Your Most Important Best Day

The Game of “Best Day of Your Life”

In the comedy movie, “The Water Boy”, in the last scene of the movie, the movie’s hero, Bobby Bouchet, has just gotten married to Vicki Betancourt. They are both outside of the church preparing to leave (on a riding lawnmower LOL). Their friends are also outside the church and are shouting encouragement and good wishes to the two newlyweds. Before riding off into the sunset, Bobby Bouchet shouts to his friends with complete conviction, “This is the best day of my life.” As you review your life, decade by decade, are you able to say with equal conviction what that one best day of your life was?

The “Best Day of Your Life” game is an interesting and illuminating exercise in thought and feeling. I played this game and could not narrow it down to just one single day. I think each decade that goes by it becomes increasingly more difficult to do that. What I did do however was adjust the rules of the game. I allowed myself to choose decade by decade what my one best day was. In each decade there were many really good days, as well as many bad ones (and some downright horrible) but this game requires you to choose that one best day. Even splitting things up into decade by decade, it still took some deep reflection, completely free of the expectations of any other person. As I am sixty-eight years old, I came up with seven best days. As I am guessing for a number of reasons that I have one decade left, there is still time for one more “grand finale” best day.

I have already chosen what that final best day will be. It is what I call “Culmination Day”. It is that day that has already happened in my mind. It is that day that I am sitting at my desk, with a cup of coffee, looking out the window and saying, “Thank you Father. It is done.” It is the day when all the pain, all the suffering, all the obstacles are mere footnotes in my history as I feel the unbounded joy of seeing that all of my conscious manifesation choices have come into fruition.

Now Substitute Your Face For That of Ponzi

OK, so what’s the purpose of this game you say. Why should you bother to play it? Answer: Because it forces you to be one thousand percent honest with yourself about what day or days in your life brought you true inner joy. Many times humans may say things or do things or even think things based on the expectation of others. In doing so we execute a con job on ourselves. In the image above you see Charles Ponzi, the con man who originated the flim flam known today as a Ponzi scheme. Boy does he ever look the part of a huckster con man. His photo reminds me of those guys who used to sell vegetable choppers on the Steel Pier in Atlantic City. Looked great as he was demonstrating it. Then when you got home you saw that it was a piece of shit. I still remember my father cussing up a blue storm when the chopper broke within five minutes of using it. Anyway, in the best day game you penetrate the outer crust of bull manure and reveal to yourself truths, truths that you can build on to make your life better. You can stop with that royal con job that you do on yourself better than even Charles Ponzi ever could.

Your Future Most Important Day But Right Now

Your best day for any decade can be but does not have to be a typical life-changing event such as a birth, or a marriage, or a healing, or a career move or, well, you get the idea. It can be something quite simple and unassuming. For example, in the decade between birth and ten years old, I like most children had good days, bad days and days somewhere in between. The very best day that I can recall however was a day that I spent at my grandparents’ house on the lake with my Mom and brother. We all didn’t go around holding hands and singing Kumbaya, but on that particular day, as a kid, with my mother and brother and grandmom and grandpop, I just felt such love surrounding me, infusing me, that I begged my Mom to stay late because I didn’t want the day, or the feeling to end. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. It was just a feeling but it was a feeling beautiful beyond description.

To get back to the answer to the question of – why bother? – it is because you can productively use the feeling that you felt on that best day to bring about a desired manifestation in your life right now. Identify your desire. Then go back to the feeling you felt on that best day. The happenstance that caused that day is unimportant. What is of the utmost importance however is how you felt on that day. Feel it. Feeling the feeling of it. Then step into your current desire as if has arrived to you transferring your joy from the best day event to the manifestation of your current desire. Once you have sufficiently felt your current desire as realized and natural, then wait for Universal Intelligence to bring about the means to the end. And give thanks that it has really happened, because it has.

Be Still — New Way To Conquer Your Fears

Conquer Fear

Back in 1934, the author and lecturer Emmet Fox wrote an essay about how to conquer fear entitled, “Be Still — A Treatment Against Fear”. It is freely available on the internet. Read it for yourself. Print out Psalm 46 from the Bible and use it to follow along as you read the entire essay. He breaks down Psalm 46 verse by verse, going underneath the surface of the words in that beautiful Psalm. In this post I will attempt to condense the gist of the essay through my own understanding of it.

Fear Is A Stalker

Mr. Fear is a debilitating stalker — always lurking and smirking in the background. He is always ready to use any set of circumstances in your life to take your attention away from God and on him. This is the way he gains control of your inner thoughts and emotions. His end game is to take control of you. It is the way he “gets off”. Through listening to the whispers of this SOB, you then go on to obediently accept restrictions, continually rehash old grievances, and focus constantly on what is wrong in your life. You dwell on the problem. Thus you generally manifest for yourself a vortex of ongoing worry and anxiety that sucks you down a rabbit hole of misery.

A Ready Solution To Fear

Within Psalm 46, you are offered an ready solution to the malevolent whispers of fear. The way to conquer Mr. Fear is revealed in Psalm 46, Verse 10 — “Be Still and Know That I Am God.” There is a lot of symbolism contained in this Psalm. A lot. Much meaning under the surface. The essay by Emmet Fox goes into detail about what it all means.

The way that it is suggested that you conquer your fears is simplicity itself. You must however, fully commit yourself to do it. You must do more than just agree with it. It is necessary to do more than just talk about it. You cannot “dance around the maypole” with it. Discipline your mind to do it every single MF day of your life.

The Solution

The object of prayer is to raise your consciousness of the Presence of God in you, through you, around you. You must believe in God as your God. Dwelling within you always. Your refuge. Your very strength. Not just with words but with a relentless belief, a knowledge. When you experience a feeling of doubt, of terror, of despair, of fear, you must make the choice then and there to tenaciously cling to the thought of God, the One True Presence. The Kingdom of God is within you. The problem or problems that you are facing, cannot withstand your constant indwelling of the Presence of God. Fear will recede like a rain puddle recedes as a result of the continuous rays of the sun. It has to because it cannot resist the Presence of All That Is.

To conquer fear, it does mean effort on your part. You CAN rid yourself of this bastard, Mr. Fear, but there is work involved on your part. You have to make the choice to just commit yourself to this method and the work that is involved. But — Oh those beautiful rewards. Those beautiful rewards that stand patiently waiting for you. They are worth your work many, many times over. Even if you have six problems coming at you at once, just make the choice. Make what you know about God, the focus of your thoughts…morning, noon and night.

Is What You Are Doing Now Working For You?

Is what you are doing now working for you? If so, good. Stay on that path. If not however, then you know that you have nothing to lose by trying this method of conquering your fears. Refuse to accept restrictions. Refuse to rehearse grievances. In your mind, refrain from dwelling on the problem. Entertain just one visitor to your mind — the omnipotence of Eternal Supreme Intelligence, God.

It is hard to stop constantly going over those problems and worries, I understand, It is hard work, especially if you are in pain. But, you can do it. You must do it. If you will just fully commit yourself to focusing on the Presence of God, The I Am That I Am, you will conquer Mr. Fear. If you persevere, no matter what, you will begin feeling within you an inner joy and peace that you never thought you could ever experience. It will probably come when you don’t expect it but it will come. An inner peace and joy that is not dependent on outside circumstances. You will be free. It is a glorious feeling.

Be Still – Know That I AM God

From Psalm 46 – “Be still and know that I am God”. What a beautiful, incredibly powerful verse. Not a passive “doing nothing” but an active and potent recipe for whatever trouble you are in, whatever fears you have. Always remember this eternal truth – the Kingdom of God is not up there or out there or over there – the Kingdom of God is within you. Within you. Can you grasp the actual meaning of those glorious words from the mouth of Jesus Christ?

An Acronym To Remember

Here is an acronym for you. Ten attributes that emanate from the Kingdom of God, the eternal I AM. The acronym is: LITE-PPPP-IC. Dwell on these wherever you happen to be. Let them flood your mind. They all perpetually exist within the Kingdom of God. When you dwell on these attributes, you are dwelling on God. Mr. Fear despises it when you do this because it means, if you persevere, he will ultimately lose his control over you.

Love – deep affection, deep devotion. The strongest energy force in the universe.

Intelligence -everything there is to know.

Truth – pure and simple, truth is what is.

Energy – the pure light of the universe

Prosperity -the universal cornucopia.

Power – relentless, unrestrainable force.

ComPassion – we are all one. what helps one, helps all, helps you.

Peace – a knowing stillness; being centered in the Presence of God.

Imagination – to see what you want to make real.

Creativity – to make real in your mind what you see

Dwell on the Presence of God within you. Don’t look to the right. Don’t look to the left. Refrain from looking at your problem. Look at the I Am That I Am that lives within you. If you are able to maintain the rays of the sun by being still, in steady faith, the waters will recede. Mr. Fear will fold up his tent and go after easier pickings elsewhere. He will have no choice. He simply cannot coexist with the power and peace of the Presence of God.

Mr. Fear Will Exit The Scene

Keep your focus on the Presence of God. Your problem or problems will in due course be overcome. Sometimes quickly. Sometimes little by little. Perhaps they will be overcome in the way that you expect. Or perhaps in a way that you never expected. If you do your part however, the problem will be successfully dealt with. You will have the ability to be still in all circumstances. And Mr. Fear will avoid you like the plague and go after the one who focuses on him. You will enjoy that beautiful peace, that success, that you deserve in your life. Try it for sixty consecutive days without fail. Experience for yourself the power of Psalm 46 – Be still and know I am God. Once you get that taste of the inner peace through practicing the Presence of the Divine Eternal, fear will have no place in your life.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

SATS ——– The Ultra Powerful “State Akin To Sleep”

SATS – What Is It?

The cliche of the hypnotist when I was growing up was of of guy with a dark vandyke beard holding a gold pocket watch attached to a chain and swinging it back and forth, back and forth, slowly in front of you while saying to you, “watch the watch, just watch the watch…..back and forth…….you are now getting sleepy…..verrrry sleepy”. Ultimately the subject would fall asleep and be subject to the hypnotic suggestions of the hypnotist.

Every day of your life, you, oh so briefly, travel through that twilight zone between waking consciousness and sleep that has been called SATS or State Akin To Sleep. It is during these fleeting moments when, if you so desire, you can get some heavy duty manifestation work done on your behalf. It is at those times that your body is at its maximum relaxation while you are still in a state of consciousness. It is while you are in the “SATS Zone” that you can best impress upon your subconscious exactly what it is that you desire to receive in your life. While you are in SATS, all the mental and emotional barriers that your conscious mind erects between you and your desire, are temporarily down. Your subconscious stands ready at those times to send to you what you are imaging, what you are feeling, as your true reality.

As Real As Real Ever Gets

This stuff isn’t some fairy tale, it’s too good to be true gingerbread story. It is as real as real ever gets for you. It is stone cold real. Feeling that your desire has already been materialized in your life has been proven to yield definite results innumerable times. There are several videos and articles on the internet to teach you how to intentionally enter into SATS. It is during that time of maximum relaxation when you can train yourself to feel yourself already having your desire. It is during SATS that your subconscious says, “hey this guy really believes that he has that new car. Shoot, I better get to work pronto on this.”

Are You Ready To Do The Work?

The whole thing simply boils down to this…’s not whether this SATS thing will “work” or not in bringing to you your desired result…’s whether you are ready to do what work is necessary in learning how to do it. Yes, there is work involved. Personally, I think it’s easier to work with SATS just before sleeping as opposed to immediately upon waking but that is just my personal makeup. I tend to start thinking with my logical mind the second I wake up but there is more of a conscious/semi-conscious SATS paradigm going on just before I drift off to sleep.

Drop Your Doubts In The Garbage

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, why don’t you just give this a honest effort. After you’ve done some appropriate preliminary research from Mr. Google (key words: manifesting/SATS/State Akin To Sleep) on what you have to do, give it a go and see what happens. Look for signs. Many times small signs precede the actual manifestation. Columbus saw the birds with twigs in their beaks before he saw land. Sometimes the manifestation comes quickly and sometimes it comes not quickly. Be patient. You really don’t have anything to lose. It will not cost you any of your money. It’s totally free except for the expenditure of time on your part.

You might start thinking, “Yeah but what if it doesn’t work? It will just be another disappointment in my life.” Dump these doubts overboard with the rest of the garbage. You don’t need them. Those thoughts merely turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. If you have trouble getting into the swing of it, just start with small things and work up from there. However small it may be, when you get that first breakthrough, and if you stick with it, you will, the rush of joy you feel will make it all worthwhile and will advance you on to bigger things.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

17 Seconds of Your Life

Photo of watch for post on The Manifest Cookbook website

“I’m too busy, maybe later.” “I just don’t have time for that now.” ” Can’t they see I’m juggling a half dozen things now as it is?” “Sorry, I’ve got too much on my plate.” “All jammed up now, can’t talk.” “Estoy demasiado ocupado.” We say these types of words to ourselves (or to others) on a regular basis. What it means is that whatever it is that you’re too busy for, is just lower on your personal scale of importance. You place a higher priority on whatever it is that you are doing. The higher the priority to you, the more you are going to spend your time on that activity. For example, if you are under water without an oxygen tank, are you going to say, “Air? I’m too busy for that right now! Maybe later.” Unless you are trying to drown yourself, you are going to get your ass to the surface and fill your lungs with air…priority # 1.

Are you too busy to devote seventeen seconds to living the life you deserve…a life of creating your own reality so that it is something that gives you peace, power, joy, fulfillment and every other good thing that you can possibly think of? If you are too busy, then please stop reading this immediately and go do whatever it is that you do. If you are willing to begin with an initial investment of seventeen seconds, then read on.

Your life is molded by the daily vibration of your inner energy. It really is. The higher the vibration, the more you magnetize to you the things that you desire. Luck, fate, events, circumstances, the weather, where you live, your rich Aunt Clarabelle, the shirt that you’re wearing are all secondary to that vibrational rate of your life energy. Vibrate high…get good stuff. Vibrate low…get crap.

Start today to vibrate your energy higher. It only takes seventeen seconds to create an energy linkage with whatever you want in life. Seventeen seconds is a start. The longer the linkage in terms of time, the stronger the attraction to you of all types of good things. Step out of whatever you are doing and step into a pool of “feeling good” about something for just seventeen seconds. Practice with a timer or stopwatch. When you have seventeen seconds down pat, move on to a little longer. You really do have the time..unless making your life better is just not that important to you.