What is The Manifest Cookbook?

How to Receive

What You Really Want in Your Life

Instead of the Stuff

You Have Been Getting


What is The Manifest Cookbook all about?

More importantly, how can it be of any benefit to you?

To cut right to the chase, this blog is meant to help you “cook up” your own reality — whatever it might be that you want your life to be.

Question: How do I intend to help you create a life reality that you actually enjoy living?

Answer: By giving you practical “recipes” (techniques of manifesting) that you can use in order to create whatever reality you want. It may sound like fantasy but I can assure you 100 per cent from personal experience, as well as the experience of countless others, that it is not fantasy. It is stone cold real.

The Purpose Of This Blog

What is the purpose of this blog? In other words, what’s my angle here? Upon reflection of the years of my life, I feel that I could have accomplished more than I did. Thus, in the short time that I have left here, it is my hope that the information imparted in this blog will help to make someone’s life better.

If you personally doubt that your thoughts, your words, your purposeful activities, your feelings, your beliefs affect your reality, then this blog will be of no benefit to you. Fear and doubt are poisons. They will sadly have you spinning your wheels every time.

This blog is in existence so that you can be informed of things that you can actually do…..on your own…..to make your life what you want it to be. You may have heard about the concept of manifesting your reality and thought to yourself, “Yeah that’s all well and fine but what can I actually do, that I am able to do, to make it happen in my life?” That is where The Manifest Cookbook comes in.

A Cookbook For Success

A cookbook is a collection of methods of making a food creation. Take the example of creating (manifesting) a great cake on your own. Now imagine if a chef told you to go mix some eggs and sugar and flour and spices and butter and baking powder and flavorings in a container. Then this same chef told you to put it in an oven, turn the oven on and you will have a cake. Pretty ridiculous right?! Obviously, unless you have a practical recipe, the cake would not turn out the way you want it. You need to know which ingredients to use, how much of each ingredient to use, how to mix the ingredients, what type of container to put the ingredients in before putting them in the oven, what temperature to set the oven for and how long to bake the ingredients at that temperature. You need to know more than the fact that you can do it. It is necessary to know specifically what you are to do, that you are able to do, in order to make the cake successfully. That is where the recipe shows you the way.

The basis of this blog – The Manifest Cookbook – is to provide you with practical recipes (techniques) to assist you in creating whatever reality you want for your life. You really do have that power but it is totally up to you to use it.