Have you ever watched the movie, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”? It is a western involving the two protagonists, who are train robbers, being relentlessly chased by a crack posse hired by the railroad. Every time they use their skill and ingenuity in evading the posse and think they are “in the clear”, the posse shows up. A number of times Butch Cassidy says, “Who are these guys?” and the Sundance Kid replies. “They are very good.”
Your subconscious mind is like that posse in the sense that it is absolutely relentless in bringing to you what you yourself believe is your reality. And it is very good at what it does. It does not argue with you. It does not try to coerce you to do something. It makes no judgments that you should have this or shouldn’t have that. It creates the reality of your life by relentlessly observing your habitual thoughts…..the habitual way that you choose to feel inside…..your habitual beliefs…..the habitual words that come out of your mouth. After observing what you continually think, feel, say and believe, your subconscious goes to work through connection with Universal Intelligence to use the natural channels of society to bring to you an equivalent reality that matches up with your habitual thoughts, feelings, words, beliefs.
Closely and slowly read this biblical passage from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 4, Verse 23 (from the Good News Bible translation)…..”Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” In this chapter of Proverbs dealing with the love of wisdom, you are being clearly, unmistakeably, lovingly advised to use your God-given power of free will to continuously exercise discipline over the content of your thoughts. Your thoughts are real things. They represent real energy, real power.. The thoughts that you dwell on either will make you or break you.
Your subconscious mind is relentless because it is tireless. As long as you signal to it what you desire through your habitual thoughts, feeling and beliefs, it will create situations that will make your desires transform into physical reality right before your eyes to the closest degree possible. By closest degree possible, take the example that say you desired to be able to fly. As the evolution of mankind on this planet has not yet included the ability to de-gravitate yourself and fly, the subconscious will get as close as it can (meaning you will ultimately find yourself in a hang glider, helicopter, airplane, etc.). You need not be concerned about a stray harmful thought being picked up by the subconscious and immediately creating that reality. The key to the whole process is the word….habitual. We have been created so that if we randomly think of something, it does not instantly appear in our life. Think how chaotic that would be. When harmful thoughts enter the inner space of your mind, just shoo the harmful thought on its way and go about your business…..the business of creating your life as you specifically desire it to be. Guard your thoughts relentlessly because they truly run your life.