Time – If I Knew Then, What I Know Now

I Could Have Had A V8

Are you old enough to remember the old V8 commercials on tv? The commercials that I refer to are the ones that had different people saying “I could have had a V8”. They frequently were on television during the time of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

V8 is a drink produced by the Campbell Soup Company. It is primarily tomato juice, but it also has 8 other vegetables in it, hence the name V8. The commercial was so ubiquitous at the time that the phrase was coined of someone “having a V8 moment”.

A Healthy Alternative

The basic premise of the commercial was to sell V8 as a healthy alternative to soda or other sweet drinks or snacks. I will walk you through one of the commercials. As the commercial begins you see a young guy with a can of soda in his hand. After a few seconds, he stops as if thinking of something. Then a picture of a large can of V8 flashes up on the screen. Then back to the guy who gives himself a palm slap on the forehead. At the same time, he says out loud, “I could have had a V8”!

The next scene shows a woman stuffing a cupcake down her gullet. Likewise, the picture of the large can of V8 is flashed on the screen. Then back to the woman. She puts the cupcake down. She also gives herself a palm slap on the forehead saying “I could have had a V8”! Then you see a hand pouring a glass of V8. An unseen announcer touts the benefits of V8.

The final scene shows a woman seated at a desk. She has a cup of coffee in her hand. A large can of V8 flashes on the screen. Then back to the woman. She says, “I could have had a V8” while giving herself a palm slap with her other hand.

A V8 Moment

The long running series of V8 commercials spawned the phrase “having a V8 moment”. This phrase meant that you proceeded in a situation in a certain way that you quickly regretted. Or it could also mean that upon reflecting on an event in the past, you now see how you handled it all wrong.

The phrase even entered the world of the television animated comedy, “Family Guy”. In this particular episode, Peter Griffin is laying on a psychiatrist’s couch. The psychiatrist asks Peter to reach back into the deepest memories of his childhood. Peter then says that he recalls a traumatic childhood scene. In the scene, when Peter gave his father a Father’s Day card, his father grumpily told him that he was not his real father.

At this recollection, Peter sits up in the couch and says, “Oh my God, Francis Griffin wasn’t my real father! I wonder what else I repressed in my memory”. After a second or two, he says, “Oh my God, I could have had a V8”, as he gives himself a palm slap.

It Is Poison

How often have you had a V8 moment? That moment when you realize that you did not so the right thing in a situation or event. I confess that I have had way too many. I certainly wish I had the ability to go back and do things differently in those situations. It is the old “if I knew then what I know now” conundrum.

There is something vitally important for you to remember about every V8 moment. Refrain from allowing them to become recurring feelings of regret. Lingering regret is toxic. It is injecting yourself with poison. To learn from your mistakes is growth. Sometimes it takes awhile before you learn something. To revise your subsequent actions based on what you learned from your mistakes is the productive option. Choosing to live with never ending regret is detrimental. It produces nothing good. It is sin.

It Is Going To Happen

The ultimate V8 moment occurs after your body stops functioning and you are declared dead. At that time, your spirit energy, your essence, travels to another realm of existence. You will then experience your life review. It will be an observation and evaluation of your entire lifetime. It will cover everything. You will see your first moment of consciousness to your last breath of life. You will see the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

There will undoubtedly be V8 moments galore. Of course, there will be good things to view as well. Nothing whatsoever will be hidden. Everything will be laid bare. Nothing will be covered up. You will see the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. A unique feature will be the ability to see how your actions made a difference (or made no difference). You will be able to see the effect (or lack of effect) that you had on others. Your life review will be glorious or it will be pure hell. It entirely depends on you. Like it or not, the life review is gonna happen. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Yes, Absolutely Yes

At one time or another, everyone has said “If I only knew then, what I know now”. I readily confess that I have said it regarding a whole assortment of things in my past. If I knew then what I know now, I would have definitely done some things differently. How do you know which ideas to follow in order to live successfully? How do you know when to speak up and when to shut up? When you reach that fork in the road of life, how do you know which side of the fork in the road to travel? Is there a testing device that you can use? The answer is yes. Absolutely, yes.

The book of Matthew describes the unfailing testing device. Ask, and it shall be given. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open. ALL who ask, will receive. ALL who seek, will find. ALL who knock, will gain entry.

Ask, seek, knock are, of course, all metaphors for prayer. Feel free to study the original language. You will discover the true intent of the terms, ask, seek and knock. The true intent is to guide the reader to engage in a continuous ongoing action. This is clearly stated in another Bible verse, “Pray without ceasing”. Ask, and keep asking for guidance. Next, seek, and keep seeking for the right way. Then, knock, and keep knocking. The door to the wisdom of the Kingdom of God will be opened. Continually ask, seek and knock. As a result, if you do this every day, every day of your remaining life will be fruitful. And that, my friend, will make for one orgasmic life review.

Why Do You Exist?

Here is the progression of the average human being. I fully understand that there are variants and exceptions from this progression. First, you are born. Then, you grow up under the auspices of a father and mother. You go to school. Next, you graduate school. Then you get a job. You earn money. You find a place to live independent of your parents. Next, you get married. Then, you have children. You go to work every week for the next forty to fifty years or so. Then you retire from the work world. Next, you live in retirement for an unknown number of years. Then, you get sick and die. Then, within a few generations, all memory that you ever even existed, is gone forever as if you were never born.

If that was all there was to it, you would be no different than a bird, or a squirrel, or a goose. Live. Eat. Shit. Sleep. Work. Copulate. Reproduce. Die. You are different however. You, as a human being, are a child of God. In the book of Genesis, it is stated, “God created mankind in his own image”. Human beings are in the image of God in their spiritual and intellectual nature.

An Expression Of The I AM

You are an expression of a power infinitely greater than you – the Infinite Power, The I Am That I Am – God. Your awareness of being expresses God. First, your mind generates your thoughts. Then, your thoughts generate your feelings. Next, your thoughts and feelings (including your intuition), generate your beliefs. Your inner beliefs then generate all the outer circumstances of your entire life.

You exist in order to demonstrate the glory of God. You exist to express the Most High in a myriad of infinite ways. God has granted you power. God has granted you freedom. You were born with this freedom. Understand that there is only One Presence – God. That One Presence is within you at all times. Spend some of your allotment of time, every single day, without fail, dwelling within the Kingdom of God. Be thankful – thankful you do not have to beg some capricious and arbitrary deity for something that may or may not be granted depending on what mood they are in.

Your Two Precious Possessions

Gold. Cryptocurrency. Stocks. Cold hard cash. Real estate. Classic automobiles. Jewelry. Fine art and other collectables. Society holds these as highly valued commodities as well as precious possessions. They pale in comparison however, to your two most precious possessions. These possessions are your mind and the allotment of time you are permitted on Earth. It is vital to your success in life that you treat them as your two most precious possessions.

If you are young, then start now to learn the art of conscious manifestation. Use your abundance of time to learn how to create your desired reality. Equally important is to shed yourself of the “I’m going to live forever” mentality. You do, but not on this Earth plane of existence. Most importantly, this mentality wastes your precious commodity of time.

If you are middle-aged, there is still time. Call a time out. Step away from everything for a brief bit. Completely and honestly evaluate how you are using your time. Instead of using time on any form of escapism, use your time to create a reality where escapism is completely unnecessary. Do it now. Life really flies by faster than you think.

If you are old, be at peace but also be urgent in the use of your time. There is no longer any time to waste. Not even a single day. Cast aside all resentments as well as any grudges that you have built up over the years. Throw them away. They imprison you in a prison of your own making.. It is very important so I will repeat that –grudges and resentments imprison you. Allow yourself to express Universal Mind. Pay no attention to the opinions of others if it conflicts with you dwelling on the Presence of the Almighty.. Fulfill your true purpose, whatever it may be, while you still have time.

You Possess A Fortune – Use It

Can you think? Then you have a functioning mind.

Are you still breathing? Then you have time.

They are your fortune. Use your fortune to the very best of your ability. Use them in concert with the guidance of Universal Intelligence. Likewise, treat every day as a precious gift, because it truly is, you know.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

How Do You Stack Up On The 80/20 Scale

The History Of Pareto Scale

Have you ever heard of a concept called the Pareto Principle? If not, it is possible that you may have heard about it under another name- The 80/20 Rule. Management consultant Joseph Juran developed the concept of the Pareto Principle. He developed it for the purposes of organizational quality control and improvement. He picked up on the concept after reading from the works of Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto noted that 80% of the land in Italy is owned by 20% of the population.

In simple terms, the 80/20 Rule means that 80% of your beneficial results comes about from just 20% of available time resources. You get a lot of stuff accomplished in 20% of your time. You get a little bit of stuff done with 80% of your time.

Some Examples of the Pareto Principle

Let’s look at some examples of the Pareto Principle in the world today.

In the business world, there is the axiom that 80% of sales are generated by 20% of clients.

A United Nations report revealed that 80% of the world’s wealth is held by 20% of the population.

In computer science, 80% of software errors and crashes come from 20% of reported bugs.

Software developers have found that 80% of the time people use 20% of a program’s functions.

In baseball, there is a statistic that is kept called “wins above replacement”. This stat basically shows how many wins a team has with a certain player in the lineup as opposed to that player not being in the lineup. Roughly 80% of a team’s wins are achieved with 20% of the roster in the lineup.

In workplace safety, studies via the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, show that 20% of workplace hazards account for 80% of workplace injuries.

In healthcare, 20% of patients use approximately 80% of healthcare resources.

Criminal justice statistics reveals that 80% of the crimes that are committed are committed by 20% of the criminal population.

A 1988 report regarding video rental stores (remember them?) disclosed 80% of sales come from 20% of videotapes.

In my own career experience as a union representative, I definitely can attest that 80% of grievance litigation work came from 20% of the union members (who we used to refer to as “the usual suspects”).

Why Should It Even Matter To You

OK, if you were not familiar with the Pareto Principle, now you have an idea of what it is. If you already had heard of it, this was a super condensed refresher. It is possible your response may be – “So what, who cares? How does all this jazz affect me and my life”? That is a valid question.

Being continually aware of the 80/20 Rule is important to you because it can be applied to a person’s lifetime as well. Almost everybody has “stuff” that they want to accomplish in this lifetime. It matters not what the “stuff” is. You know what it is. It could be money, relationships, career, health or intercession ability or any combination thereof. Even the guy who just wants to get laid. That would fall under the category of relationships (and after he gets an STD, regaining good health).

Permit me to extrapolate the 80/20 Rule. The average person spends approximately 20% of their non-sleeping, non-working, non-eating, non-showering, non-shitting (well, you get the idea) time achieving 80% of the “stuff” that they want to achieve. The grim reaper is a particularly uncompromising fellow. You do not know when he is going to come for you. You do know that there is a limit on the amount of time that you have here in this world.

Now, applying this to the 80/20 Rule, if you get an achievement rate of 80% of what you were going for by using only 20% of your available time, what do you think would happen if, during your entire lifetime, you just as productively used 25%, 30%, even 35% of your available time over your lifetime. You more than likely would surpass what you ever imagined was possible.

Yeah, But…….

“Yeah but” you say, “I need some down time, some goofing off time in my life. I’m not a robot or something”. Even if you pushed up effective usage of your available time to 35%, that would still give you almost two thirds of all the available time in your life to goof off. The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said many moons ago, “To say I don’t have time is to say I don’t want to”.

Time Use Defines Who You Are

Which type are you? Are you the one who says, “God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of discipline”. Or are you the one who says, “I wonder what’s new on Tik Tok?” Are you fully engaged in the disciplined process of clarifying your desires and creating an inner crystal clear image of them? If so, you must prioritize your spending of time in the direction of your heart’s desires rather than the thousand and one distractions that the world throws at you. Ultimately, the way in which you use your available time defines who you are.

For every decade that you live in this earth dimension, your perspective on time changes. In your youth you go through the “I’m going to live forever” stage. In middle-age, you notice time moving faster and say to yourself, “Seems like only yesterday that I was 20, but I still have time to work with”. In your old age, you say to time, “Damnit, slow down, you’re driving too fast”!

The thing about time is this – It is completely free, but at the same time it is beyond putting a value on it. You can spend every “penny” of time that you get but you can’t store any of it away. Once you have spent your hour, your day, your year, your decade, you can never get it back, it’s gone.

Alright let’s say that you have lived your designated amount of years. The grim reaper is walking up the sidewalk to your front door. You did achieve some stuff but other stuff was left undone or you screwed up. You had successes. You had failures. How much of your life conformed to the 80/20 Rule? How much could you have done that was left undone through a misuse of time? Start today to really look at how you are spending your available time. The substance of your life depends on it.

Dammit, Can I get a Re-Do?

When your body stops functioning and your spirit moves on to the next realm, you will have an opportunity to review your life here on earth from start to finish. Everything in your life will be reviewed from several different perspectives. You will not only see happenings and events from your viewpoint. You will also see and feel how your thoughts, words and actions affected all the primary people in your life. You will see how careless words negatively affected a human soul. You will see how a seemingly insignificant kind action on your part positively affected a human soul. You will see and feel – everything. The entire process will be monitored by higher evolved spirits (No, they won’t be piping in and saying, “You jerk, why did you do that”.).

After a certain point in my own life review, I can imagine myself blurting out, “Dammit, can I get a re-do or something”? Whereupon the monitor smacks my hand with a ruler saying, “We don’t swear around here”. That image reminds me of that scene in the movie, The Blues Brothers when Belushi and Ackroyd are visiting the nun. She explains that the orphanage is in a bind and needs help in the form of money. The Belushi character offers to help and his offer is rejected by the nun. Belushi then says, ” Well, I guess your up shit creek”. She promptly smacks him on the hand with a ruler. This causes him to curse again in pain which then causes the nun to continue smacking him. This goes on hilariously until while attempting to retreat back to his car, he tumbles down the stairs while still seated in a way too small for him school desk. She tells both of them not to return until they have redeemed themselves. Thereupon is the basis for his and Ackroyd’s further adventures.

Strait Is The Gate

Have you ever heard someone use the expression, “From now on I’m going to stay on the strait and narrow”. You may see it spelled “straight and narrow” but strait is the correct word. Strait means narrow or constricted. It is where we get the words straitjacket and straitlaced.

What this phrase means is that when someone follows the strait and narrow, they are making every effort to conduct their life according to Universal Law. Universal Law which has been set into action by God.

The actual phrase is taken from the biblical text in the book of Matthew – “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate, and narrow the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”.

In consciously manifesting into this physical world your dreams and desires, be aware of this: that the majority of the world’s population productively uses but 20% of their available precious time to bring about most of what they want to accomplish. The other 80% of available time is by and large wasted. Is just observing and appreciating a bird or a flower or a cloud wasting your time? No. Is gossip and backbiting and jealousy and worry and violence and spite wasting your time? Yes.

Each day requires you to go to work, to school, to attend to family needs, to attend to personal needs, to eat, to sleep. After all the necessaries are done however, comes your available time. In the next twelve months, endeavor to take that 20% effective usage of your time and bump it up to 25% or even 30%. Take that additional time and devote it totally to thoughts, words and actions which will lead you to consciously manifest your inner greatness. Within you is the Kingdom of God which patiently awaits your arrival.

Who knows? If you devote enough of your allotment of time to aligning yourself with Universal Intelligence, the I AM, you may not even be required to have to do a re-do like me.

Believe. Receive.

Who I Really Want To Help Is —– ME

This Blog Is All About ME Helping ME

This blog is all about me helping me. Boy does that heading sound piggish. It is the truth however. If you want to understand the full meaning behind those words and how they affect you, please continue reading.

The decade of the nineties was an especially difficult time in my life. Yes there were definitely beautiful flashes of joy and times of true happiness. For the most part however these were overshadowed by a relentless grind through one difficult morass after another. My inner pain was real. Look at the image above. That is what it felt like to me at times. At some point during that decade, in order to continue to survive, I had to anesthetize myself on the inside. I interacted with others, talked, listened, laughed, got angry, but on the inside I was numb. It was as if a dentist had given me an inner dose of Novocain. It was a method of coping that is not recommended to anybody unless your very survival is at stake.

During the nineties, employment decisions were made in deference to various other responsibilities. I still have in my possession an employee ID badge with my photograph and identifying information. It was for a job that I couldn’t stand but I had to push through with it nonetheless. After ultimately moving on to other employment, I kept the ID badge. I look at that badge from time to time, especially the eyes in the photo. I see unmitigated pain in the eyes. No tears. No emotion. Just pain. How I wish I could go back in time and help that guy somehow. A good guy who was lost in a fog and just needed some empathetic help.

What is meant when I say “this blog is all about me helping me” is that there are human beings right now with their hand and forearm sticking above the water line, as in the image above, as I was in the nineties, hoping against hope to grab on to some sort of lifeline to avoid drowning in the vicissitudes of life. These humans could be age sixteen or seventy-six. They could be male or female. Their skin complexion could range the entire color spectrum. It does not matter. They are all “me”. This blog is about sharing what I have learned and experienced first hand about consciously manifesting reality to other “me’s” out there now who are slogging through a morass of debilitating circumstances with no apparent end in sight, no light at the end of the tunnel. If I did not have absolute proof from my own life that conscious manifesting techniques produce results, then most assuredly I would not be wasting my precious remaining time in this world writing these blog posts each week. My method of going back to that 1990’s me and helping him is to offer up through this blog, information that has helped me, and entertaining the hope that it will help others in the here and now.

Grain By Grain, Drop By Drop, Inch By Inch

So from birth to death, our lives slowly proceed, day by day, grain by grain, inch by inch, drop by drop. Until that one day when your name is listed in the daily death notices. Do you ever read the death notices? An example might be as follows: John Q. Public, age 83, died last Tuesday at St. John’s Hospice after a short illness. John was survived by blah, blah, blah. John was loved by everyone and led a full life. He worked at Smith Brothers Labs for 31 years retiring as vice-president for research. He was loved by everyone and led a full life. John volunteered 99 hours a week at the church mission and still had time for his loving wife, 7 children, 16 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren as well as the many orphans that he and his wife adopted. John enjoyed going to be beach, bowling, gardening and feeding stray animals. John was loved by everyone and led a full life. He will be sorely missed by everyone, even those who never knew him. Services will be held at Quigley Funeral Home tomorrow at 7:00 pm. Burial services will be at Peaceful Valley Cemetery the following morning at 10:00 am. John’s family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to: The Little Old Ladies Who Sit By The Window Knitting Foundation.

I am one of those old school guys who still read the newspapers (even though I also get news from the internet). And yes, I do read the death notices. Some of them have photographs of the deceased, I usually scan all the notices to note the age of the person when they died. Some have long biographical descriptions of the events of their life. Others have a brief biography. Yet others just give out the age at death, family members and funeral service information. Occasionally there will be the poignant notice of the death of a child which inevitably moistens my eyes. Although I still hold out hope, I have never read any death notice that says, “Joe was a useless SOB and all in the family are relieved that he has finally croaked so they can at least grab a few bucks from his estate.”

How would you construct your own newspaper death notice? Are you completely satisfied with what your life has been? How do you think your afterlife life review in the hereafter will go for you? While you cannot un-do what has been done in your life, are there things yet undone that you intensely desire to do with your remaining time? What is your reason for wanting to do these things? Is the impetus from the outside or from within you. While I am not qualified to judge anybody, including myself, I humbly submit that if your life is swayed by outside influences, you need to take a time out. The Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom of God should be your sole indicator. Take full advantage of your time out to listen, really listen, to guidance from within. Every day of life is so precious that to ignore guidance from Universal Intelligence within is a grievous mistake. It could render your death notice along the lines of “He could have, but sadly, he chose not to”.

Start, get started today, consciously manifesting the reality that fulfills the dreams of your Imagination. You really can you know, if you choose to.

Why The F Were You Born Anyway?

Getting back to the humans listed in the daily death notices, I wonder about the people listed in the notice. I wonder if they felt that they “hit the mark” of why they were born into the world in the first place. Are you like a bird or a squirrel that is born, lives and dies and the world just keeps going with new birds and new squirrels. With humans, after a few generations, memory of you fades away as if you were never here. Maybe a gravestone, maybe some family mementos. If you are a bigshot you might have something named after you. If you are Abraham Lincoln or George Washington you’ll get your own memorials and dozens of books written about you. Then let’s say that sooner or later humans finally succeed in their efforts to obliterate the entire human race (nuclear war, intentional pandemics, biological warfare, etc.). After a period of time, the earth would be cleansed of radiation or bacterium and a new dominant species of being would come forth. If that was the case, why the F were you born anyway?

I submit to you that you were born to enter into union with your Creator and to act as a conduit for exhibiting the Power, the Intelligence, the Imagination, the Love of the creative and unifying force of everything, everywhere – God. Whatever you are called to do, to say, to speak, to think, by your Inner Light, nothing else matters. What happened before and what happens after doesn’t matter. Even if the entire earth disintegrates and nothing is left but space dust (and perhaps your dirty underwear), if you heed the call of the Voice Within, your life will be an unqualified success. You will be giving spiritual fist pumps and shouting “Yes” when you subsequently view your life review. We are all here to manifest the Divine Force by consciously manifesting the dreams of our God-given Imagination. Those that were born with mental restrictions are here to teach us how to manifest selfless Love. Conscious manifesting always was the plan of why you were born. It is life. Choose life.

My Altruism Cocktail………With A Unique Twist of Selfish

The Reason For This Blog

The idea for this blog came forth into my mind many years ago. The first published blog post was in August of 2020. Since then I have published one post per week over the past sixty weeks. My intention is to continue in this manner until my body stops functioning. Likewise, there is currently a book inside of me that is continually swirling and evolving that will be completed in the near future. At that time it will be offered for sale at a price affordable to everyone. It is a book which will entrust to its reader a power to make good things happen. So, the primary reason for this blog is to provide something of real value (information) to the reader (you). A second reason is for me to derive some monetary earnings so as to subsidize the other aspects of my multi-faceted, remaining life paradigm.

Getting back to reason number one for this blog, to provide you with information that will, if acted upon, help you obtain what you desire in life, that reason would be defined as practicing the principle of altruism. Altruism can be defined as the principle and moral practice of concern for the heightened quality of life, both material and spiritual, of other human beings. Thus, the reason for this blog is altruism……..but with a unique selfish twist. Read on.

I confess that I have had my share of failures during my sixty-eight years of living. With that said and out of the way, I have also experienced many beautiful successes as well. When I have followed the Universal Laws, I have done well. When I have strayed from them, I have not. As I read and edit the weekly posts that I have published, I have helped myself in that I have been able to re-focus and remind myself of powerful truths that for some perverse reason, I lose sight of from time to time. Thus, this blog, if read by nobody other than myself, will in fact be helpful to someone, namely, me. So in that sense, you could say that my altruism has a hint of selfishness. There is a greater reason however that flavors my altruism cocktail with a unique twist of selfishness…….The Life Review. Read on.

I Have Nothing To Say Until I See My Lawyer

In our life, which continues in spirit after our physical body ceases to function, there will come at that point, “the life review”. After having shed my dead body, I can picture my spirit in a waiting room in a grand courthouse type structure similiar to the image above. This life review is something that enters into my thoughts quite often. I can see in my mind’s eye, two old guys with long beards and robes standing in the hallway. They are looking over my folder and whispering to each other. One of them keep looking over at me after looking through my folder and slightly shaking his head. Finally, one of them says, “OK Mr. Butler. Everything you ever said, did, thought, felt and believed during your lifetime has been visually recorded (in HD quality sound). Shall we begin with the life review process in the courtroom.” That is when I blurt out, with sweaty spiritual palms, “I have nothing to say until I speak with a lawyer. Is Johnny Cochran available? How about F. Lee Bailey? I know most of the attorneys usually go down to the “Downstairs Place” but there has to be some up here to help us poor slobs during our life review. Just don’t stick me with anyone from Jacoby and Myers.”

The life review is experienced by everybody who has experienced a lifetime on earth. If you are a person who believes in reincarnation, you will have many life reviews. It is a process where every trace of bullshit is stripped away. We see clearly what we did and we see clearly what we didn’t do. We see how all that we thought, said, did, felt and believed affected our life. We see how everything we thought, said, did, felt and believed affected other lives.

My best guess is that I have about eight to ten years left. Quite bluntly, I have to state at this point, that my life has literally been saved from death, not once, but on four different occasions. It is patently obvious to me that I have yet to complete my life mission. I am currently working on a massive manifestation involving several facets and including all areas of human endeavor. There are two crystal clear “intercession manifestations” that I feel very clearly — (1) to help a specific person in my life to achieve specific goals and (2) to help an unknown amount of human beings through my writing (blog, books, etc.).

I know from personal experience that the stuff I write about in my blog posts “work”. By “putting it out there” by way of the avenue of the internet, I am doing what I can to help my life review. “Yeah, I see all my mistakes, but Judge, Your Honor, I did my best to get the truth out there. You have to give me that much. I did try. I don’t know how many people were helped, but I did try.” At this point I nudge my attorney and whisper to him “Come on man, you’re supposed to be helping me with this.” Ultimately my life review will concluded and my spirit will proceed to where it exactly belongs to be. There are no crooked judges in the life review. Everything is perfectly fair.

“The Culmination”……….Redemption

As I mentioned above, although nobody really knows, my rough estimate as far as how much time I have left is about eight to ten years. I have created a “reality paradigm” in my mind that encompasses a grand, multi-faceted manifestation that I have named “The Culmination”. The Culmination encompasses all five areas of human endeavor — money, relationships, career (the spending of time), health and intercession. Some of the facets stand alone while others have facets within facets. Every facet of The Culmination is clear in my mind’s eye. In a sense, it is already a reality. My work, over this last part of my life, is to feel, in the very core of my being, as real, every single facet of The Culmination as my lived reality, manifesting through Original Source, according to the timing of the Highest Power, the I Am.

That will be my closing statement at the life review. “Yeah, I made a bunch of mistakes but don’t forget about the good stuff too and especially The Culmination at the end. The Culmination was done by God, through God, from God, for the glory of God. You have seen my inner heart. I now throw myself on the mercy of the court.”

What An Incredible Waste of Time

Lines Fom A Movie

Whenever I hear or think the phrase, “What a waste of time” or “That’s just a big waste of time”, my mind occasionally brings up lines from one or both of two movies that I have watched. The first is in the movie, “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. The basic premise of the movie is that Bill Murray, who begins the movie as an egocentric jerk, gets stuck in a time warp and is forced to re-live the same day over and over again. During his time in this time warp he attempts to seduce his co-employee Andie MacDowell. As he is wining and dining her over dinner in a restaurant, he is feigning interest in the various aspects of her life. During this charade he asks her what she majored in during college. She answers that it was nineteenth century French poetry. Murray can’t help himself and starts derisively laughing saying, “What an incredible waste of time”. The other movie line comes from the movie, “Middle of the Night” starring Frederic March and Kim Novak. In this movie March plays a successful businessman and lonely widower in his early 60’s who begins a romance with Novak, his secretary who is in her late 20’s. Almost everyone around March (family, friends, etc.) strongly disapproves of this romance, especially his daughter and his sister. One day as March is struggling as to how to proceed, his business partner, who is stuck in a loveless marriage, counsels him to follow his heart. If the romance does not last, then so be it, he says to March. The business partner, named Walter Lockman in the movie, disparages his own life for not doing so and during the conversation says to March, “You know what they’re going to put on my tombstone – Here Lies Walter Lockman – This Was A Big Waste of Time”.

The Post-Death Life Review

There are times when I reflect upon my own lifetime thus far and wonder if that is what is going to be inscribed on my tombstone when I die. In my mind I observe my many successful positive manifestations as well as my numerous failures and flaws. I observe the minor miracles I have gratefully been privileged to experience as well as the stupid blunders I have made. I review my life as a son, a grandson, a brother, a father, a spouse, an employee, a friend, a businessman, a neighbor and so on. As I review my life now, during my lifetime, I look it as a kind of rehearsal for the big enchalada life review that will take place when my spirit exits the body at death and moves on. I will be looking at successful opportunities and missed opportunities…intuition followed and intuition ignored…productive use of my alloted time and time thoroughly wasted on trivial matters…keen perception and total lack of perception. To manifest a reality in these final few years of my life that will give that life review movie a happy ending is the one focus of my remaining time now.

And Yet, If You Have Breath, You Have Hope

As I was formulating the idea I wanted to convey in this post, I was led to this quote from the author Alexander Solzhenitsyn from the book, “The Gulag Archipelago” – “There is nothing that so assists the awakening of omniscience within us as insistent thoughts about one’s own transgressions, errors, mistakes.” With these last ten years or so, it is my heart’s desire to take full advantage of all oppprtunities, to explicitly follow my intuition, to use my precious time on things that matter and to continually sharpen my perception. Will I succeed? I sure hope so. How about you? Every day of life, regardless of whatever current circumstances which you find yourself in, is a new lifetime, with new opportunities. If you have breath, you have hope. Even in the midst of the prison gulag hellhole, at the end of one day in his life, Ivan Denisovich could say to himself – “All in all, it was a good day”. With that sixteen or so hours that you have to work with each day, put everything you have into whatever it is that you are doing, wherever you happen to be. Everything. Then at night go to sleep “living in the end” in your Imagination. It is your choice. It always has been. It always will be. And by your choice, the shape and texture and substance of your life is sculpted.

Life Review — The Movie From Hell


In the past forty years, there has been an explosion of books, articles, and videos concerning just what happens to us after we die. Near death experiences, travels to the astral world, people who claim to have been to heaven, hell, purgatory and everywhere in between. There is even the claim of an atheist who alleged a near death experience and claimed he saw himself just sleeping (and snoring no less LOL). Still yet another alleged he wound up on the planet Saturn. Yeah, there’s a whole bunch of stuff out there about the afterlife these days.

Perfect Justice

Have you thought about it? Perhaps your feelings about it come from your religious upbringing (or lack thereof) Maybe pop culture or a friend or relative or neighbor. Maybe a book or group of books. Maybe you have never even thought about it and simply don’t care. Maybe you have even had a near death experience or perhaps a brush with an angelic spirit. In any case, it is my belief that, for a variety of reasons far beyond the scope and focus of this blog post, that it is impossible for our essence, our spirit, not to continue after the body has stopped functioning. Our bodies die…we do not…we keep right on going, with our personality intact. We leave this earth dimension and move on to that part of the great beyond where we exactly and precisely belong. Our placement is based on the state of our spirit. No randomness. No chaos. No corruption. No favoritism. No fixes. Just perfect justice.

The Life Review

My efforts to learn more about this afterlife thing has led me to the conclusion that when we die, we will all experience a procedure called a “life review”. Every aspect of our entire life — from the time we exit the womb to the second that we take our last breath — will be reviewed by us. In my imagination I picture it as being in sort of a cosmic movie theatre. While there will be advanced spiritual beings who monitor and oversee the event, there is not any lecturing from them. Every single evaluation and judgement on my life will come from me and me alone during the course of this life review movie. Divine judgement has already taken place before the life review in the proper placement of my spirit in the afterlife. There are many here on earth who claim that after a period, we are allowed to come back to earth and give it another go. And there are many here on earth that say that is bullshit. What do you think? In any case, the purpose of this life review is instructional so as to “grow our souls” as we continue on with our existence, whatever it may be, after this earth lifetime is over.

A Special Movie

This life review movie is a very special type of movie. Even though we have no physical body, our five senses come into play in a vivid, sharpened manner (high definition many times over). What makes this life review movie particularly unique is that we not only see and hear and feel what we did and didn’t do during our lifetime here on earth, BUT we also simultaneously see and hear and feel how our words and our actions affected other human beings, for better or for worse. both positively and negatively. We are able to feel their emotions with regard to things that we did or did not do. Our actions may have had an effect on someone many degrees separated from us. We are able to view our life from several different perspectives all at the same time. It is a wild movie. Where we did good, the movie is pure unadulterated bliss. Where we royally messed up however, it is a hellish torture. It then becomes the movie from hell. I am going to have bootmarks all over my spirit ass from kicking myself while watching all my stupid mistakes.

A Happy Ending

I have always been a fan of happy endings in movies. I figure I still have some time left in this world. Not much, but some. If life was a calendar, I would be somewhere in November right now. However, I am very well aware that nobody knows for certain when their “number will be called”. For me, it coud be as much as a dozen or so years from now or it could be sometime later today. Nobody really knows for sure. In this earth dimension, in what remains of this lifetime, it is my intention to do everything that I know how to do, using whatever resources that I have, to make the last part of my life review movie have a happy ending. I don’t know about you but I am so tired of making mistakes. I don’t want to have to make frequent trips to the cosmic concession stand and the celestial rest room in order to avoid watching a really bad movie. How about you?