A Fond Memory
Are you old enough to remember when house phones looked like this and all households had just one phone? Rotary dial. Basic black. The coil phone line connecting the phone to the handset. And let me tell you that phone was one heavy piece of equipment. In my house growing up we had the one house phone. It was in the kitchen and it was the type that you hung on the wall. The type you see in the image above, is almost an exact duplicate of the house phone that my grandparents had. Whenever my brother and I got to visit, I remember hearing the bell sound when the phone rung and then Grandpop or Grandmom walking into the living room to answer the phone. The phone had its own little table next to a living room easy chair. Grandmom even had a lace doily underneath the phone. Built into the small table was a little shelf under the phone where the telephone directory (aka the phone book) was kept. Sometimes the caller would be from “the old neighborhood” and the conversation would be in Polish. Whenever I see a picture of a phone like this, it brings forth a fond memory of my beloved grandparents. Duplicating an episode from the television series The Twilight Zone, if I ever purchased a phone like they had in an antique store, I would half expect to get a phone call on it from my grandparents from The Great Beyond.
How To Do It
The twentieth century author, lecturer and mystic, Neville Goddard, popularized a technique for manifesting an outcome in your life reality that is known simply as “the phone call technique”. It is a technique that is simple to understand, extremely easy to implement, can be done by absolutely anyone, and is a fun way to use your God-given Imagination. With that said, here is how you go about using the telephone call technique to consciously manifest something.
First, you must be crystal clear as to what it is that you desire to manifest. Vague outcomes are the result of blurry desires. Refrain from trying to manifest eighteen different desires with one phone call. Keep it at one or possibly two clear cut manifesting outcomes. For example, you can go for a manifestation of receiving a sum of money which then allows you to find the suitable lodging that you are longing for. You can also use the phone call technique for intercession – manifesting something for a loved one. Just remember to keep it focused on one or two clear desires. Refrain from trying to “conquer the world” with one phone call.
Second, decide who will be the person on the other end of the phone call. Perhaps the phone will be on speaker and there will be more than one person on the other end. It’s your call, you decide. Make every effort to choose someone with whom you can be completely free to let your emotions be expressed full force.
Third, construct the content of the phone call. Choose all the words you would be saying and how you would be saying them. Write every word of the phone conversation down on paper, preferably a spiral bound notebook. Take your time with this part and refrain from rushing it. Choose all the words the other person would be saying and how they would be saying them. It is your creation, you decide. One example would be you calling that person with pure excitement to inform him that you have received in full your desired manifestation. Hear that person being truly happy for you. Feel how thankful you are for what you have received. And so on. It’s your call, you decide. If your manifestation desire was an intercession manifestation on someone’s behalf who needed help, you can have the phone call being from that person to you telling you all about it. You can hear the excitement and happiness in their voice. You can feel your true happiness for their success. And so on.
Fourth, use your emotions, your feelings, to the max. The word construct of the phone call that you created in your mind is the spaceship. Your inner feeling that you initiate to go along with the words of the phone call is the rocket fuel. Together they will propel your spaceship to the moon (your manifested desire). It is essential to have both – the rocket ship and the rocket fuel.
When, Where And For How Long
OK, so much for the basics of what to do. Now let’s move on to the when, the where and the for how long of it all.
With regard to when to have your magic phone call during the course of the day, there is really no specific time that is the magic hour. The key to it all is the elimination of distractions and your level of devotion and commitment to being in a relaxed state of mind. You will not get good results with a clenched fist, a clenched heart, or a clenched mind. Relax. Relax. Relax. If morning is best for you, then morning it is. If bedtime is the best time, then bedtime it is. To use the old Nike advertising motto, just do it.
As to where to have your phone call, it is best to find a quiet place without distractions or interruptions. All that you should be hearing is your phone call. If wherever you go in your lodging, there is noise at all times of day and night, there are two alternative possibilities. One is to purchase a set of ear mufflers like the type you see guys wearing on the runway at airports. The other alternative is to find a quiet spot outside of the house. If at all possible, try to have your phone call at the same place or places every day. Again, however, as you did with the when part of it, just do it. All the methods of doing it are simply useless unless you actually do it every day.
That leads us to the “how long” of it all. How long should you continue having the phone call. Continue until you no longer have to continue. Results can arrive in the short term or the long term. Some of it depends on what you are going for and the fullness of your faith. The bigger the prize, the longer to realize. The absolute minimum time period to which you should commit yourself is thirty days. During that thirty day period pay attention to everything that goes on around you. Be alert. If you have raised your energy vibration each day as a result of your phone call, your manifestation “order” has been received and is being acted upon. Refuse to fret over how it will come about. If for example, it is money, keep from outlining where the money came from in your call. Just focus on how it has changed your life and the various ways that you will be using it. If it is improved health, don’t focus on how it came about but zero in on how much better you now feel and all the things you can now do. Just concentrate on the phone call and your accompanying feelings. If the manifestation is really important to you, you will stick with it until results arrive as you go about your daily activities.
A Few Final Thoughts
When Neville Goddard communicated the phone call technique, it was using the technology of the 1950’s. If you want to modify this technique to using texting or live chat or even a video call by all means do it. Just use the same ingredients as would be in play for the phone call. Again, the primary ingredients to this recipe are your vision, the use of your five senses and how you feel as a result of the call. If done correctly, you should be continually raising your energy vibrational frequency every time you do it.
There are a great multitude of ways that humans utilize to escape their reality. Many of these ways have ruinous results for the person employing them. Instead of attempting to escape your reality, always, to the best of your ability, put forth the necessary effort to go in a different direction. Proceed directly to the Kingdom of God to create a better reality, a reality that you run to instead of away from.
Believe. Receive.