Success Formula of the Mongols

Genghis Khan – Mongolian Emperor. Steel Statue

When discussing the many empires that this world of ours has seen, the most famous is probably the Roman empire which lasted over a thousand years. Did you know however that that Mongol empire of Ghengis Khan and company of the 1200’s was the largest world empire in terms of pure land mass? The Mongol empire comprised an astounding 17% of the entire land surface of the earth. By comparison, the Roman empire comprised 3%. How was this possible for Ghengis Khan and the Mongols (sounds like a musical group – OK everyone let’s give it up for Ghengis Khan and the Mongols) to accomplish this. It all started from a tribe of seven including his mother, in Outer Mongolia. The Mongols would go on to conquer and subjugate everything and everyone in their path stretching from Pacific shores of China to Hungary in eastern Europe. At one point, it was even thought that the Mongol empire would stretch all the way from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean.


If you make the choice to explore further about this staggering feat, you will find that the Mongols had three overriding facets to their success: vision, intention and faith. Their vision was crystal clear – the world having just one ruler, the Mongols. Their intention was just as clear – to fulfill their vision by conquering and subjugating everything and everyone in their path. The final ingredient in their recipe was their faith. In the group mind of the Mongols, they were already rulers of the world. Their credo was conquer and subjugate or ——-. Oh that’s right, there was no “or”. There was no “try”. Absolutely everything was on the line, their families, their possessions, everything. They utilized everything at their disposal, conventional and non-conventional, traditional and non-traditional to make their vision their reality.


As you mark down your new year’s resolutions for 2021, refrain from marking them down as part of a wimpy wish list. Mark them down with a crystal clear vision of your desires. Edit the list to a hard core of desires. Mark them down with a relentless, ferocious intent to make it happen. Then take that critical final step, without doubt the hardest step, to actually believe and feel as if your desire is already real right now. Clearly, see, feel, smell, hear, touch your vision. If your mind keeps telling you that it can’t happen because of this and because of this and oh yeah, especially because of that, then just make the choice to spend some time feeling the happiness, feeling the joy, feeling the bliss, without specifying anything but the fact that wonderful things are happening to you and for you right now. It will not hurt you. You will receive one thousand percent more benefit than spending that same amount of time and energy fretting and worrying. Just do it. Grow your faith. What you must do is simple but what you must do is not easy. You must make the choice to work on it. If you “feel it”, you will “real it”, just like Ghengis did.

A New Birth of You

Christmas — The time of the year that Christians worldwide celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The topic of this week’s post will take a look at those words that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about a person being born a second time. This phrase of being born again has been tossed around by many different groups in many different directions.

Let’s take a look at that nocternal encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus by looking in scripture at the third chapter of John (NIV):

“Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus, who was a member of the ruling Jewish council. He came to Jesus at night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.’

Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again?’

‘How can someone be born when they are old? Nicodemus asked. ‘Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born?’

Jesus answered, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they re born of water and the spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit.”

Have you ever thought about what this being “born again” stuff is all about as far as your own life is concerned.? Being within the true Kingdom of God sure sounds like a place that a person would want to be within. Or does it just sound like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to you? What is your take on this statement from scripture?

There are many preachers, pastors and posers who will be more than happy to tell you what they think (and in turn, what you should think) about this “second birth thing”. You are a soverign human being. Make your own decision on the matter. Ask. Seek. Knock. I make zero attempt to say this about it or to say that about it. The only thing that I will say is this — if you have never really thought about it, why not start the gears of your mind in motion about it. The reason being that it will definitely be to your best benefit to know more about it. If you google it, there are millions of citations containing the phrase “born again”.

Look into this on your own. Don’t be afraid to seek spiritual guidance on it through prayer. Ask. Seek. Knock. Use the miracle of the internet and the miracle of prayer to look into this matter as Christians all over the world celebrate the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Winter Is A Time For Action

If you conduct a precise google search for “winter is a time for reflection” (in quotes), you will get a result of over a million citations. Likewise, if you conduct a precise google search for “winter is a time for action” (in quotes) you will get a result of 2 citations (from a garden center). Obviously then, this post will be “swimming against the tide” but you can at least get a different perspective on Winter after you finish reading it.

Note To The Reader: If you live in a year-round warm weather climate, just make believe while reading this post that you live in my state of New Jersey.

Winter — Cold. Indoors. Hibernation. Outdoor Venues Empty. Snow. Ice. Did I Mention Cold? Winter is thought of by many, as confirmed by the google search results noted above, as the perfect time to pull back, slow down, reflect on the past year and plan your steps for the coming Spring, Summer and Autumn. Winter however, can be a time, maybe the best time, for you to take action to make your life better. That is the driving force behind this blog — making your life better.

In 1776, George Washington did the contrarian thing to keep the American Revolution going by attacking British forces (Hessians) at Trenton. In the midst of a miserable Winter storm, the morning after Christmas, his gamble paid off with a miraculous victory that raised the morale of the American forces and held the army of the new nation together just when it seemed that everything was about to come apart at the seams.

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces engaged in the largest military naval, air and land operation ever seen when they attacked the well-entrenched German forces in France. The successful invasion marked the begining of the end of hitler and the nazis. It most certainly would never have happened but for the veritable beehive of action that took place in the Winter of 1943 getting everything in place for the invasion. That is what “Old Man Winter” can give you — that “get ready time” so that you can “hit the ground running” in Spring to achieve whatever it is that you desire to achieve in your life.

Winter Actions

Not Spring Cleaning but Using This Time To Unclutter — Get rid of the junk that you no longer really need. That junk in the closet. That junk in the garage. That junk in the basement. That junk in the attic. That junk in the cabinets. That junk in the bureau drawers. That junk in the “junk drawer”. And especially that junk in your mind and in your heart that is counter productive and is weighing you down big time.

Not Just Planning but Using This Time for Active, Definite Preparations — There are countless cooking shows on tv nowadays. If you have ever watched one of them, you’ll notice that when the chef is in the process of preparing the featured dish, everything needed is always right on the counter, in little bowls, within arms reach. Everything has been pre-measured in advance. All the cooking implements are right there. The oven is pre-heated and ready to go. Everything has been put into place ahead of time so when the show starts, bam, the chef proceeds smoothly and effectively.

Not Just Reflection and Review but Using This Time for a Radical Renewal and Readjustment in Mind and Spirit — Why not use this Winter to “Go Rad”. Strip down your life to its very core. Hold on to and secure that which works well for you. Flush down the toilet everything that is causing your life to be less than it really should be.

The Winters that you live, comprise a full twenty-five percent of your life. Make full use of them. Make them as a time for action to make your life fuller, richer, more filled with joy, with peace, with power.

SATS ——– The Ultra Powerful “State Akin To Sleep”

SATS – What Is It?

The cliche of the hypnotist when I was growing up was of of guy with a dark vandyke beard holding a gold pocket watch attached to a chain and swinging it back and forth, back and forth, slowly in front of you while saying to you, “watch the watch, just watch the watch…..back and forth…….you are now getting sleepy…..verrrry sleepy”. Ultimately the subject would fall asleep and be subject to the hypnotic suggestions of the hypnotist.

Every day of your life, you, oh so briefly, travel through that twilight zone between waking consciousness and sleep that has been called SATS or State Akin To Sleep. It is during these fleeting moments when, if you so desire, you can get some heavy duty manifestation work done on your behalf. It is at those times that your body is at its maximum relaxation while you are still in a state of consciousness. It is while you are in the “SATS Zone” that you can best impress upon your subconscious exactly what it is that you desire to receive in your life. While you are in SATS, all the mental and emotional barriers that your conscious mind erects between you and your desire, are temporarily down. Your subconscious stands ready at those times to send to you what you are imaging, what you are feeling, as your true reality.

As Real As Real Ever Gets

This stuff isn’t some fairy tale, it’s too good to be true gingerbread story. It is as real as real ever gets for you. It is stone cold real. Feeling that your desire has already been materialized in your life has been proven to yield definite results innumerable times. There are several videos and articles on the internet to teach you how to intentionally enter into SATS. It is during that time of maximum relaxation when you can train yourself to feel yourself already having your desire. It is during SATS that your subconscious says, “hey this guy really believes that he has that new car. Shoot, I better get to work pronto on this.”

Are You Ready To Do The Work?

The whole thing simply boils down to this…’s not whether this SATS thing will “work” or not in bringing to you your desired result…’s whether you are ready to do what work is necessary in learning how to do it. Yes, there is work involved. Personally, I think it’s easier to work with SATS just before sleeping as opposed to immediately upon waking but that is just my personal makeup. I tend to start thinking with my logical mind the second I wake up but there is more of a conscious/semi-conscious SATS paradigm going on just before I drift off to sleep.

Drop Your Doubts In The Garbage

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, why don’t you just give this a honest effort. After you’ve done some appropriate preliminary research from Mr. Google (key words: manifesting/SATS/State Akin To Sleep) on what you have to do, give it a go and see what happens. Look for signs. Many times small signs precede the actual manifestation. Columbus saw the birds with twigs in their beaks before he saw land. Sometimes the manifestation comes quickly and sometimes it comes not quickly. Be patient. You really don’t have anything to lose. It will not cost you any of your money. It’s totally free except for the expenditure of time on your part.

You might start thinking, “Yeah but what if it doesn’t work? It will just be another disappointment in my life.” Dump these doubts overboard with the rest of the garbage. You don’t need them. Those thoughts merely turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. If you have trouble getting into the swing of it, just start with small things and work up from there. However small it may be, when you get that first breakthrough, and if you stick with it, you will, the rush of joy you feel will make it all worthwhile and will advance you on to bigger things.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

For Good Health —– Quarantine Your Excuses

The 1980 movie, “The Blues Brothers”, starring John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd and an all star cast, had both great music and really hilarious scenes. One of those scenes involved Belushi and Ackroyd using a tunnel to get to their car and avoid being captured by the police. As they are walking through the tunnel suddenly a mystery woman who has been trying to kill them all throughout the movie appears and is armed with an M-16 rifle. It turns out that it was Belushi’s ex-fiance that he jilted at the altar. She is after revenge. She tells Belushi that is about to die, stating “You betrayed me.” Then he drops to his knees and pleads the following. ” No I didn’t. Honest. I ran out of gas. I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. It wasn’t my fault, I swear to God!”

I think at one time or another we have all played that scene. Excuses are deadly. They kill honesty. They kill personal responsibility. They kill growth. They kill credibility. When something goes south in your life, they throw a sheet over your bedroom wall mirror and tell you to look everywhere else, look anywhere else, but don’t look at yourself. As long as the excuses keep flowing, your troubles will keep on growing.

Excuses are fundamentally different than reasons. Reasons are real. Excuses are phony. What is meant by that is that sometimes motivation, focus and determination may still not be quite enough. There may be legitimate reasons why a specific desire has not yet been achieved. You may bear responsibility for caring for a child with multiple handicaps where your daily free time is counted in minutes rather than hours. You may be caring for an elderly parent who has issues that require huge chunks of your daily time. You may be mightily struggling to pay the bills each month with just keeping your head above water a much higher priority than learning the perfect swimming breaststroke. You may only have a handful of energy left every day after tending to work, chores and things that crop up. These may be considered reasons. Excuses are when you do have some time, you do have some resources, you do have some ability, you do have some opportunity and yet, you still make the choice to do something else other than go after your desire. Then you use excuses to execute the con job. Even if legitimate reasons exist however, you can still do whatever you can, with whatever you have, wherever you are at. Even if it is just some tiny little thing each and every day that you can do (ie., a five minute scientific prayer), it will make a positive difference in your life.

When you say to yourself, “Enough with the excuses already…Enough”, and just throw them overboard as useless cargo, you will feel an immediate jolt of lightness and that wonderful feeling of being in greater control of your precious life. You will suddenly find yourself dealing more effectively with any legitimate reasons that your goal has not yet been achieved. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover that even your overall physical health will improve thus increasing your inner storehouse of energy.

Deal with the reasons as best as you know how to do. Use everything and anything in your personal arsenal to work past them. At the same time, get rid of the excuses. They are not serving you. Wherever you are on your life journey, putting those phony excuses in permanent quarantine, will immediately put you in a better place.