18 X 10 X40 = Whatever You Desire
The focus of this week’s post is the little known manifesting technique of ” 18 X 10 X 40″. You may have heard of the 3 6 9 Method, the 7 7 7 Method, the 5 X 55 Method and the baby brother, the 3 X 33 Method but probably not the 18 X 10 X 40 Method. Well if you haven’t, don’t feel left out because I don’t think too many people have. I came to learn of it by chance decades ago and actually used it successfully. Being afflicted with the malady of metaphysical ADHD however, I moved on to other methods and techniques. In fact, at first I thought it didn’t work when nothing occurred after the allotted time period. Like most of my manifestations however, there was a distinct time lag between my initial expectation time frame date and the actual date the desired manifestation came into my world of third dimensional reality.
The gist of the method is for you to custom create eighteen strong affirmation statements of between ten and eighteen words each regarding your chosen desire. No less than ten and no more than eighteen. Do not just copy other affirmations you may have read somewhere. These affirmation statements have to be your own unique creation. Each statement has to strike a real chord with you personally. Only you know the best words that will “ring your chimes”. You can do it. Just take your time. Give it deep thought and see what statements lift you up into the clouds. Pay your mind no mind as it says to you, “That could never happen to you. Get real!” Respond to your mind with an old Harold Camping retort, “Thank you for caring and sharing. Now let’s move on.”
OK, you have done your work and you’ve got your eighteen statements which we will call “statements of fact”. Now, using a recording device, record each statement ten times in a row. When you are done you will have recorded one hundred and eighty statements. Since I was back in the Stone Age when I used this technique, I used a cassette recorder and a Sony Walkman. Record these statements in absolute privacy so you can be totally free and uninhibited. Negative comments or vibes from the peanut gallery can wreck the whole process. Inject strong feeling into your statements. Make every effort to make each of the statements sound a little bit different from the one before. That helps to keep your mind from wandering away. Then, just listen. When you are done, just turn off the recording device and stop thinking about the whole thing. Do this once per day for forty consecutive days without skipping a day. If you skip a day, you have to start over again at day one. The best times each day are during what is termed SATS (State Akin To Sleep). This is that time that you are in that twilight time of consciousness immediately upon waking or as you are drowsing off to sleep.
He Got His Desire…..And It Put Him On The Hot Seat
So how did I happen to come across this particular manifesting technique? Well, it all started back many moon ago with a college chum who subsequently swore off using it because it became too successful for him. He never told me where he got the technique from . Neither did he explain the significance of the 18, the 10 or the 40. He was just an average, ordinary guy like me. His deep desire was to make it with the chicks. Not just one, but a whole flock. He told me that he used this method and it worked better than he ever imagined. He wound up dating a half-dozen women at once, one even twice his age. When he confided to me his dilemma, he was deeply in debt, his “chick-mania” was affecting his studies, and he was entangled in all manner of boyfriend-girlfriend relationship drama. I clearly remember to this day him saying to me, “I can’t believe this one crazy chick. I told her bluntly to get lost and she just keeps coming back for more. I can’t get rid of her.” Anyway, to fast forward the story, he eventually was able extricate himself from his dilemma. He said the manifestation must have “run its course”.
To say the least, I was intrigued by the whole episode. I decided to try the 18 X 10 X 40 method the way he explained it to me as best as I could. I went for the strong desire to get myself in a better financial position. I imaged in my mind being in that place of improved finances without trying to figure out how it was going to happen. It took me awhile to get the affirmations just right. Then I had to make sure that I recorded the cassette where nobody could hear me. I didn’t want anyone laughing at me. I listened faithfully for forty days. At the end of the forty days, I did not see any improvement in my financial situation. I did not deride the process however. I just figured maybe my friend just had the knack for it or somehow I didn’t do it right. I went on with my daily activities, considered it an interesting experiment and pretty much forgot all about it. The results did not kick in until several months later when a series of unexpected events did indeed improve my financial situation dramatically. Why the time lag in effect? Your guess is probably as good as mine but it probably is a combination of the depth and strength of my belief, unconscious inner resistance to letting go and a lack of discipline on my part (plain old mental laziness).
Today’s Special At A Very Affordable Price
Why are there so many manifestation techniques floating around out there in Internet Land? Probably for the same reason that a restaurant menu doesn’t limit itself to just one item. Just as an item on the menu may appeal to one patron, while another patron finds appeal in a different menu item, one person may get excited about a particular technique while another may look at it and say “Meh, just doesn’t interest me”.
The one common denominator in the manifesting techniques that I have written about in this blog over the past year is that they all can be done without any outlay of money, What they do require however is (1)time, (2)effort, (3)discipline, (4)patience, and most important of all – (5)faith – belief that they work.
With this particular manifesting technique, you will require some type of recording device. Then you will need ear buds or ear phones so that you can listen to your affirmation statements in private. Do not allow others to hear as it will only invite comments that will despoil your faith in the process. Listen to them in their entirety when you wake up or when you drift off to sleep or both if you so wish. Refrain from thinking about it in between listening sessions. Let Divine Intelligence work out the necessary details. Your job is to be those affirmations as you are listening to them. If the forty days are up and you haven’t received the desired results, refrain from making any judgement as to the process. If you have done your end of things conscientiously, the soup is definitely simmering on the stove. When it’s ready, it is going to be downright delicious.
Believe. Receive.