No Health Insurance Needed
A mental prayer treatment is a technique of employing the true power of prayer. You undergo this treatment in order to bring about healing of a specific troubling situation. You cause the thoughts of your mind to focus on the Presence of God. The Presence of God is In you. Around you. Everywhere you are. You can liken a mental prayer treatment to going to the hospital for a surgical procedure. At this particular hospital however, no health insurance is required. It is the hospital of your mind. Mental prayer treatment is a surgical operation on your soul. It differs from general prayer which is a visit with God.
General Prayer Versus Mental Prayer Treatment
General prayer can be likened to enjoying fresh air, good food in the right amounts and moderate exercise of your body. They are enjoyed as ends unto themselves. Nevertheless, they also serve a purpose of keeping you in good health.
The objective of a mental prayer treatment is to hone in on a specific desire that you wish to manifest. The basic gist of a mental prayer treatment is to completely remove any thought of what you are lacking from your mind. You can call it a “lackectomy”. During the treatment you do this by placing the focus of your thoughts on the One True Presence, the One True Power – God. When you successfully do this, the healing then commences.
Dual Phase Surgery
Mental prayer surgery consists of two distinct phases — the foundation phase and the affirming phase. The foundation phase can be compared to all the preoperative prep that must be done before the actual operation. The affirming phase of the treatment is the actual surgical procedure.
Give yourself a mental prayer treatment as often as you feel led during the course of the day. At the beginning of your day and at the end of your day are best because you are at your most relaxed. Feel free however to find your own rhythm. If you are a midday napper, just before napping would be a excellent time.
Do your best to refrain doing a treatment when you are tense. Likewise, after a treatment, refrain from going back to mull over the problem or lack. If done in faith, the treatment is assuredly working. Just continue treating and be alert. Ultimately, things will happen for your benefit in direct response to your continued treatment. Seeds planted in fertile soil eventually come to the surface as plants in due course unless you dig them up to see if they are growing.
The Operating Room Must Be Germ Free
Understand that your surgical operating room must be strictly germ free. Just as you would not want to enter an operating room covered in dirt and grime, keep fear and doubt out of your mind during a treatment. Just as dirt and grime would jeopardize a surgery, fear and doubt likewise jeopardize the success of a mental prayer treatment.
Look at it as a scientific mathematical equation. First, the Presence of God, Ultimate Intelligence, is perfection. Second, the Presence of God is with you wherever you are. Third, no lack or problem can possibly co-exist with the Presence of God. Fourth, by your focusing on the Presence of God, right where the problem is, the problem or lack must ultimately disappear.
Phase One – The Foundation
I first learned about the concept of the mental prayer treatment from the writings of the twentieth century author and lecturer, Emmet Fox. This truly is a beautiful method of prayer. As with all methods or techniques of prayer, faith (imaginative belief) is critically important.
Here is an example of the foundation phase of a sample mental prayer treatment:
- God is fully present within me right now.
- God is the one true Presence, all else is just shadow.
- In God I live. In God I breathe. In God I am.
- I am free now.
- I am free of fear of the past, the present, the future.
- The freedom of God is my freedom.
- With all my heart, I am thankful.
The above foundation phase can be used with a great variety of accompanying affirming phases. They can be longer. They can be shorter. Use the above example or feel free to construct your own.
Phase Two – The Affirming
The affirming phase of your mental prayer treatment hones in on the specific thing that you desire to treat or heal. It can be geared to your finances, your relationships, your career or avocation, your health or something on behalf of another person or even a beloved pet.
Here is an example of the affirming phase of a surgery to treat your finances:
- Prosperity flows to me, within me, around me now.
- My faith is the evidence of my plentiful supply of money.
- I affirm my financial security.
- My inner belief produces my financial good health.
- With all that I am, was, or ever will be, I am thankful.
The Mysterious Portal
Beneath your surface consciousness exists something called the subconscious. You are aware of things and events that happen in your surface consciousness. The things you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Your memories. The laws of nature and science. People with whom you interact. Your emotions.
Beneath all of that surface consciousness however, exists the subconscious. What goes on there is truly inconceivable. What happens in the world of the subconscious has everything to do with what occurs in your surface consciousness, what you term “the real world”.
The subconscious is that mysterious portal connecting you to Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Power. What a faithful mental prayer treatment does is penetrate beyond that surface consciousness, reaching down into the subconscious and through the portal. This then alters “the real world” for your benefit or for the benefit of a loved one for whom you are giving the treatment.
What Do You Have To Lose?
The mental prayer treatment is an effective method of prayer if done in faith. If you decide to do surgery on yourself, it will cost you nothing in terms of spending your money. It will however cost you some of your time. It will also cost you the familiar comfort of doing the same old routine. Finally, you will also have to give up something else — your fears.
This article puts this information out there for your benefit. It is now totally up to you whether or not you actually use it.
A Question For You
Let me ask you a question.
What do you really have to lose by engaging in a mental prayer treatment?
Let me list some of the things that you have to lose:
Your painful frustration due to stinking failure after failure;
Your beating your head against the wall and then getting the same lousy results;
Your utter exhaustion from running on the treadmill of life and getting nowhere;
Your looking in the mirror at yourself in despair and saying “You suck”.
Give Yourself A Chance
Give yourself a mental prayer treatment regarding something troubling you. Give yourself a chance to be a vehicle for God’s divine power. You really do have it within you or you would not have been led to read this article.
May you always perceive the beauty of the Eternal Peace and Presence of God.
Dominus vobiscum.
Conceive. Believe. Receive.