Gratitude: Magic Magnet For The Good Stuff

Today Is Thanksgiving Day 2021

Today is November 25…….Thanksgiving Day. The present form of this federal holiday of gratitude was enacted into law by Congress in 1885. It originally stemmed from a proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 in the midst of the Civil War. The proclamation called for a national day of thanksgiving, to be celebrated on the final Thursday of November. This proclamation set the precedent for America’s Thanksgiving Day. The date for the holiday was fixed by federal law in 1941 as the fourth Thursday in November.

In the midst of the calamity of the Civil War, with the unrelenting violence, death and destruction threatening to rip apart the nation, Lincoln instinctively felt it was necessary for everyone to just take a day off from dwelling on the negative effects and events of the war and simply dwell on those gifts received that would generate true gratitude to the Almighty.

In the manner of synchronicities, Sarah Josepha Hale, a 74 year old magazine editor wrote a letter that Lincoln received on September 28, 1863 urging him to have a national day of thanksgiving to permanently become an American custom and institution. President Lincoln responded to Mrs. Hale’s letter immediately and issued the proclamation of a Day of Thanksgiving to be held on the last Thursday of November 1863.

Of course, over the years, the societal controllers and manipulators of consumption have made every attempt to contort this holiday into an ode to eating food and buying stuff (think Black Friday sales). As is always the case, they only succeed to the extent that you allow them to succeed. OK, you say, what is so bad about having a good dinner with family and then saving some money on the purchase of Christmans gifts? Nothing, absolutely nothing at all, they are good things unless they distract you away from deeply experiencing the eternal magic of gratitude.

Filler Up With High Octane

Gratitude is the fuel that powers the engine of the cosmic delivery truck that delivers “the good stuff” to you. Just as your car won’t go anywhere if it does not have any fuel, the universe patiently waits for your gratitude fillup before the delivery truck of goodies can start on its way to you.

It all filters down to your current (as in right now) awareness of being. If you are truly feeling gratitude for something, you are simultaneously transmitting neural electro-magnetic impulses to the universe. The neural impulses of gratitude are received by Universal Intelligence. In alignment with how the universe was created by God, your electrical signal of giving thanks sets off a chain reaction that in turn starts sending “good stuff” your way in order to match the “feeling wave length” that you are transmitting. This is equivalent to a television signal that is sent out from the broadcasting tower.

When you direct the tv remote to the designated channel that you want to watch, your receive the program that is on that channel. That channel represents a specific wave frequency. That is why it is of paramount importance to you to always be thankful. Otherwise you turn off the flow. I will repeat that — if you turn off the gratitude, you turn off the flow. The flow is not turned off by God, or your spouse or girlfriend or your boss or co-workers. Not even Joe the barber. You do it, as in y-o-u.

Yeah, It Really Is a 7/24 Thing

You do not have to be thankful all the time, only when you are actively breathing. In First Thessalonians 5:18 it states, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (KJV). This verse is a toughie when something bad has happened in your life. How do you give thanks for a negative event and more importantly, why would you?

In the midst of some minor or major negative event, that is the time when it is all the more important to find a way to generate thanksgiving for something…..anything. The reason being is that it sets into immediate motion the ongoing electrical impulses that will subsequently return to you in the form of something good happening for you as long as you keep the electric current turned on. Very easy in good times. Very hard in bad times but you have to find a way to do it.

I understand, better than you may think, that you may have zero desire to be thankful when bad things happen. You have to will yourself into gratitude mode. It is your way out of trouble and hardship. Dwell in God. Don’t you see? Your awareness of being “down and out” only anchors that condition to you. Choose (and it is your free will choice) to ignore circumstances and relentlessly send out electrical impulses of thankfulness to Universal Intelligence — Original Source. By doing that, you, yes you, start the process of overcoming that trouble or hardship no matter what it is.

And then stay thankful. Stay thankful, not to be some mindless moron who merely accepts bad stuff and then says, “Thank you sir may I have another” like the fraternity pledge in the movie Animal House. Stay thankful in order to use your God-given power to create your life circumstances and fashion a reality that you truly desire.

Feeling + Action = Power

When you combine your feeling of gratitude with some type of action that reflects your gratitude, that is what is termed a synergism. It is you “upping your game”. A thanksgiving action does not have to be something that is expensive or time consuming or showy.

Just what is a thanksgiving action you say? It is something that says “I am receiving…I have received…I will receive…good stuff and I want to demonstrate my appreciation. It can be something as so simple as a smile and a kind word to someone. Perhaps it is a silent prayer for someone who you think could use a prayer (God, I claim a rich blessing for this person today. Thank you. Amen.).

It could be tolerance and patience (when you don’t want to be tolerant or patient) when somebody makes a mistake. Maybe it is just stopping for a few moments and listening to someone who wishes to say something. It could be be doing something helpful for someone without the slightest expectation that they will ever even know about what you did for them. It could be a thousand and one simple little things that you could come up with that send a signal of gratitude to Universal Source.

You can try to ignore it. You can try to deny it. That doesn’t change anything – gratitude is absolutely vital to your personal well being. The thirteenth century theologian and mystic, Meister Eckhart, stated: “If the only prayer that you ever said during your entire life was ‘Thank You’, it would be enough.”

The Boil Down

When a chef “boils down” a sauce, stew, pudding or other dish, he decreases the water or other liquid in it — it evaporates in the steam rising from the pan. Cooks do this to make something thicker and more flavorful. Carrying over this phrase to outside of the cooking realm, when you boil down something, it means that you get down to its essence. When I read something, a book, an article, an essay, etc., in my mind I always try to do a “boil down” so that I will remember the essence of the book, article or essay.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this blog post. However, I hope that you do more than just read it. My hope even more is that you actively use it to make your life better. There is something inside me that desires, in these final years of my life, to spread the word about universal truths that I have learned about during my stay in this dimension. If you remember nothing else of this post, I will give you a “boil down” of just five easy words to remember — Be Thankful……..Get Good Stuff.

A Never Ending State of “Thank You”

The Concept of Gratitude

If you enter the word “gratitude” into the search box on a google search, you will receive over two hundred million search results. Obviously then, the concept of gratitude has evoked a huge ocean of human thought and opinion over the ages. If you go to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, under the word “gratitude” you find the definition “the state of being grateful”. Not very helpful. Continuing on and going to the word “grateful” you find the definition of “appreciative of benefits received”. Ok then, a generic definition could be described as a feeling – a human feeling of being appreciative of benefits received. So here is where we run into trouble with the concept of gratitude.

That Troubling Bible Verse

In my Sunday school class when I was a child, we were studying in the Book of First Thessalonians one Sunday. when the teacher got to chapter 5, verse 18. This verse states “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. An alarm went off in my head regarding this verse. My mind went to all the people in this world who are suffering in one way or another. I hate suffering. I mean I really hate it. I have never seen anything noble about it. The very thought of suffering, whether it is my own suffering, or a loved one’s suffering, or the suffering of a total stranger, actually makes me sick to the stomach. I asked the teacher “how could you be thankful for suffering”? The general response that I remember was that (a) man’s sin was the cause of all suffering, (b) we do not have the divine perspective of God, and (c) suffering deepens one’s faith. I was about to respond with a “Yeah, ok, but…” however the last time I did that with regard to another verse, the group started giving me dirty looks. Thus, I just nodded my head, said “Ok” and kept my mouth shut. Inside however, I was definitely not satisfied with the answer.

Science Weighs In On Gratitude

In 2015, there was a scientific study of the brain neural impulses done at the University of Southern California, Department of Psychology, with regard to the human feeling of gratitude. Participants in the study underwent magnetic resonance imaging of their brains while external stimuli were used to induce the feeling of gratitude. The results revealed that the ratings of gratitude on the part of the study participants correlated with well-defined neural brain impulses observed in the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex of the brain. This study in affective neuroscience pinpointed the brain circuitry that accompanies the feeling of gratitude.

So There It Is – It Is All For You After All

You live in an outer shell that we call the human body. Within this shell resides your spirit. At some point after our birth, you ultimately shed this outer shell when it stops working. We call this event “death”. Your spirit, which is pure energy, proceeds onward. I cannot tell you exactly where or how your spirit will proceed after death because this is not learned until after death. While on this earth however, your energy, your spirit, resides within your body. It is the true you, and, being pure energy, it can project outward. You may have experienced something of this when for no rational reason whatsoever, you felt “good vibes” or “bad vibes” from another person.

Electricity is a form of energy. Neural impulses within the brain are electrical. When we activate those neural transmitters in our brain that science has identified as dealing with gratitude, these electrical impulses are picked up on by Universal Intelligence – All That Is. The universe has consciousness. As the early twentieth century author Wallace Wattles put it, ” There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by that thought.”. Matching, or like impulses are then attracted to you by your transmission of gratitude neural impulses. In other words, if you truly feel gratitude, the universe has been created in such a manner that you will then be given something (“good stuff” I call it) that matches up with the level of your gratitude. Thus, the reason we are told by Scripture to “be thankful in everything” is for your own benefit or for the benefit of the one for which you wish to favorably intercede. If you are in trouble, it is a way out. Loving Omniscience did not create human beings so that there would be an endless supply of fawning sycophants. Loving Omnipotence has graced you with a never ending way of receiving good stuff in your life and thus displaying the glory of the I Am through your never ending state of gratitude. So there it is – gratitude is all for you after all.