Ultimate Freedom

As the concentration camp prisoners entered the Auschwitz concentration camp, they were cruelly mocked with the sign above the gates, “Arbeit Macht Frei”, which translated means “Work Makes You Free”. This was just another one of the “big lies” of the nazis as they had no intention of granting freedom to any of the inmates. In a sense, you are constantly doing the same thing with your own precious life, creating your own little Auschwitz. You do this whenever you grant your permission for someone or something to come into your thoughts and dictate to you what you are to think or how you are to feel. For example, someone may say “He made me so angry” or “She made me so jealous”. When you relinquish power to that someone or something that is now dictating the show and pulling your strings, you have just walked through the gates of Auschwitz. It doesn’t have to be that way. Your natural state of existence is freedom with the choice to exercise free will over your thoughts and feelings at any time in any place.

Freedom. It’s a word that conjures up a multitude of images and meanings. It’s a concept, a way of living, that human beings have fought for, have died for, countless times throughout mankind’s history. What does the word “freedom” mean to you? In his famous 1941 “four freedoms” speech, Franklin Roosevelt described four essential human freedoms that people of the world were striving for: freedom of speech; freedom of worship; freedom from want; and freedom from fear. The concept of freedom has always been dear to the hearts of Americans. The state of New Hampshire even made their state motto, “Live Free or Die”.

For the most part, human beings are creatures of habit. Our tendency in life is to form habits of behavior. We feel secure when we follow known paths. After awhile, we are on auto-pilot taking the path of thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs with which we are familiar. We take the path of shaping our thoughts, our feelings, even our beliefs to conform to the satisfying of our fears. Fears of what others will think of us. Fears that we will not be accepted. Fears that we will fail at something we are trying to do. Fears we will be unloved or unprotected. The problem is that by giving up your sovereignty to think and feel as you choose, you have voluntarily entered through the gates of Auschwitz. You have surrendered the only true freedom that you have in this world…..your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs.

Ultimate freedom, where you and only you choose what you think and how you feel, is the way we were meant to live and grow and thrive. Ultimate freedom requires ultimate responsibility on your part. Nobody makes you angry. Nobody makes you fulfilled. Nobody makes you sad. Nobody makes your life filled with joy. Nobody makes you nervous. Nobody makes you feel at peace. Every time, each time, you choose. You. The freedom to choose is yours. The power to choose is yours. It always has been. Live free or die…..I think New Hampshire got it right with their state motto. Choose to live free. It is a great way to live.

Successfully Slay Stress

Stress. At one time or another, we are all chased by stress. It affects your health. It affects your thinking. It affects your emotions. It affects your beliefs. And almost always, the effects of stress are not for your good with regard to manifesting the life that you want to live. So, how do you make stress stop chasing you so that you have time to breathe, so you can live free and with joy?

Stress is generated by our emotions. Emotions are generated by our thoughts. The answer to the above question is to make the soverign choice to change the content of your thoughts. Choose to block out those thoughts that create stressful feelings (usually due to a fear of something such as fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of poor health, etc, ). They are to your detriment. Instead, focus your mind on those thoughts that create non-stressful feelings (always emanating from love) that are extremely powerful and yield benefit to you. When you are experiencing stress, your mind is dealing with weakening emotions and your mind is trying to come up with ways for you cope with them. This saps your inner energy lowering your ability to manifest your desires. When your mind is focused on empowering emotions, it enhances your inner energy thus increasing your ability to manifest your desires. It is like a mathematical equation.

Look at the image at the top of this post. It represents a hazy quantum wave of energy. Without going into a long explanation of quantum mechanics, I will give you the super-short and sloppy version. In quantum physics, all matter is energy, energy that vibrates at different frequencies. In scientific studies, it was discovered that a particle of matter only became solid when it was observed by the scientist observer. When observation was withdrawn, it reverted back to a wave of pure energy. That’s it in a nutshell. The long and precise version would take a year and a day to explain.

If you can train yourself to remove your inner focus away from the cause of your stress, you will actually learn how to remove it from your life, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, depending how successful you are in your ability to choose and maintain your focus. Energy, in the form of stress in your physical world, will revert back to pure energy when observation is removed and depending what you choose to observe next, will then change over to something else.

It is well understood that if your current situation contains a tyrannical boss or a professor that may suck or a very challenging assignment or a spouse or signifigant other that is constantly on your case about something or some other stress creator, it may not be a lah-de-dah simple matter for you to change your inner focus. You must cultivate a ferocious intention to do it. You must make the irrevocable choice to change old habits. You must choose to believe that you can do it. When you do, and you have made the decision to focus only on those things that are attributes of the Universal Mind, then as the esteemed author Emmet Fox put it, you will then have the joy of discovering the golden key that unlocks the world of manifesting your reality during your lifetime without the specter of stress hanging over you.

Now for a bit of fun. Attempt to say aloud the title of this post, “Successfully Slay Stress”, very fast, three times in a row. It is an old-fashioned tongue-twister. In order to say it aloud three times very quickly successfully, you have to put great focus into it. You have to totally concentrate on coordinating your vocal chords with your lips and teeth and tongue. When you have done it successfully, then put that same focus and concentration on eliminating stress from your daily life. It’s all in your hands.