They Stand Ready To Help You Make It Happen

For this week’s blog post, I will present to you a bakers dozen (twelve plus one) authors who have potent knowledge to share with you which will help you in some manner or form. I have read all of the books noted below from each of these authors. I heartily recommend all thirteen authors and these books to you. If you wish to do your own research in the realm of the metaphyscial, “create your own reality” world, these books will get you started. A number of these books are in the public domain so they are available to you free of charge online.

I like the image above because it represents a scenario whereby each of these authors, through their writings, are patiently awaiting your visit and would love to share with you helpful information that they have learned and actually experienced during their lives concerning the topic of creating your own reality.

The writings of these authors cover a wide range of ideas and concepts, some you may have heard of, others you may not be familiar with. Some of the ideas you might agree with while others you might reject. You are certainly free to choose to accept or reject the information they put forth. That is always your soverign right for anything that anybody tells you. You may reject a particular concept then pick up the book ten years from now and see the concept in a different light. In any case, it never hurts to open your mind and let some fresh air in. Pay very close attention however to how you feel as you read from whatever author or authors you have chosen. If what you read deeply resonates with you, if it feels natural to you, then the information is meant for you right now and will immediately yield you benefit if you put it into practice. That is the eternal catch — if you put it into consistent practice. You can’t just read it — you also have to do it. Thought + Feeling + Action = Results.

There is a saying that I heard once that I really liked. It has an stuck with me all through the years — “A book is a portal to another dimension”. If you choose to read further of the works of these authors, and I hope you do, make sure your mind is wide open, hold on tight and enjoy the wild ride through these other dimensions.

Neviile Goddard — Feeling Is The Secret (1944)

Stuart Wilde — Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle (1987)

Catherine Ponder — The Dynamic Laws Of Prosperity (1962)

Emmet Fox — Around The Year With Emmet Fox (1931)

Ernest Holmes — The Science of Mind (1926)

John Templeton — Worldwide Laws Of Life (1998)

Joseph Murphy — The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (1963)

Florence Shinn Scovill — The Game Of Life And How To Play It (1925)

Lynn Grabhorn — Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting (1999)

Joseph Weed — Wisdom Of The Mystic Masters (1968)

Lolette Kuby — Faith And The Placebo Effect (2001)

Phillip Cooper — Secrets Of Creative Visualization (1999)

Wallace Wattles — The Science Of Getting Rich (1910)

Guard Your Thoughts Relentlessly

Have you ever watched the movie, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”? It is a western involving the two protagonists, who are train robbers, being relentlessly chased by a crack posse hired by the railroad. Every time they use their skill and ingenuity in evading the posse and think they are “in the clear”, the posse shows up. A number of times Butch Cassidy says, “Who are these guys?” and the Sundance Kid replies. “They are very good.”

Your subconscious mind is like that posse in the sense that it is absolutely relentless in bringing to you what you yourself believe is your reality. And it is very good at what it does. It does not argue with you. It does not try to coerce you to do something. It makes no judgments that you should have this or shouldn’t have that. It creates the reality of your life by relentlessly observing your habitual thoughts…..the habitual way that you choose to feel inside…..your habitual beliefs…..the habitual words that come out of your mouth. After observing what you continually think, feel, say and believe, your subconscious goes to work through connection with Universal Intelligence to use the natural channels of society to bring to you an equivalent reality that matches up with your habitual thoughts, feelings, words, beliefs.

Closely and slowly read this biblical passage from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 4, Verse 23 (from the Good News Bible translation)…..”Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” In this chapter of Proverbs dealing with the love of wisdom, you are being clearly, unmistakeably, lovingly advised to use your God-given power of free will to continuously exercise discipline over the content of your thoughts. Your thoughts are real things. They represent real energy, real power.. The thoughts that you dwell on either will make you or break you.

Your subconscious mind is relentless because it is tireless. As long as you signal to it what you desire through your habitual thoughts, feeling and beliefs, it will create situations that will make your desires transform into physical reality right before your eyes to the closest degree possible. By closest degree possible, take the example that say you desired to be able to fly. As the evolution of mankind on this planet has not yet included the ability to de-gravitate yourself and fly, the subconscious will get as close as it can (meaning you will ultimately find yourself in a hang glider, helicopter, airplane, etc.). You need not be concerned about a stray harmful thought being picked up by the subconscious and immediately creating that reality. The key to the whole process is the word….habitual. We have been created so that if we randomly think of something, it does not instantly appear in our life. Think how chaotic that would be. When harmful thoughts enter the inner space of your mind, just shoo the harmful thought on its way and go about your business…..the business of creating your life as you specifically desire it to be. Guard your thoughts relentlessly because they truly run your life.

Your Very Best That You Are Able To Do

There is a morning prayer that goes like this: “My Creator, help me to make my best effort today better than it was yesterday.” Whenever I pray that, I usually follow that up with with apologies to my Maker if my past ” my best” was actually a crappy version of “my best”.

Having vision, intent and faith in a particular goal, no matter how tiny or large that goal is, means that you simply can’t bullshit yourself when you say “I’m giving it my very best shot”. Ask yourself every time “Are you really?” In the image above, I have no idea what the runners particular goal may be with his run. My perception is that he is giving it his very best whatever the goal is. Every muscle, every part of him seems laser focused on achieving what he is trying to achieve. No posing for the camera. No looking to the left or to the right. No smiles for the camera. Only total concentration and effort in achieving whatever it is that he has set out to achieve.

When you are engaging in specific activity to manifest a particular desire that you have, doing what the man in the image above is doing, putting one foot in front of the other with total concentration and focus, is usually what’s gonna eventually get it done for you. We all need to just kick back and relax from time to time. However, you cannot say to yourself “I’m doing my best” and then spend three to four hours watching tv every night. Of course if what you desire to manifest is a history of watching of tv, then you have succeeded. Congrats. If that is not your manifestation desire however, then you have failed at truly giving it your best and you are just sabotaging yourself. Self-sabotage is definitely one of mankind’s favorite hobbies, and one of the most detrimental. Telling yourself that you are doing your best, when in fact you really aren’t, is an insidious con job that you put over on yourself almost always with bad results. I know because I have been there. I think that we all have to some degree.

At the end of each day, spend a bit of time before you fall asleep, reviewing your activities for that day, starting from when you woke up and continuing over the course of the day. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Five minutes will do. Review objectively. Do not spend time berating yourself where you observe that you could have done better. That does you absolutely no good. You must remember that the scriptural command to “judge not” also includes yourself. If there is no place where you observe that you could have done better, then congratulations, you have had a most great and wonderful day. If there are areas where you could have done better, simply note it to yourself and vow to to work on that in the future. If you do this, you will find that “your best” does, over time, become better and better. The result of that is the prize you are after, the prize we are all after….. greater and greater success in your manifesting your desires.

Ultimate Freedom

As the concentration camp prisoners entered the Auschwitz concentration camp, they were cruelly mocked with the sign above the gates, “Arbeit Macht Frei”, which translated means “Work Makes You Free”. This was just another one of the “big lies” of the nazis as they had no intention of granting freedom to any of the inmates. In a sense, you are constantly doing the same thing with your own precious life, creating your own little Auschwitz. You do this whenever you grant your permission for someone or something to come into your thoughts and dictate to you what you are to think or how you are to feel. For example, someone may say “He made me so angry” or “She made me so jealous”. When you relinquish power to that someone or something that is now dictating the show and pulling your strings, you have just walked through the gates of Auschwitz. It doesn’t have to be that way. Your natural state of existence is freedom with the choice to exercise free will over your thoughts and feelings at any time in any place.

Freedom. It’s a word that conjures up a multitude of images and meanings. It’s a concept, a way of living, that human beings have fought for, have died for, countless times throughout mankind’s history. What does the word “freedom” mean to you? In his famous 1941 “four freedoms” speech, Franklin Roosevelt described four essential human freedoms that people of the world were striving for: freedom of speech; freedom of worship; freedom from want; and freedom from fear. The concept of freedom has always been dear to the hearts of Americans. The state of New Hampshire even made their state motto, “Live Free or Die”.

For the most part, human beings are creatures of habit. Our tendency in life is to form habits of behavior. We feel secure when we follow known paths. After awhile, we are on auto-pilot taking the path of thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs with which we are familiar. We take the path of shaping our thoughts, our feelings, even our beliefs to conform to the satisfying of our fears. Fears of what others will think of us. Fears that we will not be accepted. Fears that we will fail at something we are trying to do. Fears we will be unloved or unprotected. The problem is that by giving up your sovereignty to think and feel as you choose, you have voluntarily entered through the gates of Auschwitz. You have surrendered the only true freedom that you have in this world…..your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs.

Ultimate freedom, where you and only you choose what you think and how you feel, is the way we were meant to live and grow and thrive. Ultimate freedom requires ultimate responsibility on your part. Nobody makes you angry. Nobody makes you fulfilled. Nobody makes you sad. Nobody makes your life filled with joy. Nobody makes you nervous. Nobody makes you feel at peace. Every time, each time, you choose. You. The freedom to choose is yours. The power to choose is yours. It always has been. Live free or die…..I think New Hampshire got it right with their state motto. Choose to live free. It is a great way to live.

Successfully Slay Stress

Stress. At one time or another, we are all chased by stress. It affects your health. It affects your thinking. It affects your emotions. It affects your beliefs. And almost always, the effects of stress are not for your good with regard to manifesting the life that you want to live. So, how do you make stress stop chasing you so that you have time to breathe, so you can live free and with joy?

Stress is generated by our emotions. Emotions are generated by our thoughts. The answer to the above question is to make the soverign choice to change the content of your thoughts. Choose to block out those thoughts that create stressful feelings (usually due to a fear of something such as fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of poor health, etc, ). They are to your detriment. Instead, focus your mind on those thoughts that create non-stressful feelings (always emanating from love) that are extremely powerful and yield benefit to you. When you are experiencing stress, your mind is dealing with weakening emotions and your mind is trying to come up with ways for you cope with them. This saps your inner energy lowering your ability to manifest your desires. When your mind is focused on empowering emotions, it enhances your inner energy thus increasing your ability to manifest your desires. It is like a mathematical equation.

Look at the image at the top of this post. It represents a hazy quantum wave of energy. Without going into a long explanation of quantum mechanics, I will give you the super-short and sloppy version. In quantum physics, all matter is energy, energy that vibrates at different frequencies. In scientific studies, it was discovered that a particle of matter only became solid when it was observed by the scientist observer. When observation was withdrawn, it reverted back to a wave of pure energy. That’s it in a nutshell. The long and precise version would take a year and a day to explain.

If you can train yourself to remove your inner focus away from the cause of your stress, you will actually learn how to remove it from your life, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, depending how successful you are in your ability to choose and maintain your focus. Energy, in the form of stress in your physical world, will revert back to pure energy when observation is removed and depending what you choose to observe next, will then change over to something else.

It is well understood that if your current situation contains a tyrannical boss or a professor that may suck or a very challenging assignment or a spouse or signifigant other that is constantly on your case about something or some other stress creator, it may not be a lah-de-dah simple matter for you to change your inner focus. You must cultivate a ferocious intention to do it. You must make the irrevocable choice to change old habits. You must choose to believe that you can do it. When you do, and you have made the decision to focus only on those things that are attributes of the Universal Mind, then as the esteemed author Emmet Fox put it, you will then have the joy of discovering the golden key that unlocks the world of manifesting your reality during your lifetime without the specter of stress hanging over you.

Now for a bit of fun. Attempt to say aloud the title of this post, “Successfully Slay Stress”, very fast, three times in a row. It is an old-fashioned tongue-twister. In order to say it aloud three times very quickly successfully, you have to put great focus into it. You have to totally concentrate on coordinating your vocal chords with your lips and teeth and tongue. When you have done it successfully, then put that same focus and concentration on eliminating stress from your daily life. It’s all in your hands.

To Get Your Desire……….Feel……….”As If”

The answer to your question is fourfold: vision, intent, faith, gratitude. I thought I would head you off at the pass on this one. I will get to the question later in this post.

Today’s post is about the one thing that should be at the top of your list as to what to learn about manifesting. It is the concept of feeling as if you already have that which you desire. I am going to give an overview of the concept in this post but if you wish to study it in depth, I refer you to the writings of the sage Neville Goddard.

You are soverign. That means that despite whatever circumstances or events are occuring now in your life, you and only you get to choose how you feel inside. Despite whoever you are regularly interacting with in your daily activities, you and only you get to choose how you feel inside. Despite the time of day or night, despite sunshine or rain, despite any driver on the road, despite any loss or any gain, you and only you get to choose how you feel inside. There is no such thing as “he made me so mad” or “she really knows how to push my buttons”. You choose…..every time…..all the time. Just how you choose to feel makes up the very content of your life.

When you initiate a thought of desiring something, being a child of God, the Universal Mind immediately sends the object of your desire on its way to you. The subconscious mind, which is your connection to God, goes to work at once to create what you desire in keeping with what is seen as your true belief. By “true belief” is meant how do you really, and I mean really, feel inside about your chosen desire. Doubt immediately sends the object of your desire on a detour. Is your desire merely a daydream or “a wish and a sigh”. Do you feel you want it but that it is out of reach based on past happenings in your life or what you have observed in the lives of others or what others have told you. Do you feel that it is within reach but you are not there yet. Do you feel that it is a possibility for you and you will get it someday. Or… you choose to feel…..inside of your self….that it is yours now…..right now. If you chose the last option, then you have entered the doorway of the room of life’s treasures. Help yourself to whatever you want.

Holy scripture states, “And all things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Can it get any clearer than that?! It does not say all things you beg for or whine for or hope for but don’t want to be disappointed if things don’t pan out for you. Scripture says in no uncertain terms, “whatsoever”, which means everything and anything. There is a very crucial catch however to the equation. You have to believe inside that you already have it. That is the tragic stumbling block for the vast majority of human beings.

Now, to get to the question associated with the answer denoted in the first paragraph, it is quite simply, “How can I get myself to that point where I feel inside as if I already have that which I desire? Four facets to engage are: (1) create a crystal clear vision of your desire; (2) fire up within you a ferocious intent as far as having it; (3) completely trust that Universal Intelligence has lovingly provided it for you in the best way; (4) express and demonstrate gratitude for your desire being fulfilled. In future posts, we will discuss this concept further.

Want Something?……….Go Take A Bath

Photo for Go Take a Bath post on the Manifest Cookbook website

You want to improve your reality. I want to improve my reality. All God’s children want to improve their reality. One course of action on your part that can add power to any manifesting technique or techniques is for you to take a daily bath…..a gratitude bath that is. Start with your body, gratitude for everything that is working right with it. Then move to everything else, anything else, your shelter, means of transportation, food, water, electric power, your toothbrush, whatever. Spend a good ten minutes a day bathing yourself in gratitude. It raises your energy vibration which in turn raises your personal power to manifest. Plus, it feels good.

You may say “yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that bs before. Count your blessings and all that crap.” Well, if you work past an initial negative response on your part, you will discover, to your delight, that an earnest feeling of thankfulness for whatever it is that you do have, will yield you concrete benefit, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Gratitude will, in turn, attract something else for you to be grateful for and so on. Think of it as a sort of nuclear chain reaction.

You may ask about those that are suffering, in pain, infirm, homeless, grieving, etc. How can you be thankful when bad things happen? That is a very valid point. You would have to have a divine perspective to know precise reasons why the world has so much negative stuff going on and why the innocent suffer. I hate suffering anywhere. Nevertheless, the power of gratitude is a universal law. It is immutable and eternal whether we subscibe to it or not.

Regarding gratitude from those that have suffered misfortune, two things come to mind…..Helen Keller and Sachsenhausen. Helen Keller, one of the most amazing human beings of the twentieth century, at the age of nineteen months became blind, deaf and without the ability to speak as a result of illness. Can’t see…Can’t hear…Can’t talk. You are only a kid. Not a good combination. Without going into the full life story of Helen Keller, she became known worldwide as an author, lecturer (yes, she taught herself to speak) and advocate for the blind and downtrodden. Helen Keller herself once gave the following statement, ” I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I found my true self, my life’s work and my God”.

The second thing that comes to mind is an anecdote related by a Holocaust survivor of the dreaded Sachsenhausen nazi concentration camp. An inmate was observed praying. Another inmate asked him afterward as to what he was praying about. The first inmate said he was giving thanks to God. Dumbfounded, the second inmate exclaimed what the hell could he possibly be thanking God for in this “God-forsaken hellhole.” The first inmate calmly explained that he was thanking God that he did not become like his tormentors.

What did he mean? Even though Jews were being starved, brutalized and murdered at the hands of the Germans, the nazi thugs had not taken away his inner self. He found thankfulness in knowing that he still retained his humanity inside and was in fact, the one who was truly free while his deparaved captors were the ones actually enslaved in darkness. Even in such horrific circumstances, he found gratitude that the brutal surroundings did not succeed in taking away who he was inside as a human being.

Go take a bath.

17 Seconds of Your Life

Photo of watch for post on The Manifest Cookbook website

“I’m too busy, maybe later.” “I just don’t have time for that now.” ” Can’t they see I’m juggling a half dozen things now as it is?” “Sorry, I’ve got too much on my plate.” “All jammed up now, can’t talk.” “Estoy demasiado ocupado.” We say these types of words to ourselves (or to others) on a regular basis. What it means is that whatever it is that you’re too busy for, is just lower on your personal scale of importance. You place a higher priority on whatever it is that you are doing. The higher the priority to you, the more you are going to spend your time on that activity. For example, if you are under water without an oxygen tank, are you going to say, “Air? I’m too busy for that right now! Maybe later.” Unless you are trying to drown yourself, you are going to get your ass to the surface and fill your lungs with air…priority # 1.

Are you too busy to devote seventeen seconds to living the life you deserve…a life of creating your own reality so that it is something that gives you peace, power, joy, fulfillment and every other good thing that you can possibly think of? If you are too busy, then please stop reading this immediately and go do whatever it is that you do. If you are willing to begin with an initial investment of seventeen seconds, then read on.

Your life is molded by the daily vibration of your inner energy. It really is. The higher the vibration, the more you magnetize to you the things that you desire. Luck, fate, events, circumstances, the weather, where you live, your rich Aunt Clarabelle, the shirt that you’re wearing are all secondary to that vibrational rate of your life energy. Vibrate high…get good stuff. Vibrate low…get crap.

Start today to vibrate your energy higher. It only takes seventeen seconds to create an energy linkage with whatever you want in life. Seventeen seconds is a start. The longer the linkage in terms of time, the stronger the attraction to you of all types of good things. Step out of whatever you are doing and step into a pool of “feeling good” about something for just seventeen seconds. Practice with a timer or stopwatch. When you have seventeen seconds down pat, move on to a little longer. You really do have the time..unless making your life better is just not that important to you.

WTH Do You Really Want Anyway?!

Just exactly what the hell is it that you want anyway? Money? Love? Good health? A fulfilling job? Being able to help a loved one? Let me introduce you to an acronym for the five major areas of living that I call MR. CHI. In traditional Chinese culture, chi is said to be the vital life force of a person and the ultimate measure of a person’s vitality. MR. CHI represents the five basic areas of living that touch every single human being on the planet.

1. M = Money (a necessary tool for aspects of living)

2. R = Relationships (with God, with yourself, with your loved ones, with your friends, with people you would rather avoid, with jerks, with your neighbors, with strangers, with nature, and so on)

3. C = Career (the type of work you do or the interests you passionately pursue)

4. H = Health (your good health in mind, in body, in spirit)

5. I = Intercession (how effective you are in helping others you wish to help)

If you step back and look closely at those five aspects of MR CHI, they pretty much encompass everything that you could desire for yourself in your lifetime.

In my own life, I have been 100% successful in getting what I wanted in all five areas of MR. CHI to the extent that I have faithfully and confidently applied my own recipes to what I was going after. Where I have sabotaged myself is when I made the choice inside myself to allow fears and doubts and resentments to creep in and start calling the shots (they are persistent and nasty critters), thus setting myself up for a fall. It is my firm intention to do what I need to do to manifest only positive results in my life right on up to that final moment when the last breath of life leaves my body. I can tell you this without any hesitation — successfully manifesting what you want is an exciting and fulfilling lifestyle (and sure as hell beats effing up).

We all manifest. Way too many people manifest a reality that brings them disappointment, discouragement and depression. In posts to come, we will explore manifesting your reality regarding all five areas of MR. CHI – money, relationships, career, health and intercession on behalf of others.


What is The Manifest Cookbook?

How to Receive

What You Really Want in Your Life

Instead of the Stuff

You Have Been Getting


What is The Manifest Cookbook all about?

More importantly, how can it be of any benefit to you?

To cut right to the chase, this blog is meant to help you “cook up” your own reality — whatever it might be that you want your life to be.

Question: How do I intend to help you create a life reality that you actually enjoy living?

Answer: By giving you practical “recipes” (techniques of manifesting) that you can use in order to create whatever reality you want. It may sound like fantasy but I can assure you 100 per cent from personal experience, as well as the experience of countless others, that it is not fantasy. It is stone cold real.

The Purpose Of This Blog

What is the purpose of this blog? In other words, what’s my angle here? Upon reflection of the years of my life, I feel that I could have accomplished more than I did. Thus, in the short time that I have left here, it is my hope that the information imparted in this blog will help to make someone’s life better.

If you personally doubt that your thoughts, your words, your purposeful activities, your feelings, your beliefs affect your reality, then this blog will be of no benefit to you. Fear and doubt are poisons. They will sadly have you spinning your wheels every time.

This blog is in existence so that you can be informed of things that you can actually do…..on your own… make your life what you want it to be. You may have heard about the concept of manifesting your reality and thought to yourself, “Yeah that’s all well and fine but what can I actually do, that I am able to do, to make it happen in my life?” That is where The Manifest Cookbook comes in.

A Cookbook For Success

A cookbook is a collection of methods of making a food creation. Take the example of creating (manifesting) a great cake on your own. Now imagine if a chef told you to go mix some eggs and sugar and flour and spices and butter and baking powder and flavorings in a container. Then this same chef told you to put it in an oven, turn the oven on and you will have a cake. Pretty ridiculous right?! Obviously, unless you have a practical recipe, the cake would not turn out the way you want it. You need to know which ingredients to use, how much of each ingredient to use, how to mix the ingredients, what type of container to put the ingredients in before putting them in the oven, what temperature to set the oven for and how long to bake the ingredients at that temperature. You need to know more than the fact that you can do it. It is necessary to know specifically what you are to do, that you are able to do, in order to make the cake successfully. That is where the recipe shows you the way.

The basis of this blog – The Manifest Cookbook – is to provide you with practical recipes (techniques) to assist you in creating whatever reality you want for your life. You really do have that power but it is totally up to you to use it.