Easy To Understand Law: You Believe, You Receive

The M & M Boys Nailed It

When you hear the letters “M & M” what do you think of? Perhaps you think of the eponymous button sized candy manufactured with that name. Or if you are in my age category, maybe it brings to mind that famous baseball duo from the New York Yankees, Maris and Mantle. In the slang of the texting world, m & m has a number of different meanings. The “M & M Boys” that I would like to focus on however are two books from the Bible, Matthew and Mark. There is one verse from each book containing the words of Jesus as they relate to the incredible power of belief and its connection to manifesting your current reality.

Let’s take the King James Version of the verse, Matthew 21:22 – And all things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” All things whatsoever. That is what I would call all encompassing. I will follow that up with the translation from the Aramaic Bible in Plain English – “Everything that you ask for in prayer and believe, you will receive.” I believe where things go south in the prayers of humanity is in the interpretation of the words “ask for”.

Next let’s travel over to the book of Mark. Mark 11:24 states – “Therefore I say unto you, what things so ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them” (King James Version). Following up that same verse within the Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation, we find – “Therefore I say to you, that everything that you pray and ask, believe that you are receiving it and you shall have it.”

When you reflect on these two verses, the two words that reverberate with pure energy are “believe” and “receive”. The M & M Boys truly nailed it with these two verses.

Awareness Of Being Makes It Happen

The clarity of the two verses is absolutely unmistakable. ALL things you ask in prayer BELIEVING, you will RECEIVE. EVERYTHING that you pray for and ask, BELIEVE that you are RECEIVING it and you shall have it. To me, the one single key word out of those two verses is believe. By that is meant, you have it now, it is a done deal. It does not mean believing that you can receive it. It does not mean that you will receive it at some undetermined time in the future. It means that in your heart, in your mind, in your soul, you know that what you pray for, what you truly desire, has already been done. Your union with the Kingdom of God is your awareness of being. You are living right now with true gratitude that what you pray for, what you assume upon yourself has been accomplished. It sounds ridiculously easy but it is not. Obstacles appear all around you. Probably the foremost obstacle is the illusion of time. Time is a necessary construct for this earth dimension that we reside in. In the world of spirit, all is now. In our earth dimension however, time is a necessary vector. There is almost always a lapse of time between our believing and our receiving. It is in this time lapse period where the evil counselor of doubt sneaks in, uninvited.

Beware the seeds of doubt because they serve only to short circuit the electrical connection between your “believe” and your “receive”. Doubt is a downer and a losing hand. Your “believe” must be free of doubt otherwise your “receive” loses its connection to you as in the cutting of an electrical cable. If your belief is you have it, you will have it at the appointed time. If your belief is you want, you will continue in that wanting, without fulfillment of your manifestation. Live in the end result. Live in the wish already fulfilled. When a thought shows up in your mind that negates your belief, show it to the exit immediately. You can do this be immediately substituting a new thought of pure gratitude that you have in fact received your manifestation. As Mary Howitt suggests in her poem The Spider and The Fly, “unto an evil counselor (doubt) close heart and ear and eye. Another way to look at it is to understand that your desire has already manifested in another dimension of reality and is just working out the logistics of meshing up with your earth dimension. It does require however your continual belief or it loses contact with you.

I can hear the “yeah buts” arriving in bunches. I don’t care about what you see. I don’t care about what your hear. I don’t care about anything that appears to contradict your faith. I care about you and your manifesting success. I care only about what you believe in the fullest, truest meaning of that word. That, dear reader, whoever you are, is what is going to get it done for you. What is your awareness of being because whatever it is is that is what you receive.

The whole “believe, receive” thing is something that is quite simple but it is not easy. You must go “all-in” as they say in the world of poker. You must choose to put all of your trust in the Universal Intelligence which created you. It is a free will choice to trust your very life to the essence of those words “believe, receive”. It is a scary proposition for most human beings – of letting go and going “all-in”. Your ego will most likely give you a half dozen reasons to hold back.

A True Life Example

Here is a true life example of believing and receiving. The son of someone that I know quite well was in a period of employment transition. The job that he was at was not qualifying to meet his needs. It was important to his financial status that he find replacement employment. The man assured his son that things were going to work out to his best benefit. He prayed in an intercessory manner for his son, creating in his mind a scenario whereby he was congratulating his son on succeeding in his employment mission. In his “real” vision/prayer, he heard him and his son discussing how it actually did turn out that the son was in a better situation now. He was happy to see the look of being successful on the face of his son. All of this without specifying the actual details, just the overall result, the “feeling” of it. You see, the “feeling” is the true secret.

In this occasion, it was a relatively short time later, the son followed his intuition to connect with a contact that he had made years before. It turned out that at the contact’s place of employment, there was a position just right for his son that just opened up. The contact promised to make a strong recommendation for him with Human Resources. In the space of a week after that contact, his son was hired for that position. The synergy of the beliefs of father and son allowed the connection to Universal Energy which brought about the “real-ization” of his desire. And the scenario envisioned with belief in the above paragraph was then played out in reality.

If You Forget All Else, Remember The Boil Down

I am in love with reading. Books, newspapers, magazines, essays, Wikipedia pages, internet articles, peanut butter jar labels, whatever. I just love to read. Over the years I have learned that when I read something that I really wanted to be able to recall later, I have a notebook that I call “the boil down notebook”. I write the name of the book or article or whatever. After that I write down a sentence or two to boil down what I just read. It may even just be a few phrases or a half dozen words. It helps to jog my memory of what I read.

If you find this post of interest to you, the “boil down” that I would leave you with is two words – Believe. Receive. Sometimes in the midst of a manifesting effort I will even use those two words as a kind of mantra to hold off the attacks of the damaging thoughts of fear or doubt or anger. The words of Jesus given to this world for everyone by the M & M Boys – believe, receive – were put out for everyone to hear, to see, and most importantly, to use, in order to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. Just as in the famous image seen above of Lady Justice, what you place in terms of Believe on one side of the scale will be balanced out equally on the other scale with Receive.

Maybe you will think what about the guy in the mental institution that believes he is Napoleon. Or the cult followers who believed Jim Jones was their ticket to salvation. Well, then you delve into the subject of discernment. This is defined as perceiving what is, in the absence of judgement, with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding. In a subsequent post, I will delve into this topic of discernment as it relates to belief. Mental illness can be caused by many factors. For whatever reason, the ability to properly discern goes awry. As to the cult followers, their discernment ability is thrown off kilter by the deceit or error of one type or the other of the primary cult figure.

Said The Spider To The Fly

Will You Walk Into My Parlor Said The Spider To The Fly

Unto an evil counselor, close heart, and ear and eye.

Said the spider to the fly is an often recurring phrase from a poem that is much quoted. The first line of this poem is “Will you walk into my parlor? said the Spider to the Fly”. It comes from a poem written in 1828 by Mary Howitt. This poem tells the story of a shrewd and ruthless spider who ensnares a fly through the use of seduction and manipulation. At first, the fly is hesitant to come close to the spider, having heard bad things about him. The spider uses charm, flattery and deceit to ultimately trap the spider in his web. The spider offers the fly a tour of his exquisite collection of collectables. The fly refuses. The spider then offers the fly the use of his hydro-massage bed to relax in. The fly refuses. The spider next offers the fly some gourmet goodies from his pantry. The fly refuses. Finally the spider hits paydirt by appealing to the fly’s vanity. The spider exclaims how very beautiful the fly is and offers her the use of his full length mirror so she could see for herself. Bullseye! The fly falls for this and flies to the web. RIP Fly. While the poem does not specify what happened to the fly after she was captured by the spider, you can assume that the spider was on the patio that evening grilling fly-burgers for dinner.

An Evil Counselor

The last two lines of the poem are as follows:

Unto an evil counselor, close heart, and ear, and eye

And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly.

To live free of artificial constraints is the sacred privilege of every human being. To be truly free is to truly live. What an irony that the word evil is live spelled backwards. Quite appropriate. What a tragedy that so many in this world are hoodwinked into bondage by an evil counselor. The evil counselor could be a government functionary, your doctor, your school teacher, your spouse, your children, your friend, your clergyman, your fellow employee, your neighbor, fellow students at your school, corporate bigwigs, the news broadcaster. It is anyone controlled, consciously or unconsciously, by the controllers of this world. When you are told by anyone, anything that denies that you are a sovereign being and have been given the power to co-create along with your Creator by accessing the Kingdom of God within, that is evil counsel.

The “spiders” of this world entice you with all manner of things to obtain power over you. The “spiders” of this world gorge themselves on your fear. They will use all manner of manipulation and deceit to dissuade you from dwelling upon God. Once you dwell solely upon the Almighty, you are out of their grasp. The spider may even be good in heart. They may give you evil counsel not even understanding themselves that their counsel is bad. They may just be parroting back what others have told them, fully believing that they are giving good counsel.

Once you make the free will choice to jump into the spider web, for whatever reason, it will be difficult to untangle yourself. Money, sex, drugs, alcohol, power, celebrity, a sense of belonging, a fixation on food, fashion or fame, slavish obedience to authority, and so on. The spider has a multitude of enticements in his bag of tricks.

The Grid’s Gonna Getya If Ya Don’t Watch Out

In the movie The Matrix, there is a dual world of true reality and a computer simulated reality called The Matrix. The Matrix can be likened to an unseen worldwide computer grid wherein everything that you think, say, do, feel, believe, is the result of a computer generated reality grid controlled by artificially intelligent machines. In the movie, most of humanity was hooked up to this grid. They were born, lived and died within the grid living a life that was totally dictated and controlled by the powers that be, Occasionally a human would somehow rebel against this grid. Once identified, the remaining humans living outside the grid would attempt to rescue the person demonstrating rebellion against the grid.

You live in a world where the grid is “hiding in plain view”. When something is “hidden in plain view”, it means that it is concealed or unseen despite being in full, unrestricted view. And so it is with the worldwide grid today that you encounter every day of your life. A spider web that enthralls and entices you to enter and subsequently be consumed by it.

In the 1988 movie “They Live”, starring Rowdy Roddy Piper, you see an approximation of this where aliens are basically controlling the world’s humans though the hypnotizing brain waves they send out. Until one day, Roddy Piper comes across a box of sunglasses in an alley and puts on a pair. These eyeglasses allow him to see the truth of the world around him. He sees that everywhere is plastered slogans urging submission to the government. The aliens are actually engaging in everyday life masquerading as humans although without the special eyeglasses, they look like normal human beings. The eyeglasses allow Piper to distinguish who is human and who is alien. He is able see past the fake façade and perceive the true reality.

You were born with the sovereignty to allow you to voluntarily enter into a union with the I AM, the one true God. When you make the choice to dwell in God, you are privileged to act as a conduit for Universal Intelligence. As such, you are able to demonstrate the glory of God’s power, the power emanating from awareness of being. Conscious manifesting throughout your lifetime makes you an agent of God, a true child of God. Conversely, manifesting what the grid directs you to manifest is sin, a falling short of the mark.

Let your mind, let your heart, let your soul be centered on your awareness of being. Let your awareness of being be dictated by the Kingdom of God within you rather than be dictated by the worldwide grid of deceit and manipulation. Let your awareness of being be that which brings forth all manner of beautiful conscious manifestations, both small and large. Let the seeds that you plant in the fields of life bring forth a glorious crop. Dwell on God. It is your way out of any kind of trouble.

Unto an evil counselor, close heart and ear and eye”.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

The Most Precious Commodity On Earth – Time

Commodity Trading Is Mega Big

The process of people trading things started back around 3000 BC in ancient Mesopotamia. Cities that had an excess of cloth or metal may have bartered for spices and jewelry. The first trading was strictly barter, item for item. Later in the course of history, gold and silver coins were used as a means of purchasing goods or services. Trade has always been about exchanging something that you possess that someone else wants with something that you want that somebody else has.

Commodities that traders have dealt in over the centuries include precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, etc.), foodstuffs (corn, wheat, soybeans, salt, coffee, etc.), meat (cattle, pork, poultry, etc.), and non-foodstuffs (cotton, petroleum, lumber, etc.). Traders today also engage in trading the money currency of one country with that of another in the hopes that the currency that they trade for will increase in value thus making them a profit.

The hottest thing these days however is the trading in cryptocurrencies. Almost all have heard about Bitcoin but it seems that every week a new cryptocurrency appears. Etherium, Litecoin, Chainlink, Tether, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu – the list goes on and on and on. In fact, there are over 12,000 cryptocurrencies today that are available for trading.

With all the traditional commodities, monetary currencies, and cryptocurrencies that are out there, a vast multitude of people are devoting their efforts to making profits through trading in said commodities. There are fabulous successes as well as soul crushing failures. Fortunes are made. Fortunes are lost.

Every Day Of Your Life, You’re A Day Trader

In keeping with the establishment of an ever growing community of investors who are looking to make money from trading, there has evolved the practice known as day trading. This is the practice of buying and selling stocks in a very short time frame, typically within a day. The goal of day trading is to earn a small profit on each trade and then compound those gains over time. If you are making good trades, you will create substantial profits. If you are making poor trades, you can lose your shirt (and pants and socks and everything else as well).

Do you realize that you are an active day trader? Every day you are trading in the most precious commodity on Earth – TIME. When you were born, your account was fully funded. You can only speculate on how much time has been placed into your account. We all have a number and when that number is ultimately called, it’s game over, no more trading. Every single day of your life, you are required to trade twenty four hours of time from your account. Replenishment is not an available option. You have what you have and when it’s gone, it’s gone. Your lifetime account may have less than twenty-four hours or it may have one hundred years. You will never know for sure until your last breath and your balance sheet reads 0.00. Listen – it is to your unmistakable benefit to recognize the precious nature of your time account and trade whatever time you have left with a sharp focus and a determined intention.

Once you became an adult, you became the sole investor for your life’s time account. Just as there are thousands of cryptocurrencies you can trade in, there are thousands of ways that you can trade your time for each day. A certain amount of time for sleep is taken out of your account by Mother Nature. Employment at a job is another big time trade during the course of a twenty-four hour time period. More trading is done for hygiene and grooming, travelling to and from your job, eating your daily meals, engaging in social relationships (family, friends, etc.), purchasing needed supplies, maintaining your lodging and your vehicle, engaging in recreational activities and pursuing your hobbies and interests. All of these various actions involve your choosing what to trade for from your time account. Your life then is one continuous day trading session. Stop and reflect. Have you traded wisely and productively thus far? Have you received a good return on your trading? If yes, good. If no, then realize that that game is not over yet. You still have a balance in your account.

Time Can Buy Riches – Riches Cannot Buy Time

A universal response to the issue of the use of your daily time is that you have no choice. You have to work in order to meet your financial obligations. This includes paying the rent or mortgage, maintaining your vehicle, buying food and other supplies, satisfying the needs and desires of your other family members, etc. Yes, most certainly these things must be attended to but, there is a big “nevertheless”. If you make the “all-in” decision to train your thoughts hour by hour. If you actually prioritize every word that comes out of your mouth. If you take such actions that match up with your manifestation goal. If you zealously nurture feelings that reflect faith. If you hold tight to the beliefs that only acknowledge the realization of your dreams. If you actually use your time to actually DO these things, you can and you will create a fulfilling life reality for yourself instead of being swept along helplessly by the river tide of random circumstances.

The wise and focused trading of your precious time creates for you the riches that you desire, however you choose to define riches. Conversely, no matter how much money that you possess, you cannot replenish your time account. You still have a designated number. When your number is called, it’s game over. Whether you are Warren Buffet or the Sultan of Brunei, you cannot purchase additional time. Treat time as your most precious possession. Let not any hour in your bank account of time go to waste. If you purchased a steak at the supermarket, if you were not ready to cook it on that day, you would put it in the freezer at home until you were ready to cook it. You would not just leave it out on the kitchen table. It would spoil. Start today treating each hour of your life with the same respect. It is the most precious possession you have. Treat it as such. Treat your time as if it were gold. You really will be amazed at the positive difference that it makes in the quality of your life.

Live free. Live fully. Trade your time wisely. The very substance of your life’s reality depends on it.

The Magic Phone Call That Changes Your Life

A Fond Memory

Are you old enough to remember when house phones looked like this and all households had just one phone? Rotary dial. Basic black. The coil phone line connecting the phone to the handset. And let me tell you that phone was one heavy piece of equipment. In my house growing up we had the one house phone. It was in the kitchen and it was the type that you hung on the wall. The type you see in the image above, is almost an exact duplicate of the house phone that my grandparents had. Whenever my brother and I got to visit, I remember hearing the bell sound when the phone rung and then Grandpop or Grandmom walking into the living room to answer the phone. The phone had its own little table next to a living room easy chair. Grandmom even had a lace doily underneath the phone. Built into the small table was a little shelf under the phone where the telephone directory (aka the phone book) was kept. Sometimes the caller would be from “the old neighborhood” and the conversation would be in Polish. Whenever I see a picture of a phone like this, it brings forth a fond memory of my beloved grandparents. Duplicating an episode from the television series The Twilight Zone, if I ever purchased a phone like they had in an antique store, I would half expect to get a phone call on it from my grandparents from The Great Beyond.

How To Do It

The twentieth century author, lecturer and mystic, Neville Goddard, popularized a technique for manifesting an outcome in your life reality that is known simply as “the phone call technique”. It is a technique that is simple to understand, extremely easy to implement, can be done by absolutely anyone, and is a fun way to use your God-given Imagination. With that said, here is how you go about using the telephone call technique to consciously manifest something.

First, you must be crystal clear as to what it is that you desire to manifest. Vague outcomes are the result of blurry desires. Refrain from trying to manifest eighteen different desires with one phone call. Keep it at one or possibly two clear cut manifesting outcomes. For example, you can go for a manifestation of receiving a sum of money which then allows you to find the suitable lodging that you are longing for. You can also use the phone call technique for intercession – manifesting something for a loved one. Just remember to keep it focused on one or two clear desires. Refrain from trying to “conquer the world” with one phone call.

Second, decide who will be the person on the other end of the phone call. Perhaps the phone will be on speaker and there will be more than one person on the other end. It’s your call, you decide. Make every effort to choose someone with whom you can be completely free to let your emotions be expressed full force.

Third, construct the content of the phone call. Choose all the words you would be saying and how you would be saying them. Write every word of the phone conversation down on paper, preferably a spiral bound notebook. Take your time with this part and refrain from rushing it. Choose all the words the other person would be saying and how they would be saying them. It is your creation, you decide. One example would be you calling that person with pure excitement to inform him that you have received in full your desired manifestation. Hear that person being truly happy for you. Feel how thankful you are for what you have received. And so on. It’s your call, you decide. If your manifestation desire was an intercession manifestation on someone’s behalf who needed help, you can have the phone call being from that person to you telling you all about it. You can hear the excitement and happiness in their voice. You can feel your true happiness for their success. And so on.

Fourth, use your emotions, your feelings, to the max. The word construct of the phone call that you created in your mind is the spaceship. Your inner feeling that you initiate to go along with the words of the phone call is the rocket fuel. Together they will propel your spaceship to the moon (your manifested desire). It is essential to have both – the rocket ship and the rocket fuel.

When, Where And For How Long

OK, so much for the basics of what to do. Now let’s move on to the when, the where and the for how long of it all.

With regard to when to have your magic phone call during the course of the day, there is really no specific time that is the magic hour. The key to it all is the elimination of distractions and your level of devotion and commitment to being in a relaxed state of mind. You will not get good results with a clenched fist, a clenched heart, or a clenched mind. Relax. Relax. Relax. If morning is best for you, then morning it is. If bedtime is the best time, then bedtime it is. To use the old Nike advertising motto, just do it.

As to where to have your phone call, it is best to find a quiet place without distractions or interruptions. All that you should be hearing is your phone call. If wherever you go in your lodging, there is noise at all times of day and night, there are two alternative possibilities. One is to purchase a set of ear mufflers like the type you see guys wearing on the runway at airports. The other alternative is to find a quiet spot outside of the house. If at all possible, try to have your phone call at the same place or places every day. Again, however, as you did with the when part of it, just do it. All the methods of doing it are simply useless unless you actually do it every day.

That leads us to the “how long” of it all. How long should you continue having the phone call. Continue until you no longer have to continue. Results can arrive in the short term or the long term. Some of it depends on what you are going for and the fullness of your faith. The bigger the prize, the longer to realize. The absolute minimum time period to which you should commit yourself is thirty days. During that thirty day period pay attention to everything that goes on around you. Be alert. If you have raised your energy vibration each day as a result of your phone call, your manifestation “order” has been received and is being acted upon. Refuse to fret over how it will come about. If for example, it is money, keep from outlining where the money came from in your call. Just focus on how it has changed your life and the various ways that you will be using it. If it is improved health, don’t focus on how it came about but zero in on how much better you now feel and all the things you can now do. Just concentrate on the phone call and your accompanying feelings. If the manifestation is really important to you, you will stick with it until results arrive as you go about your daily activities.

A Few Final Thoughts

When Neville Goddard communicated the phone call technique, it was using the technology of the 1950’s. If you want to modify this technique to using texting or live chat or even a video call by all means do it. Just use the same ingredients as would be in play for the phone call. Again, the primary ingredients to this recipe are your vision, the use of your five senses and how you feel as a result of the call. If done correctly, you should be continually raising your energy vibrational frequency every time you do it.

There are a great multitude of ways that humans utilize to escape their reality. Many of these ways have ruinous results for the person employing them. Instead of attempting to escape your reality, always, to the best of your ability, put forth the necessary effort to go in a different direction. Proceed directly to the Kingdom of God to create a better reality, a reality that you run to instead of away from.

Believe. Receive.

Who I Really Want To Help Is —– ME

This Blog Is All About ME Helping ME

This blog is all about me helping me. Boy does that heading sound piggish. It is the truth however. If you want to understand the full meaning behind those words and how they affect you, please continue reading.

The decade of the nineties was an especially difficult time in my life. Yes there were definitely beautiful flashes of joy and times of true happiness. For the most part however these were overshadowed by a relentless grind through one difficult morass after another. My inner pain was real. Look at the image above. That is what it felt like to me at times. At some point during that decade, in order to continue to survive, I had to anesthetize myself on the inside. I interacted with others, talked, listened, laughed, got angry, but on the inside I was numb. It was as if a dentist had given me an inner dose of Novocain. It was a method of coping that is not recommended to anybody unless your very survival is at stake.

During the nineties, employment decisions were made in deference to various other responsibilities. I still have in my possession an employee ID badge with my photograph and identifying information. It was for a job that I couldn’t stand but I had to push through with it nonetheless. After ultimately moving on to other employment, I kept the ID badge. I look at that badge from time to time, especially the eyes in the photo. I see unmitigated pain in the eyes. No tears. No emotion. Just pain. How I wish I could go back in time and help that guy somehow. A good guy who was lost in a fog and just needed some empathetic help.

What is meant when I say “this blog is all about me helping me” is that there are human beings right now with their hand and forearm sticking above the water line, as in the image above, as I was in the nineties, hoping against hope to grab on to some sort of lifeline to avoid drowning in the vicissitudes of life. These humans could be age sixteen or seventy-six. They could be male or female. Their skin complexion could range the entire color spectrum. It does not matter. They are all “me”. This blog is about sharing what I have learned and experienced first hand about consciously manifesting reality to other “me’s” out there now who are slogging through a morass of debilitating circumstances with no apparent end in sight, no light at the end of the tunnel. If I did not have absolute proof from my own life that conscious manifesting techniques produce results, then most assuredly I would not be wasting my precious remaining time in this world writing these blog posts each week. My method of going back to that 1990’s me and helping him is to offer up through this blog, information that has helped me, and entertaining the hope that it will help others in the here and now.

Grain By Grain, Drop By Drop, Inch By Inch

So from birth to death, our lives slowly proceed, day by day, grain by grain, inch by inch, drop by drop. Until that one day when your name is listed in the daily death notices. Do you ever read the death notices? An example might be as follows: John Q. Public, age 83, died last Tuesday at St. John’s Hospice after a short illness. John was survived by blah, blah, blah. John was loved by everyone and led a full life. He worked at Smith Brothers Labs for 31 years retiring as vice-president for research. He was loved by everyone and led a full life. John volunteered 99 hours a week at the church mission and still had time for his loving wife, 7 children, 16 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren as well as the many orphans that he and his wife adopted. John enjoyed going to be beach, bowling, gardening and feeding stray animals. John was loved by everyone and led a full life. He will be sorely missed by everyone, even those who never knew him. Services will be held at Quigley Funeral Home tomorrow at 7:00 pm. Burial services will be at Peaceful Valley Cemetery the following morning at 10:00 am. John’s family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to: The Little Old Ladies Who Sit By The Window Knitting Foundation.

I am one of those old school guys who still read the newspapers (even though I also get news from the internet). And yes, I do read the death notices. Some of them have photographs of the deceased, I usually scan all the notices to note the age of the person when they died. Some have long biographical descriptions of the events of their life. Others have a brief biography. Yet others just give out the age at death, family members and funeral service information. Occasionally there will be the poignant notice of the death of a child which inevitably moistens my eyes. Although I still hold out hope, I have never read any death notice that says, “Joe was a useless SOB and all in the family are relieved that he has finally croaked so they can at least grab a few bucks from his estate.”

How would you construct your own newspaper death notice? Are you completely satisfied with what your life has been? How do you think your afterlife life review in the hereafter will go for you? While you cannot un-do what has been done in your life, are there things yet undone that you intensely desire to do with your remaining time? What is your reason for wanting to do these things? Is the impetus from the outside or from within you. While I am not qualified to judge anybody, including myself, I humbly submit that if your life is swayed by outside influences, you need to take a time out. The Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom of God should be your sole indicator. Take full advantage of your time out to listen, really listen, to guidance from within. Every day of life is so precious that to ignore guidance from Universal Intelligence within is a grievous mistake. It could render your death notice along the lines of “He could have, but sadly, he chose not to”.

Start, get started today, consciously manifesting the reality that fulfills the dreams of your Imagination. You really can you know, if you choose to.

Why The F Were You Born Anyway?

Getting back to the humans listed in the daily death notices, I wonder about the people listed in the notice. I wonder if they felt that they “hit the mark” of why they were born into the world in the first place. Are you like a bird or a squirrel that is born, lives and dies and the world just keeps going with new birds and new squirrels. With humans, after a few generations, memory of you fades away as if you were never here. Maybe a gravestone, maybe some family mementos. If you are a bigshot you might have something named after you. If you are Abraham Lincoln or George Washington you’ll get your own memorials and dozens of books written about you. Then let’s say that sooner or later humans finally succeed in their efforts to obliterate the entire human race (nuclear war, intentional pandemics, biological warfare, etc.). After a period of time, the earth would be cleansed of radiation or bacterium and a new dominant species of being would come forth. If that was the case, why the F were you born anyway?

I submit to you that you were born to enter into union with your Creator and to act as a conduit for exhibiting the Power, the Intelligence, the Imagination, the Love of the creative and unifying force of everything, everywhere – God. Whatever you are called to do, to say, to speak, to think, by your Inner Light, nothing else matters. What happened before and what happens after doesn’t matter. Even if the entire earth disintegrates and nothing is left but space dust (and perhaps your dirty underwear), if you heed the call of the Voice Within, your life will be an unqualified success. You will be giving spiritual fist pumps and shouting “Yes” when you subsequently view your life review. We are all here to manifest the Divine Force by consciously manifesting the dreams of our God-given Imagination. Those that were born with mental restrictions are here to teach us how to manifest selfless Love. Conscious manifesting always was the plan of why you were born. It is life. Choose life.