Do You Know What Truth Is?

The Current State Of Truth

For a moment, let’s look at the current state of “truth” in the world today. All the countries of the world have highly paid specialists devoted to spinning the events of the day. They are hired to spin as truth whatever places their country in the best possible light. When they do actually announce something that actually is what is happening, nobody believes it. Fake news is the order of the day.

Politicians, bless their little conniving hearts, are experts in saying whatever is necessary to maintain their power and status. Whatever is the actual state of events doesn’t matter. It is irrelevant to them. If actual events do not coordinate with their own position on any matter, it is labelled “fake news”. The controllers then make up what they want to feed the public. Then they relentlessly dish it out. They then call the truth of the matter “fake news”. Let’s do an “opposites Rorschach test.” Cold…..Hot. Upper…..Lower. North…..South. Politicians…..Truth.

Now let’s go to the real rulers of the world – corporations. Corporations have two appointed missions. The first is to suck every last dollar that they can out of the public. The second is to suck the very life out of all the minions under its control. When a corporate representative says that they are making a change to “better serve the public”, watch out. Hold on to your wallet because they are really saying “to better serve the corporation.” Mitt Romney says a corporation is a person. If so, a corporation is a person without a soul.

Sigh. Truth is twisted every which way in today’s world. It’s a royal mess. You may find yourself echoing the words of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, when he said, “What is truth”?

A Well Known Story

In the book of John, there is related the following well known story. Jesus was arrested by the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem. The charge was blasphemy. They brought him to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of that area.

Pilate asked the leaders, “What are the charges against this man”? When he did not get a clear cut answer, he disgustedly told them to go away. He told them to handle the matter under their own laws.

The leaders then answered Pilate. They told him that they wanted Jesus executed. Only Pilate had the authority to allow an execution.

Pilate had the guards bring Jesus in his chambers in the palace. He asked him point blank, “Are you the King of the Jews”?

Jesus replied, “Is that your own idea or did others talk to you about me”?

Pilate replied, “Am I a Jew? Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it that you have done”?

Jesus replied, ” My kingdom is not of this world. If it were my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by Jewish leaders. But now my Kingdom is from another place”.

“You are a king then”! exclaimed Pilate.

Jesus answered, ” You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into this world was to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

To which Pilate gave his famous retort, “What is truth”?

The Rest Of The Story

Ah yes. What is truth? The billion dollar question. Did Pilate say it philosophically? Jestfully? Cynically? Rhetorically? We may never know. But it sure is one helluva question.

To finish the story within the eighteenth chapter, Pilate went out again and told the leaders, “I find no fault in him at all.” Pilate continued, “You have a custom that I should release someone to you at Passover. Do you therefore want me to release to you the ‘King of the Jews’?

Then they all cried again saying, “No, not this man, but Barabbas.” Now Barrabbas was a robber.

The Question Of All Questions

The question “What is Truth”? is indeed the question of all questions. Scripture clearly states that knowing and living the truth will set you free. Free of what you say? Free of the dozens of personal prisons that encapsulate the overwhelming majority of human beings in the world. If it is clearly stated that the truth will set you free, then, it is of paramount importance to you to understand what truth is.

First, let’s see what the Webster dictionary says about the definition of truth. Of course, the first definition that they give is completely useless. It defines truth as, “the state of being true.” Going on to the secondary definition, we see truth being defined as “the body of those events, things and facts that are judged as real.”

Going over to Wikipedia, we find truth defined as “the property of being in accord with accepted fact or reality.”

Various themes, essays and viewpoints of truth have been vigorously debated over the centuries by scholars, philosophers and theologians. Mountains of pages of literature have been written addressing the simple question “What is truth”? Kant. Hegel. Schopenhauer. Nietzsche. Swedenborg. Heidegger. Fromm. And the list goes on and on. Just to read a concise summary of all the themes and viewpoints about the nature of truth is enough to make your head spin.

An Ever Increasing Illumination

Truth is an ever increasing illumination. All things in the world are subject to the imaginative power of mankind. Moses wanted to know what the name of God was. He is told the following (in the book of Exodus): “And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM. Say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.”

In order to create the reality that you desire, you must choose. You must make the choice to walk, to live, to breathe, in the full feeling of I AM. Do you desire good health? Then feel I AM healthy. If you wish to experience success, then feel I AM successful. Want to experience what it is to be a conduit of God’s love, then feel I AM loving. How about desiring some of your God-given power, then feel I AM powerful. And so on in keeping with whatever you desire to experience. The more you feel your I AM to be true, the more natural it becomes to you.

Stay with it. Grow in it. When you get to the point where your I AM is completely natural, it is truth. Truth then materializes into external circumstances. When I say natural, here is what I mean. It is a natural belief of yours that your nose is attached to your face, your hands are attached to your arms, your feet are attached to your legs. You do not have to think or reason or wonder about these things. These beliefs are completely and totally natural to you.

One of the most mind blowing utterances of Jesus is the following” Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you have them, and you shall have them.”

Deeper Meaning To The Pontius Pilate Story

Jesus stated with crystal clarity how you can receive every good desire. Every. What he stated is truth. This truth, when absorbed into your inner being, will indeed set you free from all the various prisons of this world.

A very large majority of people on this planet cannot bear to part with what they do not want, long enough to be able to receive what they do want. It is unfortunate. Ultimately however, truth will prevail. It always does. In the book of Hebrews it states that faith (imaginative belief) is in fact the very substance (truth) of what you long for. Faith is the concrete substance of that which your senses do not see. It is the indisputable evidence of that which the five senses simply are not able to perceive.

The Jesus/Pontius Pilate story represents the level of Caesar (reason). In that level of truth, only external facts are classified as truth. Barabbas was a known robber. Barabbas represents the external facts of life. These are what the world at large primarily live by. This is what they want. Barabbas, the robber, the evidence of your senses, robs you of the substance of your true faith.

I leave you with this beautiful slice of a poem from Robert Browning, the great nineteenth century poet and playwright:

Truth is within ourselves; It takes no rise from outward things, whatever you may believe.

There is an utmost center in us all; where truth abides in fullness.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Kid Detachment Vs. Killer Time Lag

In This Corner………

Somewhere along the way, I am reasonably sure that you have watched the beginning of a professional boxing match. Even if you have never been a boxing fan, you may have been introduced to a boxing match on a television show or in a movie. The popular Rocky movie franchise is an example of where you may have seen it.

Before the fight starts, the announcer stands in the middle of the ring as he holds the drop down microphone. The two boxers are standing in opposite corners of the ring. The announcer intones, “In this corner, weighing in at 207 pounds is Tommie “Kid” Callahan. After the cheers for this boxer die down, the announcer continues, “And in this corner, weighing in at 214 pounds, George “Killer” Kowalski. The boxers then go to the center of the ring to hear the referee’s final instructions and shake hands. Then they return to their respective corners, the bell rings, and the fight commences.

Every Day Of Your Life

Every day of your life, you are in an ethereal boxing ring for a boxing match unlike any others. You are “Kid Detachment”. You are pitted against “Killer Time Lag”. The winner of this match determines the very substance of your human existence. If “Kid Detachment” wins, your dreams and desires morph into reality. If “Killer Time Lag” wins, you unfortunately must remain in your state of disappointment and frustration.

What Is Detachment?

Detachment is the most controversial and difficult part of manifesting your chosen desires. There are those that portray detachment as not thinking about the materialization of your desire. This particular school of thought contends that once you set your intention to manifest a specific desire, you then stop thinking about it and detach yourself from the outcome.

True detachment goes far beyond that particular definition. Your state of consciousness called detachment is where your “craving self” dies. Detachment is a state of mind that you, yourself, induce. It is a state of being where your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your reactions, your emotions all reflect one thing. That one thing is that your chosen desire is real, right now. Detachment means that you believe, you know that your manifestation is complete. The desire is fulfilled. It is not something that you will get. It is something that you have. Wherever you are sitting, standing, or laying down, it is real, right now.

The Purpose Of Detachment

The purpose of practicing detachment is to separate (or detach) from your present reactions to current circumstances. Once that detachment occurs, you have removed the frustration and disappointment of the state of “not having”. You have given space for you faith (belief) to connect with Universal Mind.

Jesus Christ stated quite clearly that whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you have received, and they will be yours. Jesus is telling those listening, that if you practice detachment (believe that you already have your chosen desire), your desire will spring to life.

When you rightly practice detachment, you are detached from your current outer reality, your outer circumstances. You are not anxiously awaiting your desire to come about. If you are in a state of detachment, then you are already experiencing your chosen reality.

Come On, Get Real

You may have pressing problems currently that are causing you to feel distress and anxiety. It feels like most of your day is spent attempting to remediate your problems. Perhaps you are thinking to yourself, “This detachment stuff sounds like you are supposed to live in a fantasy world, like a crazy person. I got bills to pay. I have family issues to deal with. My boss at work is a complete clown. With all this going on, you want me to act like these things don’t exist? Come on, get real”.

Biblical scripture states that those who believe, are physically in the world, but not of the world. Your mind is your own personal domain. It is where your imagination is. Your imagination is the power that brings stuff into your life.

If you want to get real about manifesting your true desire, then you have to do what is necessary to bring that about.

Sorry, The Cavalry Is Not Coming

As a kid, I watched a bunch of tv shows and movies that were westerns. In some of these movies, the wagon train would be surrounded by Indians who were trying to decimate the entire wagon train. Just when things were the most desperate, there would be the sound of a cavalry bugle call. Then over the ridge would appear the army cavalry to save the day.

Sorry, but the cavalry is not coming to your rescue. In manifesting what you desire, it is up to you to do what is necessary. You. No shining knight is coming to rescue you. You must use the power that you were given by your Creator as a child of the Almighty Presence. You can choose a glorious path of consciously manifesting a fulfilling life. Or you can choose the same old shit that you have been experiencing.

How To Practice Detachment

If living a life of fulfillment, experiencing inner joy, sounds good to you, then you must take action. Start today. Tomorrow never comes. Start a daily (every day without fail) practice of setting aside a prescribed period of time each day. Next, in this time period that you have chosen, get into a deeply relaxed state. For example, this is the state of relaxation that you feel before nodding off to sleep. You are still awake but your mind and body are in the deepest state of relaxation this side of being asleep. This state of relaxation is called SATS, state akin to sleep.

Use this state of relaxation to your benefit. It may be five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes. Shift your imagination into high gear during this time of deep relaxation. Next, see your desire already fulfilled in your mind’s eye. Hear what you would hear. See what you would see. Feel what you would feel. Say what you would say. Your imaginal scene changes over into your true reality.

Deliver A Knockout Punch To Killer Time Lag

One of the biggest obstacles to getting stuff that you want via conscious manifestation is the time lag. You do your daily session of experiencing detachment. Then you do it the next day. And the next. And the next. Consequently, after a week, you see nothing changed in your outer experience. You get discouraged. You start doubting. Adverse circumstances activate fears. The time lag is hitting you with body blows.

In manifesting, there is almost always a time lag between activating your desire and fulfillment. Killer Time Lag uses this time period to go on the offensive and score a knockout. This is where your faithful and consistent practice of detachment will be your salvation. Every consecutive day of your practice of detachment delivers a solid punch to Killer Time Lag. Then, one day, you will deliver the knockout punch and Killer Time Lag will go down for the count.

When You Believe It, You Will See It

Faith is power. Faith is belief. Belief is the key. Hebrews 11:1 has a beautiful and concise definition of faith. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things not seen. The word assurance means total confidence; complete freedom from doubt; 100% certainty. The word conviction means that your Subconscious Mind is convinced that the circumstance that you created in your imagination is real. When you remain in a state of detachment and your Subconscious Mind buys into what you are selling, there is no force on earth that can prevent your desire from becoming reality.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

8 Billion Opportunities To Express Universal Mind

Population Of The World 2022

In a United Nations report released this year on World Population Day, the population of the world is projected to reach 8 billion by the end of 2022. The report stated that the population of 61 countries is projected to decrease by 1 % or more between 2022 and 2050. Despite this however, population surges in Africa and the Indian sub-continent will push the world to that 8 billion mark.

John Wilmoth, director of the United Nations Population Department, stated that the current global average life expectancy has increased to 72.8 years. That is a nine year increase from a similar report issued in 1990. I am an average guy. I guess that gives me about three more years or so. As you may have guessed, the percent share of the total global population of old people (over 65) is growing. The oldsters, now one tenth of the world’s humans, will be almost one sixth of all humans by 2050.

Good News, Bad News

One problem with the relentless growth of older people as a percentage of the global population is healthcare. The elderly is the segment of the population statistically needing it the most. Let’s face it, the older you get, the more your body breaks down. When it breaks down enough, you die.

There is however a major benefit of the increased longevity of human beings. Living longer means that every additional year of life that a person gets means that they have additional time to discover their true power as a unique expression of the Divine.

Every Person Is An Expression

There is one Universal Mind – God. Through this Universal Mind you live, and move, and have your being. This year, on planet earth, there will be 8 billion individualizations of Universal Mind. Each of these individualizations have conscious minds. Almost every one of these conscious minds has the ability and freedom to direct thoughts and feelings into the Universal Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind then acts to bring to reality those thoughts and feelings held in absolute belief.

Universal Mind, from which we have all originated and exist, creates whatever you think and believe as true. Universal Mind creates what you think and feel about your neighbor. Likewise, Universal Mind creates what your neighbor thinks and feels about you. God is impartial. Universal Law is impartial. It inexorably acts upon human thought and feeling. Humans are an expression of the Divine.

Look at the second most important commandment of Jesus: “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. As you regard your neighbor, so shall it be done to him. In conjunction with that, as your neighbor regards you, so shall it be done to you. You may say, “Well my neighbor hates me but I am still successful. What about that”? Where there are conflicting thoughts, Universal Subconscious Mind always acts on the thoughts and feelings where there is the greatest faith and belief.

So What Are You Expressing These Days?

Almost everyone has heard the saying, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. It is widely known as a universal law of life. It is also one of the world’s most misunderstood maxims. Religious “authorities” have for centuries put forth the idea that this saying refers primarily to our existence in the hereafter. That is a basic misunderstanding of the content of that law. The sowing (or planting) and reaping (or harvesting) speaks strictly of the spiritual law of cause and effect.

The thoughts and feelings that you plant in the garden of Subconscious Mind will ultimately yield a harvest. It will be either weeds, stunted plants or beautiful fruit and blossoms. It all depends on what you believe as true.

You Are Free

Every minute of your lifetime, you are free. This is a wonderful miracle. It is also an enduring mystery. While you are in fact a infinitesimal part of Universal Mind, you are also free to choose your thoughts and feelings. Otherwise you would merely be a mindless marionette with no manner or means of expressing the Divine. When you use your freedom to express love and all of its derivative permutations, you are expressing the Divine. When you use your freedom to express fear and all of its derivative permutations, you are expressing error.

One avenue of expression leads you to growth and expansion of your consciousness. The other avenue of expression stunts your growth and leads to regression. What exactly are you expressing these days? What do you desire to express? The choice is yours. It always has been, You were created in that manner. Unless you agree to let the controllers microchip you and gain control over your brain’s neurons, the choice will always be yours.

Through A Glass Darkly

In the famous chapter 13 of the book of First Corinthians, there is a phrase uttered by the apostle Paul, “For now we see through a glass, darkly”. The glass that is referred to is a looking glass or mirror. The word darkly means without full understanding. Young’s Literal Translation of this verse is “we see through a mirror obscurely”. This phrase comes from the Greek (blepomen gar arti di esoptrou en ainigmati). The New International Version translation states, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror”. The Good News Bible has it “what we see now is a dim image in a mirror”.

Mirrors in the days of Paul were actually made of polished metal, not glass. Mirrors of the time contained imperfections and distortions. Some things were clearly reflected. Some portions of the reflection had distortions somewhat like a fun house mirror. The more that we dedicate our lives to expressing Divine Law in truth, the more that we will see the reflection of our self with clarity. Ultimately, with complete faith in the goodness of Eternal Mind, we will see everything clearly. For the time being however, human beliefs in error abound all over the world because “we see through a glass, darkly”.

Yes, He Definitely Said “Whatsoever”

Take the “Mr. Chi” template of the five basic human desires: money, relationships, career, health and intercession (ability to help others). It is a safe assumption that the overwhelming majority of human beings throughout the world lack something that they truly desire. Read carefully the words of Jesus – “Therefore I say unto you, all things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and ye shall have them”.

That sounds about as clear as one can get using words to communicate. There is no shillyshally or waffling in that statement. It is definite and it is truth. If you, made in the image of the Most High, think a desire and then believe that you have already received it, it will be yours. This will come about through the natural means of the society in which you reside.

Faith (belief) is the key. If you are holding on to subtle or secret doubts, you place a blockage between you and your desire. You simply must find a way to get yourself to the point where you believe that you have received your desire even though your physical eyes do not see it. Universal Mind knows everything about you. Eternal Subconscious can plainly see every secret thought and every hidden doubt. Universal Law is impartial. If you harbor doubt, Universal Law will substantiate that doubt in your reality. Your doubt will culminate in continuing to fall short of receiving your desire. When Jesus said “whatsoever”, he meant it, for he was Truth.

Error Of Belief Expresses Evil

When I was a kid, I remember seeing some large graffiti painted on to the side of an underpass wall. It was on the way to Trenton to visit my paternal grandparents. The graffiti said “God created disease”. I asked Mom about it. She answered that there are all types of people in the world. Whoever put that there was just bitter at something.

It got me to thinking however about all sorts of evil in the world. In Sunday School they taught that God created everything. If that was true, then how could disease and poverty and evil exist. The Sunday School teacher said it was all because of the devil. I asked whether God created the devil. The answer was yes, but the devil decided to go against God. The teacher stated that God will win in the end though. After that Sunday School lesson, it was like when you are hungry and you eat a small portion of food. Your stomach is still not satisfied.

God Is All Wisdom

God is all wisdom and all knowledge. No questions to answer. No goals to achieve. God knows all there is to know and sees everything there is to see. God creates from a place of ultimate love without any knowledge of good or evil. Man’s errors of thought and belief create the suffering in the world and every type of evil. God made man with a free will. Man freely chooses what to think and what to believe. Man chooses to believe in evil. This evil then becomes real.

Man accepts the illusion of evil in his thoughts. Man has faith (belief) in the illusion of evil. Thus evil becomes a reality. As an individualization of the Divine, you think and believe in freedom as you choose. You can choose to think and believe in truth. Or you can choose to think and believe in error. Every day of your life, you make the choice.

“Resist Not Evil” Finally Understood

Another bible verse that gave me trouble was “Resist Not Evil”. Most people would grapple with this one. Should you just stand there and let evil push you around? The Sunday School teacher replied that as Christians we are always to practice the peace and presence of Christ. We must trust God and not fall into the devil’s trap of fighting evil with evil. I heard his answer but still left the table hungry.

If you look at the reality of evil being a construct of man’s error of thought, you can see more clearly what Jesus was getting at. When you resist evil, you feed the monster and increase it’s power. When you accept only the truth of the Kingdom of God within you, you starve the monster.

In his famous essay, The Golden Key, Emmet Fox touched upon this situation. He said when encountering any type of adverse circumstances, just dwell on God. Let the truth of the Most High fill up every space of your mind. In your thoughts, choose to acknowledge only God.

You always have the right to protect yourself or a loved one from harm. What “resist not evil” means is this – drawn to its logical conclusion, if every human being refused to accept the illusion of evil, it would disappear. Jesus gives you the key to dealing with evil. Use the key.

Well Yeah, Of Course It’s Hard At First

Regarding “resist not evil” you may say, “OMG, do you even realize how hard that is to do in the real world”? At first, yes. It is very hard. It is hard because it is a new and strange way of thinking. When you think about it however, it really makes perfect sense. Think of God, dwell on God and believe only in God, and you will grow in power and peace in the Kingdom of God. Think of evil, dwell on evil, believe in evil and you mistakenly give evil ever more power.

Anything new and unfamiliar is difficult at first. It is similar to learning a new skill or strengthening your body or mastering a second language. And so on. Commit yourself to dwelling only on God with consistency and persistency. It becomes easier and easier. Thus it is with “resist not evil”. You learn to express the Divine instead of error. You will find yourself dwelling in the Kingdom of God.

The Alarm Clock Is Ringing

With the exponential explosion of knowledge and technology, things could get kind of crazy in the years to come. The fat controllers of the world can perceive that more and more people are waking up. Every day more people come to understand that they are children of God, made in the image of the Almighty. They are inwardly rebelling against the controllers and discovering the truth about themselves.

People like you and me are learning that all we need to do are the only two things we can do for ourselves – conceive and believe. Conceive your desires fulfilled through your thoughts and beliefs. Believe that your desire is already fulfilled through your steadfast faith. All the details are then handled by Universal Mind. Your only responsibility is thought and belief. Through countless centuries, the bulk of humanity has been lulled to sleep by the controllers. The alarm clock is ringing. It is time to wake up now.

What The Human Mind Believes, Humankind Receives

During the course of one of his many military campaigns, one of Napoleon’s generals told him that the current circumstances were causing a lack of success. Napoleon, who was looking at a battlefield map, looked up at him and said “Circumstances? What are circumstances? I make circumstances”. And so it is with all of mankind.

“If you can believe, you will receive” is the statement of Jesus Christ. That is what the entire universe is based upon. First, use your ability to think so as to image what you desire. Second, believe with all that you are, that you have received it. That’s it. Divine Intelligence handles the rest. You create nothing. Universal Mind does everything. Be alert when Divine Intelligence presents you with something to follow up on. Universal Mind has endless ways to manifest your desire.

Listen for and watch for guidance. You cannot will something to happen on your own accord. When you have thought of and believed in your desire as fulfilled, everything you need to do will be communicated to you. Divine Mind will provide you with guidance. Once you are convinced of the reality of your manifestation, then just let it go. Your desire will manifest from Universal Mind as a result of your faith, not through any ferocious display of will on your part. What the human mind believes, humankind will receive.

Believe. Receive.