A New Manifesting Recipe —– Mental Prayer Treatment

No Health Insurance Needed

A mental prayer treatment is a technique of employing the true power of prayer. You undergo this treatment in order to bring about healing of a specific troubling situation. You cause the thoughts of your mind to focus on the Presence of God. The Presence of God is In you. Around you. Everywhere you are. You can liken a mental prayer treatment to going to the hospital for a surgical procedure. At this particular hospital however, no health insurance is required. It is the hospital of your mind. Mental prayer treatment is a surgical operation on your soul. It differs from general prayer which is a visit with God.

General Prayer Versus Mental Prayer Treatment

General prayer can be likened to enjoying fresh air, good food in the right amounts and moderate exercise of your body. They are enjoyed as ends unto themselves. Nevertheless, they also serve a purpose of keeping you in good health.

The objective of a mental prayer treatment is to hone in on a specific desire that you wish to manifest. The basic gist of a mental prayer treatment is to completely remove any thought of what you are lacking from your mind. You can call it a “lackectomy”. During the treatment you do this by placing the focus of your thoughts on the One True Presence, the One True Power – God. When you successfully do this, the healing then commences.

Dual Phase Surgery

Mental prayer surgery consists of two distinct phases — the foundation phase and the affirming phase. The foundation phase can be compared to all the preoperative prep that must be done before the actual operation. The affirming phase of the treatment is the actual surgical procedure.

Give yourself a mental prayer treatment as often as you feel led during the course of the day. At the beginning of your day and at the end of your day are best because you are at your most relaxed. Feel free however to find your own rhythm. If you are a midday napper, just before napping would be a excellent time.

Do your best to refrain doing a treatment when you are tense. Likewise, after a treatment, refrain from going back to mull over the problem or lack. If done in faith, the treatment is assuredly working. Just continue treating and be alert. Ultimately, things will happen for your benefit in direct response to your continued treatment. Seeds planted in fertile soil eventually come to the surface as plants in due course unless you dig them up to see if they are growing.

The Operating Room Must Be Germ Free

Understand that your surgical operating room must be strictly germ free. Just as you would not want to enter an operating room covered in dirt and grime, keep fear and doubt out of your mind during a treatment. Just as dirt and grime would jeopardize a surgery, fear and doubt likewise jeopardize the success of a mental prayer treatment.

Look at it as a scientific mathematical equation. First, the Presence of God, Ultimate Intelligence, is perfection. Second, the Presence of God is with you wherever you are. Third, no lack or problem can possibly co-exist with the Presence of God. Fourth, by your focusing on the Presence of God, right where the problem is, the problem or lack must ultimately disappear.

Phase One – The Foundation

I first learned about the concept of the mental prayer treatment from the writings of the twentieth century author and lecturer, Emmet Fox. This truly is a beautiful method of prayer. As with all methods or techniques of prayer, faith (imaginative belief) is critically important.

Here is an example of the foundation phase of a sample mental prayer treatment:

  1. God is fully present within me right now.
  2. God is the one true Presence, all else is just shadow.
  3. In God I live. In God I breathe. In God I am.
  4. I am free now.
  5. I am free of fear of the past, the present, the future.
  6. The freedom of God is my freedom.
  7. With all my heart, I am thankful.

The above foundation phase can be used with a great variety of accompanying affirming phases. They can be longer. They can be shorter. Use the above example or feel free to construct your own.

Phase Two – The Affirming

The affirming phase of your mental prayer treatment hones in on the specific thing that you desire to treat or heal. It can be geared to your finances, your relationships, your career or avocation, your health or something on behalf of another person or even a beloved pet.

Here is an example of the affirming phase of a surgery to treat your finances:

  1. Prosperity flows to me, within me, around me now.
  2. My faith is the evidence of my plentiful supply of money.
  3. I affirm my financial security.
  4. My inner belief produces my financial good health.
  5. With all that I am, was, or ever will be, I am thankful.

The Mysterious Portal

Beneath your surface consciousness exists something called the subconscious. You are aware of things and events that happen in your surface consciousness. The things you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Your memories. The laws of nature and science. People with whom you interact. Your emotions.

Beneath all of that surface consciousness however, exists the subconscious. What goes on there is truly inconceivable. What happens in the world of the subconscious has everything to do with what occurs in your surface consciousness, what you term “the real world”.

The subconscious is that mysterious portal connecting you to Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Power. What a faithful mental prayer treatment does is penetrate beyond that surface consciousness, reaching down into the subconscious and through the portal. This then alters “the real world” for your benefit or for the benefit of a loved one for whom you are giving the treatment.

What Do You Have To Lose?

The mental prayer treatment is an effective method of prayer if done in faith. If you decide to do surgery on yourself, it will cost you nothing in terms of spending your money. It will however cost you some of your time. It will also cost you the familiar comfort of doing the same old routine. Finally, you will also have to give up something else — your fears.

This article puts this information out there for your benefit. It is now totally up to you whether or not you actually use it.

A Question For You

Let me ask you a question.

What do you really have to lose by engaging in a mental prayer treatment?

Let me list some of the things that you have to lose:

Your painful frustration due to stinking failure after failure;

Your beating your head against the wall and then getting the same lousy results;

Your utter exhaustion from running on the treadmill of life and getting nowhere;

Your looking in the mirror at yourself in despair and saying “You suck”.

Give Yourself A Chance

Give yourself a mental prayer treatment regarding something troubling you. Give yourself a chance to be a vehicle for God’s divine power. You really do have it within you or you would not have been led to read this article.

May you always perceive the beauty of the Eternal Peace and Presence of God.

Dominus vobiscum.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

The Downfall Of The Empirical Mind

The Rise Of Empirical Mind

The 1600’s brought us the rise of the empirical mind with the Scientific Revolution led by Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon and John Locke, among others. Next, the 1700’s led us into what is termed the Age of Enlightenment. This era of history was led by such people as Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Johann Goethe, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Immanuel Kant, Rene Descartes, Antoine Lavoisier, Thomas Hobbes and Baron de Montesquieu.

The above two eras were a general progression from the effects of the Renaissance Era (1300’s to 1600’s). The Renaissance (literally Rebirth) led the Western world out of the stagnation of the Middle Ages. The Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment were both highlighted by the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and the evidence of the five senses.

The Scientific Method

In the above noted eras of the 1600’s and 1700’s, a series of events took place marking the emergence of modern science. As a result of developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, anatomy, metallurgy and chemistry, the viewpoint of society moved toward empiricism. Then, in the 1800’s, this viewpoint culminated in the formation of what is known as the scientific method.

The scientific method is an observation-based process. To illustrate, the general structure of the scientific method is: (1) form a general question about something; (2) research the topic; (3) establish a hypothesis (a tentative conclusion using limited information); (4) experiment to gain more data; (5) analyze the data from your experiments; and (6) make a conclusion based on all observations.

In brief, empiricism has become the predominant worldview in today’s world. Empiricism is the conclusion that all knowledge is derived from sense experience. Accordingly, the empirical mind is the idea that everything that mankind knows to be true, comes from logic, experience and observations. If it is unseen, it is untrue.

C’mon, Let’s Be Logical About This

Have you ever heard anyone say, to you “C’mon, let’s be logical about this” or something similar to that? What they are saying to you is that what you are saying or proposing just does not make logical sense. When someone says that, they mean that what you are saying does not match up with the world’s reality. You may hear the words, “face the facts, things just don’t happen that way”.

They are operating in the empirical world. If the eyes do not see it (even with microscopes or telescopes), if the ears do not hear it, if it cannot be felt, then it ain’t there. Human logic is a way of thinking about something that seems correct and reasonable. Accordingly, a logical conclusion is always based on the existence of documentable proven facts.

Right Side – Left Side – Teamwork

The left side (or hemisphere) of your brain handles reading, writing and calculations. It is usually referred to as the logical side of the brain. Language, logic, critical thinking, numbers, reasoning all emanate from the left side of your brain.

Conversely, the right side (or hemisphere) of your brain deals more in images and processes in an intuitive manner. Some of the abilities of the right side are: imagination, expressing of emotions, intuition and creative arts.

Today neuroscientists know that the two sides of the brain work together to perform a wide variety of tasks. The two hemispheres communicate with each other through a structure called the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere has its unique specialties. Nevertheless, they have an intimate and collaborative working relationship with each other. And so it is in the world of manifesting. Your vision and your imaginative belief work together to manifest your desire.

A Truly Remarkable Woman

One of the most remarkable human beings of the twentieth century was the woman named Helen Keller. She lived from 1880 to 1962. Keller was an American author as well as a tireless advocate for those afflicted with blindness. In addition, she was a political activist and a well-travelled lecturer.

At 19 months of age, she contracted an unknown illness, possibly meningitis. This illness left Keller blind, deaf and unable to speak. The trifecta of tragedy. As a last chance before institutionalizing her, her parents hired a woman named Anne Sullivan to be her personal one-on-one instructor.

To make a long story short, under Sullivan’s tutelage, Keller would go on to successfully deal in a magnificent way with what life dealt her. She was the first person with combination blindness and deafness to earn a college degree from Radcliffe College of Harvard University in 1904. Furthermore, she wrote 14 books as well as numerous magazine articles. Along the way, Keller learned how to speak She was a prolific lecturer, travelling to 35 countries during the course of her life.

Helen Keller Was Blind – Her Vision Was Great

Helen Keller was blind but she had great vision. Inner vision. She understood that the Kingdom of God was within. Here are her words. “I know life is given to us so that we may grow in love. I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of the flower, the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence”.

Jesus Christ clearly stated, “the Kingdom of God is within”. Helen Keller understood. She got it. Living within the Kingdom of God, she understood the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. He who loves is a participant in the being of God”.

The Downfall Of The Empirical Mind

Your empirical mind looks at known causes and effects. Then it makes logical conclusions for the outcome of your action. Thus, it is a wonderful way to eliminate superstition, uncertainty or fear about an outcome. The “because it has always been done this way” argument for an action becomes obsolete. The “because fearless leader says to do it that way” becomes invalid if you know through empiricism that it is wrong. Logical empiricism is a beautiful thing. It has allowed the world to rid itself of many different “chains around the brain”. With that said however, the ultimate downfall of the empirical mind is its neglect of the spiritual underbelly of reality – imaginative belief. Faith.

The Courage To Go Beyond Logic

Conscious manifesting throughout your life has two distinct parts. First, in conscious manifesting, you have the prayer. It is the technique or method that you employ to manifest your desire. All the practical manifesting techniques that I have offered you in various articles in this blog are simply different forms of prayer.

Next, the second part in conscious manifesting, is the belief part. It is the illogical, nonempirical part. Develop a mindset of believing that your desire is real right now. It is called “living in the end”. What you wish to manifest is not in your future, but is with you right now. That part is the really hard part. To proceed beyond logic, beyond the empirical mind, takes courage. That is active faith. It is using the power of the Kingdom of God. It is what the Bible talks about when it calls faith the evidence of things unseen.

The Power Marriage

To empirically engage in a logical progression of actions is how you usually go about attempting to satisfy your desires. Conversely, prayer usually winds up being a begging or pleading with God to bring the specific desire to you. Consequently, this begging type of praying only serves to magnify the feeling within you that you do not already have what you desire.

Many solely use the empirical mind (the brain’s left hemisphere) to attempt to manifest their desires. It is a way of manifesting that is fraught with problems. You are attempting to break through a wall using your head as a battering ram. You may get through but boy, will your head hurt. Use the imagination part of your mind to formulate a crystal clear image of what you desire. Then preside over the ultimate power marriage. Marry your clear vision to the power of your faith – the power of imaginative belief. Live in the end.

Ask. Seek. Knock.

So how the hell do you get belief? How in the “real world” do you get faith when your problems are right in your face? As always, the answer is in the Bible. Ask. Seek. Knock. Then expect. Live in the end. Expect what you ask for to be revealed to you. Be alert when it is. Trust that what you seek will be shown to you. Be observant when it is. Finally, when the door of opportunity is opened for you, step on in.

Live within the Kingdom of God by practicing the Presence of God. Do this regardless of any and all outer negative circumstances. Circumstances do not matter, only state of being matters. Within this blog I have already posted a number of articles for you suggesting how to do this. Scroll to the search box. Enter the search term “Presence of God”. Can practicing the Presence of God be hard to do? Yes. Will it be rewarding to you? Very much Yes. You were created by God to consciously manifest. What are you waiting for?

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

Are You Placing Your Trust In The Right Place ?

The Sixty-Four Billion Dollar Con Job

You have a substantial sum of money which you want to intelligently invest so as to make a reasonable return on your investment. You are not looking at any “double your money in ninety days” type of schemes. Perhaps you are the manager of a pension fund or a trust fund or a non-profit foundation. Perhaps you are a private investor and would like to stay ahead of the inflation rate without risking any of your principal. As the financial manager, you have a fiduciary duty to investigate and research any investment of funds that you make on behalf of the person or entity that you are representing. As a private investor you have the fiduciary duty to yourself, your spouse and your family to handle your life’s savings wisely. These are logical and rational approaches to investing funds. You need to place your trust in someone who you can unequivocally trust with your money. I will venture to say that you would not place your substantial sum of money in the hands of the guy in the image above. While some people reek of cologne, this guy reeks of sleaze. The only thing missing is a pencil thin mustache. If you would lookup the definition of the phrase “sleazy con artist”, you might even see this guy’s image next to the printed definition.

The bottom line in allowing another person to invest your money on your behalf is finding someone that you can safely trust with your money. Someone with a rock solid reputation. Someone who is vouched for by people whose judgement you trust and respect. Someone who perhaps is well known for his philanthropy. Someone whose lifestyle clearly reflects the ability to be quite successful in financial investment matters. Someone like…..Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Of course I am referring to Bernie Madoff, aka Bernie the Con Man, aka Bernie the Sixty Four Billion Dollar Man, aka Bernie the Fraudster, aka Bernie the Liar, aka…..well you get the idea. Bernie Madoff, who ran the biggest Ponzi scheme in history to the tune of sixty four billion dollars.

A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

If you google the image of Bernie Madoff, what you see is nothing like the image of poor Mr. Sleaze above. What you will see is the image of a very respectable looking, well dressed, well groomed businessman. Such is the stock in trade of the classic con man. The word con man is short for “confidence man”. In other words, someone who has a high degree of skill in gaining the confidence of his targeted victims. The con man presents the impressive facade that puts the investor at ease. That part of the con is called “the front”. Once the victim is hooked, the con man is adept at gently reeling him in. Part of the front of the con man is having word of mouth testimonials from actual investors. You may not put much stock in a paid advertisement but a testimonial from your brother, your uncle, your friend, your business associate, your current financial advisor, is something that carries a lot of weight.

In Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, he generated extensive word of mouth referrals by paying in full to a number of investors who wished to redeem their investment. He did this by using “new money” provided by new investors. He likewise generated a “history of proven results” by providing all investors with quarterly statements showing steady and consistent returns on their money of between ten and twelve percent per year. At that rate the investors who “let it ride” would double their initial investment in just seven years. Of course those statements were as phony as a three dollar bill. It was definitely not a “double your money in ninety days” type of con. It was perceived as steady and reliable as the Rock of Gibraltar. He carried on with this scheme for a very long time until it all came crashing down in the recession of 2008. Large numbers of investors requested redemptions of their funds and Bernie wasn’t able to cover the nut any longer. In 2008, he plead guilty to his crimes. He died in prison in 2021.

It Has To Be Legit, Just Look At His Investor List

The Madoff con job fooled some of the top hedge fund managers and major investment banks. The magnitude of the con is staggering. Some of the most highly touted MBA financial advisors in the world got flimflammed. Some of the most respected names in global banking got bamboozled. One poor money manger committed suicide by slitting his wrists while another jumped to his death from the twenty-fourth floor of an office building. Average everyday people lost their life savings that they had entrusted to financial advisors. Madoff was a giant money vacuum cleaner sucking in money from all directions.

Television celebrities, movie stars, sports figures, politicians, charities, pension funds, hedge funds, universities, churches, financial management firms, banks of all sizes, they all got sucked into the Madoff vacuum cleaner. One investor told the judge at Madoff’s sentencing hearing – “He stole from the rich. He stole from the poor. He stole from the in between. He had no moral values whatsoever. He cheated all his victims out of their money so he and his wife could live a life of luxury.” (As to stealing from the poor, I would assume the investor was talking about the charities Madoff stole from. Said charities would have aided the poor).

A telling quote comes from another of the victims – author of fifty-seven books, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor, Elie Weisel: “We thought he was God. We trusted everything in his hands”. Of course Weisel did not mean to infer that Madoff was believed to be God. He just used that as a figure of speech to indicate the utmost trust that the victims had in Madoff.

Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God

Jesus states very clearly in the book of Matthew what the objective of every person on earth should be: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness”. If you are able to free yourself somehow from the countless distractions of the world and center yourself in the Kingdom of God within, everything that you came here in this world to do, shall be done. Human beings throw themselves needless detours when they base their lives and place their trust on anything outside the Kingdom of God. Does this mean that we should neglect the reasonable and daily duties that help sustain us as well as the lives of our family members? Of course not. Surrendering to the benevolence and power of the Kingdom of God however, serves to sharpen your intuition, and thus allows enhancement of your intuition so as to guide you unto your best path in life, the path that is the most personally fulfilling to you.

So how do you go about seeking the Kingdom of God?

Prayer. Go into your inner place and in solitude ask, seek, knock. Ask for guidance from the Divine for any and all situations. After asking, seek the door to which your intuition subsequently directs you. Once reaching that door, gain admittance by knocking until the door is opened. Once inside and you see that your heart’s desire has been granted, then believe and receive with thanksgiving.

Meditation. Every day reserve some minutes to stop everything and just say to the world and everyone in it, “Quiet please”! Then say to your mind that is throwing thoughts around in your head like the wild man of Borneo, “Quiet please”! Then just sit in silence for your designated time and listen. You may be quite surprised at what you will hear. If you find it difficult to stop all the chatter inside your mind, conduct research as to the best way to have your mind be still. One suggestion is either aloud or silently just slowly repeat the phrase “Thank you Father”. Sometimes music can help. If you really want to, you’ll find the best way.

Surrender. Your ego’s job is to protect you and keep you safe based on its knowledge of everything that ever happened to you and everything that you ever learned or observed. Sometimes it gets a bit too bossy and dogmatic. When that happens, just say to it, “please just sit down and relax. I trust God. God has this, so relax”.

Listen. Pay attention to your surroundings. The first human tragedy is that many can hear but do not listen. Be confident yet humble in spirit and your “inner hearing” correspondingly sharpens.

Observe. Pay attention to your surroundings. The second human tragedy is that many look but do not observe. Be confident yet humble in spirit and your “inner vision” correspondingly sharpens.

Follow Through. If you have ever closely watched a pitcher in the game of baseball, you will see that his follow through when he pitches the ball “seals the deal” regarding the success of each pitch. He can be highly skilled in gripping the ball. He can be physically strong and possess great stamina. He can be perfect in his initial approach, called “the wind-up”. If however, the pitcher fails to properly follow through on his pitch (arms, legs, hips, torso), his pitch will be drastically reduced in quality. The pitcher has to do more than know the perfect style and approach for pitching the ball. He has to fully follow through with each pitch that he makes. So it is with your life, with my life, with all lives. Without true and consistent follow through, you will find yourself on life’s dreaded “hamster treadmill”.

Today, stop at some point for a few minutes and ask yourself in the quiet of your mind: “Where are you placing your trust”? Answer your question with raw, uncensored honesty. Nobody will hear you except you. Where you place your true trust in your life determines the tenor and substance of your existence.

Believe. Receive.

I Don’t Care — Now It’s Time For You To Stop Caring

Caring Can Be Counter-Productive

Take a look at that guy in the image above. If you wanted to get a look at a guy who has decided upon an act which encompasses an “I don’t care” attitude, there it is. Some may even call it a stupid or crazy or potentially suicidal act. I am going to go ahead and assume that beforehand he knew exactly how wide the crevice was and exactly how long he is able to jump with a running start. It looks like he is wearing shoes that provide him with good traction. Likewise I will assume he checked out the condition of the ground so he would not stumble on approach. It can be imagined that if he advised others what he was preparing to do, at least some of them would advise him not to do it. I know if he told his mother in advance, she would strongly object or at least tell him to put a secure, solid platform across the crevice. In any case, as you can see from the photograph, he obviously made the decision to make the jump and have someone photograph him doing so. For only reasons known to him, he felt that it was something he had to do despite the advice of others not to do it. In a somewhat similar fashion, when through prayer and meditation you have received Divine guidance about a decision, listen with open ears to others but place top priority on that which comes forth from the Kingdom of God within you. That – is what you should always be caring about, first and foremost.

During a job that I worked at for twenty years, I volunteered to be the union shop steward for a facility employing over two hundred employees. I held that position for ten years. The best way to describe the experience is that of being the manager of the complaint department within a large department store in Hell. The union employees that you represent always expect more and the management employees with which you interact resent you for making them adhere to the terms of the contract. This was an unpaid position that was done in conjunction with my hourly wage employment. In effect, you worked two jobs. Why do it? Well, first of all I knew it was something that I could do well due to my personal skill set. Second, management had committed a foolish error in management that affected me personally in a severely adverse way. It was a form of payback I guess you could say. Third, it was a way of having an active role in ensuring workplace justice, which I enjoyed. Many times someone would say to me, “If you go after management for that, they’re gonna really hate you.” My standard response would be “You don’t know how little that means to me. I don’t care”. If I adjusted my actions in accordance with caring whether everyone liked me as a result of those actions, that would have been counter-productive to the entire situation.


One of those positives that came to me as a result of my experience as a union steward was that I evolved to more frequently seek out, follow, and have confidence in that Inner Light within us that gives us guidance. It became easier to proceed with a philosophy of “just do right, regardless”……..

Regardless of others’ opinions of me as a result.

Regardless of any attempted intimidation or implied threats.

Regardless of whether others would like me

Regardless of whether others would not like me.

Regardless of having an imaginary bullseye on my back as a result.

Following this Inner Light has allowed me to feel more free in my daily life;

Feeling more free in my daily life brought more inner joy into my life experience;

Experiencing more inner joy in my life experience helped me to feel more alive;

Feeling more alive awakened me more acutely to the power of the Kingdom of God within.

The opinions of others are the property of others. The dictates of others are the property of others. (I will like you if you do……../I will not like you if you do……..). Covet not the property of others. With the guidance of Ultimate Intelligence create and tend to your own property.

I have reflected on the causation of errors of thinking that led to negative results in my life. Some of those errors were caused by altering my thoughts, words or actions based on caring how I would be perceived by another person or other persons. There is nothing wrong with listening to the words of others and respecting their opinions unless you allow them to supersede the guidance and direction that comes from your Inner Light. God is supreme. God is first. As Jesus Christ states in Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God”. Through ongoing prayer and meditation, know what direction to take, then incorporate respect for the opinions of others into your everyday life. First things first, second things second.

Caring And Uncaring At The Same Time

The word empathy is defined as: the ability to understand the inner feelings of another. Although completely counter-intuitive, it has been my experience that the less that I focus my attention on how I am perceived by others, the more empathy that I have for people. I do not really understand exactly how this happens, but it does. It’s kind of weird. Perhaps it has something to do with a heightening of the perception of the Kingdom of God within.

I must confess that at times I find this enhancement of empathy somewhat disconcerting. I can be observing someone walking on the sidewalk or even seated in their car and all of a sudden I feel a sudden blast of pure empathy for them. Sometimes this even drives me to tears. It’s almost like I can perceive what is inside them. Sometimes it is feeling the adversity that a person is encountering. Sometimes it is feeling the goodness of that person’s heart. Whenever this happens, I immediately am compelled to send out a silent prayer on behalf of that person – “God bless this man richly today. Thank you. Amen”. Or “God bless this woman richly today. Thank you. Amen”. I send forth the prayer with the power of my energy and expect results with faith even though I may never be in a position to observe said results. Why certain people and not everyone? On any given day, I imagine some can use prayer more than others. Anyway, if those empathy blasts happen too frequently, I think my inner wiring would short circuit and smoke would be coming out of my ears in no time.

OK, So How Is This Related To Manifesting

Everything in your life is a manifestation. Manifestations reflect who you are on the inside. Don’t change the world. Change the assumptions that you perceive about yourself. Let others perceive however they choose. That is their property. Your property is how you perceive yourself. Tend to your own property. Whether someone hates you or loves you is their choice. Your choice is to make your life worthwhile and fulfilling, to love yourself unconditionally. Your job is to know what you truly desire, then have faith and believe persistently that you already have it. In an unseen dimension of reality, you DO already have it. That is the very heart of consciously manifesting your reality. Faith in that which is unseen (by others) and your belief in your fulfilling that desire. The strength of your faith – the naturalness of your belief – always supersedes everything else. Make these what you care about and everything else will fall into place for you.

Tell Rostov, It’s Time To Die

Invasion USA

In 1988, a movie was made featuring Chuck Norris titled, “Invasion USA”. The gist of the movie involved Chuck single-handedly saving the USA from an army of saboteurs who had silently invaded the country. The arch villian and the leader of the saboteur army in the movie is a man called Rostov played by perpetual movie villian Richard Lynch. In the movie there are two lines of dialogue that one tends to remember. The first involves Chuck telling one of Rostov’s minions that he better tell Chuck what he wants to know or “I’ll hit you with so many rights, you’ll be begging for a left.” The second is a line that Chuck uses a few times in the movie directed at the leader of the army — “Tell Rostov, it’s time to die.”

Tell Rostov It’s Time To Die

I thought about using an image from that film for this blog but due to possible copyright issues, I decided to stick with an available free image. If, however, you wish to view the climatic image from that movie where Chuck tells Rostov in person that it is time for Rostov to die, just conduct a google search, “invasion usa it’s time to die”, then hit “images” after you get your search results. In that image, you will see Chuck standing about twenty feet behind the villian. They both have portable rocket launchers. The villian has been stalking Chuck to kill him. All of a sudden, from behind, the villian hears Chuck load the missile launcher and say to the villian, “It’s time to die”. The look on the face of the villian says it all. He knows that he is totally screwed and Chuck has beaten him. The villian attempts to turn around and kill Chuck but Chuck shoots first and the villian winds up in a million pieces.

Reject Fear

In your life, you have a Rostov stalking you. He is called Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of poor health. Fear of loneliness. Fear of being useless. Fear of being unloved. Fear of enslavement to poor health or poor finances. Fear of not having your life mean something. Fear of not getting your fair share of things in life. Fear of this. Fear of that. Fear. Fear. Fear. Just as Rostov stalked Chuck in the movie, fear is always stalking you. To be successful in manifesting the life you desire, you also must tell fear that “It’s time to die”. Use appropriate manifesting techniques and earnest prayer to use your own inner rocket launcher to blow fear into a million different pieces.

There Are Two Root Emotions

In the image above, Edvard Munch’s impressionist painting “The Scream” epitomizes how it feels for a person to be in the grips of fear. To live in fear is a type of nightmare. Someone once said that there are only two root emotions from which all other emotions spring — love and fear. Love is truth. Fear is error. Make the choice as best as you can in your precious life to choose love. Fear will always take you down a one way street to nowhere.

Free To You…….The Lectures of Neville Goddard

One of the beautiful things about writings and recordings that are in what is known as “the public domain” is that they are absolutely free of charge to anyone who wishes to read, listen or copy them in any way they choose. One set of writings and recordings that are in the public domain that could help you jumpstart your manifesting efforts involve those of the twentieth century mystic, author and lecturer, Neville Goddard.

Neville Goddard (1905 – 1972) was born in the British West Indies on the island of Barbados. He was the fourth of ten children and immigrated to the United States in 1922. He was the author of several books as well as giving countless lectures in person, on the radio, on television and on recorded albums. He is not an easy person to pigeon hole as a proponent of this philosophy or that philosophy but was definitely radical in his explanation of scripture. I guess you can call him a proponent of the power of imagination to shape your reality.

If you are a person who would rather listen than read a book, there are many of Goddard’s lectures that are available on the internet. A quick sampling of just some of the lectures available to you include: How To Use Your Imagination; Live In The End; You Create The Reality You Live In; How To Really Pray; Your Creative Power; How To Feel Your Way Into The Wish Fulfilled. The lectures where he is talking to a physical audience at a lecture hall are the best as he seems to talk a little slower than when he is under time constraints (radio, tv, albums). This guy could make a fortune today as a voiceover artist. When you listen, it is as if you are listening to a kindly professor (with an melifluous English accent no less) in a lecture hall somewhere. Instead of a lecture on engineering or history or mathematics however, you are listening to a lecture about insights on life.

Q: Why bother with this? A: You can immediately take and use to your benefit the concepts put forth by Goddard to make your life better. If you truly commit yourself, you can shape your life how you really want it to be instead of getting stuck in a life, your life, that somehow just doesn’t feel to you like it’s hitting on all cylinders. If you feel that your life could be better than it is now and you have a true desire to do something about it, then, that is why you take the time to hear what he has to say.

Take advantage of these commercial-free lectures. Just sit, chill, and listen. Open the windows of your mind. Some ideas may give you an “aha moment” while others may give you an “I don’t buy that moment”. If you don’t resonate with all the concepts put forth, that’s ok. Take the ones that resonate with you at this juncture of your life and run with them. You’ve got nothing to lose but less than an hour of your time but you’ve potentially got a whole lot to gain.