Sorry Pete, But I Got To Do For Me And Mine
The comedy movie, “O Brother Where Art Thou”, is about the adventures of three escapees from a 1930’s Mississippi chain gang. The names of the escapees are Everett, Delmar and Pete. As they are being pursued by the authorities, they hide out in the barn of Pete’s cousin, Wash Hogwallop. In the middle of the night, they discover that the barn is surrounded by a heavily armed sheriff’s posse. When they look out from the barn loft, they see standing next to the sheriff, Pete’s cousin, who turned in Everett, Delmar and Pete for the bounty. Pete yells out from the barn “I’ll kill you Judas Iscariot Hogwallop”. Pete’s cousin replies, “Sorry Pete, I know we’re kin but they got this depression goin’ on and I got to do for me and mine.”
So let’s say, in a strictly figurative sense, that adverse circumstances have you trapped in the barn and you are surrounded by your pursuers. Where do you turn for help in your situation?
Do you turn to friends?
“Sorry Dude, I’d love to help you, I really would, but I got to do for me and mine”.
Do you turn to neighbors?
“I’m really sorry, but I got to do for me and mine. By the way, can I borrow your hedge clippers?”
Do you turn to fellow students at your school or co-employees at your place of work or members of your fraternal organization?
“Sorry, next time for sure, but today I got to do for me and mine”.
Do you turn to family (spouse, parents, children, uncles, aunts, grandparents, nephews, nieces, cousins)?
“Believe me, I would really, really, like to help, I know we’re kin but I got to do for me and mine”.
Well then, who does that leave you to turn to in your time of need?
The answer is Y-O-U. Everyone and everything that you experience in this lifetime is Y-O-U “pushed out”. Your entire life circumstances are merely a reflection in a mirror. How’s that for a radical concept. With the world in the current shape it is in however, as Marcellus said in Hamlet, “There is something rotten in the state of Denmark”. I believe that “more of the same old, same old” is just a recipe for failure.
You Are Continually Looking Into A Mirror
The world around you is a mirror, reflecting all that you are conscious of being. Refrain from trying to change your life circumstances “from the outside” since these circumstances are just a reflection of Y-O-U from the inside, your inner consciousness. This is kind of a bitter pill to swallow because it means that you have to take full responsibility for your reality. Changing your reality without changing your inner awareness is as futile as smashing a mirror in the hopes of changing your face. Leave the mirror alone. Focus on changing your face (your inner consciousness of yourself). You are all that you require to manifest your desired reality. The Kingdom of God is not up in the sky somewhere. It is within you. It is how God lovingly created you. All the outer circumstances of your daily life do not come from anywhere but you. If your desired reality is to come to fruition through the involvement of other people, we are all interconnected, the state of your inner consciousness will act as a magnet to lead the required person or persons to you. Just be aware of what’s going on around you, pay attention and stand in love by maintaining your deliberate focus on the I AM, Universal Love and Intelligence.
When you see something that you do not like or when something happens in your life that you did not expect or want, don’t fight against it. Refrain from getting angry with yourself or saying to yourself “Why did I bring this down on me”? This is not what is meant by taking full responsibility for your reality. The circumstances of your life are not always direct reflections of your inner assumptions. For example, losing your current living quarters doesn’t necessarily mean that within yourself you dwelled on losing your living quarters. It could be one of a number of things including being an opening event in a chain of events leading to the wonderful fulfillment of something that you truly desire. There may be many different factors involved so it is pointless to analyze it. Ask yourself – What core belief is this current circumstance representing to me? Then go about the business of changing that core belief (ie., from a fear of loss of something to a faith in yourself, living free of fear). What you call reality, is just a mirror, reflecting your consciousness, pushed out and solidified.
The Only Way Out Is By Going Within
The ancient maxim goes as follows, “As within, so without”. Solomon put it another way – “Keep your heart with diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”. Jesus Christ stated, “If you believe, you will receive”. A quote from Buddha is: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts, we make our world”. And from the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment”.
Concentrate, concentrate, and oh yes, concentrate, only on those thoughts and feelings that confirm what you have deliberately imaged in your Imagination as your chosen now reality. The day that you begin consistently, faithfully doing this, is the day that you free yourself instead of resigning yourself to be a long-suffering slave to circumstances. Refuse to accept life on the basis of “the world without”. Assert the Supremacy of your Salvation Within, your Imagination. Find a way to do this and all things must go together for your good.
So how do you remove your focus off something negative that feels so real, you can see it, you can hear it, you can feel it, you can smell it. How? How do you take your focus off of you physical pain when you can feel it? How do you take you mind off of lack of money when the rent is due in three days and you ain’t got it. How do you take your mind off of your jerk of a boss after he acted like a total asshole. There are a number of different ways to do so. Search for the way that fits you best. If I can make a suggestion however, you may want to try this – say these words to yourself with as much feeling as you can possibly muster – “I AM experiencing what I have chosen for my reality through my God-given Imagination (insert here your chosen reality – for example “a peaceful, happy life with me having plenty of money for all my needs”). I AM refusing to respond to anything that impinges on my choice of reality. I AM maintaining my focus on my chosen reality and this brings me happiness. I AM grateful”. It takes the same amount of energy to image those things that make you happy than to image those things that make you angry or sad. It will be very difficult to do at first. It will be hard work. You may ultimately decide to give up. This is the raw truth of the matter. This is radical stuff. The word radical is defined as “a way of doing something very different from the usual way”. This is not “business as usual”. If you decide to stick with it however, it will ultimately become second nature to you. And your adverse situation will start moving away from you, sometimes with great speed, sometimes like the current of a slow moving river, but your situation will improve. It has to. It is immutable law – As within, so without. You will only succeed in changing the reflection in the mirror by changing what the mirror is reflecting. Don’t reach for the mirror, reach within yourself. If you are imaging a desire and then looking to the outside for confirmation, this is precisely what perpetuates your endless cycle of disappointment. Live in the end. Live your desire fulfilled. It will appear when you least expect it.