Independence Day – July 4, 1776
July 4, 1776, is a monumental date in the history of the United States of America. It was on that date that representatives from all thirteen colonies approved the final wording of a formal and irrevocable severing of all ties to the kingdom of Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence, signed by fifty six representatives, was the document that officially changed the thirteen colonies into a new, independent country, the thirteen United States of America.
The United States Declaration of Independence subsequently became a model for similar documents all over the world. President Abraham Lincoln made it the centerpiece of his policies during the Civil War. One particular sentence in the document became one of the world’s most well-known statements of human rights. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. The word unalienable means “that which cannot be given away or taken away”.
What Happened Next?
The representatives of the thirteen colonies, now referred to as the Founding Fathers, then had the document published and distributed all throughout the thirteen colonies. Any remaining colonial legislatures still operating with nominal loyalty to Great Britain were declared null and void. New representative legislatures were established in their place.
The body of the representatives, the Second Continental Congress, sent the Declaration to King George III of Great Britain. Both he and Parliament immediately denounced it as invalid. He proceeded with mobilizing British troops as well as hiring German mercenaries to crush the rebellion. A state of war commenced. It took until 1783 for Great Britain to finally call it quits and put an end to the war. They recognized the United States as an independent and sovereign nation.
John Adams, the second president of the United States and one of the leaders of the independence movement, stated, in a letter to his wife, Abigail: “I am apt to believe that (Independence Day) will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more”. And so it has.
Every year, throughout the United States, on the national holiday of the Fourth of July, there are parades, special events and games, picnics, barbeques, and especially fireworks displays (or illuminations as John Adams referred to them). As a child, I clearly remember that the crowning highlight of Independence Day was attending the fireworks display in the evening.
Your Own Declaration Of Independence
If you have not already done so, the time is now for you to put forth your own declaration of independence. I speak of a declaration of your own personal independence. Independence from the thoughts, the words, the emotions, the beliefs of other people affecting your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs. It is time to fully claim your inalienable right to live as a sovereign human being.
The American people, by and large, have become dependent on other people, places, and “powers that be” to inform, control and direct how they choose to think and live their lives. You look at the obscene cost of housing, the obscene cost of health care, the obscene cost of a college education. You then turn to politicians and bureaucrats who are incapable of doing much of anything except receive large campaign donations and large fees from giving speeches. All they do is borrow more money from China to shore up the economy. Ignorance, violence and greed are in the process of manhandling America. In the meantime you await the next football game kickoff or the next clearance sale. You do this in between mindless drudgery at the workplace while you continue pedaling faster and faster just to remain in place. All the while there is a little tickle in the very recesses of your mind that pleadingly says “there just has to be some way out of this effing quagmire, there just has to be”.
Well friend, I bear good news. There is most assuredly a way out. It all starts by declaring within yourself your own personal declaration of independence. A glorious and fulfilling independence from the controllers of this world. I tell you this most earnestly from my own life that I have experienced brief tastes and sips of true freedom from the controllers of the world. It is a feeling of ultimate pleasure that cannot be described and should be felt by every human being on the face of the earth. It is life.
Why only sips and tastes? The answer to that is easy. I am a flawed individual who gets swayed by fears and illusions just like everyone else. It is something that I humbly work on each and every day. God has graciously given me the power to manifest despite those flaws. It is something that I will be continually working on until my last breath.
The Mystery Of Independence Thru Dependence
You can do nothing better than to rest each day in the Kingdom of God within. The more you relent and simply dwell on He Who Is All, the more free you will feel. The more that you release your grasp on using your own devices to solve problems, the greater will be your ability to find solutions. The more dependent on Universal Mind that you allow yourself to be, the more independent of a person you become – independent of the controllers of this world. It is an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle, wrapped in a mystery. The greater the dependence, the greater the independence.
From the biblical book of Proverbs in the Old Testament comes this statement: Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge God and He shall direct your paths.
Who is this Lord that you are supposed to put all your trust in? Who is this God that you are directed to acknowledge in all of your ways? It sure as hell is not the hundred and one limited false gods put forth by the world. God is unknowable and transcendent over all. God is Ultimate Intelligence, Ultimate Wisdom, Ultimate Power – the I AM that I AM.
You Can Do Nothing —– You Can Do Anything
So now July 4, 2022 approaches, the two hundred and forty-sixth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the thirteen colonies from the authority of Great Britain. Whoever you are, wherever you stand in life, whatever your circumstances are, it is time. It is time for you to unequivocally declare your own declaration of independence. “Independence from who? Independence from what?” you say. Declare your independence from the control of any person, any group, any entity whatsoever that would block the doorway to your entrance to the Kingdom of God within. Declare your independence and then proceed to gain it by dwelling each day within the Kingdom.
OK, why should you? What’s in it for you? Anything and everything. Money. Relationships. Career, Health. Intercession. Peace. Abundance. Joy. Whenever you choose to follow Universal Law to consciously manifest your reality, it is not you manifesting it, it is Universal Mind. You are merely the conduit for expressing God. That is your purpose in life, to express the Divine. We are created with free will but only when we lose our life will we gain it. Yet another enigma. In the book of Matthew, Jesus Christ stated, ” with God all things are possible”. And so it is.
Through belief, faith in that which the eyes cannot see, you can receive anything that you believe as already received, from your dwelling place within the Kingdom of God.
Believe. Receive.