The Game of “Best Day of Your Life”
In the comedy movie, “The Water Boy”, in the last scene of the movie, the movie’s hero, Bobby Bouchet, has just gotten married to Vicki Betancourt. They are both outside of the church preparing to leave (on a riding lawnmower LOL). Their friends are also outside the church and are shouting encouragement and good wishes to the two newlyweds. Before riding off into the sunset, Bobby Bouchet shouts to his friends with complete conviction, “This is the best day of my life.” As you review your life, decade by decade, are you able to say with equal conviction what that one best day of your life was?
The “Best Day of Your Life” game is an interesting and illuminating exercise in thought and feeling. I played this game and could not narrow it down to just one single day. I think each decade that goes by it becomes increasingly more difficult to do that. What I did do however was adjust the rules of the game. I allowed myself to choose decade by decade what my one best day was. In each decade there were many really good days, as well as many bad ones (and some downright horrible) but this game requires you to choose that one best day. Even splitting things up into decade by decade, it still took some deep reflection, completely free of the expectations of any other person. As I am sixty-eight years old, I came up with seven best days. As I am guessing for a number of reasons that I have one decade left, there is still time for one more “grand finale” best day.
I have already chosen what that final best day will be. It is what I call “Culmination Day”. It is that day that has already happened in my mind. It is that day that I am sitting at my desk, with a cup of coffee, looking out the window and saying, “Thank you Father. It is done.” It is the day when all the pain, all the suffering, all the obstacles are mere footnotes in my history as I feel the unbounded joy of seeing that all of my conscious manifesation choices have come into fruition.
Now Substitute Your Face For That of Ponzi
OK, so what’s the purpose of this game you say. Why should you bother to play it? Answer: Because it forces you to be one thousand percent honest with yourself about what day or days in your life brought you true inner joy. Many times humans may say things or do things or even think things based on the expectation of others. In doing so we execute a con job on ourselves. In the image above you see Charles Ponzi, the con man who originated the flim flam known today as a Ponzi scheme. Boy does he ever look the part of a huckster con man. His photo reminds me of those guys who used to sell vegetable choppers on the Steel Pier in Atlantic City. Looked great as he was demonstrating it. Then when you got home you saw that it was a piece of shit. I still remember my father cussing up a blue storm when the chopper broke within five minutes of using it. Anyway, in the best day game you penetrate the outer crust of bull manure and reveal to yourself truths, truths that you can build on to make your life better. You can stop with that royal con job that you do on yourself better than even Charles Ponzi ever could.
Your Future Most Important Day But Right Now
Your best day for any decade can be but does not have to be a typical life-changing event such as a birth, or a marriage, or a healing, or a career move or, well, you get the idea. It can be something quite simple and unassuming. For example, in the decade between birth and ten years old, I like most children had good days, bad days and days somewhere in between. The very best day that I can recall however was a day that I spent at my grandparents’ house on the lake with my Mom and brother. We all didn’t go around holding hands and singing Kumbaya, but on that particular day, as a kid, with my mother and brother and grandmom and grandpop, I just felt such love surrounding me, infusing me, that I begged my Mom to stay late because I didn’t want the day, or the feeling to end. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. It was just a feeling but it was a feeling beautiful beyond description.
To get back to the answer to the question of – why bother? – it is because you can productively use the feeling that you felt on that best day to bring about a desired manifestation in your life right now. Identify your desire. Then go back to the feeling you felt on that best day. The happenstance that caused that day is unimportant. What is of the utmost importance however is how you felt on that day. Feel it. Feeling the feeling of it. Then step into your current desire as if has arrived to you transferring your joy from the best day event to the manifestation of your current desire. Once you have sufficiently felt your current desire as realized and natural, then wait for Universal Intelligence to bring about the means to the end. And give thanks that it has really happened, because it has.