Your Grand and Glorious Jackpot

Gene Wilder As Willie Wonka

Have you ever watched the movie “Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory”? It was a fantasy/comedy made in 1971 and starred Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka and a marvelous supporting cast. Near the end of the movie, Mr. Wonka was testing the last remaining child who had successfully made it through the chocolate factory tour. Four other children had to drop out of the tour. The child, named Charlie, was to receive a year’s supply of Wonka chocolates which were prized the world over.

At first, Mr. Wonka refused to grant that reward to Charlie, stating that he and his grandfather, who accompanied Charlie on the tour, had violated one of the rules of the tour. Charlie’s grandfather flew into a rage. He told Charlie to leave the factory with him and they would go immediately to Wonka’s competitor, Slugworth, to divulge details of a very unique piece of candy Mr. Wonka had given Charlie. Earlier on the tour Charlie had been given the candy on the condition of never divulging it to anyone.

Willie’s Jackpot

Rather than leave with his grandfather, Charlie walked up to Mr. Wonka’s desk, where Wonka was seated, and placed the special candy on the desk next to Mr. Wonka. As Charlie was about to leave, Mr. Wonka told him to stop. He apologized to Charlie for having to test him and told Charlie with joy, “You’ve won Charlie!” Charlie asked, “You mean the chocolate?” Wonka answered, “Oh yes, the chocolate but so much more. You’ve won the grand and glorious jackpot!” It turned out that this jackpot was that he was giving Charlie the entire factory and letting Charlie and his entire impoverished family move in immediately to living quarters at the factory. Of course, Charlie was overjoyed at this prize as it was truly his fondest dream come true.

Your Own Grand And Glorious Jackpot

What is your own personal “grand and glorious jackpot”? Have you ever given it some deep thought? Have you ever given it any thought at all? It might be receiving a large sum of money. Maybe it is landing your dream job. Perhaps it is getting relief from a health affliction that you suffer with. It could be the repairing of a broken relationship. Another possible jackpot is that you are able to provide substantial help to a loved one with a lifelong challenge that they face. Maybe it is a combination of any or all of the above.

Whatever your grand and glorious jackpot might be, how would you feel after you received it? How would you feel inside? How would you live your life each day as a result? Refrain from giving a cliche or standard answer to those questions. Refrain from the common response that those “jackpots” are out of your reach so what’s the use of even wasting time thinking about it. You say you will just get depressed that it is not “real”. Just put all that crap aside and spend five measly minutes, three hundred seconds of your life, just feeling. Feeling how you would feel if receiving your jackpot was already a done deal. It won’t hurt you. It won’t cost you any money. It will cost you merely five minutes of your time. Three tenths of one percent of your daily allotment of time. Even a lawyer charging hundreds of dollars an hour can spare five minutes for something important. And this is important. It is your life.

Your Own Personal Smuggler

If your mind just won’t let you imagine that you have already received your jackpot, try again later. The very best times to do this are either immediately upon waking in the morning or at night as you are drifting off to sleep. You are at your most relaxed at those times. Relaxation is your personal smuggler that gets you past the various internal checkpoints that your mind has constructed. If you can ultimately get yourself up to five minutes, then next go for ten minutes. It’s much harder than it sounds but there really is a payoff for you if you can do it.

After you have fully put yourself into a state of consciousness where you have already received your jackpot for five or ten minutes, then end your “jackpot session”. Do this without fail every day for a minimum of ninety days. If it is in the morning, after you are done your session, get up and go on with your daily activities. If it is night, then drift off to sleep after your session.

Get The Hell Out Of The Way

Let your subconscious mind do all the heavy lifting. Get the hell out of the way. Pay attention to everything that takes place in your life. Be alert to ideas that appear in your mind. Things will happen for your benefit if you are truly faithful to the process. The things may be small. They may even be tiny at first, but good things will happen. Take advantage of opportunities that present themselves to you. Expect positive results of some sort in your life at the conclusion of that ninety days,if not sooner. Refrain from skipping a day. Treat it as a scientific experiment where if you skip a day, you compromise the entire experiment. This whole process has been called “living in the end”. It is a form of prayer, It is materializing the precious words of Jesus Christ: If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.