You Have Been Given The Power – The Power To See The Unseen
Let’s get right to it, time is precious. In scripture in Hebrews 11:1 is that eternal, beautiful truth as follows: Faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen (Holman Christian Standard Bible). Every human being ever born, even those with mental or physical challenges, has been gifted at birth with an amazing power. This power is called faith. Let’s go to a secular source, the Oxford Language dictionary, with regard to the definition of faith. Faith is defined as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something”. Thus, faith in God can be defined as complete trust or confidence in God. Continuing on in this vein, the word “complete” means one hundred percent, not even so much as a fraction of a percent missing. For example, you have complete confidence that the breath coming out of your mouth or nose is your breath and not the breath of your neighbor. That is not something that you believe. It is something that you know. Even though you cannot see or feel it yet, you have faith, you absolutely know that the next breath that comes out of your mouth or nose will be your breath and not your neighbor’s breath. You have faith that the breath coming out of your body is from your lungs. It is your breath.
So now let’s explore the words “faith in God”. Although God – Ultimate Intelligence, Original Source, I AM that I AM – is undefinable, we can identify a manifestation of the Divine in this dimension. The demonstration of the Divine is your awareness of being. What are you currently aware of being? Who are you currently aware of being? Are you aware of being poor, rich or somewhere in between? Are you aware of expressing good health or poor health or somewhere in between? And so on. What is real to you? What is natural to you? What can you see, feel, hear as real in your current life expression. Not in the outer circumstances or people around you but what can can see, feel, hear in your God-given Image-ination? What can you see, feel, hear on the inside. This is where you were gifted with the power to co-create with the Creator. Deep down, right down to your inner core, what is your current awareness of being? This is where you experience connection with Ultimate Intelligence and this is where you completely let go and allow Ultimate Intelligence to direct how and when your manifestation arrives. The skeptic will say, “Nonsense, if you cannot see it, it does not exist, it’s snake oil. Atheists manifest things in their lives all the time without a belief in any type of god.” To respectfully respond, I would say that deep down, the atheist has confidence in being able to accomplish what they set out to achieve. This, in fact, is an awareness of being and is the way all humans connect with God whether they are conscious of it or not.
Galatians 6:7 – God Is Not Mocked
What is blasphemy? From Wikipedia comes this – an insult that shows contempt, disrespect or lack of reverence concerning a deity or something holy or sacred. Blasphemy is a word that has been used by religious authorities down through the ages to identify and punish those with opposing views to the designated religious powers that be. In the European religious wars of the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries, the Protestants called the Catholics blasphemers and the Catholics called the Protestants blasphemers. Over thirty countries today have anti-blasphemy laws on the books where blasphemy is punishable by death.
In the movie, “Kingdom of Heaven”, the bishop of Jerusalem is portrayed as a particularly greasy and oily personality who is particularly interested in protecting his tookus. During a meeting of all the bigwigs at the king’s castle, a statement is made that totally contradicts the stated position of the bishop. Yeah, you guessed it. The first word out of the bishop’s mouth in response is “Blasphemy”. My son and I always get a chuckle out of it because it is so patently self-serving.
I don’t know about you but I think those who feel the need for anti-blasphemy laws are way off base. Is God some petulant gang leader wearing a dew rag who needs retribution when someone “disses” Him? I think not.
Going to scripture, in Galatians 6:7 it states, “Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (New International Version). And there it is. It is impossible to mock God. You simply cannot do it. In this dimension of existence that you live in called Earth, you are a sower and then subsequently you are a reaper. It is a very simple equation. To sow means to plant. To reap means to harvest. Every thought that you plant in your imagination leads to an act. The act leads to a habit. The habit leads to a character. A character leads to a destiny.
Every physical effect has a spiritual cause. I will repeat that – everything that happens in your world comes into being because of a spiritual cause. By the words spiritual cause, I don’t mean you have to say some prescribed prayer sanctioned by church authorities. A spiritual act can be something as simple as just sitting quietly and activating your Imagination. God cannot possibly be mocked. You will harvest whatever it is that you plant. Every time – all the time. If you plant corn, you are going to harvest corn, not tomatoes. Every physical event from start to finish comes about due to a spiritual cause.
The Only Thing Holding You Back Is ———- Y-O-U
Let’s play a fast game of Jeopardy.
Answer: Let go, just let go.
Question: If faith is the key that unlocks the door to a beautiful life, how do I get faith?
The key is already in your hands but you have to place it in the keyhole and turn the latch in order to unlock the door. Just let go of all the countless “yeah buts” and let events play out as directed by Divine Source. Dwell on God, who works through your awareness of being. There is either God or mammon, There is no sense in trying to keep one foot in each. It just doesn’t work. Do your part. Plant the seeds. Nurture them with your Imagination. Every single day, maybe twice a day, sit quietly and fully engage your Imagination to already be what you desire to be, to already have what you desire to have. There are several ways to do this. Scripting is one. Creating a “spiritual glow” with gratitude is another. Find the way that feels best to you and then bar the door against the inevitable arrival of the “excuses gang”.
OK, you have experienced some tough breaks and some rough times. You can believe me when I say so have I. You’ve been dealt some incredibly bad cards during the game of life. Every single minute of your life that you spend of your limited allotment of time feeling sorry for yourself is a horribly wasted minute of life. By feeling sorry for yourself, you succeed in holding yourself back. You have actually planted a rotten seed that you will subsequently harvest in the time ahead as rotten fruit. You will cry, “Why does everything always happen to me?” Refuse to allow the feeling sorry for yourself stuff to enter the living room of your house (your mind). Always be busy entertaining beautiful guests (your Imaginal desires) so that the “feeling sorry crowd” (of thoughts) cannot get past the velvet rope. Refuse to allow you to continue holding you back.