Busting Free From That Damned Stupid Cycle

The Stock Market Chart Syndrome

Is there anyone else besides me out there in internet land whose life resembles one of those stock market charts (picture in your mind a series of connected “W’s”). Things go good for a time, then something happens and troubles set in. Then the troubles eventually subside and good times return to embrace me. Then they decide to go on vacation and the bad times come in to take their place. I term it “that damned stupid cycle.” I can picture the gods on Mount Olympus looking down at me when times are good and Zeus says to another god, “He thinks things are good now. Watch this” (and he pows me with a lightning bolt of misfortune). Then Zeus and his confederate start boisterous laughter as they high five each other.

Me Helping Me

It has taken me almost seven decades but I have finally arrived at that point where I think I have figured out the primary reason why my life has been as it has been. It is a different reason for each of us. In my case, there is no more margin of error for me as my time on earth is quickly running out. Only a few short years remain. I feel like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz in the tower where the wicked witch turns over the hourglass and says, “See this – This is how much time you have left to be alive. And it isn’t long my pretty, It isn’t long.” Now is the time for me to act with urgency to do what is necessary to bust free from that damned stupid cycle.

As I have written these weekly posts over the course of the last year, I have slowly come to realize a grand irony in my writing these posts. It hit me the other day that they are meant as much to help me personally as much as they are to help anyone that may be reading them. I have a number of manifestations pending now in a number of different areas. The thoughts and ideas that wind up on paper in the form of these blog posts are all part of my crystallizing those manifestations into my reality.

What Are You Prepared To Do ?

In the movie, “The Untouchables”, starring Kevin Costner and Sean Connery, when Costner as Elliot Ness requests help from Connery’s character, Jim Malone, an honest Chicage cop, in putting Al Capone in prison, Malone asks him, “What are you prepared to do?” Ness answers, “Everything within the law”. Malone responds, ” And then, what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these people Mr. Ness, you must be prepared to go all the way because they won’t give up the fight until one of you is dead.”

For the purposes of this blog post, I will reframe that last statement by Connery into this statement – unless you do what is necessary in your life, either you will be walking around captive to the damn stupid cycle or the damned stupid cycle will finally be put to death.

Are you ready to do what is necessary to bust free?

The very existence of your true life depends on your raw honest answer to that one question.

If the answer is yes, then proceed forth now and do it. If the answer is no, then stop bemoaning your fate. Accept living in the cycle for the remainder of your time here and just try to make the best of it. Maybe right now you are just not ready. Maybe at a later time you will change your mind and be prepared to do what is necessary.

The choice is yours. You have been given free will by Divine Source in order that you may live full, live abundantly, and live free of that damned stupid cycle if you so choose, but, only if you so choose.

What do you choose? What are you prepared to do?

SATS ——– The Ultra Powerful “State Akin To Sleep”

SATS – What Is It?

The cliche of the hypnotist when I was growing up was of of guy with a dark vandyke beard holding a gold pocket watch attached to a chain and swinging it back and forth, back and forth, slowly in front of you while saying to you, “watch the watch, just watch the watch…..back and forth…….you are now getting sleepy…..verrrry sleepy”. Ultimately the subject would fall asleep and be subject to the hypnotic suggestions of the hypnotist.

Every day of your life, you, oh so briefly, travel through that twilight zone between waking consciousness and sleep that has been called SATS or State Akin To Sleep. It is during these fleeting moments when, if you so desire, you can get some heavy duty manifestation work done on your behalf. It is at those times that your body is at its maximum relaxation while you are still in a state of consciousness. It is while you are in the “SATS Zone” that you can best impress upon your subconscious exactly what it is that you desire to receive in your life. While you are in SATS, all the mental and emotional barriers that your conscious mind erects between you and your desire, are temporarily down. Your subconscious stands ready at those times to send to you what you are imaging, what you are feeling, as your true reality.

As Real As Real Ever Gets

This stuff isn’t some fairy tale, it’s too good to be true gingerbread story. It is as real as real ever gets for you. It is stone cold real. Feeling that your desire has already been materialized in your life has been proven to yield definite results innumerable times. There are several videos and articles on the internet to teach you how to intentionally enter into SATS. It is during that time of maximum relaxation when you can train yourself to feel yourself already having your desire. It is during SATS that your subconscious says, “hey this guy really believes that he has that new car. Shoot, I better get to work pronto on this.”

Are You Ready To Do The Work?

The whole thing simply boils down to this…..it’s not whether this SATS thing will “work” or not in bringing to you your desired result…..it’s whether you are ready to do what work is necessary in learning how to do it. Yes, there is work involved. Personally, I think it’s easier to work with SATS just before sleeping as opposed to immediately upon waking but that is just my personal makeup. I tend to start thinking with my logical mind the second I wake up but there is more of a conscious/semi-conscious SATS paradigm going on just before I drift off to sleep.

Drop Your Doubts In The Garbage

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, why don’t you just give this a honest effort. After you’ve done some appropriate preliminary research from Mr. Google (key words: manifesting/SATS/State Akin To Sleep) on what you have to do, give it a go and see what happens. Look for signs. Many times small signs precede the actual manifestation. Columbus saw the birds with twigs in their beaks before he saw land. Sometimes the manifestation comes quickly and sometimes it comes not quickly. Be patient. You really don’t have anything to lose. It will not cost you any of your money. It’s totally free except for the expenditure of time on your part.

You might start thinking, “Yeah but what if it doesn’t work? It will just be another disappointment in my life.” Dump these doubts overboard with the rest of the garbage. You don’t need them. Those thoughts merely turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. If you have trouble getting into the swing of it, just start with small things and work up from there. However small it may be, when you get that first breakthrough, and if you stick with it, you will, the rush of joy you feel will make it all worthwhile and will advance you on to bigger things.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.