Emmet Fox and The Magic Key of Gold

Emmet Fox And The Magic Key of Gold

“Emmet Fox and The Magic Key of Gold”. Sounds like the title of a children’s book or a fairy tale from Hans Christian Anderson, doesn’t it? It actually refers to a pamphlet written in 1931 by a man named Emmet Fox. He lived from 1886 to 1951 and wrote numerous books and pamphlets. He was minister at the Church of Divine Science in New York City and regularly spoke to crowds of 5,000 at the Hippodrome every Sunday.

In his pamphlet, The Golden Key, Fox claims to provide the answer to what you can do to successfully handle any problem that you encounter. Fox was very well thought of in his day (and still is today). He never had so much of a hint of impropriety or scandal in his life. His books have been read by millions.

There’s A Catch

You have to employ faith (imaginative belief) in order for his Golden Key to unlock the solution to your problem. Therein lies the catch. If you do not believe the golden key produces results, it will not produce results. As you believe, so it is. As the Bible states about one who doubts, “let not that man expect to receive anything from the Lord.” Nevertheless, there are many people (including myself) who have gone on record to swear that it does indeed produce beautiful results. Just fully commit yourself to the technique. Wishy-washy won’t cut it. With any legitimate manifesting technique, total commitment, as well as persistence, are both essential ingredients. It makes sense to me that only those giving total commitment have reported enjoying success in using the Golden Key.

The Golden Key: A Summary

I am going to do my best to briefly summarize for you the contents of this five-page pamphlet. It is available in full on the internet if you choose to delve further.

Emmet Fox refers to this Golden Key as scientific prayer. Fox states that this manner of scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself out of any type of difficulty. He clearly says not to just take his word for it. He urges the reader to simply try it. Try it for yourself. It is an exercise in letting God, Ultimate Intelligence, provide the solution, not you. You must provide the faith, God then provides the solution. No type of religion or church has a monopoly on the Golden Key. Anyone who believes in God can use it. There is nothing complicated about it.


The actual Golden Key is simplicity itself and here it is — whatever your difficulty is—stop thinking about it. Stop dwelling on your problem, how you are going to solve the problem, how the problem is hurting you. Just stop. Now. Then, dwell on the presence and peace of God instead. Stop bowing down and worshiping the problem, the false idol. Let your entire being experience only the Kingdom of God. That’s it. That is the entire Golden Key technique.

Instead of dwelling on ways and means to solve your problem, single-mindedly dwell on the presence and peace of God that is truly within you right now. Center yourself on the Source of All That Is and not on the problem or problems. “Yeah but if I don’t think of the problem, how am I going to solve it?”, you say. Go within, go inside yourself to the Kingdom of God. Go within and the Infinite Intelligence of the Almighty will use the natural order of things to rectify your problem. Ways and means to solve the problem will come to you. Ideas will come to your mind. Events will naturally occur. Things will happen for your benefit. You simply have to pay close attention and take the necessary actions when they do.

Some Examples

Some examples that Fox gives are:

“There is no power but God”

“God’s love for me is without limit”

“God is always guiding me”

“God is with me right now”.

“The peace of God fills me”.

There are literally dozens of additional other truths that you can come up with to facilitate your dwelling on God. Fox tells the reader to not fret about the “how’s” of solving your problem. Just leave the “how’s” up to Divine Presence. Center your entire being on experiencing the Presence of God. The “how’s” will come. They will come to you naturally. When they do however, then, at that time, it will be up to you to follow up.

As you start your Gold Key session, say for example “I gold key my lack of money situation“. (or whatever your problem is). Then stop thinking about the problem of lack of money. Instead, dwell only on the one true power, God.

Stay Alert – Pay Attention

After you spend a few minutes in a golden key session, dwelling on God, Universal Mind, then totally drop the matter until your next gold key session. Accept only that your finances are improved somehow. Accept that your financial needs will be met. Then go on with whatever you have to do concerning your daily activities. Engage in as many sessions as you feel led to during the course of the day.

As you go about your day, pay attention to everything happening around you. Stay alert. Be ready to act quickly when opportunities, ideas and impulses will present themselves to you. If you are truly dwelling on the Kingdom of God, the ideas will surely come. It will then be up to you however, to be open to perceiving those ideas, and then subsequently taking action on them. Be aware however that the solutions and ideas that come to you may not be what you expected. Ultimate Intelligence of your Creator is infinitely greater than your intelligence.

A “Laboratory Test” Of The Golden Key

I trust Emmet Fox. Emmet Fox was a man, as far as I can see, of impeccable ethics. No sex scandals, no money scandals, no abuse scandals, no power grabbing scandals. He reported that the Golden Key method of handling problems most assuredly works. He confidently states that it works well as long as you faithfully commit to it with persistence and have patience. A scouring of the internet that I have done (on many different forums, large and small) for people who have actually used the Golden Key successfully, bears this out.

The beauty of the Golden Key is that it is available to anyone, anywhere, at any time. No dues to pay. No club to join. No monthly subscriptions. The only belief system you must have is belief in God. If the whole thing sounds too simple and not rational to you, why don’t you just do a scientific laboratory test of your own. That’s the very best way to find out. Experience it for yourself.

Every Day Without Fail

Every day for the next six months, at the minimum,in the morning when you wake up, and at night when you go to sleep, without fail, golden key your specific problem. Do this by dwelling on the presence of God within you right now. The Kingdom of God. Think, live, breathe in the beautiful Kingdom of God during your Golden Key session.. During the day, if your thoughts start turning to the problem, as they probably will, use the Golden Key. If your thoughts say to you, “this doesn’t work”, use the Golden Key. You cannot dwell on God and the problem simultaneously. Make your choice. Choose wisely. Choose successfully.

I have written down on an index card certain truths about Universal Source. I keep the card in my wallet and use this simple index card as my personal golden key. I have cut the card down to fit in one of the wallet’s plastic credit card sleeves. On the back of the card I have pasted a picture of a gold key.

God is always with me.

The Kingdom of God is within.

God loves me relentlessly.

God is the one true Power.

I live in the freedom of the Kingdom of God.

Truths about qualities emanating from the Kingdom of God such as love, intelligence, power, peace, abundance, compassion, imagination, creativity, impartiality of the Law.

I Need It Now

In my own life, I have always found that manifestations usually take longer than I initially expected. Sometimes they take much, much longer (sigh), but they have always eventually materialized, as long as I continue to do my part, live in faith and look at God instead of the problem. That faith part is really essential. My succumbing to periods of subtle fear and doubt is the thing that always slows things down. Doubt is taking your eyes off God, breaking the connection. Just like a batter in the game of baseball, if you take your eye off the ball, you will strike out.

Put On Your Lab Coat, Professor

I have used the Golden Key successfully but please do not take my word for it. Put on your imaginary lab coat. Pick up your imaginary clipboard and horn rimmed eyeglasses. Conduct your own scientific experiment with regard to the Golden Key of Emmet Fox. From the very start just give it a honest chance. For the experiment’s time period, check your doubts at the door. Fully expect it to bring positive results in your life. I can warn you in advance however, that it will not work if you fear or doubt. Fear or doubt will poison your soup every single time.

The more that you use the Golden Key in your life, the easier it will be to use. A person who wants to be a proficient pianist cannot expect to be a virtuoso within twenty four hours of first starting to learn to play the piano.

Why don’t you try it. It won’t hurt you. It will not cost you a cent. No fees to pay. No clubs to join. No monthly subscriptions. Maybe you don’t have any problems. Lucky you. Let me borrow your four leaf clover. If you do have problems to solve however, then give the Golden Key a try. I believe that you will be happy that you did.

Just as importantly, you can also use the Golden Key to help a loved one. Just specify during your golden key session that you are “Golden Keying” for whoever you desire to help and the problem that you want to help them with. Then proceed as if you were doing it for yourself. What do you have to lose? And if you are someone who truly believes in God, then how can it possibly hurt you to think about and dwell on the one true power, God.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Your Grand and Glorious Jackpot

Gene Wilder As Willie Wonka

Have you ever watched the movie “Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory”? It was a fantasy/comedy made in 1971 and starred Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka and a marvelous supporting cast. Near the end of the movie, Mr. Wonka was testing the last remaining child who had successfully made it through the chocolate factory tour. Four other children had to drop out of the tour. The child, named Charlie, was to receive a year’s supply of Wonka chocolates which were prized the world over.

At first, Mr. Wonka refused to grant that reward to Charlie, stating that he and his grandfather, who accompanied Charlie on the tour, had violated one of the rules of the tour. Charlie’s grandfather flew into a rage. He told Charlie to leave the factory with him and they would go immediately to Wonka’s competitor, Slugworth, to divulge details of a very unique piece of candy Mr. Wonka had given Charlie. Earlier on the tour Charlie had been given the candy on the condition of never divulging it to anyone.

Willie’s Jackpot

Rather than leave with his grandfather, Charlie walked up to Mr. Wonka’s desk, where Wonka was seated, and placed the special candy on the desk next to Mr. Wonka. As Charlie was about to leave, Mr. Wonka told him to stop. He apologized to Charlie for having to test him and told Charlie with joy, “You’ve won Charlie!” Charlie asked, “You mean the chocolate?” Wonka answered, “Oh yes, the chocolate but so much more. You’ve won the grand and glorious jackpot!” It turned out that this jackpot was that he was giving Charlie the entire factory and letting Charlie and his entire impoverished family move in immediately to living quarters at the factory. Of course, Charlie was overjoyed at this prize as it was truly his fondest dream come true.

Your Own Grand And Glorious Jackpot

What is your own personal “grand and glorious jackpot”? Have you ever given it some deep thought? Have you ever given it any thought at all? It might be receiving a large sum of money. Maybe it is landing your dream job. Perhaps it is getting relief from a health affliction that you suffer with. It could be the repairing of a broken relationship. Another possible jackpot is that you are able to provide substantial help to a loved one with a lifelong challenge that they face. Maybe it is a combination of any or all of the above.

Whatever your grand and glorious jackpot might be, how would you feel after you received it? How would you feel inside? How would you live your life each day as a result? Refrain from giving a cliche or standard answer to those questions. Refrain from the common response that those “jackpots” are out of your reach so what’s the use of even wasting time thinking about it. You say you will just get depressed that it is not “real”. Just put all that crap aside and spend five measly minutes, three hundred seconds of your life, just feeling. Feeling how you would feel if receiving your jackpot was already a done deal. It won’t hurt you. It won’t cost you any money. It will cost you merely five minutes of your time. Three tenths of one percent of your daily allotment of time. Even a lawyer charging hundreds of dollars an hour can spare five minutes for something important. And this is important. It is your life.

Your Own Personal Smuggler

If your mind just won’t let you imagine that you have already received your jackpot, try again later. The very best times to do this are either immediately upon waking in the morning or at night as you are drifting off to sleep. You are at your most relaxed at those times. Relaxation is your personal smuggler that gets you past the various internal checkpoints that your mind has constructed. If you can ultimately get yourself up to five minutes, then next go for ten minutes. It’s much harder than it sounds but there really is a payoff for you if you can do it.

After you have fully put yourself into a state of consciousness where you have already received your jackpot for five or ten minutes, then end your “jackpot session”. Do this without fail every day for a minimum of ninety days. If it is in the morning, after you are done your session, get up and go on with your daily activities. If it is night, then drift off to sleep after your session.

Get The Hell Out Of The Way

Let your subconscious mind do all the heavy lifting. Get the hell out of the way. Pay attention to everything that takes place in your life. Be alert to ideas that appear in your mind. Things will happen for your benefit if you are truly faithful to the process. The things may be small. They may even be tiny at first, but good things will happen. Take advantage of opportunities that present themselves to you. Expect positive results of some sort in your life at the conclusion of that ninety days,if not sooner. Refrain from skipping a day. Treat it as a scientific experiment where if you skip a day, you compromise the entire experiment. This whole process has been called “living in the end”. It is a form of prayer, It is materializing the precious words of Jesus Christ: If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Huey Long “Barbeque Speech” On Wealth Inequality

The Kingfish

Have you ever heard of the politician Huey P. Long, aka “The Kingfish”? Huey was a prominent political figure from the state of Louisiana. His political heyday was in the late 1920’s up to 1935 when he was assasinated in the Louisiana Capitol Building. He became well-known throughout the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. In order to stimulate the economy, he advocated a program he called “Share Our Wealth”.

Millions of Americans joined Share Our Wealth clubs which were springing up all across the country. Long was either loved as a populist champion of the poor or hated as a dictatorial demagogue who was a threat to democracy. In the 1920’s when Long argued a case before the U. S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice (and former president) William Howard Taft called Long “the most brilliant lawyer who ever practiced” before the court. Long was mortally wounded by a lone assassin in September of 1935.

Share Our Wealth Program

The basic gist of Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth program was that way too much of the wealth of the United States had become concentrated in way too few people. These mega-rich individuals used their riches to buy political influence and continuously tip the scales of the system in their favor. He advocated for a wealth tax and wealth redistribution program he called Share Our Wealth. In December of 1934, he gave a speech before the Washington Press Club that history has labelled the “Huey Long Barbeque Speech”. It is freely available on the internet if you wish to actually listen to it. I will give you a few passages to give you an idea of the flavor of the speech.

The Barbeque Speech

“How many men ever went to a barbeque and would let one man take off the table what’s intended for 9/10ths of the people to eat. The only way you’ll ever be able to feed the balance of the people is to make that man come back and bring back some of that grub he ain’t got no business with.”

“We have been praying to the Almighty to send us to a feast….The Lord has answered the prayer. He has called the barbeque: ‘Come to my feast’ He said to 125 million American people. But Morgan and Rockefeller and Mellon and Baruch have walked up and took 85 percent of the vittles off the table.”

“Now how you going to feed the balance of the people? What’s Morgan and Baruch and Rockefeller and Mellon gonna do with all that grub. They can’t eat it, they can’t wear the clothes. They can’t live in the houses. Give ’em a yacht! Give ’em a palace! Send them to Reno and give them a new wife when they want it, if that’s what they want.”

” But when they’ve got everything on God’s loving earth that they can eat and they can wear and they can live in, and all that their children can live in and wear and eat, and all their children’s children can use, then we got to call Mr. Morgan and Mr. Mellon and Mr. Rockefeller back and say, ‘ Come on back here. Put that stuff back on the table here that you took away from here — that you don’t need. Leave something else for the American people to consume’. And that’s the program.”

It’s Concentrated

Wealth in America is concentrating more and more into fewer and fewer hands as the years roll on. The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans now possess 40 percent of the nation’s wealth. The top 10 percent hold about 75 percent, while the bottom 90 percent holds roughly 25 percent of the nation’s wealth. Picture a large pie sliced into ten slices to serve ten people. One guy comes along and takes seven and a half of the slices for himself. This is where things stand nowadays.

Of that 40 percent owned by the top 1 percent, an astounding 50 percent of that is held by just 1/10th of 1 percent! Between 1989 and 2016, the wealth of the nation held by the bottom 90 percent of Americans decreased from 35 percent to 25 percent while the wealth held by the top 1 percent increased from 30 percent to 40 percent. Events are definitely trending in a certain direction. What do you think? How do you feel about this ongoing financial development? Do you believe that the mega-rich are going to be satisfied with stopping at 40 percent? Were they satisfied with stopping at 30 percent? Here is the most important question of all. What can you personally do about it?

Make Your Choice

This concentrated wealth is utilized by those possessing it to purchase influence in the structuring of society’s laws, rules, regulations, and norms. To coin a phrase, “the thumb is on the scale”. That is why it is absolutely critical that you make the choice to learn how to effectively use the true power of your subconscious mind to manifest the reality that you desire. Your subconscious mind is your direct connection to the Almighty, the Divine Force that supersedes everything, everybody, everywhere, the Divine Force that holds everything in the universe together.

A Stacked Deck

You are no match against the raw power of the billionaires. The deck is heavily stacked in their favor. Their ultimate plan is clear — to take even more of the nation’s wealth than they now possess. A lot more. Unfortunately, their intent is to simply crush anyone who gets in their way and control the rest. Fortunately however, billionaires are no match whatsoever against the power of the Kingdom of God. And the good news is that the Kingdom of God is within you always. Believe it. It is the way the Creator made you. Make the choice to live your life with true power. Power that does not come from society but from the Kingdom of God. The power of the Kingdom of God within you is stronger than all the world’s billionaires. It is your protection. It is your peaceful fortress.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Jesus Christ stated it with crystal clarity. “Whatsoever things you desire, believe that you have received them, and they will be yours.” Your belief has to go beyond your surface consciousness. It has to go far beyond “I think I can achieve this” or even “I believe I will achieve this”. It has to go all the way to the end. Your belief has to go to the “I have already received this” belief level. Most humans, myself included, find this difficult to do for extended periods of time. Doubt and fear always want to crash the party. If however, you are one that is able to do it, then my friend, you have in your hand the golden key that opens the door to your success regardless of any and all societal conditions, conundrums or chaos.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Time — The Ultimate Trickster

Time – The Ultimate Trickster

On this April Fool’s Day, it is genuinely appropriate to discuss the ultimate trickster of them all — Time. Just what the heck is this earthly construct called “time”. Time – measured by today’s atomic clocks at over nine billion cesium energy jumps per second. There is more to this “tick-tock, tick-tock” trickster however than meets the senses. Have you felt that experience of time “flying by” when you involved in an activity that you enjoy doing and are good at. The greater the enjoyment, the faster time speeds up. Conversely, when you are doing something that you have zero interest in or find distasteful or boring, time then slows down to a snail’s pace. You look at the clock and it seems like invisible gremlins are holding back the hands of the clock. Yes, time is indeed the ultimate trickster.

The Eternal Now

According to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, time slows down or speeds up depending how fast something is moving. The ultimate conclusion of this is that time itself would stop if you could hypothetically move at the speed of light. On earth, time remains a constant, neither speeding up nor slowing down but our perception of it varies widely. It has been postulated that when your spirit or soul leaves your body and proceeds to wherever it belongs, time, as such, ceases to exist. Everything happens in the “now moment.” Time does not travel forward from a point in the past to a point in the future. The present merely changes. Everything happens in the now. In the 1300’s, the theologian, philosopher and mystic Meister Eckhart wrote, ” There exists only the present instant…a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.”

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock

When your soul moves on from earth, there will be no calendars, no clocks, no time. No placing an X over a day on the calendar or tearing off a page from a calendar for a month that is over. Here on earth however that would not work. There must be the “tick-tock, tick-tock” of time in order to allow you to measure your movements, your actions, your life. You can do your very best to live fully in the current moment but you are always aware of time past and time ahead. Even while writing this post, time was playing games with me. I found myself looking down at my watch and thinking to myself “What – 7:30 already! That’s ridiculous. It was 6:00 just a few minutes ago!” Another thing about time that I have discovered is that the older you get, the faster time zips by. The years crawl by when you are young, but then, each successive decade of life, time goes by faster and faster. When you hit your sixties, time appears to perversely speed up exponentially, seemingly to get you to your ultimate demise all that much quicker. So what are you to do with this thing called “time”.

Improve Your Relationship With Time

One of the wisest men in the history of the world, King Solomon, may hint at the answer. From the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, Verses 12 and 13 (ESV): “I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live, that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in his toil.” The philosopher and a-theist Albert Camus ironically comes to somewhat the same conclusion in “The Myth of Sisyphus” when he states that Sisyphus can only be free when he comes into harmony with his circumstances. Whether you are involved in a major life undertaking or cleaning your ceramic toilet with a scrub brush, focus on what you are doing in the “right now”. Do it the very best you know how to do it. It doesn’t totally take away the mischievous trickery of time, but it does help to “take the edge off”. Plus, in the world of manifesting, learning how to focus on feeling as if your desire is real, right now, is definitely “where it’s at”.