Robert Bruce Butler: 1950 – 1974 — A Person Of Substance

It’s Been 49 Years Now

My beloved brother left this realm of existence on June 14, 1974. He was 23 years old. He died suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage.

Time is an illusion. My memory of him and our time together is still so fresh and clear that it seems impossible that almost eighteen thousand days have passed since his death. His body stopped working. His energy, his essence continues on in another realm. I will experience what pure joy is when he and I and our mother are reunited once more once my physical body stops working as it soon will.

At the time of his death, I felt that there had to be some colossal cosmic blunder. The grim reaper stupidly took the wrong person. It should have been me instead of my brother. He had so much good to offer this oft-times crappy world. In a heartbeat I would have offered myself instead if only I was given that opportunity.

About twenty years ago or so, I had a random conversation with a shop owner. The conversation veered briefly to what happens to us when we die. The shop owner looked at me with eyes that had seen suffering and said, “All I want when I get there is some answers.” Amen brother, amen.

Growing Up Together

My brother was three years older that I was. We were born within the same week of the same month, he in 1950, me in 1953. We grew up together through the fifties and sixties. We shared a ton of experiences together living in our two bedroom house. Up until the early sixties, we even shared a bed. I still remember “Move over, you’re on my side”. My sister was born in ’59. When she outgrew her crib, she moved into our bedroom. Separate bedrooms were cobbled together up in the attic for Bobby and me.

As the years progressed, we developed our own individual skills and personalities, strengths and weaknesses. We had occasional squabbles as do all brothers, but we always remained close and loyal to each other. When he got involved in high school and college activities, I saw less of him but our brotherly bonds of affection always remained solid.

Demonstrating The Presence of God

We are created in the image of the Most High. As such, we have the privilege to demonstrate the presence of Most High through the Kingdom of God within us. We do this by expressing different high frequency energy sequences emanating from the Divine. Things such as love, peace, light, intelligence, truth, power, compassion, imagination, creativity. Throughout his life, at one time or another, my brother demonstrated all of these aspects. That he was a person of true substance is merely a statement of fact based on my first hand experiences. He packed a lot of life into those twenty-three plus years. More in those twenty-three years than me in my sixty-nine years.


The biblical book of Job is a fascinating study of human emotion. I have always believed that there was much more to the story than meets the eye. A deeper meaning below the surface story. There is scarcely any suffering that a human can experience that Job did not experience. Job pleads his case with raw honesty and bluntness about the gross injustice of his suffering. Nevertheless, he refuses to curse God.

Then the zinger comes in chapter 28 when Job states, “Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?…….it is hid from the eyes of all living“. And there it is in a nutshell. Until my essence proceeds to the next realm, the why of the timing of my brother’s death will be hidden from me. That’s just the way it is. I will have to live with that.

A Person of Substance

What does it mean to be a person of substance. I assure you that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the wealth you possess, the possessions you own, or the level of control that you may exert over others. A person of substance is defined by an ongoing series of lifelong choices. Lifelong choices that are subsequently followed by actions to implement those choices. Choices that demonstrate and bring into physical experience the presence and glory of the Divine.

Deciding what must be done now versus what can wait. Whether to remain on the side of caution or take a risk and potentially experience failure. Choosing how to deal with both success and failure. Conforming to the norms of society or following your inner light if that light varies from societal norms. Understanding what is true and right and making that the only road you travel.

A person of substance actually participates in the positive enhancement of everything that exists. The growth of the universe. To actually interact with a person of true substance is a delight to the soul. That person creates growth in the universe regardless of their station in life in this world.

Carl Jung

Have you ever heard of Carl Jung? He is recognized as one of the most influential psychiatrists of all time. He founded the field of analytical psychiatry and was among the first in his field to explore the religious nature behind human psychology. He is an interesting guy.

Take a look at this statement from Jung:

“In this overpoweringly humdrum existence, alas, there is little out of the ordinary that is healthy, and thus, not much room for conspicuous heroism. Not that heroic demands are never put us – on the contrary – and this is so irritating and irksome – the banal everyday makes banal demands upon our patience, our devotion, our perseverance, our self-sacrifice. For us to fulfill these demands (as we must) humbly and without courting applause through heroic gestures, a heroism is needed that cannot be seen from the outside. It does not glitter. It is not belauded. It always seeks concealment in everyday attire.”

If you take a close look at those who outwardly appear to be people of substance, oftentimes what you find underneath the surface is a person who is merely self-serving. Take a second look at that statement from Jung. True men and women of substance are often much closer than you think.


With regard to my brother’s life, I believe he substantially made the right choices. He was a man of true substance. I was privileged to be his brother for those twenty-three plus years of his lifetime. When you come to the end of your lifetime, you will have to ask yourself some hard questions before you stop breathing. Did you enhance life or did you subtract from it? Did you fully use what you were given or did you waste much of what you had? Did you give more than you received?

Wherever you are on your life journey, beginning, middle or end, you have a choice. You can choose to aspire to be a person of true substance. Or you can settle for living a life of smoke and mirrors, masks and shadows, fears and doubts, illusions and facades. A hollow existence. An absence of substance. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, making the conscious choice to be a person of substance will always enhance and enrich your life experience while you are here.

The choice is yours. It always has been. It will be until your final breath. Then, the book of your life will be closed. Game over.

Dominus Vobiscum.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

A New Manifesting Recipe —– Mental Prayer Treatment

No Health Insurance Needed

A mental prayer treatment is a technique of employing the true power of prayer. You undergo this treatment in order to bring about healing of a specific troubling situation. You cause the thoughts of your mind to focus on the Presence of God. The Presence of God is In you. Around you. Everywhere you are. You can liken a mental prayer treatment to going to the hospital for a surgical procedure. At this particular hospital however, no health insurance is required. It is the hospital of your mind. Mental prayer treatment is a surgical operation on your soul. It differs from general prayer which is a visit with God.

General Prayer Versus Mental Prayer Treatment

General prayer can be likened to enjoying fresh air, good food in the right amounts and moderate exercise of your body. They are enjoyed as ends unto themselves. Nevertheless, they also serve a purpose of keeping you in good health.

The objective of a mental prayer treatment is to hone in on a specific desire that you wish to manifest. The basic gist of a mental prayer treatment is to completely remove any thought of what you are lacking from your mind. You can call it a “lackectomy”. During the treatment you do this by placing the focus of your thoughts on the One True Presence, the One True Power – God. When you successfully do this, the healing then commences.

Dual Phase Surgery

Mental prayer surgery consists of two distinct phases — the foundation phase and the affirming phase. The foundation phase can be compared to all the preoperative prep that must be done before the actual operation. The affirming phase of the treatment is the actual surgical procedure.

Give yourself a mental prayer treatment as often as you feel led during the course of the day. At the beginning of your day and at the end of your day are best because you are at your most relaxed. Feel free however to find your own rhythm. If you are a midday napper, just before napping would be a excellent time.

Do your best to refrain doing a treatment when you are tense. Likewise, after a treatment, refrain from going back to mull over the problem or lack. If done in faith, the treatment is assuredly working. Just continue treating and be alert. Ultimately, things will happen for your benefit in direct response to your continued treatment. Seeds planted in fertile soil eventually come to the surface as plants in due course unless you dig them up to see if they are growing.

The Operating Room Must Be Germ Free

Understand that your surgical operating room must be strictly germ free. Just as you would not want to enter an operating room covered in dirt and grime, keep fear and doubt out of your mind during a treatment. Just as dirt and grime would jeopardize a surgery, fear and doubt likewise jeopardize the success of a mental prayer treatment.

Look at it as a scientific mathematical equation. First, the Presence of God, Ultimate Intelligence, is perfection. Second, the Presence of God is with you wherever you are. Third, no lack or problem can possibly co-exist with the Presence of God. Fourth, by your focusing on the Presence of God, right where the problem is, the problem or lack must ultimately disappear.

Phase One – The Foundation

I first learned about the concept of the mental prayer treatment from the writings of the twentieth century author and lecturer, Emmet Fox. This truly is a beautiful method of prayer. As with all methods or techniques of prayer, faith (imaginative belief) is critically important.

Here is an example of the foundation phase of a sample mental prayer treatment:

  1. God is fully present within me right now.
  2. God is the one true Presence, all else is just shadow.
  3. In God I live. In God I breathe. In God I am.
  4. I am free now.
  5. I am free of fear of the past, the present, the future.
  6. The freedom of God is my freedom.
  7. With all my heart, I am thankful.

The above foundation phase can be used with a great variety of accompanying affirming phases. They can be longer. They can be shorter. Use the above example or feel free to construct your own.

Phase Two – The Affirming

The affirming phase of your mental prayer treatment hones in on the specific thing that you desire to treat or heal. It can be geared to your finances, your relationships, your career or avocation, your health or something on behalf of another person or even a beloved pet.

Here is an example of the affirming phase of a surgery to treat your finances:

  1. Prosperity flows to me, within me, around me now.
  2. My faith is the evidence of my plentiful supply of money.
  3. I affirm my financial security.
  4. My inner belief produces my financial good health.
  5. With all that I am, was, or ever will be, I am thankful.

The Mysterious Portal

Beneath your surface consciousness exists something called the subconscious. You are aware of things and events that happen in your surface consciousness. The things you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Your memories. The laws of nature and science. People with whom you interact. Your emotions.

Beneath all of that surface consciousness however, exists the subconscious. What goes on there is truly inconceivable. What happens in the world of the subconscious has everything to do with what occurs in your surface consciousness, what you term “the real world”.

The subconscious is that mysterious portal connecting you to Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Power. What a faithful mental prayer treatment does is penetrate beyond that surface consciousness, reaching down into the subconscious and through the portal. This then alters “the real world” for your benefit or for the benefit of a loved one for whom you are giving the treatment.

What Do You Have To Lose?

The mental prayer treatment is an effective method of prayer if done in faith. If you decide to do surgery on yourself, it will cost you nothing in terms of spending your money. It will however cost you some of your time. It will also cost you the familiar comfort of doing the same old routine. Finally, you will also have to give up something else — your fears.

This article puts this information out there for your benefit. It is now totally up to you whether or not you actually use it.

A Question For You

Let me ask you a question.

What do you really have to lose by engaging in a mental prayer treatment?

Let me list some of the things that you have to lose:

Your painful frustration due to stinking failure after failure;

Your beating your head against the wall and then getting the same lousy results;

Your utter exhaustion from running on the treadmill of life and getting nowhere;

Your looking in the mirror at yourself in despair and saying “You suck”.

Give Yourself A Chance

Give yourself a mental prayer treatment regarding something troubling you. Give yourself a chance to be a vehicle for God’s divine power. You really do have it within you or you would not have been led to read this article.

May you always perceive the beauty of the Eternal Peace and Presence of God.

Dominus vobiscum.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Free Yourself From The Man Behind The Curtain

The Wizard of Oz

According to the United States Library of Congress, the film, “The Wizard Of Oz”, is the most watched film in movie history. It has become an iconic film. Almost everyone knows the story of Dorothy, her dog Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion. And of course, the man behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz. If you don’t know the story, I cordially invite you to watch the movie. It is delightful. To be concise, I will skip directly to the part of the movie that I wish to discuss.

Dorothy and her companions are successful in obtaining the broomstick of the Wicked Witch. The leader of Emerald City, the Wizard of Oz, had made that a condition of granting the individual wishes of all four. The Wizard resided in an emerald palace. All that was seen of him was a large ghastly face. He spoke in a booming voice. When he spoke, his voice was accompanied by thunder, smoke and fire. It was very impressive and intimidating, inspiring fear in those who heard and saw him.

As Dorothy and companions present the broomstick to the Wizard, in his booming intimidating voice, he brusquely orders them to go away and come back tomorrow. As he is talking, Dorothy’s dog runs over to a curtain that covers a booth. With his teeth, the dog pulls open the curtain. This reveals a man with gray hair, about seventy years old or so, pulling levers and switches and talking into a microphone. The voice of the Wizard tells them to “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”. But the facade has already been torn down. The truth has been exposed. There is no wizard. There is only an elderly gent who was able to fool everybody through crafty subterfuge.

At the end of the movie, it is shown that the things that the four of them desired was already within them. The Wizard turned out to just be another Bernie Madoff.

The Wizards Of This World

In this world that you live in, there are plenty of wizards that have nothing better to do but to control every facet of your life. The control starts as soon as you are born. Yes, your very first controllers are your parents and relatives. That may seem a harsh statement. It really isn’t. They are, of course, the most loving of your controllers. Your lack of ability to care for yourself mandates that they exercise control in order to keep you safe and help you to learn while you grow up to adulthood.

The problem arises with parents who are carrying around their own unresolved issues. The effect of these issues may act to the detriment of the child. It is unnecessary to dwell upon the various errors that parents may make. When parents, either consciously or unconsciously, exercise this type of negative control over a child, it acts as an obstacle to the child developing fully in the joy and beauty of the Kingdom of God within.

Later, come the other wizard controllers – teachers, schoolmates, co-workers, employers, friends, doctors, churches, government leaders and those authorized by said government to protect you, and all forms of mass media, including social media and the internet. To differing degrees, they are all wizard controllers, figuratively directing you to retrieve the wicked witch’s broomstick before you can fulfill your dreams and wishes.

The Mega Billionaires

At the top of the “human controller pyramid” are the mega billionaires. They are the one tenth of one percent of the world’s population that control corporations and the world economy.

Money is a necessary tool of a civilized society. It is used as a uniform means of trade. Money itself is neither good or evil. It is neutral. It is relentlessly used however, for the purpose of control over your life.

Take the case of one particularly nefarious mega billionaire. He cunningly masquerades as a philanthropist while attempting to create a stranglehold on the food seed bank of the world. He holds patents on GMO food seed and constantly touts the benefits of GMO food for humanity while purchasing massive tracts of farmland. It is a classic example of a massive scam. It is a blatant push for greater and greater control over human beings through controlling food supply. Meanwhile, he is hiding “behind the curtain” telling everybody ” I want to help you”.

The mega billionaires use their vast amounts of money to control others to do their bidding (see my blog post of April 15, 2021 regarding the “barbeque speech” of Huey Long). The mega billionaires understand the power of money. Do this and I will give you money to buy stuff. Don’t do what I want you to do and I will take away your money. Unfortunately, the need or desire for money (what money can buy) can lead humans down a hundred and one wrong roads. Roads that travel away from the Kingdom of God.

They Live

Have you ever watched the 1988 film, “They Live”? It is a science fiction horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. And yes, it portrays a world where “human controllers” are everywhere. They have successfully fooled the overwhelming majority of the earth’s population into following the agenda of the controllers.

The film stars Roddy Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster. It has an incredible five and a half minute fight scene between Piper and David. The fight is reminiscent of the classic fight scene between John Wayne and Victor McLaglen in the film “The Quiet Man”. It also features a cult classic quote from Roddy Piper as he brandishes a shotgun at some aliens – “I’ve come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I’m all out of bubblegum”. Watch the film if you get the chance. “They Live” is an entertaining movie with a valuable message.

Here is a quick and dirty synopsis of the film. It has been discovered by “resisters” that signals are sent out through television waves (today it would be cell phone signals). These broadcasts have hypnotised most of the population, keeping them in a subservient, dream-like state. After a resisters group has been raided and destroyed by police, Roddy Piper finds amid the wreckage of the raid, a box of sunglasses. Upon trying on a pair, he is shocked to observe that there are subliminal messages everywhere, directing people to consume, reproduce and conform. These sunglasses also reveal the true faces of the many aliens who now co-mingle with human beings.

At the end part of the film, Piper and two others are successful in infiltrating the main broadcast nerve center of the aliens. They discover a large meeting taking place of the aliens and their human collaborators. They are celebrating another year of control and the successful raid on the resister group. With great difficulty, Piper destroys the main broadcast transmitter. He is killed by guards but not before giving them the finger before he dies. The destruction of the transmitter frees humanity from its controlled state. Humans now have the ability to see all the aliens among them.

In, But Not Of

Jesus Christ stated that those who live in the Kingdom of God within, are in the world but not of the world. Those who have chosen to go within and live in the Kingdom of God are not influenced by the controllers, the man behind the curtain. These souls of course live in the world, eating, working, interacting with others, avoiding crazy drivers on the road, etc. However, they are influenced and controlled by Divine Guidance, coming from the Kingdom of God within. That, and that alone, is their true “North Star”.

The so-called leaders of society, and all facets of mass media and consumerism are not part of who these souls are. Nor is it part of their thoughts, their words, their actions, their beliefs. The Kingdom of God is impenetrable to all the manipulations of the world’s controllers. You are safe within the fortress of the Kingdom of God. The freedom of God is your freedom.

Tell The Controllers To “F**k Off”

The time has now come for every person under the sway of the controllers. The time has come for you to tell the controllers of the world to “f**k off”. You can probably come up with several reasons why you can’t do this. “I have a family to support”. “I need this diploma so I can get a good job”. My spouse will divorce me”. “My kids/friends/relatives will hate me”. “I need the health insurance for my condition”. Everyone will think I am nuts”. “The police will arrest me”. “I need food and a place to live”. And so on.

That is where the man behind the curtain has you by your figurative cajones. Fear. The controllers have used fear for centuries. It keeps people “in line” and under control. Technology is moving forward at exponential speed. The full intention of the controllers is to use the power of fear, coupled with technology, to coerce you to switch from voluntary servitude to involuntary servitude in perpetuity. They will do this under the guise of “helping and protecting you”.

You have the full freedom to choose. Fear or Love. Those are your two choices. Fear or Love. Fear is error. Love is truth. You succumb to fear in order to be safe but the only true safety is in love, which emanates from the Kingdom of God within. Yes, I know, it is hard. But following the Divine Way is the only way to cross the dark chasm and expose the man behind the curtain.

You CAN Do It, But………

In the film, “The Wizard of Oz”, when the Wizard attempted to intimidate Dorothy and her companions to go away, it took Dorothy’s dog to unmask the phoniness of the Wizard’s omnipotence. Just as the dog used God-given animal instinct to reveal the true nature of the Wizard, so you must use your God-given intuition and guidance to discern the true motives of the “one percent” to control you, heart and soul, from birth to death.

You may say, ” Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard all that stuff before. You just don’t get it. I got six things in my face all at the same time. Things are going on with me. Things are going on with my kids, my spouse. I’m being squeezed, man”.

You CAN follow the very best path, regardless of anything, despite everything, BUT you have to earnestly ask Divine Intelligence to guide you. Read this from the Old Testament from the book of Jeremiah of what your Creator says, “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart.”

If you honestly desire to understand how to live in freedom and manifest all manner of good things in your life, you can. Seek the Divine within you with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. As St. Augustine said, “If you really want to see God, you have the means to do so”.

Conscious Manifesting

Every human being that has a mind capable of thinking a thought, engages in manifesting. There are two distinct methods of manifesting things in your life. The first way is by far the most common. It is unconsciously manifesting. Drawing things to you or pushing things away from you without ever perceiving that you are doing so. The second type of manifesting is conscious manifesting. This is when you consciously discipline yourself to focus on the Presence of God and with steadfast belief, live as if the desire is fulfilled.

Both types of manifesting use the same basic ingredients in the creation of outer circumstances. These ingredients are: (1) your thoughts, (2) your words, (3) your actions, (4) your feelings, and (5) your inner beliefs. The difference between the two types, unconscious and conscious, is control. In unconscious manifesting, your circumstances, thoughts, words, and beliefs control you. If you think fear-based thoughts, speak fear-based words, and believe fear-based ideas, then fear-based circumstances will follow, as the night follows the day.

If you make the conscious decision to exercise control over what you think, say and believe, and allow God-based thoughts, words, and beliefs be the focus of your life, no matter what, then, equivalent circumstances will ultimately follow. Going back and forth between love and fear is a classic recipe for frustration. Belief – belief that “it is done, it is complete” – is the gourmet sauce that turns the filet of fish into a gastronomical masterpiece. It is the real deal that guides all your conscious manifesting. It keeps you out of the clutches of the man behind the curtain.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

God Is Out Playing Golf

A Passage In A Book

I first read this passage in a book over thirty years ago. At the time, the words made an impression on me. They have continued to stick with me through the years. Unconventional words about God for sure. And yet, while not really understanding the passage at the time, I felt that the words were indicative of an inner truth.

The passage was in a book written in 1988 by an author named Stuart Wilde. Here is the passage I am referring to – “Universal Law is impartial. It will give you anything that you believe. It will throw you garbage or roses depending on the energy that you put in. You are the one in charge and you must accept that and stand alone. If you think God is coming down to fix things for you, forget it. God is out playing golf.”

You may be familiar with the image of the painting by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. It is the one titled “The Creation of Man”. In it, God is portrayed as an older gent in a robe with white hair and a long white beard. He is reaching out and his finger is touching Adam’s finger.

I believe the passage in the book does not presume to see Michelangelo’s image of God wearing Dockers, a polo shirt and golf shoes. The passage of course is a metaphor.

The Heavenly Switchboard

Let’s play with the passage and conjure up an imaginary scene. The heavenly switchboard is especially busy with urgent calls for help coming in from all over the globe. Inhabitants of the earth are dialing up hundreds of millions, even perhaps billions of calls to God through prayer. They are pleading with God to come down and make a service call.

Someone is in ill health. A person just got fired from their job. The toilet keeps backing up. And every other possible type of adversity that you can imagine. The receptionists keep saying the same thing – “God is not in the office today. He is out on the golf course.” Eventually, totally frazzled, the head receptionist calls God on his cell phone. The receptionist tells God “The calls are coming in especially heavy today. Do you think maybe you should come in to the office?”

Gods answers, ” Why do they refuse to listen to the words of Jesus? He has already told them in plain English that the Kingdom of God is within them. My prophet Joshua could not have made it any clearer when he told them that the Lord your God is with you wherever you are. I have created the humans of the earth in a manner that allows them to connect with me at any time, wherever they are, by going within. I am with them always. And yet they still continue to look outward for rescue. Oh well, I am patient. They will eventually learn. OK, I have to go now. I still have another nine holes to go.”

He Said What?

Where should you immediately go when you encounter any type of trouble? To God, of course. But where is God? He is within you. Listen to verses 20 and 21 from the gospel of Luke, chapter 17:

And having been asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, ” The Kingdom will not come with observable signs, nor will they say ‘Behold here or Behold there’ for behold the Kingdom of God is within you”.

I have used the Bible translation known as the Literal Standard Version. It is the most literal translation of the Holy Bible. It provides significant improvement over previous literal translations. The Literal Standard Version uses as a textual basis the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Textus Receptus, Majority Text and other New Testament manuscripts.

I have observed clergymen take Luke 17:20-21 and state “Oh Jesus did not really mean what he said. He actually meant …………”. Then they give their own spin that matches up with their church denomination stance. Really?? The words sound very clear to me.

Step On In

When you are engaged in a process of conscious manifestation praying, be aware of everything going on around you. Stay alert. Pay attention. Spend every day, as much as your state of consciousness will allow, experiencing the Presence of God. Stay focused on God but walk with an open mind. God may elect to bring you the object of your desire in a way that you are totally not expecting. And when that door of opportunity opens up specifically for you, for crying out loud, don’t just stand there, step on in. The parable, Two Boats and A Helicopter, serves nicely to illustrate this.

A storm descends rapidly upon a small town. The torrential downpour soon turns into a full scale flood. The local clergyman kneels in fervent prayer in the church vestibule. A few townspeople come up to the church in a rowboat. Knowing the preacher is inside, they shout “Better get in our boat now Preacher, the flood waters just keep rising”

“No, I have full faith in the Lord. He will save me.”

The flood waters do continue to rise. They force the clergyman up into the church choir loft which has a big window. A man zips up the the window in a motorboat. “Come on out Pastor. You need to get out now! Things just keep getting worse”.

Once again, the clergyman stands his ground stating, “I trust the Lord. He will save me.”

Sure enough, the levee breaks. The flood waters continue to rise to the point where only the church steeple is above water. The clergyman has moved to the steeple and is clinging to the cross.

A helicopter descends from the clouds. A state trooper lets down a rope ladder. By bullhorn he urges the clergyman to climb on the ladder.

Once again, in full faith, the clergyman stands fast, insisting the the Lord will save him.

Ultimately, the clergyman drowns.

Being a truly pious man, the clergyman goes to Heaven. He ultimately gets an interview with God. He plaintively asks, “Why God, why? Why didn’t you save me from the flood?”

God gives a deep sigh and says, “What did you want from me? I sent you two boats and a helicopter!”

Where Do You Live ?

Where are you living these days? I do not mean a geographic location such as a town or a street. I don’t care about that. I mean where are you living deep down inside yourself. Are you spending any of your limited time on the planet living within the Kingdom of God? If yes, good. Very good. Just keep doing that (as if I had to tell you). If no, honestly ask yourself, why not? Do not be in a rush to answer that question. A snap answer will not serve you well. After you have answered that question, then stop for a moment. Center yourself into a totally relaxed state of quiet stillness. Then ask again with laser penetration. Peel back all the layers of societal conditioning and get to the heart of the matter.

As I have said to you many times within this blog, consciously manifesting your desired reality requires work on your part. The disciplining of your thoughts. It is necessary for you to make thought work for you instead of you allowing your thoughts to “run the show”. Drop the chains restricting your beliefs. Once your mind forms the vision of your desire, believe that vision is real. Not real in some future time but real right now. Make your home within the Kingdom of God. If you do this, your mind will open up like the petals of a flower. Indeed, your mind will get out the way to allow Ultimate Intelligence to reach you. You will understand the eternal laws at play in conscious manifestation. I am sorry that I am not able to better explain it. You will just have to experience it for yourself.

The concept is simple. Conceive. Believe. Receive. The work you will have to put in is real. But so are the beautiful rewards. Just let go. Let God’s thoughts be your thoughts. Be subsumed by the Presence of God. Lose your outer constructed self in order to discover your true self. You will discover with delight that your true self fits you perfectly like a custom tailored suit.

The Young Pope

Did you ever watch an HBO TV series called “The Young Pope”? I have never watched a full episode but have viewed several clips on You Tube. Briefly, the premise of the series revolves around the installation of a young Pope (an American) played by the actor, Jude Law.

One of those scenes that I have viewed involves the Pope having a conversation with a female Vatican official. She is the Curator of the Image of the Holy Father. She explains to the new Pope that it is necessary to have a photo session to record his image for papal merchandise sold by the Vatican. Merchandise with the image of the Holy Father such as coffee mugs, postcards, key chains, framed prints and posters, t-shirts and commemorative plates. The curator goes on to explain that there will be two types of plates. The first will be mass produced and sell for five euros. The second will be hand crafted and will sell for forty-five euros.

Upon hearing this, the Pope excuses himself and briefly leaves the room. When he returns he is holding a white dinner plate. As he stands in front of the curator, the conversation goes as follows:

Young Pope: Do you see this plate m’am? (Note: He is holding a plain white dinner plate).

Curator: Yes, of course Holy Father, I see it.

Young Pope: This is the type of merchandise I am prepared to authorize.

Curator: But it doesn’t have your image on it.

Young Pope: I do not have an image my good lady because I am no one. You understand? No one. Only Christ exists. Only Christ. And I am not worth 45 euros or even 5 euros. I am worth nothing.

Where is your true focus? On the world or on the Divine within you. With the former, circumstances create you. With the latter, you create circumstances.

Josh Nailed It

The Presence of God, the source of your power to manifest, is with you always, everywhere that you happen to be. From the first breath of your life unto your last. It is up to you however, to recognize that truth and live in it.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, one of my favorite verses to meditate on is in the book of Joshua. The prophet Joshua understood the truth. Read and absorb the full meaning of this sublime verse, Chapter 1, Verse 9:

Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.

The Lord your God, will be with you wherever you go.

Wherever you go. The love of God, the peace, the power, the truth, the joy, the presence – wherever you go.

I am sitting in a Starbucks writing this at a table that is against the wall. Reflecting on the full implications of this verse is causing me right now to well up inside. I must turn my head towards the wall so that I am not observed silently crying in joy.

Josh nailed it. He understood completely. BE strength. BE courage. The Kingdom of God is within you. Be free of all your fears. You really can, you know, if you so desire. There is no earthly experience of any type that you will ever experience that will give you the feeling of living in the Kingdom of God.


In this blog, I have given you several “recipes” to manifest your desire. These “recipes” are actually techniques of prayer. After forming the vision of your desire, the prayer technique that you choose is the first step in the process.

The second step is to develop the creative mindset. Imaginative belief. What the Bible calls faith. In your mind, claim your prayers as answered, regardless of any and all circumstances. They do not matter. It is called “living in the end”. You are living in the world but your faith is not of the world. It comes from the Kingdom of God. Your continued faith is the rock solid evidence that you have what you hope for. Your faith is your true reality.

The third step in manifesting is to receive with gratitude. When your faith, your belief, has gotten you to the point, where in your mind you have received your desire, when you are “living in the end”, then, rejoice, be thankful. Feel gratitude. Relief and gratitude because your manifestation is complete. It is you know. It just takes physical reality some time to sync up with your inner belief.

Go forth. Be God’s agent here on earth. Manifest all manner of good things. Why do you think God blessed humanity with that power? To not use it?? Certainly not. Go forth. Manifest with joy as you live in the Kingdom of God within.

Conceive, Believe, Receive – the trinity of conscious manifesting.

The Downfall Of The Empirical Mind

The Rise Of Empirical Mind

The 1600’s brought us the rise of the empirical mind with the Scientific Revolution led by Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon and John Locke, among others. Next, the 1700’s led us into what is termed the Age of Enlightenment. This era of history was led by such people as Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Johann Goethe, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Immanuel Kant, Rene Descartes, Antoine Lavoisier, Thomas Hobbes and Baron de Montesquieu.

The above two eras were a general progression from the effects of the Renaissance Era (1300’s to 1600’s). The Renaissance (literally Rebirth) led the Western world out of the stagnation of the Middle Ages. The Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment were both highlighted by the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and the evidence of the five senses.

The Scientific Method

In the above noted eras of the 1600’s and 1700’s, a series of events took place marking the emergence of modern science. As a result of developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, anatomy, metallurgy and chemistry, the viewpoint of society moved toward empiricism. Then, in the 1800’s, this viewpoint culminated in the formation of what is known as the scientific method.

The scientific method is an observation-based process. To illustrate, the general structure of the scientific method is: (1) form a general question about something; (2) research the topic; (3) establish a hypothesis (a tentative conclusion using limited information); (4) experiment to gain more data; (5) analyze the data from your experiments; and (6) make a conclusion based on all observations.

In brief, empiricism has become the predominant worldview in today’s world. Empiricism is the conclusion that all knowledge is derived from sense experience. Accordingly, the empirical mind is the idea that everything that mankind knows to be true, comes from logic, experience and observations. If it is unseen, it is untrue.

C’mon, Let’s Be Logical About This

Have you ever heard anyone say, to you “C’mon, let’s be logical about this” or something similar to that? What they are saying to you is that what you are saying or proposing just does not make logical sense. When someone says that, they mean that what you are saying does not match up with the world’s reality. You may hear the words, “face the facts, things just don’t happen that way”.

They are operating in the empirical world. If the eyes do not see it (even with microscopes or telescopes), if the ears do not hear it, if it cannot be felt, then it ain’t there. Human logic is a way of thinking about something that seems correct and reasonable. Accordingly, a logical conclusion is always based on the existence of documentable proven facts.

Right Side – Left Side – Teamwork

The left side (or hemisphere) of your brain handles reading, writing and calculations. It is usually referred to as the logical side of the brain. Language, logic, critical thinking, numbers, reasoning all emanate from the left side of your brain.

Conversely, the right side (or hemisphere) of your brain deals more in images and processes in an intuitive manner. Some of the abilities of the right side are: imagination, expressing of emotions, intuition and creative arts.

Today neuroscientists know that the two sides of the brain work together to perform a wide variety of tasks. The two hemispheres communicate with each other through a structure called the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere has its unique specialties. Nevertheless, they have an intimate and collaborative working relationship with each other. And so it is in the world of manifesting. Your vision and your imaginative belief work together to manifest your desire.

A Truly Remarkable Woman

One of the most remarkable human beings of the twentieth century was the woman named Helen Keller. She lived from 1880 to 1962. Keller was an American author as well as a tireless advocate for those afflicted with blindness. In addition, she was a political activist and a well-travelled lecturer.

At 19 months of age, she contracted an unknown illness, possibly meningitis. This illness left Keller blind, deaf and unable to speak. The trifecta of tragedy. As a last chance before institutionalizing her, her parents hired a woman named Anne Sullivan to be her personal one-on-one instructor.

To make a long story short, under Sullivan’s tutelage, Keller would go on to successfully deal in a magnificent way with what life dealt her. She was the first person with combination blindness and deafness to earn a college degree from Radcliffe College of Harvard University in 1904. Furthermore, she wrote 14 books as well as numerous magazine articles. Along the way, Keller learned how to speak She was a prolific lecturer, travelling to 35 countries during the course of her life.

Helen Keller Was Blind – Her Vision Was Great

Helen Keller was blind but she had great vision. Inner vision. She understood that the Kingdom of God was within. Here are her words. “I know life is given to us so that we may grow in love. I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of the flower, the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence”.

Jesus Christ clearly stated, “the Kingdom of God is within”. Helen Keller understood. She got it. Living within the Kingdom of God, she understood the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. He who loves is a participant in the being of God”.

The Downfall Of The Empirical Mind

Your empirical mind looks at known causes and effects. Then it makes logical conclusions for the outcome of your action. Thus, it is a wonderful way to eliminate superstition, uncertainty or fear about an outcome. The “because it has always been done this way” argument for an action becomes obsolete. The “because fearless leader says to do it that way” becomes invalid if you know through empiricism that it is wrong. Logical empiricism is a beautiful thing. It has allowed the world to rid itself of many different “chains around the brain”. With that said however, the ultimate downfall of the empirical mind is its neglect of the spiritual underbelly of reality – imaginative belief. Faith.

The Courage To Go Beyond Logic

Conscious manifesting throughout your life has two distinct parts. First, in conscious manifesting, you have the prayer. It is the technique or method that you employ to manifest your desire. All the practical manifesting techniques that I have offered you in various articles in this blog are simply different forms of prayer.

Next, the second part in conscious manifesting, is the belief part. It is the illogical, nonempirical part. Develop a mindset of believing that your desire is real right now. It is called “living in the end”. What you wish to manifest is not in your future, but is with you right now. That part is the really hard part. To proceed beyond logic, beyond the empirical mind, takes courage. That is active faith. It is using the power of the Kingdom of God. It is what the Bible talks about when it calls faith the evidence of things unseen.

The Power Marriage

To empirically engage in a logical progression of actions is how you usually go about attempting to satisfy your desires. Conversely, prayer usually winds up being a begging or pleading with God to bring the specific desire to you. Consequently, this begging type of praying only serves to magnify the feeling within you that you do not already have what you desire.

Many solely use the empirical mind (the brain’s left hemisphere) to attempt to manifest their desires. It is a way of manifesting that is fraught with problems. You are attempting to break through a wall using your head as a battering ram. You may get through but boy, will your head hurt. Use the imagination part of your mind to formulate a crystal clear image of what you desire. Then preside over the ultimate power marriage. Marry your clear vision to the power of your faith – the power of imaginative belief. Live in the end.

Ask. Seek. Knock.

So how the hell do you get belief? How in the “real world” do you get faith when your problems are right in your face? As always, the answer is in the Bible. Ask. Seek. Knock. Then expect. Live in the end. Expect what you ask for to be revealed to you. Be alert when it is. Trust that what you seek will be shown to you. Be observant when it is. Finally, when the door of opportunity is opened for you, step on in.

Live within the Kingdom of God by practicing the Presence of God. Do this regardless of any and all outer negative circumstances. Circumstances do not matter, only state of being matters. Within this blog I have already posted a number of articles for you suggesting how to do this. Scroll to the search box. Enter the search term “Presence of God”. Can practicing the Presence of God be hard to do? Yes. Will it be rewarding to you? Very much Yes. You were created by God to consciously manifest. What are you waiting for?

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Something New – A Mental Prayer Treatment

Dodging A Stroke

All throughout my sixty-nine years of life, I have tried to deal with going to the doctor in the same way as I deal with poison ivy – avoid it if humanly possible. I was successful in avoiding doctors for twenty-two years in a row.

As my body has aged however, I have found it necessary to choose a doctor and have regular checkups so as to nip any potential problems in the bud. The problem with aging is that my body is 69 but I am still 29 on the inside.

A few years back, I slipped and sprained my right knee while shoveling snow. It was quite painful the next day so I decided to go to one of those urgent care joints for a precautionary x-ray. While I was there, they took my blood pressure. The reading was extremely high and the attending physician told me to immediately schedule an appointment with my family doctor. I told her that I did not have one. She insisted that I see one as soon as possible so as to avoid a stroke.

Strokes are really horrible things. One in eight stroke victims die from strokes. The other seven out of eight are maimed resulting many times in some form of permanent disability. To me, a stroke that limited my self reliance, would be a fate much worse than death. So I scheduled an appointment with the doctor that my mother went to when she was alive.

My Doctor Loves Pills

The doctor put me on a treatment regimen of two anti-high blood pressure pills. Subsequent to blood work, he put me on a pill for my cholesterol and another pill for gastric reflux. He wanted to put me on another pill to reduce my potassium level. I told him “Enough with the pills already. I’ll stop eating bananas, beans and broccoli!” (three high potassium foods). He’s a good doctor but the guy absolutely loves pills. My doctor has a pill for every conceivable type of treatment. A pill for this. A pill for that. A pill to handle side effects from a pill. Big Pharma has a framed picture of this guy in their Hall of Honor.

What Is A Mental Prayer Treatment

A Mental Prayer Treatment is a method of prayer. No pills needed. It is done to bring about healing of a specific troubling situation. You cause the thoughts of your mind to focus on God. You can liken it to going to the hospital for surgery. A Mental Prayer Treatment is a surgical operation on your soul. It is different from a general prayer. The purpose of a general prayer is simply to visit with God.

General Prayer can be likened to fresh air, healthy food in the right amounts and regular exercise. You enjoy them as an end in themselves, but they also serve to keep you in good health.

The object of a Mental Prayer Treatment is to completely remove any thought of the troubling situation from your mind. Even if you are only successful in doing this for a short period of time, the healing of the situation commences. During the treatment (surgery) your total focus is on the One True Presence, God.

Part One, Part Two

A Mental Prayer Treatment consists of two distinct parts: the foundation idea and the affirming idea. Compare it to the construction of a house. The foundation idea is the solid foundation of the structure. The affirming idea is the actual construction of the house.

Treat as often as you feel led during the course of the day but treat at least twice every day. Between treatments, refrain from thinking of the problem. That just slows things down. The treatment is assuredly working if done in faith. Refrain from constantly digging up the seed to see if it is growing. That always turns out the same way – the seed is unable to grow.

Cause And Effect

Cause and Effect. Comedy team from the 60’s? Rock duo from the 80’s? No, not really. Cause and effect is a scientific principle. You do something (cause) and something happens as a result of what you did (effect). That’s it in a nutshell.

Treatment is your cause. Demonstration is the effect. Cause and Effect. You engage in a prayer action and the result of that action is the effect. Jesus Christ made the definitive scientific cause and effect statement in Matthew 6:33. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Spiritual Math Equation

Your realization of the Presence of God, wherever you are, is the power that heals any situation. In the Old Testament book of Joshua, it is stated “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened or dismayed. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go

Take that to its logical conclusion. Look at it as a spiritual math equation. 1. God is perfection. 2. God is with you wherever you are. 3. No problem can survive the perfection of the Presence of God. 4. Thus, by seeking the Kingdom of God right where your problem is, the problem must disappear, because God is there with you.

Don’t Touch Me Nurse, I’m Sterile

Refrain from thinking of God in one place and the problem in another place. This merely affirms in your mind the power of the problem instead of the power of the Presence of God,

Your Mental Prayer Treatment is done in a restricted area. Have your personal mental security detail bar doubt from ever entering your mind. This is equivalent to the strict sterilization process that takes place during all surgical operations.

Treatment Idea

I first learned about the concept of the Mental Prayer Treatment from the writings of Emmet Fox. This is a beautiful method of prayer. As with all prayer, imaginative belief (faith) is essential.

Here is an example of the foundation part of a Mental Prayer Treatment:

God is fully present within me right now. God is the one true Presence, everything else is just shadow. Since God is perfect good, God is the cause only of perfect good. I am a child of God. In God I live. In God I move. In God I have my being. I am always in the Presence of God. I am caressed by the Peace of God. I am free. I do not fear the past, the present, or the future. I am thankful. I live in the freedom of the Kingdom of God.

The above foundation idea can be used with a great variety of specific affirming ideas. You can go online and search for others or you can construct your own. They can be longer. They can be shorter.

Affirming Idea

The affirming idea part of your Mental Prayer Treatment hones in on the specific thing that you desire to treat (heal). It can be geared to your finances, your relationships, your career, your health, or on behalf of another person or even a beloved pet.

A sample of an affirming mental idea for your finances is as follows:

Prosperity flows within me now. My faith yields my financial good health. I affirm my financial security. My inner belief is the evidence of my continuing plentiful supply of money. With all that I am, I am thankful.


For many years I worked in a facility in an urban setting that had over 200 employees. The mens room was on the other side of the men’s locker room. You had to walk through the locker room to get to the restroom. Usually when I had to make the trip to the mens room, there was always a small contingent of employees conversing about this or that. One day I overheard a short snippet of a conversation between two guys that went as follows. First guy: “Yo, I fucked three bitches last night”. Second guy: “Word?” (Meaning: Are you telling the truth?) First guy: “Word!” (Meaning: It’s the truth.)

You can transpose the word “truth” for the word “word” in this beautiful verse from Isaiah 55:11. “So is my word that goes forth from my mouth. It shall not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (NIV)

The Royal Proclamation

A Mental Prayer Treatment is a word (or proclamation) to your subconscious mind. It is proclaiming the word (truth) in faith. Your subconscious mind is your connection to God. Thus, you are affirming to your subconscious mind, through you faith, that you believe the word that you are proclaiming.

In the time of the kings, if a king proclaimed something, he formally made it known to the kingdom that it is now the law of the land. The king knew that once he made the proclamation, it would come into force. He did not hope it would, he knew it would.

When you live in the Kingdom of God, your word can only be that which is directed by God. If your word is directed by God, it is truth, and thus it will return to you fully laden with success.


There was a comedy/adventure movie that came out in 1987 titled, “The Princess Bride”. It was an amusing movie with many good actors. One of those actors was a man named Wallace Shawn. He played a villian in the movie but he was a humorous villian. One of the lines that he said throughout his time in the movie was the word “inconceivable”. It has since become a well known meme. There are even t-shirts and sweatshirts for sale with Mr. Shawn’s face and the word “Inconceivable”. If you google the words “the inconceivable guy”, the search results will lead you to Wallace Shawn. Finally, at one point in the movie (after he says the word for the fifth time), one of his confederates says to him, “You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Let’s look at how the dictionary defines what the word “inconceivable” means. It defines the word inconceivable as “not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally”. When something is inconceivable, your mind is unable to mentally process its existence. Inconceivable goes beyond the word unbelievable. It means that you cannot even imagine it. You cannot believe in or not believe in something that your mind is unable to process.

Layer After Layer

Thus it is with the world of the “subconscious”. Layer upon layer of consciousness exists beneath your surface consciousness. What fully goes on there is truly inconceivable. What goes on there totally affects what you call the real world. The thing that you term “reality” is the world which your eyes can see, your ears can hear, your hands can touch. Everything that happens in the real world in which you live is a direct result of what is going on in the “subconscious world”.

What a Mental Prayer Treatment does, when done rightly, is penetrate to that subconscious world and alter “the real world” for your benefit or for the benefit of a loved one for whom you are treating.


Why do I write these blog posts? It does take time each month to write these articles. At the age of 69, time is not something I have a lot of before I “hit the road”. I believe the answer to my question is this – to get across to whoever may read these articles certain truths that I have learned in my sixty-nine years of life. I hope that whoever reads these truths then acts upon them to manifest good things in their life.

As the end of the line approaches for me, maybe I have five years, maybe ten, there is an urging within me directing me to put these truths out there. Neville Goddard once said that he felt a Divine urgency to give his lectures. He said that even if nobody came to his lectures, he would speak to the four lecture hall walls. Thus it is with this blog.

Glitches in my inner personality have thrown obstacles in the way of my manifesting efforts over the years. With that said, through the power of God, I have manifested a great number of beautiful things in my life using the principles that I describe. I am so thankful. Having been saved from death no less than four times, I figure that there is a reason why I am still here. When I perceive the urging of the Divine for me to do something, I do that something, whatever it is.

What Do You Have To Lose?

The Mental Prayer Treatment gets productive results. I know this because I have used it successfully for things both big and small. If you use this method of prayer, it will cost you nothing in terms of money. It will however cost you some time. It will also cost you the familiar comfort of your old way of doing things.

What do you have to lose? Let me list some of the things that you have to lose: your painful frustration due to repeated setbacks; your beating your head against the wall and getting the same unsatisfactory results; your utter exhaustion from continually running in place on the hamster wheel and getting nowhere; your looking in the mirror at yourself in despair and saying “You suck”.

Give yourself a Mental Prayer Treatment regarding something that is troubling you. Give yourself an opportunity to demonstrate God’s goodness, God’s power, God’s love. You do have it within you to do so. The proof of that is that you have been led to read this article.

May you always perceive the Peace and Presence of God.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Hey Yo, This Is Your Way Out

The Hey Yo Guy

At a job that I worked at for many years, there was a guy that I called the “Hey Yo Guy”. He was one of a bunch of supervisors. For a period of time, I worked in the main facility of the installation. In the capacity in which I worked at the time, I interacted with over 200 employees during the course of the day. The Hey Yo Guy moved around the building during the course of his work day. When ever he wanted to get someone’s attention about something, he would always start out by saying “Hey yo”. Some days I would hear him say it as many as a dozen times during the course of the day.

You continually walk into dead end after dead end in the endless maze of your life. It’s a horrible feeling isn’t it? It has been called the Sisyphus Syndrome. Sisyphus was the unfortunate from Greek mythology who was punished by Zeus. He was sentenced to roll a large boulder over a hill. Every single time that he got near the top of the hill, the boulder would jump. It would then roll back down to the bottom again and he was back at square one.

Pay attention to what I am going to say to you now. If you are just plain sick and tired of shuffling around and around endlessly in the maze, going nowhere, let me say to you “Hey yo, this is your way out”. If you are interested, then read on.

AKA Anonymous

Joseph Benner was an author of the early twentieth century. He lived from 1872 to 1938. The authorship of the Benner books was always listed as Anonymous. Benner wrote several books including, The Way Beyond, Wealth, Teacher, Brotherhood, The Way To The Kingdom and The Impersonal Life. The last book was a personal favorite of Elvis Presley. He would buy a couple hundred at a time. He would then hand them out to everybody he met. He was said to be clutching a copy when he died.

One other book written by Benner in 1931 was The Way Out. It is from that book that I am going to try and summarize some main ideas for you. The book is in the public domain. It is available for free on the internet if you choose to read the entire book. The contents of the book, as you might surmise, offers the reader “the way out”. The way out of ill health. The way out of financial lack. The way out of loneliness. The way out of marital unhappiness. The way out of discord in the workplace. The way out of legal problems. The way out of conflict with friends, family members or neighbors. The way out of that disgusting maze.

Get Out Of The F**king Maze

Stop for a moment. Take a couple of deep breaths. Think about the next questions very carefully. Don’t you think that it’s about time that you got out of that f**king maze? Don’t you think that you deserve to escape that f**king maze?

Take your time answering those questions. Refrain from any snap answers. Refrain from answering with what is called the “New Year’s Resolution” answer. That is where you do something to make your life better at the start of the new year. Then after a period of time, when things get difficult, you give up. That means you really did not want it after all. OK, if your answer is “you want out”, then open up your mind and read on.

Everything Is Consciousness

The first thing that you must realize is that everything in your life is a result of your state of consciousness. Everything that has manifested in your outer circumstances is a direct result of your inner state of consciousness.

If you have never heard this before, it is a tough pill to swallow. Your first inclination is to violently disagree and steadfastly refuse to accept it. You may point to this glaring injustice or that suffering of innocents (especially if it involves children) and say that the premise is both stupid and ridiculous. Or you may have heard it before but completely refuse to accept it. Or perhaps you may have come to an acceptance of this as Universal Law. Then you tried to put it into action in your own life and failed miserably. Your failure to achieve your desired results may then have caused you to lose your faith.

As you lost your faith, you then found yourself deeper than ever within the maze. Your old familiar way of doing things returned. You became more frustrated than ever. It is at that point that the blame game begins. It’s this one’s fault. It’s that one’s fault. It’s God’s fault. You yourself suck. And so on. Bitterness starts seeping in to your soul. Before you know it your deeper in the maze than you were before.

It Makes No Difference

It makes no difference if you do not accept that an inner state of consciousness brings about your outer state of circumstances. There are constantly things in play under the surface of your conscious reality that you simply cannot see or perceive. The Law is the Law is the Law. Universal Law is eternal, unchanging and impartial.

As Einstein aptly put it, God does not play dice. I am not God and do not pretend to have all the answers to worlwide suffering. I hate suffering. There is a causal reason however behind everything that happens, everywhere.

Discipline your inner state of consciousness. It is your personal dowser to get your ass out of the maze. The Law is thus – thoughts that you continue to hold onto in your consciousness, and then charge with the energy of belief, will manifest ultimately in your life’s outer circumstances.

Do You Or Don’t You

You say that changing the way that you think is too hard. I say that it is is not. It is your way out of the maze. This is the point in your life, where the bullshit is stripped away once and for all. You will discover if you really want out of the maze or if you are secretly content to just shuffle along in the maze for the balance of your lifetime. Without knowing a thing about you, I will tell you this – you…can…do… it BUT you must make the choice to do what is required of you. You must do what is necessary.

It all comes down to this – Do you or don’t you want to get out of the maze. If you don’t, fine, that is your choice. Stop reading this and go play a video game or watch tv or get a haircut or something. If you do want out of the maze however, then the concepts and ideas freely given to you will provide the way out. Read on.

Plug It In, Man, Plug It In

Thoughts, in and of themselves, are merely empty mental forms. They only take on energy and power to manifest by being charged with feeling. You supply the feeling. Thus, when you plug in your thoughts to the outlet, your imaginative belief (faith), you begin the process. What process? The process of leading you out of that suffocating maze.

What is outside the maze? Anything and everything that you desire. Every good desire of your mind has been patiently standing outside the maze waiting for you to make your move out of the maze, waiting to jump into your arms.

Are We There Yet?

Perhaps you have meandered deep into the bowels of the maze. Once you begin the process of getting out, it may take you some time to get to the exit. The time varies according to the person invoved. Your job in the process is not to worry about how far from the exit you are. Neither is your job to worry about how long it is going to take. Your entire job is remain free of worry by keeping your thoughts on God.

Never, ever worry. Worry is not a neutral emotion. Worry is sin. Never give permission for worry to occupy your mind. The more that you let worry linger in your thoughts, the more you actually draw to you or a loved one that which you are worrying about. Hold God (I Am That I Am) in your consciousness instead.

Fort Knox

Guard your mind like it was Fort Knox. Your thoughts, charged with your imaginative belief, are in fact your personal Fort Knox. A Fort Knox that contains all the good that is just waiting to manifest itself in your life once you are out of the maze. You are the security guard of the entrance to your mind. There is only one way in and that is through you. Refuse to allow entry into your mind of any thought that is carrying the virus of fear or doubt or worry.

Keep the focus of your thoughts on God. As you do this, pay close attention to everything around you. Be alert. The guidance of the Kingdom of God within you will tell you where to walk, where to look and where to turn to get out of the maze.

Ready Or Not, Here It Is

Here is the way out. It is your way out of the maze. The simplicity of it may cause you to say “Is that it? Is that all there is?” I disagree with Benner when he states it is simple and easy. It is simple. It is most definitely not easy. It is hard. It involves you removing yourself away from your old familiar way of thinking. It involves a complete, unequivocal commitment by you to the process. Many are simply not willing to do that. They may think they are, but when push comes to shove, they lose faith.

No half-way efforts here. No just dipping your toes in the water. You must dive in and stay there until your faith brings your desires into fruition.

What you must do is say these words over and over again in your mind until you truly believe the words one hundred percent:

God loves me relentlessly.

God blesses me thru my inner beliefs.

I love God. I think God’s thoughts.

I live, I breathe in the Kingdom of God.

Alternate Fourth Or Fifth Line:

I Live In The Freedom Of The Kingdom Of God

Trusted Guide

Say these words over and over and over again in your mind. How long? Keep saying them. Say them day after day after day. Say them in your head or out loud. Say them until they have completely seeped in to every part of your soul. Keep saying them until the last smidgeon of doubt has left the building. If you put the emphasis on certain syllables, you will even create a rhythmic cadence. This allows it to stick in your mind more easily. You can even put music to the words if you wish.

A Change For The Better

If you just will stay with it and persist, you will ultimately feel a change in your consciousness. It will be a change for the better. This change of consciousness, according to Universal Law, will serve to guide you bit by bit out of the maze. It will serve to manifest good things into the circumstances of your life.

The words noted above are not the words that Benner used. I have paraphrased the same overall idea in words that I personally prefer. You may prefer to use Benner’s exact words. Or you may use your own words to translate the same idea. Feel free to go online if you wish and read Benner’s book for yourself. It is a quick read.


You will observe that I included an alternate fourth and/or additional fifth line. Both lines represent the same idea. Use whatever format that resonates with you. If you wish to say each line more than once in sequence, feel free. Sometimes I say each line three times. Do you desire to say them slowly, feel free. If you wish to say the lines in reverse order, feel free.

Say the above words however you want, just make sure to say them on an everyday basis. Sometimes you can say them aloud. Sometimes you can say them silently. However you proceed, do your best to feel the words as you say them. As you say the words, just keep your focus on God. God comes first in your mind.

Refuse to give up if your mind does not respond quickly. Most likely, it will not. Persist. Giving up too soon is a common error. An error that sets you up for failure. Remember, your mind has formed the habit of including fear, doubt and worry in the creative process. Almost everybody, at one time or another, falls into the trap of giving up too soon. To hell with what your present negative circumstances are. Mind on God. Eyes on God. Heart on God. Persist. Persist. Persist.

A Done Deal

Summon up the courage that is within you to persist. Persist until your mind fully accepts your imaginative belief. Your imaginative belief is your faith. Faith is how God works through you. God is the Power. Your faith is the instrument that allows you to receive the power. If you will just do this, events will ultimately manifest your desires into your outer circumstances. It must happen. There can be no other outcome. It is Immutable Law. Read and fully absorb the parable from Jesus of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8).

Do you doubt that your heart beats in your chest or your lungs allow you to breathe? You don’t see them but you know they are within you. That is the level of belief that you are going for with regard to your imaginative belief. Faith is the concrete evidence of things unseen. You, free of fear. You, free of doubt. You, living free, living happy, living fulfilled, being “a done deal“. I can personally affirm to you that it is an indescribable feeling of joy. Make the choice to live each day in the Kingdom and get to feel it for yourself.

Rip out all of your old defective wiring. Replace it with new wiring in your mind. This is admittedly hard to do. It involves hard work on your part. What is so very much harder to do however, is to just continue shuffling along in the maze, going nowhere, until your very last breath on earth. At that point, it will then be too late to do anything.

It’s Hiding In Plain View

Hey yo, let me tell you something. Listen. You were meant to live free, outside of that sickening maze. You were meant to live in peace, in joy, in harmony, in power, manifesting all manner of good things. All those things unfold the glory of the Almighty. Bumbling along blindly in the maze, walking to dead end after dead end does not demonstrate the glory of God.

The answer that you have been searching for, longing for, has been hiding in plain view. Your way out is in your mind. The thoughts that you entertain and then cling to. The thoughts that you then supercharge with your imaginative belief, your faith.

Jesus Christ stated it quite clearly, “Whatsoever things you desire, believe that you have them and they will be yours.”

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Jesus Christ Is King – Your Protector From Evil

Jesus Christ Is King

December 25 – Christmas. Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The message of Jesus Christ as King can be observed in several verses throughout the Bible. One verse is in John 18:37. “Therefore Pilate said to him, ‘So you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice”. Another verse is located in Revelation 19:11. “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.

Christ the King has been used as a name for churches, schools, seminaries, hospitals and religious institutions. In the liturgical calendar for the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church there is celebrated a Feast of Christ the King. Lutheran, Anglican, Moravian, Methodist, Nazarene, Reformed and United Protestant churches also celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.

I have always been grounded in the Christian faith. The phrase “Jesus Christ is King” is a phrase that I was familiar with but had never actually spoken. That abruptly changed some 26 years ago. At that time those words came out of my mouth without any aforethought as I was under duress. Those words were my shield of protection against an approaching ominous evil spiritual entity.

Vivid Dream Number One

I was sprawled out on the living room sofa late at night. I was watching college basketball on television. As I found myself getting drowsy, using the remote control, I remember turning off the tv. It was one of those situations where I was so tired that I did not even feel like getting up to go to bed. I just thought to myself, “I’m just going to rest my eyes here for ten minutes and then I’ll head to bed”. Of course, I promptly dozed off to a deep sleep.

I rarely remember my dreams. Even the remarkable dreams fade away very rapidly after awakening. I tried keeping a dream journal a few times but gave up after a week or two. The dream that I had that night however is something that is burned into my memory. In my dream I was laying on the living room sofa exactly in the manner that I had fallen asleep after turning off the tv. Everything in the house was quiet. In my dream I was awake, just laying on the sofa.

An Icy Cold Chill Went Down My Spine

Suddenly I got an icy cold chill down my spine. I looked over to my right to the stairs that led to the second level of the house. My eyes saw a grey luminous mist. It had the general outline of a human being but without any real definition or features of any type. You can call it an entity or a presence or a spirit or any one of a dozen different things. Call it whatever you want but it was there and the evil essence it gave off was unmistakable. It was midway down the stairs and heading in my direction. It made no sound whatsoever and moved without any motion from the arms or legs.

In Dire Danger

Whatever this thing was, I sensed through intuition that it was pure malevolence in nature. As soon as I saw it on the steps, I knew that I was in dire danger. I felt the essence of its complete contempt for me and for any ability I had to resist it. My body was literally frozen in fear. I could not run away because I could not physically move so much as an inch. It is difficult to imagine that a luminous mist can emit such an evil presence but it did. I felt an intense but cold hatred directed at me. I knew it was coming for me. Whatever its intent upon reaching me, I knew it was something bad. Very, very bad. It was the type of terror that could cause a heart attack.

I was paralyzed and powerless to fend off this malevolent creature. It was the nightmare of all nightmares. I have had nightmares where when I was about to be killed, I just woke up. Aliens or some other bad guys would be chasing me. I would have one close call escape after the other (a la Indiana Jones). Then at some point in the dream I would actually have the thought, “Alright, enough of this bullshit, I’m waking up” and then I woke up. Not this time however.

No Escape

In this particular dream however, there was no such escape. Pure and simple, I was screwed. The malevolent entity reached the bottom of the stairs. At that point, from the very deepest part of my being, came the words out of my mouth “Jesus Christ is King.”. I had no thought beforehand of saying it. I did not think “what am I going to do?” The words just came out of me without thinking. Since even my vocal cords were partially paralyzed through fear, I barely was able to voice the words but I spoke them slowly with conviction “Jesus…..Christ……..King”, somewhat in the manner that a stroke victim would struggle to speak.

As soon as those four words came out of my mouth, the evil presence stopped in its tracks. Then, immediately, in a more pronounced manner, I spoke those same four words “Jesus Christ is King”. This caused the entity to shrink backward and begin to lose presence. Without thinking, I followed up with a third more forceful, almost shouting, “Jesus Christ is King”. I intuitively knew that I was now in possession of the sword and shield that it was not able to resist. So it left. After the third pronouncement, it vacated the scene and was gone.

There Was No Difference

As soon as the malevolent force departed, I opened my eyes and woke up. It hit me almost immediately that I was in the same exact position now that I was awake as I was in the dream. I was wearing the exact same clothes. Everything in the living room was in the exact same place as the dream. Even the light from the street lamp outside shining through the living room window was exactly the same as in the dream. My immediate thought was WTF, was I in the Twilight Zone or something. I was somewhat shaken by the experience. I turned on a living room lamp and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As I passed the stairs, I just stopped for a moment and stared at the spot where “it” was. I sat on the sofa for a few moments in the quiet of the night pondering over what I had just experienced. I prayed a succinct “Thank you Lord” before going up to bed. My conclusion was simple yet profound – the dream was no dream. It was real.

Vivid Dream Number Two

Flash forward some twenty years later to the year 2016. I was now living in another house. It was a one story house. I slept in one bedroom. My oldest son, who lives with me, was sleeping in the other bedroom. I had the habit of leaving a forty watt lamp on in the living room at night. I slept with the bedroom door open. This was for easier access to the bathroom. BPH was going to be sending me there at least a few times during the night. In those intervening twenty years, I never forgot my encounter with the evil entity. I even kept a crucifix on the wall above my bed that had been in my mother’s bedroom when she was alive.

Anyway, it is the middle of the night and I am in bed sound asleep. All of a sudden, in my dream, I am awake. I look at my open bedroom doorway. Standing there in the hallway, just outside the bedroom is “you know who”. It is the same evil entity that I encountered some twenty years ago. The exact same grey luminescence. You might wonder how could I possibly know that since the spirit had no discernable features. I can only tell you that I knew. I just knew. It was strictly an intuitive knowing, no logic, just a knowing.

A Different Response

This time however, I had a different reaction than my first encounter of twenty years ago. Just as before, it was standing there, observing me with the utmost contempt and hatred. I sensed that it was about to head toward me as I lay in bed. This time my memory banks kicked in immediately. I was not frozen in fear. I simply said out loud, “Oh, it’s you again”. Then I followed up with the very same phrase that I had used twenty years before – “Jesus Christ is King”. At the sound of those words, it froze. I followed up with a second “Jesus Christ is King”. After that second salvo, it started backing away. I felt it was losing energy. One more time I repeated loudly “Jesus Christ is King”. With that third pronouncement, the malevolent entity departed – poof – gone. This time I knew from the very start that the power of Jesus Christ would protect me.

Free From Fear

I was aware of the pure malevolent essence of the being. This time however, I did not fear. In fact, in this second vivid dream, after the departure of the entity, I said aloud to myself, “And that takes care of that”. In my dream, I turned on my side, back to the hallway and went back to sleep. And then I opened my eyes and woke up. Everything around my bedroom was exactly the same as in my dream. The bed, my position on the bed, the bedsheet, the blanket, my bed clothes, the wall hangings, the quiet of the house, even the light from the living room lamp. This time I understood that my shield of protection was something that the evil presence could not overcome. I then said, “Thank you Lord, now I’m going back to sleep” and I proceeded to do just that.

Merry Christmas to you and a very happy new year!

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Emanuel Swedenborg – An Interesting Enigma

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)

A Little Background On Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg was a pluralistic Christian theologian, scientist, inventor, philosopher and mystic. He was born in 1688 to a wealthy family with extensive mining interests. He completed his studies in Sweden in 1710, at the age of 22. Swedenborg then went on a grand tour through Netherlands, France and Germany to continue his studies. Continuing on to London, he chose to stay there for the next four years. He voraciously studied physics, mechanics, geometry, chemistry, metallurgy and philosophy. Swedenborg thoroughly immersed himself in the abundance of scientific ideas and discoveries that were flourishing in London. He wrote to his patron, his brother-in-law, that he felt destined to be a great scientist.

She Blinded Him With Science

In the early 1980’s, there was a very popular music hit by the English musician, Thomas Dolby. It was accompanied by an equally popular music video. The name of the song was “She Blinded Me With Science”. Even today you may hear the song played as background music in a retail establishment. Emmanuel Swedenborg was the epitome of a man on fire in the pursuit and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

In 1715, he finally returned to his native Sweden. For the next 25 years, his focus was on science. He devoted himself to the gaining of and applying knowledge through scientific observation and experience. Swedenborg came to be considered the preeminent expert in metallurgy in all of Europe.

Swedenborg published a veritable mountain of papers and treatises regarding metallurgy, chemistry, geometry, anatomy, engineering, natural science and physiology. He was a true whirlwind of science-based activity and discovery.

Throughout the 1730’s, he undertook many experiments with regard to the anatomy of the human nervous system. He had the first known anticipation of the neuron. He had prescient ideas about the cerebral cortex, cerebrospinal fluid, the pituitary gland and the association of frontal brain regions with human intellect. It is safe to make the statement that the guy was really “into science”.

And Now For Something Completely Different

In the 1970’s, there was an English sketch comedy show that was very popular called “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. In the beginning of the show, a man dressed in a tuxedo (John Cleese) would introduce the show with the catch phrase, “And now for something completely different”. There was even a movie by the same name in 1971. If John Cleese was around in 1741, he would have issued his famous catchphrase with regard to “The Emmanuel Swedenborg Show”.

Picture a finely tuned automobile zipping along a smooth stretch of superhighway. The driver is a luminary on his way to an award ceremony where he is the person being honored. All of a sudden, the brakes screech and the car jolts to a stop. The car backs up a bit and then turns off into a dirt road leading through a dense forest. Got the picture? Good, now you have an idea of what Swedenborg did in his middle age years.

In his mid-fifties, Swedenborg’s next scientific project was to write a multi-volume definitive study of the animal kingdom. He was granted a leave of absence from the king from his position as the head of mining in Sweden. Netherlands was known to have an abundance of books that would assist him, so he set off for Netherlands in 1741.

Dreams And Visions

While Swedenborg was in Netherlands, he suddenly began having extremely vivid dreams and intense visions. Some were very pleasurable while others were highly disturbing. If this happened in modern times, people would have accused him on tripping out on LSD or ayahuasca.

Swedenborg carried a travel journal with him. He made a written record of his dreams and visions. The whereabouts of the journal was unknown until being discovered in the 1850’s in the Royal Swedish Library. I always forget my dreams except for two extraordinarily vivid dreams that I will talk about in my next blog post. Anyway, these dreams and visions sent Swedenborg on an entirely different path for the remainder of his life.

Heaven, Hell And The World Of Spirits

After his experience with regard to the dreams and visions, he chose to conclude his efforts on the original animal kingdom project. He began writing treatises on spiritual matters. Swedenborg stated that he found himself able to travel to the spiritual world. His writings, most of which were published anonymously, merely reported what he saw and heard in the spiritual world.

Perhaps his best known book was published in Latin in 1758. The official title of the book is “Heaven And Its Wonders And Hell – From Things Seen And Heard”. It is commonly known by its short title, “Heaven And Hell”. In this book, Swedenborg gives a detailed description of his observations of life after death in the world of spirit. This world is divided into three areas – Heaven, Hell, and The World of Spirits. The book is a whopping 574 pages.

After The Body Dies

What distinguishes this book is that it is not presented as theory derived from the logic of the mind. It is presented by Swedenborg in a straight-forward, empirical manner as actual observations of what happens to a person after the physical body dies.

The book is divided into three parts, Heaven, Hell and World of Spirits. As you might expect from a book of over 500 pages, the book is divided into 63 chapters. The three basic levels of heaven and the three basic levels of hell are described. In between these two areas is something Swedenborg called The World of Spirits. This is the area where everyone first goes to after death.

In the book, Swedenborg makes two fundamental points. First, intractable love of self above all and of the things of the world is a basic determiner of Hell as a destination. Second, love of God and fellow human beings drives one in the direction of Heaven.

Rejected By The Church

Swedenborg did not follow the template of Christian theological orthodoxy. This caused his work to be censored by the Swedish state church authorities. He was attacked as a heretic as well as derided as a hallucinatory lunatic. Even today there are Christian websites that describe Swedenborg as dangerous and the followers of his teachings as members of a cult.

One of the things that rankled the church hierarchy was the fact that Swedenborg maintained that Heaven was not only populated by Christians. He stated that there were also Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and even atheists. The nature of a person’s heart was described as the prime indicator of a person’s experience in the afterlife.

Today Swedenborg’s writings are considered heresy by various Christian theologians and scholars. What Swedenborg espoused in his writings does not check all the boxes of the traditional teachings of Christianity.

Some People Influenced By Swedenborg

Now that it has been established that learned men and women of various church denominations say that Swedenborg’s writings are heretical, let’s move on to some people who have been influenced by Swedenborg.

William Butler Yeats – Irish poet, dramatist and writer. One of the foremost writers of twentieth century literature.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe – German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist and statesman. Widely considered the greatest German literary figure of the modern era.

Franklin D. Roosevelt – Thirty-second president of the United States. Seminal president of the 20th century, leading America through the Great Depression and World War II’

Calvin Coolidge – Thirtieth president of the United States. Well known for his tight-lipped New England conservatism.

Arthur Schoenberg – Austrian – American composer, music theorist and teacher. One of the highly influential composers of the 20th century.

Martin Luther King – American Baptist preacher and activist. One of the most prominent leaders of the American civil rights movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Ralph Waldo Emerson – American essayist, poet and philosopher achieving worldwide fame as a lecturer and author.

Arthur Conan Doyle – British writer and physician. He created the character known around the world – Sherlock Holmes.

Robert Frost – One of the greatest American poets of the 20th century, winner of four Pulitzer prizes.

William James – Considered by many to be the most insightful and stimulating of American philosophers. Known as “the Father of American psychology”.

Carl Jung – Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung’s work is influential in psychiatry, anthropology, archeology, psychology and religious studies.

Helen Keller – American author and disability rights activist. Lost her sight, speech and hearing at the age of two. Taught herself to speak and visited twenty-five countries as a lecturer.

Light In My Darkness

The person in the above list who I am in total awe of is Helen Keller. To have done what she was able to do, with the disabilities that life threw at her, is nothing less than mind-boggling.

Helen Keller’s spiritual autobiography was a book titled, “Light In My Darkness”. It was written in 1927 when she was 47 years old. The book was written as a tribute to Swedenborg whom Helen regarded as “one of the noblest champions true Christianity has ever known”. Keller stated, “in a state of exhilaration, I accepted the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg and drunk in his interpretation of Bible, fearless, reverent, yet as unconfined as the sun, the clouds, the sea”.

The title of her book is from one of Keller’s poetic statements. “I know life is given to us so that we may grow in love. And I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of the flower, the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence.”

You Be The Judge

So there you have it – Emanuel Swedenborg. Super intelligent, thoroughly devoted to science. Then in his fifties, a switch of some type was flipped on in his life. After this, his focus was on the spiritual side of life.

What do you think? Is he a heretic? Was he hallucinating? Was he mentally ill? Or was he a true seer? He was a man who stated that he was given the ability to pierce the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds. Swedenborg purportedly observed things in his travels to the spiritual world that he was directed to report.

He was not a raving lunatic. An English friend of the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant visited Swedenborg in London at Kant’s request. Swedenborg was described as a “reasonable, pleasant and candid man”.

Swedenborg was not a publicity seeker. His writings were published anonymously. He was not a “truth entrepreneur” seeking to cash in on his visions. Swedenborg was very well off financially due to his mining interests. He created no organizations or foundations to support his contentions. In fact, he dissuaded those who would attempt to do so. He was not looking for status. Swedenborg said he was directed to publish what he saw and heard. He said, “Do not believe that without the express command that I would have thought of publishing things which I knew in advance would make me look ridiculous and many people would think lies.”

Regardless of whatever conclusion that you come to with regard to Emanuel Swedenborg, you must admit that he is indeed an interesting enigma.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Thanksgiving – Every Day Of The Year – For Real

The Fourth Thursday

Today is November 24, the national holiday of Thanksgiving. The present form of this holiday of gratitude was signed into law in 1885. It stemmed from a proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 during the Civil War. The proclamation called for a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated the final Thursday of November. In 1941 the date was fixed by law as the fourth Thursday in November.

In the midst of the calamity of the Civil War, death and destruction was a daily consequence of war. President Lincoln intuitively felt it necessary to designate one day for everyone to re-set their minds. Re-set their minds for one day away from the grieving and relentless horrors of war. Re-set their minds for one day on gratitude for any and all blessings received as well as on the coming day when the war would eventually end.

And so, today in America, the fourth Thursday of the month of November is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day. It is traditionally a day of family members gathering together for a dinner of turkey with gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, string beans, cranberry sauce and all manner of good things to eat. Apple pie or pumpkin pie with ice cream for dessert. A thanksgiving prayer is said before the meal. After the meal is the time for conversation. Football games are on the television. And the secret of the true explosive power of gratitude gets scant attention.

Yeah It Really Does Say That

On this Thanksgiving Day of the year 2022, you are now being issued a direct challenge. If you prove to be successful in meeting this challenge, your life is guaranteed to dramatically change – for the better. Why should I care if your life changes for the better? I am not really sure. I believe that it may have something to do with the interconnectedness of humanity as well as the “productive intercession” part of my life mission, my grand manifestation.

Here is your challenge – live and feel and breathe thanksgiving every single day between November 24, 2022 and November 23, 2023. All 365 days. After you are done rolling your eyes and saying “not that count your blessings stuff again”, further on in this post, I will explain why it is that you should do this. Hint: It is for your benefit.

In First Thessalonians 5:18, it states the following: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”(NIV). Yeah, it really does say that – “in all circumstances”.

Now a response by many reasonable people might be as follows: “That’s total bullshit. Why should I be thankful when the shit is hitting the fan in my life or in the life of someone I love?” Fair enough. Part of the widespread error in belief about thanksgiving however is how society misperceives the process of giving thanks. Read on.

Dance Minions, Dance

As you grew up, you were primarily told by your parents to say thank you when someone gives you something or does something for you. This may have been reinforced by religious leaders, teachers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends, etc. You were told that people like it when they are thanked. So as time goes on you angle your thank you’s to game the system. A quick “thank you, appreciate it” and then be on your way.

You may have been told to be thankful because “it’s good manners”. You may have been told by Uncle Charlie that if you don’t get your ass over there and thank Aunt Gertrude for that sweater, Aunt Gertrude is going to be pissed off and take it out on Uncle Charlie when they get home.

The member of the clergy of your particular religion may imperiously state, “It is the will of God for you to be thankful so just do it”. The unspoken rest of the statement is “or else”. It tends to present an image of an old guy with a long white beard wearing a flowing robe. The imposing geezer has a stern look on his face. He looks over his entourage and commands from his throne, “Dance, my minions, dance”. Then if he sees someone not be thankful, he frowns and reaches for his divine taser. Then next thing you hear from the crowd is “Yeowww! That hurt!”

The Law Is The Law Is The Law

Universal Law is divinely impartial. It is no respecter of persons. It works no matter who employs it. Your life reality merely reflects back to you your awareness of being, as a mirror reflects your image. If you are truly feeling (not just mouthing) thanksgiving, you are actively transmitting. You are transmitting neural electro-magnetic impulses to Universal Law which then always responds accordingly. Your neural thought impulses, accompanied by your feeling of it, are received. This sets off a fateful chain reaction for something good to happen in your reality. It is a scientific certainty. This is equivalent to a television signal sent out from a broadcasting tower.

A specific wave frequency dials you into the television channel that you have chosen to watch. Change the chosen frequency, you get a different channel. In the case of your life, change your inner frequency and you change your reality. It’s just that simple. Universal Law responds in a positive manner to the frequency of gratitude. Maintain that frequency and you will receive something for which to be thankful. Turn off the flow and you then block the connection. The Law is the Law is the Law. That is the hidden reason why, even in the midst of adverse circumstances, scripture counsels you to be thankful in all circumstances. It is your way out. It is your way out of your troubles.

A Real Life Example

Let me give you an actual minor example of pursuing gratitude in an adverse situation. At a job that I worked at for many years, I found myself in the situation of working with a troublesome employee. The employee was just plain annoying, to me as well as others. I think the crux of the problem was that the employee was insecure inside. This then projected outward into irritating behavior.

I observed how there was constant bickering and tension between this employee and another co-worker. The employee even tried to get me in trouble one time but I was one step ahead of her and her attempt was fruitless. Intuitively, I felt that confrontation was not the solution to the problem. “In everything be thankful” came into my mind. I made the decision to steadfastly remain in gratitude mode rather than place my focus on the fact that I really disliked this person.

Thankful for what? you might say. For whatever lesson life was presenting to me. Thankful for Ultimate Intelligence being available for guidance. Thankful for the indisputable fact that I am the only person who gets to decide how I feel inside. Thankful that I was given an opportunity to prove this in concrete terms. Thankful that I am a sovereign thinking being.

As you might guess, in a very short amount of time, I was unexpectedly transferred to another facility within the installation where I did not come in contact with the annoying person. Furthermore, in a short while after that, that employee left that job completely and found employment elsewhere. I thought to myself afterward, “Wow, this stuff really works”.

The Dynamic Duo

Two mystics, seven hundred years apart, were on the same wavelength when it comes to the critical importance in your life of thanksgiving.

The thirteenth century theologian and mystic, Meister Eckhart, summed it up concisely. He wrote “If the only prayer that you ever uttered during your entire life was “thank you”, it would be enough”.

Some seven hundred years later, in the twentieth century, the latter day mystic, author and lecturer, Neville Goddard, wrote “…(a) way of praying is simply to feel thankful. If I want something, either for myself or for another, I immobilize the physical body, then I produce the state akin to sleep and in that drowsy state, just feel happy, feel thankful, which thankfulness implies realization of what I want.”

Feel It. Feel It. Feel It.

And there it is. Therein lies the hidden secret of the power of thanksgiving. The Law is the Law is the Law. That is the precise reason that you should be thankful in all circumstances. If the circumstances are good, you desire them to continue in that manner. Thanksgiving. If the circumstances are neutral, you want to “kick start” things in the desired direction. Thanksgiving. Further, if the circumstances are bad, you want to engage in an action that is going to turn things around to the good side somehow. Thanksgiving.

If you feel thanksgiving, you live in a manner that will make your life worth living. You will then desire to do something that expresses the gratitude you feel. This then always empowers you. You walk the divine path. The divine path of creating. Creating something that did not exist before. When you keep the faith no matter what, you have the privilege of expressing the power and majesty of Universal Mind during your brief stay here on planet Earth.

Thanksgiving is eternal. Thanksgiving is magical. Set your mind on it every day of the year. You will reap the golden harvest.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

One response to “Thanksgiving – Every Day Of The Year – For Real”

  1. Andre

    An interesting post. Thank you