New Manifesting Technique: 18 X 10 X 40

18 X 10 X40 = Whatever You Desire

The focus of this week’s post is the little known manifesting technique of ” 18 X 10 X 40″. You may have heard of the 3 6 9 Method, the 7 7 7 Method, the 5 X 55 Method and the baby brother, the 3 X 33 Method but probably not the 18 X 10 X 40 Method. Well if you haven’t, don’t feel left out because I don’t think too many people have. I came to learn of it by chance decades ago and actually used it successfully. Being afflicted with the malady of metaphysical ADHD however, I moved on to other methods and techniques. In fact, at first I thought it didn’t work when nothing occurred after the allotted time period. Like most of my manifestations however, there was a distinct time lag between my initial expectation time frame date and the actual date the desired manifestation came into my world of third dimensional reality.

The gist of the method is for you to custom create eighteen strong affirmation statements of between ten and eighteen words each regarding your chosen desire. No less than ten and no more than eighteen. Do not just copy other affirmations you may have read somewhere. These affirmation statements have to be your own unique creation. Each statement has to strike a real chord with you personally. Only you know the best words that will “ring your chimes”. You can do it. Just take your time. Give it deep thought and see what statements lift you up into the clouds. Pay your mind no mind as it says to you, “That could never happen to you. Get real!” Respond to your mind with an old Harold Camping retort, “Thank you for caring and sharing. Now let’s move on.”

OK, you have done your work and you’ve got your eighteen statements which we will call “statements of fact”. Now, using a recording device, record each statement ten times in a row. When you are done you will have recorded one hundred and eighty statements. Since I was back in the Stone Age when I used this technique, I used a cassette recorder and a Sony Walkman. Record these statements in absolute privacy so you can be totally free and uninhibited. Negative comments or vibes from the peanut gallery can wreck the whole process. Inject strong feeling into your statements. Make every effort to make each of the statements sound a little bit different from the one before. That helps to keep your mind from wandering away. Then, just listen. When you are done, just turn off the recording device and stop thinking about the whole thing. Do this once per day for forty consecutive days without skipping a day. If you skip a day, you have to start over again at day one. The best times each day are during what is termed SATS (State Akin To Sleep). This is that time that you are in that twilight time of consciousness immediately upon waking or as you are drowsing off to sleep.

He Got His Desire…..And It Put Him On The Hot Seat

So how did I happen to come across this particular manifesting technique? Well, it all started back many moon ago with a college chum who subsequently swore off using it because it became too successful for him. He never told me where he got the technique from . Neither did he explain the significance of the 18, the 10 or the 40. He was just an average, ordinary guy like me. His deep desire was to make it with the chicks. Not just one, but a whole flock. He told me that he used this method and it worked better than he ever imagined. He wound up dating a half-dozen women at once, one even twice his age. When he confided to me his dilemma, he was deeply in debt, his “chick-mania” was affecting his studies, and he was entangled in all manner of boyfriend-girlfriend relationship drama. I clearly remember to this day him saying to me, “I can’t believe this one crazy chick. I told her bluntly to get lost and she just keeps coming back for more. I can’t get rid of her.” Anyway, to fast forward the story, he eventually was able extricate himself from his dilemma. He said the manifestation must have “run its course”.

To say the least, I was intrigued by the whole episode. I decided to try the 18 X 10 X 40 method the way he explained it to me as best as I could. I went for the strong desire to get myself in a better financial position. I imaged in my mind being in that place of improved finances without trying to figure out how it was going to happen. It took me awhile to get the affirmations just right. Then I had to make sure that I recorded the cassette where nobody could hear me. I didn’t want anyone laughing at me. I listened faithfully for forty days. At the end of the forty days, I did not see any improvement in my financial situation. I did not deride the process however. I just figured maybe my friend just had the knack for it or somehow I didn’t do it right. I went on with my daily activities, considered it an interesting experiment and pretty much forgot all about it. The results did not kick in until several months later when a series of unexpected events did indeed improve my financial situation dramatically. Why the time lag in effect? Your guess is probably as good as mine but it probably is a combination of the depth and strength of my belief, unconscious inner resistance to letting go and a lack of discipline on my part (plain old mental laziness).

Today’s Special At A Very Affordable Price

Why are there so many manifestation techniques floating around out there in Internet Land? Probably for the same reason that a restaurant menu doesn’t limit itself to just one item. Just as an item on the menu may appeal to one patron, while another patron finds appeal in a different menu item, one person may get excited about a particular technique while another may look at it and say “Meh, just doesn’t interest me”.

The one common denominator in the manifesting techniques that I have written about in this blog over the past year is that they all can be done without any outlay of money, What they do require however is (1)time, (2)effort, (3)discipline, (4)patience, and most important of all – (5)faith – belief that they work.

With this particular manifesting technique, you will require some type of recording device. Then you will need ear buds or ear phones so that you can listen to your affirmation statements in private. Do not allow others to hear as it will only invite comments that will despoil your faith in the process. Listen to them in their entirety when you wake up or when you drift off to sleep or both if you so wish. Refrain from thinking about it in between listening sessions. Let Divine Intelligence work out the necessary details. Your job is to be those affirmations as you are listening to them. If the forty days are up and you haven’t received the desired results, refrain from making any judgement as to the process. If you have done your end of things conscientiously, the soup is definitely simmering on the stove. When it’s ready, it is going to be downright delicious.

Believe. Receive.

Your Most Important Best Day

The Game of “Best Day of Your Life”

In the comedy movie, “The Water Boy”, in the last scene of the movie, the movie’s hero, Bobby Bouchet, has just gotten married to Vicki Betancourt. They are both outside of the church preparing to leave (on a riding lawnmower LOL). Their friends are also outside the church and are shouting encouragement and good wishes to the two newlyweds. Before riding off into the sunset, Bobby Bouchet shouts to his friends with complete conviction, “This is the best day of my life.” As you review your life, decade by decade, are you able to say with equal conviction what that one best day of your life was?

The “Best Day of Your Life” game is an interesting and illuminating exercise in thought and feeling. I played this game and could not narrow it down to just one single day. I think each decade that goes by it becomes increasingly more difficult to do that. What I did do however was adjust the rules of the game. I allowed myself to choose decade by decade what my one best day was. In each decade there were many really good days, as well as many bad ones (and some downright horrible) but this game requires you to choose that one best day. Even splitting things up into decade by decade, it still took some deep reflection, completely free of the expectations of any other person. As I am sixty-eight years old, I came up with seven best days. As I am guessing for a number of reasons that I have one decade left, there is still time for one more “grand finale” best day.

I have already chosen what that final best day will be. It is what I call “Culmination Day”. It is that day that has already happened in my mind. It is that day that I am sitting at my desk, with a cup of coffee, looking out the window and saying, “Thank you Father. It is done.” It is the day when all the pain, all the suffering, all the obstacles are mere footnotes in my history as I feel the unbounded joy of seeing that all of my conscious manifesation choices have come into fruition.

Now Substitute Your Face For That of Ponzi

OK, so what’s the purpose of this game you say. Why should you bother to play it? Answer: Because it forces you to be one thousand percent honest with yourself about what day or days in your life brought you true inner joy. Many times humans may say things or do things or even think things based on the expectation of others. In doing so we execute a con job on ourselves. In the image above you see Charles Ponzi, the con man who originated the flim flam known today as a Ponzi scheme. Boy does he ever look the part of a huckster con man. His photo reminds me of those guys who used to sell vegetable choppers on the Steel Pier in Atlantic City. Looked great as he was demonstrating it. Then when you got home you saw that it was a piece of shit. I still remember my father cussing up a blue storm when the chopper broke within five minutes of using it. Anyway, in the best day game you penetrate the outer crust of bull manure and reveal to yourself truths, truths that you can build on to make your life better. You can stop with that royal con job that you do on yourself better than even Charles Ponzi ever could.

Your Future Most Important Day But Right Now

Your best day for any decade can be but does not have to be a typical life-changing event such as a birth, or a marriage, or a healing, or a career move or, well, you get the idea. It can be something quite simple and unassuming. For example, in the decade between birth and ten years old, I like most children had good days, bad days and days somewhere in between. The very best day that I can recall however was a day that I spent at my grandparents’ house on the lake with my Mom and brother. We all didn’t go around holding hands and singing Kumbaya, but on that particular day, as a kid, with my mother and brother and grandmom and grandpop, I just felt such love surrounding me, infusing me, that I begged my Mom to stay late because I didn’t want the day, or the feeling to end. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. It was just a feeling but it was a feeling beautiful beyond description.

To get back to the answer to the question of – why bother? – it is because you can productively use the feeling that you felt on that best day to bring about a desired manifestation in your life right now. Identify your desire. Then go back to the feeling you felt on that best day. The happenstance that caused that day is unimportant. What is of the utmost importance however is how you felt on that day. Feel it. Feeling the feeling of it. Then step into your current desire as if has arrived to you transferring your joy from the best day event to the manifestation of your current desire. Once you have sufficiently felt your current desire as realized and natural, then wait for Universal Intelligence to bring about the means to the end. And give thanks that it has really happened, because it has.

Your Personal Magic Soviet Textbook

The Soviet Textbook

Josef Stalin. Russian Big Cheese. Dictator of the Soviet Union from 1924 to his death in 1953. He is seated in the middle of the front row in the image above. He pretty much was the new tsar of Russia taking over where Nicholas II left off, with seven years of Lenin in between. The big difference however between Stalin and Nicholas was that Russia/the Soviet Union was now totally immersed in the political structure known as totalitarian communism.

In the Soviet Union, as was the case in the 1930’s and 1940’s with fascism in Germany, the state was paramount. The state controlled the newspapers. The state controlled radio and movies. The state controlled travel. The state controlled industry. The state controlled agriculture. Maybe most important of all, the state controlled the youth of the society through its total control of the education system. Of course, in a political system such as this, the functionaries of the state wrote and printed all of the textbooks approved for use throughout all levels of schooling, primary thru university. While science and mathematics were pretty standard with the textbooks of schools outside of the Soviet Union, things like history and literature were most assuredly “bent” to reflect whatever the state wanted to feed the populace. History textbooks reflected history as what Stalin and the communists wanted it to be. Factual data was secondary to promoting the communist agenda.

Now You See Him…..Now you Don’t

One of the unusual facets of the Soviet textbooks was the “now you see him, now you don’t” phenomena. A famous example of this was a famous photograph taken in the mid-twenties of Stalin and three other luminaries of the communist revolution. They were standing around a desk of some sort. Stalin was more or less in the middle and the other three were by his side. First of all, Stalin, who had a pitted face due to contracting smallpox as a child, miraculously now had a perfect complexion. As each year or two went by, one by one the other three poor slobs fell out of favor with Stalin and wound up executed or given a free one-way ticket to Siberia. In the second edition of that textbook, the picture showed Stalin and two others. The fourth was totally removed from the photograph and all textbooks having the picture of comrade number four were destroyed. In the next edition of this text, there was no mention of comrade number four ever existing and the photo showed Stalin with two revolutionary comrades. The man never existed. The next edition of the text showed Stalin and one other revolutionary comrade. Yes, comrade number three must not have laughed loud enough at one of Stalin’s jokes because he was tried and executed and unceremoniously deleted from the textbook. No mention is made of the now two deleted men. The final edition of the text shows Joe Stalin standing alone at the desk. I think he’s even a little taller now in the photo. That’s right, the other guy was likewise given the heave-ho and all mention of him completely excised from the new edition of the text. It reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode that I watched one time where something similiar happened.

Having total control of the educational system of the Soviet Union, the communist structure merely revised their history to whatever they wanted it to be. Due to censorship imposed by authorities, history was what Stalin and Company said it was. What children believed about their past was based what they were taught from the revised reimaging of it by their totalitarian controllers.

Your Own Personal Soviet Textbook

So what does all this Stalin and soviet stuff have to do with manifesting something that you want in your life? Well it has to do with the concept of revision popularized by Neville Goddard. Revision is a simple concept. Notice that I said simple but I did not say easy. If some event in your life does not meet your satisfaction, just revise it in your mind to something that you find more satisfactory. After you do that part of the revision process, then invoke within yourself the feeling that your revision was actually real. Feel the way you woud feel if things happened according to your revision. Once you do this part of the process then drop the matter and go about your activities for the day. This whole thing need not take more than five minutes of your time. That’s it. Your personal soviet textbook method for manifesting something.

There are many success stories on the internet of people using revision. Here is one example: A man’s relatives were in town to visit him. They lived far away so he did not get to see them very often. Among the group of relatives was his mom. The mom texted him saying that his niece, just a small tyke, had caught a severe cold. The man revised the text in his mind to say, “Your niece looked to be catching a bad cold but she feels much better now and everything is on track for tonight.” The man continued reading and re-reading his revised text until he got himself to the point where he really believed it was real. Then he dropped the matter and went on with his day. That evening, when he met with his relatives, they told him that the niece bounced back quickly and the cold symptoms left as if she had never had them. That is but one example of manifesting using revision.

Try it. You might be like Mikey from that old Life cereal commercial. That was the one where two brothers at the kitchen table saw a new box of cereal their mother had bought that was supposed to be healthy. They both said that they were not going to try it. They then said they would give it to their younger brother. Mikey, who hates everything (food-wise). Then to their surprise, Mikey liked the cereal whereupon they poured the cereal into their own bowls. Further study about revision is readily available on the net. Pour some into your bowl.

Flipswitching 101 – Magic Magnet For Things You Want


In the world of consciously manifesting your reality, have you ever heard of the concept of “flipswitching”? It is a manifesting technique introduced by author Lynn Grabhorn. It is elegantly simple in concept. It is totally free. It can be done by anyone, with any level of education, at any level of society, anywhere in the world. As in most manifesting techniques however, the “catch” is that it requires total commitment on your part to the process. It also requires your patience, your perserverence and your determined self discipline in order to for you to produce successful results. It is not for those who dabble in it, then flitter off to something else when they hit a roadblock or become impatient. If you decide to get onboard with it, it can be a fun and enjoyable activity that you look forward to each day as opposed to a chore that you have to do in order to get something you want.

A Way To Break Free

Whenever a detrimental thought infects your mind, like a virus, if you allow it to settle in, you have just made the choice to go backward. And you will. When a negative thought comes in the door of your house so to speak (your mind), immediately flip your switch. By this is meant, immediately think of something that makes you feel good, something that you are or that you have experienced or are experiencing now that you appreciate, that you enjoy. It could be a person or group of people, a past or future event, something about your personality or your body or a skill that you have that makes you feel really good. It could be something that has occurred in the reality of your innner mind but has not come about yet in the physical realm. It could be…….whatever. Once you decide on about a minimum of a half dozen items in whatever category you choose, then practice holding each thought (and the accompanying pleasurable feeling) for between fifteen and thirty consecutive seconds. Train yourself. It sounds simple and it is but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It will be difficult at first to do it for more than a few seconds but just keep working on it. Keep the “feeling good” thought fully occupying your mind and no other thoughts will have room to barge in and take over.

Old Habits Will Strenuously Object

Warning: If you decide to dive into the pool of “flipswitching”, your addiction to negative emotions (fear, worry, doubt, panic, etc.) will strenuously object to this manifesting technique. You are evicting them and they will not go quietly. Just like the junkie who is hooked on drugs, your old habits of thought and feeling will tell you life can’t go on without a fix. You may start flipswitching, see nothing happening after a while and give up telling yourself that it’s just a bunch of baloney. If you really and truly commit to the process, you will most assuredly ultimately begin to see good things happening. That should give you incentive to perservere. At the very least commit (no matter what) to thirty consecutive days (no days off). Another warning: negative feel goods (ie., hurting others, imagining harm to others, etc) won’t work to bring you what you desire. The Universe will give you something but it will not be what you want.

Backsliding Will Turn Off The Flipswitch

Everyday responsibilities and chores can be overwhelming. They can squeeze the juice right out of you. You might have three or four (or more) things at once to deal with. You may find your inner focus swerving over to a multitudes of “if I don’t do this, then this bad thing will happen to me” and “I don’t have time to focus on anything but my problems.” Once you allow your focus to change, the flipswitch gets turned off and the good stuff that is on its way to you comes to a screeching halt. In my own experience, I have found the toughest part of the flipswitching “feel good” experience is staying there once you get there. Also, I have found that the manifestation usually comes much slower than I desire, causing impatience, causing switching my focus to other things. All of us humans have faults and frailities that tend to trip us up. There are a number of ways to approach flipswitching. Experiment. Search for the way that works best for you. Then, stick with it and reap the rewards.

Tell Rostov, It’s Time To Die

Invasion USA

In 1988, a movie was made featuring Chuck Norris titled, “Invasion USA”. The gist of the movie involved Chuck single-handedly saving the USA from an army of saboteurs who had silently invaded the country. The arch villian and the leader of the saboteur army in the movie is a man called Rostov played by perpetual movie villian Richard Lynch. In the movie there are two lines of dialogue that one tends to remember. The first involves Chuck telling one of Rostov’s minions that he better tell Chuck what he wants to know or “I’ll hit you with so many rights, you’ll be begging for a left.” The second is a line that Chuck uses a few times in the movie directed at the leader of the army — “Tell Rostov, it’s time to die.”

Tell Rostov It’s Time To Die

I thought about using an image from that film for this blog but due to possible copyright issues, I decided to stick with an available free image. If, however, you wish to view the climatic image from that movie where Chuck tells Rostov in person that it is time for Rostov to die, just conduct a google search, “invasion usa it’s time to die”, then hit “images” after you get your search results. In that image, you will see Chuck standing about twenty feet behind the villian. They both have portable rocket launchers. The villian has been stalking Chuck to kill him. All of a sudden, from behind, the villian hears Chuck load the missile launcher and say to the villian, “It’s time to die”. The look on the face of the villian says it all. He knows that he is totally screwed and Chuck has beaten him. The villian attempts to turn around and kill Chuck but Chuck shoots first and the villian winds up in a million pieces.

Reject Fear

In your life, you have a Rostov stalking you. He is called Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of poor health. Fear of loneliness. Fear of being useless. Fear of being unloved. Fear of enslavement to poor health or poor finances. Fear of not having your life mean something. Fear of not getting your fair share of things in life. Fear of this. Fear of that. Fear. Fear. Fear. Just as Rostov stalked Chuck in the movie, fear is always stalking you. To be successful in manifesting the life you desire, you also must tell fear that “It’s time to die”. Use appropriate manifesting techniques and earnest prayer to use your own inner rocket launcher to blow fear into a million different pieces.

There Are Two Root Emotions

In the image above, Edvard Munch’s impressionist painting “The Scream” epitomizes how it feels for a person to be in the grips of fear. To live in fear is a type of nightmare. Someone once said that there are only two root emotions from which all other emotions spring — love and fear. Love is truth. Fear is error. Make the choice as best as you can in your precious life to choose love. Fear will always take you down a one way street to nowhere.