Electric Tricycle Guy. It was raining lightly in the morning as I set out for my place of employment. As I got into my car and started it up, in my rear view mirror, I saw a man riding in the middle of the street in a three wheeled adult-sized electric bike. It had a big basket on the back. As he rode past me in the direction that I was headed, I drove slowly at a distance behind him. The street we were on came to a “T intersection”. The man stopped at the stop sign and patiently waited until it was safe to go, oblivious to the rain. His rain jacket had a hood but he was not using it. He then crossed over to the opposite side of the intersecting street. Going up a driveway, he continued riding, now on the sidewalk.
As I made my turn in my car, and drove past him. I got a good look at the man. In some way that I am unable to explain, I intuitively knew that Electric Tricycle Guy was another soul similar to Soda Guy. Perhaps it was the sudden wave of compassion running through me that I felt. I only saw his face for a couple seconds but there was something that told me that Electric Tricycle Guy also had to deal with mental challenges that the average person does not have to deal with.
What Is Destiny?
There are those that define your destiny as that which is preordained to occur in your life. The Oxford Language Dictionary actually has two different definitions for the meaning of the word destiny. The first is “the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future”. The second is “the hidden power to control what will happen in the future”. Looking at those two definitions, the second one appears to be the more accurate of the two.
We all come into this world with a purpose. You, me, our loved ones, Soda Guy, Electric Tricycle Guy, everyone. It may be different purposes at different phases of our lifetime. There are specifics that we came here to accomplish. These specifics are your destiny. You can endeavor to understand and fulfill your destiny. Or you can make the choice to ignore your true destiny and go off your true life path. You make the choice. It’s up to you.
You Have A Unique Destiny
Your destiny encompasses the full use of your skills and abilities to be, to learn, to teach, to grow, to create, to experience, to accomplish that which was planned before you entered the world. You perceive your true destiny through asking Divine Intelligence emanating from the Kingdom of God within you. Ask with a humble heart. It will assuredly be revealed to you. It will be something that you are able to do with what you have to work with, wherever you happen to be.
Every single person in the world has a unique destiny. That includes humans born with all types of congenital challenges. Every life is different with regard to that life’s destiny.
United States – Manifest Destiny
Sometimes, entire countries manifest their destiny. After the United States won its independence from Great Britain, it slowly moved west across the continent. After purchasing the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon in 1803, the idea of “Manifest Destiny” started taking root in the American psyche. The concept of Manifest Destiny was that it was the destiny of the United States to stretch all the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. And by 1850, that is precisely what occurred. Once the idea of Manifest Destiny was thought of as a reality waiting to happen, that idea took on an energy of its own. Americans would not rest, could not rest, until this destiny was fulfilled.
You Are The One To Manifest Your Destiny……YOU
You may confuse destiny with fate. You may say, “Well, it seems like it’s my fate to _________________.” Fate essentially refers to the notion that your life follows a fixed, inevitable course. On the other hand, destiny refers to the notion that you came into this world, this dimension, to fulfill specific experiences and achievements. You, and only you, make the choice of your path in life. You can choose to pursue your destiny or you can choose not to pursue your destiny.
Make no mistake about it. You are the one to manifest your destiny, whatever it may be. You choose to make use of your skills and abilities to accomplish your destiny. Or you can use your skills and abilities pursuing that which lies outside of your true destiny.
From personal experience, I can tell you this. There is no diversion or activity on your part that you could possibly spend your life on that even comes close to bringing you the fulfillment and inner joy that you feel manifesting your life’s destiny. Dear reader, do you understand? Your true destiny is the only reason that you are here.
Be Still And Listen
So how do you discern what your true destiny is? Be still and listen. Listen closely to what Emmet Fox called the Presence of God. Just shut the eff up. Go within to the Kingdom of God. Ask for guidance, then just listen. If you are sincere about really desiring to understand what your true destiny is, you will most assuredly be guided to it. It will be as if there is a universal magnet inexorably drawing you to your unique destiny. A destiny that is meant for you and you alone. You will then feel and believe that your life is worthwhile because you are doing what it is you were always meant to do. When you discern your true destiny, you will know. At that juncture in your life, you will feel as if you are asleep each day unless you are taking some small step (however small it may be) in the direction of fulfilling your destiny.
Ditch The Fake You
At Halloween and at masquerade parties, masks can be fun to wear as you portray this, that or the other as part of the playful respite from the workaday routine. One of the saddest and most tragic happenstances of human society is never taking the masks off as you live your life. You may choose to wear different masks all throughout your lifetime here. Wear this mask for this person or group. Wear that mask for that person or group. Why? To be liked. To be loved. To get ahead. To get money. To manipulate others. To feel secure. To assuage your fears. There are literally dozens of reasons why masks are worn. And it is so very unnecessary. Go within to the Kingdom of God within you, to the true you.
To manifest your life as you desire it to be, take off the damn masks. Center yourself. Practice focusing on the Presence of God. Continuing to wear the masks will only result in you being held back from your true destiny. Eliminate the masks. Once you ditch the fake you, something beautiful will begin to happen. You will begin to experience the beauty and joy of true freedom. Once you begin to live in the freedom of the Kingdom of God, you will never go back. You will look back, shake your head, and think “Why did I waste any part of my precious life wearing masks?”
Your Very Last Day Of Life
When your very last day of life comes, as it must for all of us, you will ask yourself two questions. As you lay in your hospital bed or perhaps in hospice care or wherever that event takes place, you will ask yourself – What was your true destiny? Did you achieve your destiny?
It does not take a great deal of imagination to picture your inner disappointment if your answers to those two questions are poor. My wish for you (and myself) is to avoid suffering that inner disappointment, both as you lay dying as well as later during your life review in the next realm. On that very last day it will then be too late to do anything more. Too late to fulfill why you were born and why you lived. The time to work on those two questions is right now.
Use What You Have, Wherever You Are
To manifest your reality is part and parcel of fulfilling your destiny as a child of God. Use what you have, wherever you happen to be. Believe. Believe as the penniless widow did in the biblical book of Second Kings. God’s prophet Elisha told the widow, who was buried deeply in debt, to borrow as many vessels (large jars) as she possibly could. She was told to put the vessels around her and shut the door of her house. (Big symbolism there). As instructed, she then took the small amount of olive oil that she had in the house and began pouring it into the first vessel. She kept pouring and pouring until every one of the multitude of vessels were filled to the brim with olive oil. She then sold the oil, paid all her debts and had enough funds left over from the sale of the oil to live on.
A Rather Big Manifestation
Recently I was working on a rather big manifestation. It was something that I was persevering with for a considerable amount of time. It had a number of moving parts to it. While being close to its realization, I asked Divine Intelligence for guidance to “get over the hump” so to speak. The Holy Spirit instructed me to proceed along a certain avenue. It was a path that I definitely would not have taken if left to my own devices, because of my own personal preference. There was nothing intrinsically wrong with that particular avenue. I just wanted the manifestation to come about in a different way. With manifestations however, you must have an open mind and an unclenched heart. Understand that you may receive your desire via a totally unexpected route. I finally relented (I am a stubborn SOB at times) and followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. The result: the manifestation was fully realized with a few synchronicities thrown in for good measure.
There is a wonderful movie made in 1971 titled “Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory”. It is a classic film that I have enjoyed watching many times. The plot involves five children winning a lifetime supply of Wonka chocolate bars. The children are also given a personal tour of the entire factory by Willie Wonka himself, played masterfully by Gene Wilder. One of the children, Charlie, is a kind and loving soul. The other four children are odious to varying degrees. Charlie is accompanied on the tour by his Grandpa Joe.
Ultimately, during the tour, temporary mild disasters befall the four odious children. One of these is a gum-chewing girl named Violet Beauregarde. She is accompanied on the tour by her father, Sam Beauregarde, a sleazy used car salesman.
At one point during the tour, Willie Wonka shows everyone his new invention of a very special type of chewing gum that is actually a three course meal. He cautions all that he still has to iron out a few kinks. Violet grabs the gum from his hand and pops it into her mouth. Wonka tells her to stop and do not chew the gum. She completely ignores him and proceeds to chew the gum.
The first course is delicious tomato soup. The second course is an equally tasty course of roast beef and baked potato. The third course is a delightful piece of blueberry pie and cream. At this point however, Violet starts turning blue and becomes round like a large blueberry. Wonka explains that she is filled with blueberry juice and has to be rolled to the squeezing room. A very unpleasant experience which could have been avoided if she had only listened. How many of us have had “Violet Beauregarde” moments where we heard but didn’t listen. In case you can’t see, that is me raising my hand.
The Mighty 81st
Scripture is clear. The Kingdom of God lives within you. You can choose to listen to guidance from the Kingdom of God or you can ignore it and go your own way just as Violet did. If you earnestly ask for guidance, you will assuredly receive it. At times, you may find the guidance to be distasteful so you will refuse to follow it. It all comes down to just how real is your faith in Divine Guidance. Is your faith made of titanium or paper mache.
Listen to this from the mighty 81st chapter of the book of Psalms:
I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their own stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.
1313 Mockingbird Lane
Do you remember that television comedy show from the 60’s called “The Munsters”. It featured Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster ( a comedic Frankenstein). It also starred Al Lewis as Grandpa Munster (a comedic Dracula). The show ran for two seasons. It is still watched to this day in reruns.
I mention this because the Munster family lived in an old spooky house located at 1313 Mockingbird Lane. When I want to remember where the specific verse is located where Jesus talks about listening, I think of 1313 Mockingbird Lane and that leads me to Matthew 13:13.
In chapter 13 of the book of Matthew, the disciples ask Jesus why he speaks to the crowds of people using stories or parables. Jesus responds in Matthew 13:13 – “The reason I speak to them in parables is that seeing, they do not perceive and hearing, they do not listen, nor do they understand.”
A planet full of human beings walking around in a trance-like state of sleep, hearing but not listening.
Hearing Versus Listening
OK, you are in a conversation with another person. Or perhaps you are with a group of others and you are hearing a speaker talk about some topic. Maybe you are by yourself but you are able to hear a nearby conversation. You can even be totally alone and are hearing your own thoughts continually rolling through your mind. What is actually happening in these situations? Are you hearing or are you listening? There is a huge difference.
Many times when you are in conversation with another, their ears hear your words but they are not listening. If you focus on them, you will be able to perceive this. They are thinking of what they want to say when you shut up and are waiting for the first chance to jump in. Perhaps they are glancing at their phone or a nearby activity. Maybe they are thirsty or hungry or sleepy or horny but actually fully listening to you, they are definitely not. Their paramount thought may even be “how the hell do I escape this boring conversation”.
Most people speak at a rate of around 125 words a minute. We have the capacity to understand someone speaking at 400 words a minute. Thus, we are only using about a third of our mental capacity. We still have two thirds remaining to do something else so our mind wanders and loses focus.
Listening is not to be confused with hearing. We hear with our ears. Listening involves every part of our being. Paying attention to their words, the inflections, the body language, sensing the energy coming forth from them and their eyes, especially the eyes. Lastly, it involves opening up to your intuition.
Yeah, But What’s In It For You?
Have you ever watched some of those old film noir detective movies? At some point in the film, the primary detective character is talking to a potential informant. The detective tells the guy that he needs information about someone or something. The potential informant usually says something along the lines of ” OK, suppose I remember what you’re lookin’ for. What’s in in for me? My memory is all foggy.” That is when the detective pulls out some money and says, “Does this clear up the fog?” or something like that.
If you have read this far into this blog article, you are likely to be thinking the same thing. What’s in it for you. What do you get out of it by developing listening skills. The answer to that valid question, dear reader, is this — much more than you can imagine. Read on.
Your Payday
Here is the payday that is direct deposited to you when you engage in deep listening:
Information. You learn something that you did not know that will help you in some way with your own needs and wants. Information is indeed, power.
Enjoyment. You may experience the enjoyment of something humorous or of particular interest to you.
Protection. You will be able to perceive when people have malevolent intent and thus take steps to protect yourself.
Compassion. You get the honor of demonstrating the divine attribute of compassion. When a person displays a need to have someone listen to them, you impart worth and value to them. In turn, in some manner or form, the universe will see to it that you receive value in return.
Better Decisions. Deep listening allows you to “read between the lines” of a person’s conversation. It allows you to discern hidden meanings. Sharper perception on your part means better decisions on your part. Better decisions means your life becomes better. We all want that.
Money In The Bank
If you can listen, perceive and understand what the speaker is imparting to you, you become a valuable commodity. People in society reciprocate when offered something valuable to them. Food. Clothes. Lodging. Transportation. Experiences. People reciprocate by giving someone money for these things of value.
Money is energy. When you focus on actually listening to what a person has to say, it will be felt by most people. They will reciprocate. It’s like “money in the bank”. It may not be with actual money, but positive reciprocation will occur. And thus, your very powerful skill of deep listening will continually bring you good things.
Deep Listening
Deep listening is much more than hearing with your ears. It is hearing with your heart. Feeling. Sensing. Perceiving. Deep listening engages your sixth sense — intuition. When you actively use your intuition, you are connecting with the Divine. This connection always leads you to truth. Truth is power.
Deep listening creates. It creates a positive connection with another person through silent energy waves of attention. The deeper the listening, the faster the energy vibration and the higher the frequency. Nikola Tesla said that the secrets of the universe can be summed up in three words – energy, vibration, frequency. When you engage in deep listening, you are creating beauty. When you create beauty, you are in communion with God.
Through deep listening you actually attract people and the opportunities that people bring to you. You will discover with delight that in due course, all manner of opportunities will come your way. Through deep listening, you will be able to clearly recognize them when they come.
Oh, Those Rabbit Ears
Deep listening does require fine tuning from time to time. Back in the “olden days” of television, you needed some sort of antenna to get proper clarity and reception. Some people had rooftop antennas. Many others had small antennas on top of the television set. They were called “rabbit ears”. Back then, the tv was a large piece of furniture unlike today’s sleek televisions.
I can still hear my father cussing because he could not get the antenna in the proper position to get clear reception. He would increase the intensity of the cussing in direct proportion to his growing frustration.
The first phase, when initial attempts to adjust the antenna failed, was a loud “godammit” with emphasis on the dam. The second phase, after continued adjustments of the antenna still failed to get clear reception, was “goddamsonofabitchandbastard” with the emphasis on bastard. The third phase of frustration was “goddamsonofabitchandbastard”, pause, “goddamit” with total emphasis on the second dam. Everyone in the house breathed a sigh of relief when the antenna finally brought good reception.
Be persistent but by all means, please be patient with yourself if you find that your deep listening skills need fine tuning. It happens. It’s a learning process. Refuse to allow yourself to get frustrated. Just keep at it. You will continually improve if you really want to. And every level of improvement will be good for you.
Power That Benefits Everybody………Wow
Unfortunately, throughout the history of our species, right up to the present day, a segment of human beings love controlling others. They have twisted their positions of power to their own perverted ends. It seems like humans just can’t help themselves in attempting to control the lives of other human beings.
This is definitely against the way things are supposed to be. You were created by Ultimate Intelligence to live free. Your life was meant to exult in the freedom of the Kingdom of God within you. The human parasites who use their accumulated power to relentlessly control others are demon-people. If you build up your listening skills, you will be able to perceive them and their agenda. Your perception will help to protect you and assist you in avoiding their insidious spider webs.
The exquisite beauty of deep listening is that it creates and brings forth a power that distributes benefit to everyone involved. It is a power that benefits the “listened to” as well as the “one who listens”. That is what power is for — to benefit everybody.
The Choice Is Yours
“They see, but do not perceive. Hearing, they do not listen, nor do they understand”. The words of Jesus. Too often throughout my lifetime, I have chosen to be in the mass of humanity who hear, but do not listen. My life now is nearly spent and I will be dead soon. With whatever breath of life that remains, I desire to go beyond hearing. I desire to listen.
I still have a few things to do here before I depart. Practicing deep listening helps me and will continue to help me in that regard. I am 100% sure that it will help you also.
You have two choices. Listen and understand or continue in a trance-like sleep. The choice is yours. Choose wisely. The quality of your remaining life completely depends on it.