In Case You Didn’t Hear — Tomorrow Is Here Now

What Is Time?

Eckhart Von Hochheim, commonly known as Meister Eckhart, was a German theologian, philosopher and mystic. He lived, taught and preached in the late thirteenth century, early fourteenth century At the time of his death, his teachings were attacked as a result of internecine intra-church intrigue.

While Meister Eckhart himself was never branded a heretic, the Avignon Vatican pronounced certain of his teachings as heretical. It was just another chapter in the never-ending human drama of one group of humans fearful of losing control over another group of humans. Recent efforts by Eckhart’s Dominican Order to confirm his theological orthodoxy resulted in a letter from the Vatican in 1992 to the Master of the Dominicans stating, “we are perfectly free to say that he is a good and orthodox theologian”.

Eckhart taught that God is a totally transcendent Being, beyond all words, beyond all understanding. From his writings, he stated that “Time is what keeps the Light from reaching us”. With regard to our reality and the “now” of it, he also wrote, “There exists only the present instant…….a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday, nor is there any tomorrow but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence”.

Urgent Care Centers

A relatively recent occurrence in the field of healthcare is the proliferation of neighborhood clinics known as “urgent care centers”. When I was very young, the family doctor still made housecalls for urgent care situations. Then, as that era came to a close, the hospital emergency room became the option for immediate medical attention.

In today’s world, the urgent care center, open seven days a week, twelve hours a day, and has emerged as a viable treatment option when you need to do something now about a health related problem. There are even specialized urgent care centers now such as pediatric urgent care, orthopedic urgent care and mental health urgent care.

Awareness Of Being

In your life today, right now, you are in a situation that requires urgent care on your part. So many human beings, the overwhelming majority of inhabitants of planet earth, defer their awareness of being to tomorrow (or some later date). For example, if you do this, then tomorrow you will get that. If you go to work, you will get pay on payday to pay for your food, your lodging, your car, your clothes, your child’s braces, and so on.

All activity is geared to doing something today in order to get something or be something tomorrow (or some later date). It is a true blessing to be able to earn enough money to pay for your needs. The urgent care that you must attend to however, is the endless deferring of your Now awareness of being.

For just a few minutes, cut away all the layers of crap and focus in on exactly what you are aware of being right now. Not what you will be five minutes from now. Not what you will be tomorrow or next week or next year or five years from now, but what you are aware of being right now. This awareness of being, moment by moment by moment, is the very essence of your life and of your existence in this dimension. It is urgent that you realize this because everything that occurs in your life flows outward from your now awareness of being.

Smothers Brothers

Back in the 1960’s, the Smothers Brothers (Tom and Dick) were a very successful pair of folk musicians who specialized in comedy. At home we had one of their comedy LP albums and thoroughly enjoyed it. The brothers went on to have an hour long television variety/comedy show on CBS. While the show proved very successful, it was ultimately cancelled by the network in 1969 due to content that was considered too controversial.

On one of their shows, they had a short film segment that was brilliant. This film was entitled “American Time Capsule”. It was a film that consisted of a multitude of still photos presented in kaleidoscopic fashion and set to a vibrant, yet subtle drumbeat solo. It is actually available to watch on the internet if you choose to do so. It portrayed two hundred years of American history in three minutes.

A Lasting Impression

This short film made a lasting impression on me. From time to time, I reflect upon it as sort of a microcosm of how time flows in the life of a human being. The film commences with the events of the American Revolutionary War in 1776. It proceeds to display in brief but recognizable image flashes, thirteen hundred different images of American history in a chronological fashion until reaching the current date at that time, 1968.

One of the things fascinating about this short film was the subtly changing speed of the display of the images. If you take one hundred and eighty seconds (three minutes) and divide it equally by thirteen hundred (images), it would come to about thirteen hundredths of a second each. The film however did not display each image in equal time amounts. As the film progressed to the latter half of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century, it moved ever faster as the amount of time allotted for each image was shortened. It is a remarkable piece of cinematography.

The sands of time of your life move past you in approximately the same manner as the images of the film American Time Capsule. As you get older, the time, the events, the circumstances of your life, move by with ever increasing speed. Time is the ultimate trickster in this regard. It moves turtle-like when you want it to speed up and then it becomes Speed Racer when you would appreciate it slowing down just a tad.

Time Is What Keeps The Light From Reaching You

So how exactly do you deal with this mischievous imp called time? There is only one best way. Focus. Make the irrevocable free will choice to focus. Focus on the present instant. Leave all temporalities behind. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is merely an illusion. There is only Now, your current awareness of being.

You say that you can’t. You have tried and you keep thinking about stuff that is “coming up” tomorrow, next week, next month. Try as you might, you keep ruminating over past events, past grievances, past mistakes. If that is the case, you need to go to your own personal urgent care center. You must generate a desire to “live in the end” right now with as much urgency, with as much feeling, as you are humanly capable of. If you do this, it will assuredly be to your benefit.

Discard Your Concept Of Time

When my youngest boy was around four years old, he became ill one day with a high fever caused by a childhood flu bug of some sort. All of a sudden his temperature spiked with such an intensity that he suffered a grand mal febrile seizure. I was in another portion of the house and immediately heard my wife shout in distress. I did not wait for an ambulance. I scooped him up, ran out to the car and drove at once to the local hospital emergency room which was fortunately only two minutes away.

Pulling up to the ER entrance, I jumped out of the car and carried him inside, imploring the nearest nurse to help my boy. They quickly took him and employed immediate measures to hydrate him and successfully reduce his temperature. He recovered nicely. During that entire urgent situation, there was no yesterday, there was no tomorrow. The entire focus of my life at that time was totally centered on one thing – getting my son help in that Now instant. I had no concept of time.

What Do You Desire To Be?

I now pose a question to you – What do you desire to be, to have, to achieve, to experience? In your Now awareness of being, be that – now; have that – now; achieve that – now; experience that – now. Commit yourself, once and for all, to choose your ever present Dwelling Place to be the Kingdom of God within. Humbly allow the Divine Presence to fill every part of you. Heed your intuition and pay attention to Divine inspiration. Do this with a peaceful urgency and every other thing in your life will subsequently fall into place naturally for you.

Believe. Receive.

Yet Another New Manifesting Recipe For You

Nuclear Explosion With Orange Mushroom Cloud

The Mind-Boggling Power Of Stored Energy

You, yes y-o-u, were born with a power that you probably never dreamed that you possess. It is the consciousness of the Kingdom of God within you. From this comes your God-given ability to utilize that energy to co-create, with your Creator as your constant guide. You were given this ability in order to be a living, breathing demonstration of the power of the Living God.

In science, the first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transferred or transformed from one state to another. You were created by Original Source in order to transform your life energy into manifestations of the I AM. You were given free will to transform the energy in any way you choose because for the universe to continue its growth, it must come forth from sovereign beings, not puppets.

You have the same energy within you that is found in an atomic bomb. A nuclear bomb, unfortunately for mankind, represents energy that is to be used for killing and destroying. It harnesses the energy forces that hold the nucleus of a single atom together. The stored energy is released when the particles of the atom’s nucleus are either split apart or merged. There are two ways that nuclear energy can be released from an atom, nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom is split into two smaller fragments by a neutron. In nuclear fusion, two smaller atoms are merged together to form a larger one. This is how the sun produces energy. While nuclear bombs use stored energy to destroy, you have the amazing ability, through imaginal creative manifestation, to create beautiful things using that same stored energy.

Different Strokes For Different Folks

The more research that I do, the more manifesting methods and techniques I come across. Why have so many different techniques for manifesting? There are about eight billion people in the world today. Each person is unique and has their own unique personality. What might appeal to one may not appeal to another. Beef and chicken are both highly consumed meats, but some people just prefer beef while others prefer chicken. One type of technique may not inspire much interest in a particular person while another technique may literally light up that same person’s imagination. The techniques that I present to you all work successfully. What activates the success in all of them is your belief in them. Do you feel that the end result that you desire is already yours as strongly as you feel the nose on your face is yours. Therein lies the heart of manifesting your reality.

A particular manifesting technique may sound to you like the stupidest thing on God’s green earth but if it gets the person that uses it to the mood of the wish fulfilled and its accompanying feeling, then that would obviously make it a valid technique. As the old saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding”. Manifesting is not begging. You can get on your knees and beg God all day long and you would get nowhere. It gets people all over the world who do it nowhere. God has already provided you the way out of any and all trouble. You are expected to do your part in the manifesting process. Believe, with gratitude, that you have received. Faith is the assurance of the unseen.

Choose whatever technique that you enjoy the most, that you feel the most proficient using. What matters with all the various techniques is that they create the feeling within you that what you desire is in fact already yours. Yes, there is that time factor that you have to deal with in this dimension, but in a realm you cannot see, your order, so to speak, has already been fulfilled. Let’s stop for a minute at that point. You are walking on clouds, feeling on top of the world, experiencing inner joy. That is what turns on the universal, thermonuclear magnet within you. The magnet says, “Damn, this guy is radiating some heavy duty gratitude and joy. I better start drawing some good stuff to him.” Then, you keep it switched on. It will be like that old Bugs Bunny cartoon where Yosemite Sam has Bugs cornered and is about to shoot him. Out of nowhere (remember it’s a cartoon) Bugs pulls out a huge magnet and points it at Sam. The magnet is so strong that it pulls the bullets out of Sam’s guns (yeah I know lead is not attracted to magnets – hey, it’s a cartoon), then it pulls Sam’s guns, then it pulls a knife Sam was going to throw at Bugs, then Sam’s belt buckle (his pants fall down), then the horseshoes from Sam’s horse (which of course all hit Sam in the head on their way to the magnet). It’s like a magic magnet that nothing can resist. That is what happens when you bring forth out of the Kingdom of God within you, the true feeling of your desire fulfilled, and sustain it.

Let’s take another example of you walking into a store and purchasing a lottery ticket. The next day you discover that you have won a substantial amount of money. How you would feel? You would probably be walking around with a smile from ear to ear. You would be thinking how can you express thanksgiving for this good fortune. Why? Because you have checked the ticket six times and you are sure that you have the winning ticket. You did it. As Mr. Wonka would say, “You’ve won, Charlie”! That’s the feeling that you’re shooting for. If it’s money you wish to manifest, your imaginal act does not have to visualize where the money came from. Your imaginal act is simply your feeling that you now have the funds to cover your needs. These funds could literally come from anywhere. God will handle the details.

What throws off a lot of people when manifesting is the time factor. They may say, “OK, I can feel that feeling but I can’t hold it indefinitely when the debt collector is calling six to eight times a day. That’s alright. When you go to sleep tonight, to hell with the debt collectors, they can’t call past 9 pm. Instead of lying there with your eyes open fretting over the quagmire you’re in, create our own little imaginal world where all your money worries are over. Feel it as your true reality and then fall asleep in that state.

I was walking to my car in the parking lot of the CVS drugstore recently. It was a warm day and many people in their cars had their car windows open. As I walked past one car, I heard a man talking on his phone, “Look I told you people that I just don’t have the money right now. Why don’t you leave me alone?” It is in situations like that where you simply have to find a way to switch off the feeling of “don’t got it” and substitute it with a created reality of “you got it”. It takes commitment to your chosen process. It takes discipline. It takes laser focus. It takes faith. It is difficult but if you can consistently convince your subconscious through your awareness of being, a way will be found out of the mess. As the lyrics to the song, “Testify” say, “Be still. Stand in love. Pay attention.”

The Gettysburg Address Method

In this technique, you are going to construct your own 271 word “Gettysburg Address” that you are going to present verbally to an assembled group of interested people. “What?!!” you say, “No way. I’m not good at public speaking and besides I don’t have the voice or the flair for it!” OK, calm down. The assembled group of people is going to be from your imagination. When you give your speech, you will be totally by yourself. Nobody will see you. Nobody will judge you. Nobody will hear you – except for the group that you have brought together from your imagination.

The Gettysburg Address is a 271 word speech that President Abraham Lincoln delivered during the Civil War in 1863, four and a half months after the Union army victory over the Confederate army at Gettysburg. It took place at the dedication of the National Cemetery where those killed in battle were interred. Ironically, the main speaker before President Lincoln gave a two hour long speech while Lincoln’s speech took less than ten minutes. Starting with the famous phrase, “Four score and seven years ago”, it is perhaps the best known speech in American history.

You can imagine a group of ten people in a living room, or a group of a hundred in a motel meeting room, or a group of a thousand in an auditorium. The speech will only be heard by the group that your imagination has assembled and, if done correctly, also by your subconscious.

It is essential that you give your speech when nobody else is around so that you have no distractions or interruptions to the flow of your speech. Comments from the peanut gallery can be fatal to your proposed manifestation. If this just is not possible at your residence, then get in the car and drive to a place where it is possible. If you have no car, put on one of those phone earpiece things on one of your ears and do it as you take a walk. With the prevalence of those earpiece things, the sight of someone talking to themselves is now a commonplace occurrence. Where there is a true will on your part to give this technique a whirl, you’ll figure out the best way.

As for the speech itself, the words you choose are important but how you feel while giving it is in fact “the secret sauce”. When writing the 271 words, take your time and think it over. You may start out by thanking everyone for coming to hear what you have to say. Then launch right into it. Explain that you had a strong desire to manifest your reality by creating the fulfillment of: here state whatever your desire fulfilled is. You fully surrendered yourself to the process. You created your own very personal “Gettysburg Address” and explain how you then believed that your wish was fulfilled. You put your faith in the assurance of the unseen. You actually felt the relief and joy that it actually came together for you. You are so thankful that you simply had to speak to this group today so that those of you in this assembled group can also use this technique if they want, to create fulfillment of their own hopes and dreams.

Take your time putting your speech together. Choose your words carefully. Make all the different words and phrases meaningful to you so that when you are speaking the words, you are also feeling the words. Give your speech once every day, preferably in the same location at the same time but if you can’t swing that, it’s OK, just give it. Continue to give it until you no longer have to give it. I have to admit that when I used this method, I got into it so emotionally that I got choked up during the speech and shed a tear or two. And yes, the manifestation I was going for did come to pass, just not in the way or in the time frame that I originally thought it would. That’s OK, that kind of thing happens frequently in creating manifestations.

Anyway, there you have it. Another manifestation technique for you to use. If you like it, try it. If not, move on to another technique. Different strokes for different folks. Refrain from standing still – always keep growing. Believe. Receive.

Easy To Understand Law: You Believe, You Receive

The M & M Boys Nailed It

When you hear the letters “M & M” what do you think of? Perhaps you think of the eponymous button sized candy manufactured with that name. Or if you are in my age category, maybe it brings to mind that famous baseball duo from the New York Yankees, Maris and Mantle. In the slang of the texting world, m & m has a number of different meanings. The “M & M Boys” that I would like to focus on however are two books from the Bible, Matthew and Mark. There is one verse from each book containing the words of Jesus as they relate to the incredible power of belief and its connection to manifesting your current reality.

Let’s take the King James Version of the verse, Matthew 21:22 – And all things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” All things whatsoever. That is what I would call all encompassing. I will follow that up with the translation from the Aramaic Bible in Plain English – “Everything that you ask for in prayer and believe, you will receive.” I believe where things go south in the prayers of humanity is in the interpretation of the words “ask for”.

Next let’s travel over to the book of Mark. Mark 11:24 states – “Therefore I say unto you, what things so ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them” (King James Version). Following up that same verse within the Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation, we find – “Therefore I say to you, that everything that you pray and ask, believe that you are receiving it and you shall have it.”

When you reflect on these two verses, the two words that reverberate with pure energy are “believe” and “receive”. The M & M Boys truly nailed it with these two verses.

Awareness Of Being Makes It Happen

The clarity of the two verses is absolutely unmistakable. ALL things you ask in prayer BELIEVING, you will RECEIVE. EVERYTHING that you pray for and ask, BELIEVE that you are RECEIVING it and you shall have it. To me, the one single key word out of those two verses is believe. By that is meant, you have it now, it is a done deal. It does not mean believing that you can receive it. It does not mean that you will receive it at some undetermined time in the future. It means that in your heart, in your mind, in your soul, you know that what you pray for, what you truly desire, has already been done. Your union with the Kingdom of God is your awareness of being. You are living right now with true gratitude that what you pray for, what you assume upon yourself has been accomplished. It sounds ridiculously easy but it is not. Obstacles appear all around you. Probably the foremost obstacle is the illusion of time. Time is a necessary construct for this earth dimension that we reside in. In the world of spirit, all is now. In our earth dimension however, time is a necessary vector. There is almost always a lapse of time between our believing and our receiving. It is in this time lapse period where the evil counselor of doubt sneaks in, uninvited.

Beware the seeds of doubt because they serve only to short circuit the electrical connection between your “believe” and your “receive”. Doubt is a downer and a losing hand. Your “believe” must be free of doubt otherwise your “receive” loses its connection to you as in the cutting of an electrical cable. If your belief is you have it, you will have it at the appointed time. If your belief is you want, you will continue in that wanting, without fulfillment of your manifestation. Live in the end result. Live in the wish already fulfilled. When a thought shows up in your mind that negates your belief, show it to the exit immediately. You can do this be immediately substituting a new thought of pure gratitude that you have in fact received your manifestation. As Mary Howitt suggests in her poem The Spider and The Fly, “unto an evil counselor (doubt) close heart and ear and eye. Another way to look at it is to understand that your desire has already manifested in another dimension of reality and is just working out the logistics of meshing up with your earth dimension. It does require however your continual belief or it loses contact with you.

I can hear the “yeah buts” arriving in bunches. I don’t care about what you see. I don’t care about what your hear. I don’t care about anything that appears to contradict your faith. I care about you and your manifesting success. I care only about what you believe in the fullest, truest meaning of that word. That, dear reader, whoever you are, is what is going to get it done for you. What is your awareness of being because whatever it is is that is what you receive.

The whole “believe, receive” thing is something that is quite simple but it is not easy. You must go “all-in” as they say in the world of poker. You must choose to put all of your trust in the Universal Intelligence which created you. It is a free will choice to trust your very life to the essence of those words “believe, receive”. It is a scary proposition for most human beings – of letting go and going “all-in”. Your ego will most likely give you a half dozen reasons to hold back.

A True Life Example

Here is a true life example of believing and receiving. The son of someone that I know quite well was in a period of employment transition. The job that he was at was not qualifying to meet his needs. It was important to his financial status that he find replacement employment. The man assured his son that things were going to work out to his best benefit. He prayed in an intercessory manner for his son, creating in his mind a scenario whereby he was congratulating his son on succeeding in his employment mission. In his “real” vision/prayer, he heard him and his son discussing how it actually did turn out that the son was in a better situation now. He was happy to see the look of being successful on the face of his son. All of this without specifying the actual details, just the overall result, the “feeling” of it. You see, the “feeling” is the true secret.

In this occasion, it was a relatively short time later, the son followed his intuition to connect with a contact that he had made years before. It turned out that at the contact’s place of employment, there was a position just right for his son that just opened up. The contact promised to make a strong recommendation for him with Human Resources. In the space of a week after that contact, his son was hired for that position. The synergy of the beliefs of father and son allowed the connection to Universal Energy which brought about the “real-ization” of his desire. And the scenario envisioned with belief in the above paragraph was then played out in reality.

If You Forget All Else, Remember The Boil Down

I am in love with reading. Books, newspapers, magazines, essays, Wikipedia pages, internet articles, peanut butter jar labels, whatever. I just love to read. Over the years I have learned that when I read something that I really wanted to be able to recall later, I have a notebook that I call “the boil down notebook”. I write the name of the book or article or whatever. After that I write down a sentence or two to boil down what I just read. It may even just be a few phrases or a half dozen words. It helps to jog my memory of what I read.

If you find this post of interest to you, the “boil down” that I would leave you with is two words – Believe. Receive. Sometimes in the midst of a manifesting effort I will even use those two words as a kind of mantra to hold off the attacks of the damaging thoughts of fear or doubt or anger. The words of Jesus given to this world for everyone by the M & M Boys – believe, receive – were put out for everyone to hear, to see, and most importantly, to use, in order to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. Just as in the famous image seen above of Lady Justice, what you place in terms of Believe on one side of the scale will be balanced out equally on the other scale with Receive.

Maybe you will think what about the guy in the mental institution that believes he is Napoleon. Or the cult followers who believed Jim Jones was their ticket to salvation. Well, then you delve into the subject of discernment. This is defined as perceiving what is, in the absence of judgement, with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding. In a subsequent post, I will delve into this topic of discernment as it relates to belief. Mental illness can be caused by many factors. For whatever reason, the ability to properly discern goes awry. As to the cult followers, their discernment ability is thrown off kilter by the deceit or error of one type or the other of the primary cult figure.

Said The Spider To The Fly

Will You Walk Into My Parlor Said The Spider To The Fly

Unto an evil counselor, close heart, and ear and eye.

Said the spider to the fly is an often recurring phrase from a poem that is much quoted. The first line of this poem is “Will you walk into my parlor? said the Spider to the Fly”. It comes from a poem written in 1828 by Mary Howitt. This poem tells the story of a shrewd and ruthless spider who ensnares a fly through the use of seduction and manipulation. At first, the fly is hesitant to come close to the spider, having heard bad things about him. The spider uses charm, flattery and deceit to ultimately trap the spider in his web. The spider offers the fly a tour of his exquisite collection of collectables. The fly refuses. The spider then offers the fly the use of his hydro-massage bed to relax in. The fly refuses. The spider next offers the fly some gourmet goodies from his pantry. The fly refuses. Finally the spider hits paydirt by appealing to the fly’s vanity. The spider exclaims how very beautiful the fly is and offers her the use of his full length mirror so she could see for herself. Bullseye! The fly falls for this and flies to the web. RIP Fly. While the poem does not specify what happened to the fly after she was captured by the spider, you can assume that the spider was on the patio that evening grilling fly-burgers for dinner.

An Evil Counselor

The last two lines of the poem are as follows:

Unto an evil counselor, close heart, and ear, and eye

And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly.

To live free of artificial constraints is the sacred privilege of every human being. To be truly free is to truly live. What an irony that the word evil is live spelled backwards. Quite appropriate. What a tragedy that so many in this world are hoodwinked into bondage by an evil counselor. The evil counselor could be a government functionary, your doctor, your school teacher, your spouse, your children, your friend, your clergyman, your fellow employee, your neighbor, fellow students at your school, corporate bigwigs, the news broadcaster. It is anyone controlled, consciously or unconsciously, by the controllers of this world. When you are told by anyone, anything that denies that you are a sovereign being and have been given the power to co-create along with your Creator by accessing the Kingdom of God within, that is evil counsel.

The “spiders” of this world entice you with all manner of things to obtain power over you. The “spiders” of this world gorge themselves on your fear. They will use all manner of manipulation and deceit to dissuade you from dwelling upon God. Once you dwell solely upon the Almighty, you are out of their grasp. The spider may even be good in heart. They may give you evil counsel not even understanding themselves that their counsel is bad. They may just be parroting back what others have told them, fully believing that they are giving good counsel.

Once you make the free will choice to jump into the spider web, for whatever reason, it will be difficult to untangle yourself. Money, sex, drugs, alcohol, power, celebrity, a sense of belonging, a fixation on food, fashion or fame, slavish obedience to authority, and so on. The spider has a multitude of enticements in his bag of tricks.

The Grid’s Gonna Getya If Ya Don’t Watch Out

In the movie The Matrix, there is a dual world of true reality and a computer simulated reality called The Matrix. The Matrix can be likened to an unseen worldwide computer grid wherein everything that you think, say, do, feel, believe, is the result of a computer generated reality grid controlled by artificially intelligent machines. In the movie, most of humanity was hooked up to this grid. They were born, lived and died within the grid living a life that was totally dictated and controlled by the powers that be, Occasionally a human would somehow rebel against this grid. Once identified, the remaining humans living outside the grid would attempt to rescue the person demonstrating rebellion against the grid.

You live in a world where the grid is “hiding in plain view”. When something is “hidden in plain view”, it means that it is concealed or unseen despite being in full, unrestricted view. And so it is with the worldwide grid today that you encounter every day of your life. A spider web that enthralls and entices you to enter and subsequently be consumed by it.

In the 1988 movie “They Live”, starring Rowdy Roddy Piper, you see an approximation of this where aliens are basically controlling the world’s humans though the hypnotizing brain waves they send out. Until one day, Roddy Piper comes across a box of sunglasses in an alley and puts on a pair. These eyeglasses allow him to see the truth of the world around him. He sees that everywhere is plastered slogans urging submission to the government. The aliens are actually engaging in everyday life masquerading as humans although without the special eyeglasses, they look like normal human beings. The eyeglasses allow Piper to distinguish who is human and who is alien. He is able see past the fake façade and perceive the true reality.

You were born with the sovereignty to allow you to voluntarily enter into a union with the I AM, the one true God. When you make the choice to dwell in God, you are privileged to act as a conduit for Universal Intelligence. As such, you are able to demonstrate the glory of God’s power, the power emanating from awareness of being. Conscious manifesting throughout your lifetime makes you an agent of God, a true child of God. Conversely, manifesting what the grid directs you to manifest is sin, a falling short of the mark.

Let your mind, let your heart, let your soul be centered on your awareness of being. Let your awareness of being be dictated by the Kingdom of God within you rather than be dictated by the worldwide grid of deceit and manipulation. Let your awareness of being be that which brings forth all manner of beautiful conscious manifestations, both small and large. Let the seeds that you plant in the fields of life bring forth a glorious crop. Dwell on God. It is your way out of any kind of trouble.

Unto an evil counselor, close heart and ear and eye”.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Hey, Wake Up – Here’s Your Key – Now Enter Your Dream

You Have Been Given The Power – The Power To See The Unseen

Let’s get right to it, time is precious. In scripture in Hebrews 11:1 is that eternal, beautiful truth as follows: Faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen (Holman Christian Standard Bible). Every human being ever born, even those with mental or physical challenges, has been gifted at birth with an amazing power. This power is called faith. Let’s go to a secular source, the Oxford Language dictionary, with regard to the definition of faith. Faith is defined as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something”. Thus, faith in God can be defined as complete trust or confidence in God. Continuing on in this vein, the word “complete” means one hundred percent, not even so much as a fraction of a percent missing. For example, you have complete confidence that the breath coming out of your mouth or nose is your breath and not the breath of your neighbor. That is not something that you believe. It is something that you know. Even though you cannot see or feel it yet, you have faith, you absolutely know that the next breath that comes out of your mouth or nose will be your breath and not your neighbor’s breath. You have faith that the breath coming out of your body is from your lungs. It is your breath.

So now let’s explore the words “faith in God”. Although God – Ultimate Intelligence, Original Source, I AM that I AM – is undefinable, we can identify a manifestation of the Divine in this dimension. The demonstration of the Divine is your awareness of being. What are you currently aware of being? Who are you currently aware of being? Are you aware of being poor, rich or somewhere in between? Are you aware of expressing good health or poor health or somewhere in between? And so on. What is real to you? What is natural to you? What can you see, feel, hear as real in your current life expression. Not in the outer circumstances or people around you but what can can see, feel, hear in your God-given Image-ination? What can you see, feel, hear on the inside. This is where you were gifted with the power to co-create with the Creator. Deep down, right down to your inner core, what is your current awareness of being? This is where you experience connection with Ultimate Intelligence and this is where you completely let go and allow Ultimate Intelligence to direct how and when your manifestation arrives. The skeptic will say, “Nonsense, if you cannot see it, it does not exist, it’s snake oil. Atheists manifest things in their lives all the time without a belief in any type of god.” To respectfully respond, I would say that deep down, the atheist has confidence in being able to accomplish what they set out to achieve. This, in fact, is an awareness of being and is the way all humans connect with God whether they are conscious of it or not.

Galatians 6:7 – God Is Not Mocked

What is blasphemy? From Wikipedia comes this – an insult that shows contempt, disrespect or lack of reverence concerning a deity or something holy or sacred. Blasphemy is a word that has been used by religious authorities down through the ages to identify and punish those with opposing views to the designated religious powers that be. In the European religious wars of the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries, the Protestants called the Catholics blasphemers and the Catholics called the Protestants blasphemers. Over thirty countries today have anti-blasphemy laws on the books where blasphemy is punishable by death.

In the movie, “Kingdom of Heaven”, the bishop of Jerusalem is portrayed as a particularly greasy and oily personality who is particularly interested in protecting his tookus. During a meeting of all the bigwigs at the king’s castle, a statement is made that totally contradicts the stated position of the bishop. Yeah, you guessed it. The first word out of the bishop’s mouth in response is “Blasphemy”. My son and I always get a chuckle out of it because it is so patently self-serving.

I don’t know about you but I think those who feel the need for anti-blasphemy laws are way off base. Is God some petulant gang leader wearing a dew rag who needs retribution when someone “disses” Him? I think not.

Going to scripture, in Galatians 6:7 it states, “Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (New International Version). And there it is. It is impossible to mock God. You simply cannot do it. In this dimension of existence that you live in called Earth, you are a sower and then subsequently you are a reaper. It is a very simple equation. To sow means to plant. To reap means to harvest. Every thought that you plant in your imagination leads to an act. The act leads to a habit. The habit leads to a character. A character leads to a destiny.

Every physical effect has a spiritual cause. I will repeat that – everything that happens in your world comes into being because of a spiritual cause. By the words spiritual cause, I don’t mean you have to say some prescribed prayer sanctioned by church authorities. A spiritual act can be something as simple as just sitting quietly and activating your Imagination. God cannot possibly be mocked. You will harvest whatever it is that you plant. Every time – all the time. If you plant corn, you are going to harvest corn, not tomatoes. Every physical event from start to finish comes about due to a spiritual cause.

The Only Thing Holding You Back Is ———- Y-O-U

Let’s play a fast game of Jeopardy.

Answer: Let go, just let go.

Question: If faith is the key that unlocks the door to a beautiful life, how do I get faith?

The key is already in your hands but you have to place it in the keyhole and turn the latch in order to unlock the door. Just let go of all the countless “yeah buts” and let events play out as directed by Divine Source. Dwell on God, who works through your awareness of being. There is either God or mammon, There is no sense in trying to keep one foot in each. It just doesn’t work. Do your part. Plant the seeds. Nurture them with your Imagination. Every single day, maybe twice a day, sit quietly and fully engage your Imagination to already be what you desire to be, to already have what you desire to have. There are several ways to do this. Scripting is one. Creating a “spiritual glow” with gratitude is another. Find the way that feels best to you and then bar the door against the inevitable arrival of the “excuses gang”.

OK, you have experienced some tough breaks and some rough times. You can believe me when I say so have I. You’ve been dealt some incredibly bad cards during the game of life. Every single minute of your life that you spend of your limited allotment of time feeling sorry for yourself is a horribly wasted minute of life. By feeling sorry for yourself, you succeed in holding yourself back. You have actually planted a rotten seed that you will subsequently harvest in the time ahead as rotten fruit. You will cry, “Why does everything always happen to me?” Refuse to allow the feeling sorry for yourself stuff to enter the living room of your house (your mind). Always be busy entertaining beautiful guests (your Imaginal desires) so that the “feeling sorry crowd” (of thoughts) cannot get past the velvet rope. Refuse to allow you to continue holding you back.

Read Now – Urgent Message – Enough Already With The Bull Manure

Mr. Holzmeier

Back when I was in high school, in what seems to be a couple of centuries ago and at the same time, just last month, one semester our regular algebra teacher was out on a three month leave of absence. We received a substitute teacher to fill in while our regular teacher was away. Into the classroom came a distinguished, very Germanic looking grey-haired gentleman with a hefty build by the name of Mr. Holzmeier. He sort of resembled General Von Hindenburg without the facial hair and with eyeglasses and regular combed hair. We subsequently discovered that he was Swiss in origin. His initial demeanor on day one certainly pointed to the Swiss reputation for efficiency in operations and directness as he took fifteen minutes emphasizing, in his Germanic accent, the need for punctuality and explaining that lateness to class would not be tolerated and would affect a student’s grades. As time went on however, we found that Mr. Holzmeier was actually a pretty nice fellow. He had a bit of a temper though and a few of the students always enjoyed trying to get him worked up about something or other. I remember that when a student would say something that he did not agree with, he would say quite loudly “Bull Manure”. The Swiss reputation for courtesy did not allow him to say Bull Shit. For example, one day a student starting telling Mr. Holzmeier that Switzerland was a wealthy country only because of the fact that their banks hoarded ill-gotten gains from all over the world in secret numbered bank accounts. “Bull Manure” bellowed a red faced Mr. Holzmeier and he spent the last twenty minutes of classtime explaining all the positive facets of Switzerland.

Good For Crops, Bad For You

Well, composted bovine manure may be great to fertilize a farmer’s crops or Mrs. Mulligan’s vegetable garden but bullshit is deadly when you feed it to yourself. Of course, I mean in a figurative sense only, in the hundred and one ways you bullshit yourself in your thoughts, words and actions on a regular basis. When you are not true to yourself, your train goes off the tracks and ultimately leads to negative consequences for you.

The term bullshit came into popular usage only in the last one hundred years. It is a near synonym of the euphenism horsehit but while you don’t horsehit someone, you can bullshit them. Thus, bullshit is a verb as well as a noun. When you hear the word bullshit, certain things might come to mind – used car salesmen, most politicians, bernie madoff, russian bots, a guy desperate to get laid, a gal desperate to get married, any corporate voice mail that states, “your call is important to us”, and any corporate sign or notice that has the words “to better serve you”.

You live in an era of unprecedented bullshit. George Carlin once proposed that there were three kinds of troublesome people, those who are: (1) fucking stupid, (2) fucking nuts or (3) full of bullshit. Bullshit is most assuredly detrimental to you, whether you are a willing receiver or an active deceiver. And yet, you do it over and over again, in both big things as well as little things. Here are some of the standard bullshit lines:

“It’s not my fault”

“I’m just too tired”

“I’m bored. I need motivation”

I’m gonna get around to it”

“I learned my lesson this time”

“How was I supposed to know”

“I can’t help it. It’s just the way I am”

“If it wasn’t for _____________, I would have done it”

“If it wasn’t for _____________, I wouldn’t have done it”

“He (or she) made me do it”

“The dog ate my homework”

And so on, ad nauseum.

There’s Only One Best Time……….That’s Right Now

Circumstances Do Not Matter…….Only State of Being Matters. Stop the Bull Manure already. Just Stop it. Stop. Face the truth. Successfully deal with the truth by maintaining a state of being, an awareness of consciousness that yields only benefit to you. Stop the bullshit that it’s this one’s fault or that one’s fault. Stop the bullshit that you could have done it if you only had……….. Stop the bullshit that being where you are, being with who you are, being in the job you’re in, being saddled with the responsibilities you have, being given the sex or the skin or the family you have keeps you from achieving your true purpose here on earth. We are all children of God. We are here to bring glory to our Creator by manifesting wonderful and beautiful things, whatever they may be. We are not here to engage in stupid bullshit. There is only one best time to start walking on the road of conscious manifestation and that is right now, right where you are.

Of course, everyone has bullshit themselves at one time or another. I certainly know that I have. It sucks the energy right out of you and causes you to waste your precious life. Yes, I said precious because that is what your existence is. Wherever you are on your journey, there is still time to just stop bullshitting yourself and start living your remaining lifetime in the manner that you originally intended when you first arrived here in this world. What happened to all the people who listened to bernie madoff’s bullshit? They lost their life savings. What happens to you when you listen to your mental bullshit? You lose your true life.

You are the carpenter of the house called “your life”. You have been given the building material called Imagination. You have been given the building tools called your chosen thoughts, feelings and beliefs. They will allow you to build your own unique custom house, board by board, brick by brick. Refuse to allow bullshit to hold you back. You deserve to have a beautiful life through the process of conscious manifestation. You’ve tried the way of bullshitting yourself. How has that worked out for you? Now try the other way. You will find that endeavoring to live bullshit-free lifts you into a majestic dimension of existence that you never thought was even possible.

Bullshitting yourself is toxic. Be honest with yourself. Set yourself free.

The Grim Reaper – What’s With This Guy Anyway ?

The Old Saying Is Wrong

There is an old saying that goes, “Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes.” Wrong. We have all heard about the “sharpies” that use loopholes to get out of paying taxes. The twenty-five richest Americans (think billionaires, not millionaires) paid little or no federal income taxes, according to a report recently released by the non-profit news organization ProPublica. Not surprising. One thing that these Richie Rich’s (and their accountants and tax lawyers and financial advisors) cannot weasel out of however is death. At some point they will most assuredly die as everybody in the world is destined to die (except maybe Nosferatu and Queen Elizabeth II).

What’s with this Grim Reaper guy anyway? I am sure you have seen pictures of him, he of the skeleton, the black hooded robe, the long handled scythe. Sometimes he even hauls around an oversized hourglass. At the time of your death he will be standing there in the shadows waiting for you. As sure as the sun is in the sky and the ground is beneath your feet, at the appointed hour, he is there with that pointed skeleton finger signaling you to come with him. His other hand has that ever present scythe as a silent intimidator for you to dispense with any thought of making a plea for just five more minutes of life. No snooze alarm is allowed by Mr. Reaper. I mean the guy is a great employee. He never takes a day off. He can’t be bribed or persuaded. He handles both peak and off-peak hours with the same efficiency. He just relentlessly does his thing with complete equanimity.

I am reminded of that scene from the Mel Brooks comedy movie, “History of The World, Part I”. Before the Inquisition musical number, this robed monk guy comes out and announces the arrival of Torquemada (pronounced Tor-kah-mah-da), the Grand Inquisitor. The monk shouts, “Torquemada – Do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada – Do not beg for forgiveness. Torquemada – Do not ask him for mercy. Let’s face it folks, you can’t “talk him outta” anything.” And so it is with the Grim Reaper. After your last breath of life, when he appears, its game up, party’s over, time to move on to what’s next.

Gilgamesh and Methuselah Tried

In Mesopatamian legend, the epic of Gilgamesh describes the saga of Gilgamesh, son of a human king and a goddess. He tried through a series of adventures to obtain immortality but ultimately failed in his quest. At the end of the saga, Gilgamesh returns home and happily accepts his life as a mortal man.

Many Americans are not as mellow about the inevitability of death as Gilgamesh. The fear of death is so common that it has spurred many university research projects and intrigued both atheist scholars as well as religious teachers. Nowadays there is even a field of study called thanatology, which studies how humans react to death. According to a research study published in 2017 by Chapman University out of Orange, California, over 20 percent of Americans are afraid of dying. There is even a documented phobia called thanatophobia that is an intense fear of death that comes to consume someone’s thoughts and affects their daily actions.

We also have the story of Methuselah from the book of Genesis. He is recorded as living for 969 years. In fact, many of the pre-Flood patriarchs lived over 900 years – Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Jared, Methuselah and Noah. During the thousand years after the Great Flood, the Bible records a downward spiral of lifespans. Abraham lived to be 175 and Moses, who lived an extra long life for his time, 120. The transitory nature of our lives is described in Psalms 90:10: “The days of our lives are seventy years, and if by reason of strength are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off and we fly away.”

Living Your Life Times Four

OK, as soon as you come out of the womb, the clock starts ticking. The Grim Reaper dutifully writes down your name in his appointment planner. You have been presented with a mind-boggling power of being able to create your life reality through the magic of your God-given manifestation abilities. For crying out loud, use them why don’t you. Here are four tenets, four ideas, that can and that will (if you choose to run with them) manifest for yourself a life of beauty and joy:

(1) Treat Every Day As Precious. Every hour, every breath, is an hour, and a breath where you can use what you have, where you are without interference from that Grim Reaper guy. Every day is your chance to create. Every breath you take means your presence is still pulsating here and as such, you can cause beauty and wonder and magic to manifest around you. When I wake up each day and plot out what I want to achieve that day, I keep this acronym in mind – Edisal. It stands for “every day is a lifetime”.

(2) Live Fully Now. Let your chosen awareness of being at this moment be your entire existence. The past is gone. It no longers exists. If you want to do revision a la Neville Goddard, then do it in a manner that yields benefit – benefit to you and benefit to everyone around you. Refrain from rehearsing and rehashing old mistakes, failures, hurts, grudges and grievances. It just doesn’t work. It’s a dead end. You only wind up anchoring them around your neck. The future is only a dimension of multitudinous possibilities. It is a mist. It has not arrived yet. The future is totally dependent on your “now” awareness of being, your current state of consciousness.

(3) Live With Special Knowledge. Know what it is that you were born to do with your life and then do it, dammit. “Gonna get around to it someday” or “I can’t because…..” is just another way of saying “I am powerless” and that is not true. You have power that you never even dreamed of, but, you, and only you, can set this power into motion. That is what free will is all about.

(4) Live The Very Best That You Know How. Choose a lifestyle that edges continually toward a “no stone left unturned” philosophy. There comes to mind a story I came across in my reading of a guy who finished dead last in a marathon race and ultimately had to crawl on his hands and knees across the finish line, long after everyone else had finished. He was a winner. Put everything that you have to give on the table of the feast of life. Then you can say to the Grim Reaper when he comes for you – Hey Grim my man, what’s up (giving him a high five). I gave it everything I had. I’ve done my thing here in this world. Now lead me on to what’s next. I’m ready.

Your State of Consciousness Right Now Is Everything

Circumstances Don’t Matter

Circumstances do not matter…..only state of being matters. If you truly want to make good things happen in your life, then always keep that mantra in your mind. In fact, if you place emphasis on the words “matter” and “being”, the sentence takes on its own unique rhythm. It sounds like you were at a political demonstration of some sort, chanting a slogan.

Circumstances do not matter…..only state of being matters. Those nine words define your entire lifetime — from the time the obstetrician slapped your rump in the delivery room to the time of your body’s very last breath just before you die. What…is…your…state…of…being?

In the image above you see a woman who is experiencing a virtual reality experience via the electronic device that she is employing. Her eyes, her mind, her senses, are conscious of something that is totally different than her actual circumstance and surroundings. When she ultimately removes the virtual reality device, her mind, her vision and her feelings revert to the room and surroundings in which she started before putting on the device. While she has it on however, her mind, her senses and to a degree, her beliefs, mirror the experience that she is feeling as a result of the virtual reality device.

Feeling Is The Secret

In the daily circumstances of life, there are things, there are circumstances, that you desire to have and experience. Some of these desires are stronger than others. Most likely, you have formulated some type of general plan to go about getting these desires fulfilled in your life. Even if your plan is to just continue with the status quo and hope for the best, that is still a plan.

The huge stumbling block with the majority of humans however, is that while going after the fulfillment of your desires, you are aware of being without that which you desire. Your awareness of being is that you do not have it and you want it. Your feeling may be that if you work hard at your plan that you will get it (and for a number of reasons that may happen) but your state of being, your core belief is that you do not have it. So, for the overwhelming mass of humanity, day in and day out you live with this belief, this omitting of “living in the end”, Universal Source then matches you up with your overriding belief – the belief being that you currently lack what it is that you desire. The secret sauce to receiving is believing you already have it. Yes, I am aware of how difficult that is, but if you work at it, you can do it.

Matthew 21:22 states, “Whatever you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive” (New English Translation Bible). Feeling inside that you already have that which you desire, is the missing ingredient. Feeling is the secret.

You Choose, You Receive

The above statement of “you choose, you receive” is certainly highly controversial. Many who are in dire straits and/or agonizing pain would indignantly rush to say, “I never chose this. My injury, my illness, my horrible situation at work, my divorce, my failure, was certainly not my choice. What about infirm or abused infants and children who have no real ability to choose? How dare you!” OK, fair enough. In this earth dimension in which we live, there are all manner of things transpiring under the surface layer of the world’s consciousness that we are just not aware of. Why this?…Why that?…How could a loving God allow all this suffering in the world?

I will be the first to admit that I have no answers for all the world’s suffering. I absolutely despise the suffering of anybody. Nevertheless, in the everyday world of money, relationships, career/work, health and intercession, two of the Bible verses that keep appearing and reappearing in my mind, as I continue to search for answers are “God is not mocked” and “The Kingdom of God is within you”.

What we choose to feel as true, becomes true. If we fear, or pick up on another’s fear, the origin of the fear will manifest. Fear is poison. If we love, or pick up on another’s love, the joy of that love will manifest. Love is truth. You cannot serve two masters. If through patience, discipline, faith and desire, you can find yourself in a place where your very state of consciousness, your awareness of being, totally encompasses and includes the fulfillment of your desire as real, right now, then, nothing in heaven, in hell, or anywhere in between can keep it from you.

Simple But Not Easy

“When you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive.” Is this a simple concept? Yes. Is this an easy concept? No. Years and years of habitual counterproductive thoughts and feelings are habits that need to be let go of. And letting go is hard.

Are you capable? Of course you are. You are a child of God and have the Kingdom of God within you. Now go forth and manifest for the glory of God.


Conceive. Believe. Receive.