As you can see from the above image, the man using the snowblower has dressed himself in a manner that will allow him to successfully achieve his objective — clearing a specific area of snow. Coat, hood, hat, goggles, ear mufflers, gloves. He has dressed himself in such a way that he can continue continuously working in a frigid environment until the area that he wishes to be cleared is done. Flip-flops, cut-off shorts and a summer Hawaiian shirt are not going to get it done for him. With that type of get-up he may suffer some type of negative physical effects due to exposure to the below-freezing cold. Or he will be back inside the house every few minutes to get warm thus making the job a never ending affair. Or after a few minutes in the freezing cold, he may decide just to forego clearing the area of snow and give up.
Dress For Success
In the world of manifesting whatever it is that you want in this world, you must likewise dress for success. Many get dressed each day in their clown suit, putting on a shirt of frustration, pants of anger, a belt made of all manner of different fears, shoes permeated with doubts and and top it off with a hat soaked in bitterness. Life just seems to be one long never-ending struggle with momentary flashes of happiness. One problem gets solved and two more show up at your door to bedevil and harass you. It doesn’t have to be that way. It doesn’t. If you dress yourself properly, your life can be good, even in the midst of having to deal with problems. The man in the image above still has to deal with the raw cold and snow. It doesn’t magically go away but he is dressed in such a manner so as to allow him to be completely successful in dealing with the snow and cold.
How You Dress Each Day Is Up To You
So just how do you dress for success? This has nothing to do with wearing expensive Armani suits or Gucci leather shoes. It has everything to do with how you attire your inner self each day, each hour, each minute. It has to do with what inner clothes you choose to put on every day. Put on the shirt of the crystal clear vision of your objective. Make it vivid, not foggy or squishy. See every part of your vision from every angle. Know it as well as you know the “proverbial back of your hand.” Next, put on the pants of your intention. Know your purpose. Once you have strongly decided on your vision, let your “pants of intention” walk only along those paths that lead you to fulfillment of your vision. Refrain from turning to the left. Refrain from turning to the right. Let those pants lead you directly to making your vision your reality. Thirdly, hold up your pants with the belt of faith — strength of belief that will keep your pants from falling to the ground. Strength of belief that you would not have this vision and intention unless it was completely fulfillable. Finally, wear the shoes of your gratitude — true gratitude that there was nothing on earth that was able to prevent you from manifesting your vision, fulfilling your intention and justifying your faith. You do not have to pay a fortune for Armani suits and Gucci shoes in order to dress for success. Getting dressed with true power clothes — vision, intention, faith, gratitude — is totally free. You do not have to spend so much as a penny but you do have to put in some hard work. You can choose to dress for failure or you can choose to dress for success. How you dress each day is totally up to you. What type of clothes are you choosing to put on today?