Time – If I Knew Then, What I Know Now

I Could Have Had A V8

Are you old enough to remember the old V8 commercials on tv? The commercials that I refer to are the ones that had different people saying “I could have had a V8”. They frequently were on television during the time of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

V8 is a drink produced by the Campbell Soup Company. It is primarily tomato juice, but it also has 8 other vegetables in it, hence the name V8. The commercial was so ubiquitous at the time that the phrase was coined of someone “having a V8 moment”.

A Healthy Alternative

The basic premise of the commercial was to sell V8 as a healthy alternative to soda or other sweet drinks or snacks. I will walk you through one of the commercials. As the commercial begins you see a young guy with a can of soda in his hand. After a few seconds, he stops as if thinking of something. Then a picture of a large can of V8 flashes up on the screen. Then back to the guy who gives himself a palm slap on the forehead. At the same time, he says out loud, “I could have had a V8”!

The next scene shows a woman stuffing a cupcake down her gullet. Likewise, the picture of the large can of V8 is flashed on the screen. Then back to the woman. She puts the cupcake down. She also gives herself a palm slap on the forehead saying “I could have had a V8”! Then you see a hand pouring a glass of V8. An unseen announcer touts the benefits of V8.

The final scene shows a woman seated at a desk. She has a cup of coffee in her hand. A large can of V8 flashes on the screen. Then back to the woman. She says, “I could have had a V8” while giving herself a palm slap with her other hand.

A V8 Moment

The long running series of V8 commercials spawned the phrase “having a V8 moment”. This phrase meant that you proceeded in a situation in a certain way that you quickly regretted. Or it could also mean that upon reflecting on an event in the past, you now see how you handled it all wrong.

The phrase even entered the world of the television animated comedy, “Family Guy”. In this particular episode, Peter Griffin is laying on a psychiatrist’s couch. The psychiatrist asks Peter to reach back into the deepest memories of his childhood. Peter then says that he recalls a traumatic childhood scene. In the scene, when Peter gave his father a Father’s Day card, his father grumpily told him that he was not his real father.

At this recollection, Peter sits up in the couch and says, “Oh my God, Francis Griffin wasn’t my real father! I wonder what else I repressed in my memory”. After a second or two, he says, “Oh my God, I could have had a V8”, as he gives himself a palm slap.

It Is Poison

How often have you had a V8 moment? That moment when you realize that you did not so the right thing in a situation or event. I confess that I have had way too many. I certainly wish I had the ability to go back and do things differently in those situations. It is the old “if I knew then what I know now” conundrum.

There is something vitally important for you to remember about every V8 moment. Refrain from allowing them to become recurring feelings of regret. Lingering regret is toxic. It is injecting yourself with poison. To learn from your mistakes is growth. Sometimes it takes awhile before you learn something. To revise your subsequent actions based on what you learned from your mistakes is the productive option. Choosing to live with never ending regret is detrimental. It produces nothing good. It is sin.

It Is Going To Happen

The ultimate V8 moment occurs after your body stops functioning and you are declared dead. At that time, your spirit energy, your essence, travels to another realm of existence. You will then experience your life review. It will be an observation and evaluation of your entire lifetime. It will cover everything. You will see your first moment of consciousness to your last breath of life. You will see the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

There will undoubtedly be V8 moments galore. Of course, there will be good things to view as well. Nothing whatsoever will be hidden. Everything will be laid bare. Nothing will be covered up. You will see the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. A unique feature will be the ability to see how your actions made a difference (or made no difference). You will be able to see the effect (or lack of effect) that you had on others. Your life review will be glorious or it will be pure hell. It entirely depends on you. Like it or not, the life review is gonna happen. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Yes, Absolutely Yes

At one time or another, everyone has said “If I only knew then, what I know now”. I readily confess that I have said it regarding a whole assortment of things in my past. If I knew then what I know now, I would have definitely done some things differently. How do you know which ideas to follow in order to live successfully? How do you know when to speak up and when to shut up? When you reach that fork in the road of life, how do you know which side of the fork in the road to travel? Is there a testing device that you can use? The answer is yes. Absolutely, yes.

The book of Matthew describes the unfailing testing device. Ask, and it shall be given. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open. ALL who ask, will receive. ALL who seek, will find. ALL who knock, will gain entry.

Ask, seek, knock are, of course, all metaphors for prayer. Feel free to study the original language. You will discover the true intent of the terms, ask, seek and knock. The true intent is to guide the reader to engage in a continuous ongoing action. This is clearly stated in another Bible verse, “Pray without ceasing”. Ask, and keep asking for guidance. Next, seek, and keep seeking for the right way. Then, knock, and keep knocking. The door to the wisdom of the Kingdom of God will be opened. Continually ask, seek and knock. As a result, if you do this every day, every day of your remaining life will be fruitful. And that, my friend, will make for one orgasmic life review.

Why Do You Exist?

Here is the progression of the average human being. I fully understand that there are variants and exceptions from this progression. First, you are born. Then, you grow up under the auspices of a father and mother. You go to school. Next, you graduate school. Then you get a job. You earn money. You find a place to live independent of your parents. Next, you get married. Then, you have children. You go to work every week for the next forty to fifty years or so. Then you retire from the work world. Next, you live in retirement for an unknown number of years. Then, you get sick and die. Then, within a few generations, all memory that you ever even existed, is gone forever as if you were never born.

If that was all there was to it, you would be no different than a bird, or a squirrel, or a goose. Live. Eat. Shit. Sleep. Work. Copulate. Reproduce. Die. You are different however. You, as a human being, are a child of God. In the book of Genesis, it is stated, “God created mankind in his own image”. Human beings are in the image of God in their spiritual and intellectual nature.

An Expression Of The I AM

You are an expression of a power infinitely greater than you – the Infinite Power, The I Am That I Am – God. Your awareness of being expresses God. First, your mind generates your thoughts. Then, your thoughts generate your feelings. Next, your thoughts and feelings (including your intuition), generate your beliefs. Your inner beliefs then generate all the outer circumstances of your entire life.

You exist in order to demonstrate the glory of God. You exist to express the Most High in a myriad of infinite ways. God has granted you power. God has granted you freedom. You were born with this freedom. Understand that there is only One Presence – God. That One Presence is within you at all times. Spend some of your allotment of time, every single day, without fail, dwelling within the Kingdom of God. Be thankful – thankful you do not have to beg some capricious and arbitrary deity for something that may or may not be granted depending on what mood they are in.

Your Two Precious Possessions

Gold. Cryptocurrency. Stocks. Cold hard cash. Real estate. Classic automobiles. Jewelry. Fine art and other collectables. Society holds these as highly valued commodities as well as precious possessions. They pale in comparison however, to your two most precious possessions. These possessions are your mind and the allotment of time you are permitted on Earth. It is vital to your success in life that you treat them as your two most precious possessions.

If you are young, then start now to learn the art of conscious manifestation. Use your abundance of time to learn how to create your desired reality. Equally important is to shed yourself of the “I’m going to live forever” mentality. You do, but not on this Earth plane of existence. Most importantly, this mentality wastes your precious commodity of time.

If you are middle-aged, there is still time. Call a time out. Step away from everything for a brief bit. Completely and honestly evaluate how you are using your time. Instead of using time on any form of escapism, use your time to create a reality where escapism is completely unnecessary. Do it now. Life really flies by faster than you think.

If you are old, be at peace but also be urgent in the use of your time. There is no longer any time to waste. Not even a single day. Cast aside all resentments as well as any grudges that you have built up over the years. Throw them away. They imprison you in a prison of your own making.. It is very important so I will repeat that –grudges and resentments imprison you. Allow yourself to express Universal Mind. Pay no attention to the opinions of others if it conflicts with you dwelling on the Presence of the Almighty.. Fulfill your true purpose, whatever it may be, while you still have time.

You Possess A Fortune – Use It

Can you think? Then you have a functioning mind.

Are you still breathing? Then you have time.

They are your fortune. Use your fortune to the very best of your ability. Use them in concert with the guidance of Universal Intelligence. Likewise, treat every day as a precious gift, because it truly is, you know.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

There’s Something Strange About Time

There’s Something Strange About Time

Time – seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries. Time seems fairly simple to us humans. It moves in a forward manner, one tick of the clock at a time. It keeps going in that manner throughout all of eternity. Right? Well I’m not so sure about that. There is something strange about time. I don’t think anyone has really figured it out yet. There is more to this tick-tock character than we are able to perceive.

Einstein Sez

According to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, time actually slows down or speeds up depending on how fast something is moving. Nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Space and time are interconnected. By extension of this theory, a second of time is not always a second. It can be faster or it can be slower. In his writings, Einstein stated “People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”.

Your Brain Is A Fickle Thing

Your brain, the so-called paragon of logical thinking, is as fickle as the latest trends in fashion. At one time or another, probably everyone has experienced the variability of time perception. Using a purely “Mr. Spock” type of logic, all humans should experience one minute of time the same way each and every time. It should never change. It does change however.

When you are engaged in something that you hate doing, time slows down to a crawl. Every five minutes you look at your watch and think “Is this thing broken or what”? Your brain’s perception of how time moves is causing these minutes to seem like hours. Conversely, when you are engaged in something that you enjoy doing, time moves by like a thoroughbred coming down the home stretch in the Kentucky Derby. Hours then seem like minutes. Logically, the minutes for each activity consist of the same sixty seconds. Your brain’s perception however senses time differently in each situation.

So what does this mean? It means that whatever your “now” is, whatever your “present” is, becomes all that is. The past exists only as stored memory in your brain. It is not a place in the time-space continuum that you can go to. The future is only a universe of multiple possibilities based on your actions as a result of your stored memories and your present thoughts, words, actions, feelings and beliefs.

Time Is Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock……….Not

In his famous book, The Unreality of Time, early twentieth century Cambridge philosopher, J.M. McTaggert proposed that time was unreal because our descriptions of time are either contradictory, circular or insufficient.

In current times, in his book The Order of Time, theoretical physicist Carlo Ravelli has stated that time is merely an illusion. He contends that Isaac Newton’s image of a universal ticking clock is invalid due to humankind’s inability to perceive all the microscopic details of the physical world.

Abhijit Naskar, author of Love, God and Neurons, puts forth the following about time – “Time is basically an illusion created by the mind to aid in our sense of temporal presence in the vast ocean of space. Without the neurons to create a virtual perception of the past and the future based on all of our experiences, there is no existence of the past and the future. All there is , is the present”.

So Two Muons Are Sitting At A Bar

Pursuant to the study of cosmic-ray phenomena, scientists have discovered elementary particles called muons. Muons, produced as a result of cosmic-ray showers, disintegrate spontaneously. The muon’s average existence lasts for approximately two microseconds. That is equivalent to two millionths of a second. At that point, its existence is over.

In the vast eternal scheme of things, you and I are muons, but with an eternal spirit in the image of the Most High. A human’s existence on planet earth is but a few microseconds when looked at in the context of infinite eternity. Your life, my life, all lives flash by and are then gone. Pooof. Yet we blindly putter around at this and that for most of it. We make the choice of our use of time. Then we have to live with our choice.

The book of Matthew states that wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to death. The way of life is experienced by the few who enter via the strait gate and the narrow way. Every day is a new lifetime. A precious gift to express the Most High. Treat each day as such. You will experience fulfillment that you never dreamed was possible.

So two muons are sitting at a bar nursing their mugs of craft beer and nibbling on sourdough pretzels. One says to the other, “You know, we really should get going. We got a lotta stuff to do”. The other muon says, Chill bro’, we got plenty of time”. He looks at his watch then continues, “We still got a full millionth of a second before we disintegrate”. Then turning to the bartender, says, “Another round over here Joe”.

Ultimate Day Trading

In the world of creating monetary profits from trading, there has evolved the practice of day trading. This involves the buying and selling of stocks, commodities and currencies in a very short time period. It is the opposite of the buy and hold approach. Usually the buy and sell takes place the same day. Sometimes it is all consummated within an hour’s time. The goal of the day trader is to make a multitude of trades and make a small profit on each one.

The word ultimate is defined as “the best achievable of its kind”. Forget about stocks, commodities and currencies. In order to hit the true jackpot in life you must engage in “ultimate day trading”. Ultimate day trading involves taking that twenty-fours hours of life placed into your trading account each day and investing it with the utmost wisdom.

You are here in this physical world to be a physical expression of Divine Mind. You were instilled with free will to choose. This free will explains the vast multitude of “traders” who crash and burn. Have you loved? Productively used your intelligence? Expressed truth? Abundance? Power? Compassion? Peace? Imagination? Joy? All of which are derivatives from love. Or have you chosen errors of belief resulting in the expression of qualities of a dark nature? Both are there for the taking. The choice is always yours. The results of your choices are always yours. How you spend your time brings about the circumstances that you experience in this lifetime.

Time Was Created To Measure Your Life

When you step on a scale, you measure your body weight. When you use a ruler, you measure the length of something. Time measures the fruitfulness of your lifetime. Every hour of time measures your thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs. Time gives you a reference point. If everything on this plane of existence happened all at once, your brain could not handle it.

The bottom line is this: what the fuck do you really want to manifest in your life?! Whatever it is, stop procrastinating and wasting your time on stuff that does not do anything to make it happen. The construct of time is without a doubt the most precious commodity you will ever have. Spend it with wisdom. Use it in faith. Understand this – the very substance of your existence depends on it.

Believe. Receive.

The Most Precious Commodity On Earth – Time

Commodity Trading Is Mega Big

The process of people trading things started back around 3000 BC in ancient Mesopotamia. Cities that had an excess of cloth or metal may have bartered for spices and jewelry. The first trading was strictly barter, item for item. Later in the course of history, gold and silver coins were used as a means of purchasing goods or services. Trade has always been about exchanging something that you possess that someone else wants with something that you want that somebody else has.

Commodities that traders have dealt in over the centuries include precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, etc.), foodstuffs (corn, wheat, soybeans, salt, coffee, etc.), meat (cattle, pork, poultry, etc.), and non-foodstuffs (cotton, petroleum, lumber, etc.). Traders today also engage in trading the money currency of one country with that of another in the hopes that the currency that they trade for will increase in value thus making them a profit.

The hottest thing these days however is the trading in cryptocurrencies. Almost all have heard about Bitcoin but it seems that every week a new cryptocurrency appears. Etherium, Litecoin, Chainlink, Tether, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu – the list goes on and on and on. In fact, there are over 12,000 cryptocurrencies today that are available for trading.

With all the traditional commodities, monetary currencies, and cryptocurrencies that are out there, a vast multitude of people are devoting their efforts to making profits through trading in said commodities. There are fabulous successes as well as soul crushing failures. Fortunes are made. Fortunes are lost.

Every Day Of Your Life, You’re A Day Trader

In keeping with the establishment of an ever growing community of investors who are looking to make money from trading, there has evolved the practice known as day trading. This is the practice of buying and selling stocks in a very short time frame, typically within a day. The goal of day trading is to earn a small profit on each trade and then compound those gains over time. If you are making good trades, you will create substantial profits. If you are making poor trades, you can lose your shirt (and pants and socks and everything else as well).

Do you realize that you are an active day trader? Every day you are trading in the most precious commodity on Earth – TIME. When you were born, your account was fully funded. You can only speculate on how much time has been placed into your account. We all have a number and when that number is ultimately called, it’s game over, no more trading. Every single day of your life, you are required to trade twenty four hours of time from your account. Replenishment is not an available option. You have what you have and when it’s gone, it’s gone. Your lifetime account may have less than twenty-four hours or it may have one hundred years. You will never know for sure until your last breath and your balance sheet reads 0.00. Listen – it is to your unmistakable benefit to recognize the precious nature of your time account and trade whatever time you have left with a sharp focus and a determined intention.

Once you became an adult, you became the sole investor for your life’s time account. Just as there are thousands of cryptocurrencies you can trade in, there are thousands of ways that you can trade your time for each day. A certain amount of time for sleep is taken out of your account by Mother Nature. Employment at a job is another big time trade during the course of a twenty-four hour time period. More trading is done for hygiene and grooming, travelling to and from your job, eating your daily meals, engaging in social relationships (family, friends, etc.), purchasing needed supplies, maintaining your lodging and your vehicle, engaging in recreational activities and pursuing your hobbies and interests. All of these various actions involve your choosing what to trade for from your time account. Your life then is one continuous day trading session. Stop and reflect. Have you traded wisely and productively thus far? Have you received a good return on your trading? If yes, good. If no, then realize that that game is not over yet. You still have a balance in your account.

Time Can Buy Riches – Riches Cannot Buy Time

A universal response to the issue of the use of your daily time is that you have no choice. You have to work in order to meet your financial obligations. This includes paying the rent or mortgage, maintaining your vehicle, buying food and other supplies, satisfying the needs and desires of your other family members, etc. Yes, most certainly these things must be attended to but, there is a big “nevertheless”. If you make the “all-in” decision to train your thoughts hour by hour. If you actually prioritize every word that comes out of your mouth. If you take such actions that match up with your manifestation goal. If you zealously nurture feelings that reflect faith. If you hold tight to the beliefs that only acknowledge the realization of your dreams. If you actually use your time to actually DO these things, you can and you will create a fulfilling life reality for yourself instead of being swept along helplessly by the river tide of random circumstances.

The wise and focused trading of your precious time creates for you the riches that you desire, however you choose to define riches. Conversely, no matter how much money that you possess, you cannot replenish your time account. You still have a designated number. When your number is called, it’s game over. Whether you are Warren Buffet or the Sultan of Brunei, you cannot purchase additional time. Treat time as your most precious possession. Let not any hour in your bank account of time go to waste. If you purchased a steak at the supermarket, if you were not ready to cook it on that day, you would put it in the freezer at home until you were ready to cook it. You would not just leave it out on the kitchen table. It would spoil. Start today treating each hour of your life with the same respect. It is the most precious possession you have. Treat it as such. Treat your time as if it were gold. You really will be amazed at the positive difference that it makes in the quality of your life.

Live free. Live fully. Trade your time wisely. The very substance of your life’s reality depends on it.

Time — The Ultimate Trickster

Time – The Ultimate Trickster

On this April Fool’s Day, it is genuinely appropriate to discuss the ultimate trickster of them all — Time. Just what the heck is this earthly construct called “time”. Time – measured by today’s atomic clocks at over nine billion cesium energy jumps per second. There is more to this “tick-tock, tick-tock” trickster however than meets the senses. Have you felt that experience of time “flying by” when you involved in an activity that you enjoy doing and are good at. The greater the enjoyment, the faster time speeds up. Conversely, when you are doing something that you have zero interest in or find distasteful or boring, time then slows down to a snail’s pace. You look at the clock and it seems like invisible gremlins are holding back the hands of the clock. Yes, time is indeed the ultimate trickster.

The Eternal Now

According to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, time slows down or speeds up depending how fast something is moving. The ultimate conclusion of this is that time itself would stop if you could hypothetically move at the speed of light. On earth, time remains a constant, neither speeding up nor slowing down but our perception of it varies widely. It has been postulated that when your spirit or soul leaves your body and proceeds to wherever it belongs, time, as such, ceases to exist. Everything happens in the “now moment.” Time does not travel forward from a point in the past to a point in the future. The present merely changes. Everything happens in the now. In the 1300’s, the theologian, philosopher and mystic Meister Eckhart wrote, ” There exists only the present instant…a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.”

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock

When your soul moves on from earth, there will be no calendars, no clocks, no time. No placing an X over a day on the calendar or tearing off a page from a calendar for a month that is over. Here on earth however that would not work. There must be the “tick-tock, tick-tock” of time in order to allow you to measure your movements, your actions, your life. You can do your very best to live fully in the current moment but you are always aware of time past and time ahead. Even while writing this post, time was playing games with me. I found myself looking down at my watch and thinking to myself “What – 7:30 already! That’s ridiculous. It was 6:00 just a few minutes ago!” Another thing about time that I have discovered is that the older you get, the faster time zips by. The years crawl by when you are young, but then, each successive decade of life, time goes by faster and faster. When you hit your sixties, time appears to perversely speed up exponentially, seemingly to get you to your ultimate demise all that much quicker. So what are you to do with this thing called “time”.

Improve Your Relationship With Time

One of the wisest men in the history of the world, King Solomon, may hint at the answer. From the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, Verses 12 and 13 (ESV): “I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live, that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in his toil.” The philosopher and a-theist Albert Camus ironically comes to somewhat the same conclusion in “The Myth of Sisyphus” when he states that Sisyphus can only be free when he comes into harmony with his circumstances. Whether you are involved in a major life undertaking or cleaning your ceramic toilet with a scrub brush, focus on what you are doing in the “right now”. Do it the very best you know how to do it. It doesn’t totally take away the mischievous trickery of time, but it does help to “take the edge off”. Plus, in the world of manifesting, learning how to focus on feeling as if your desire is real, right now, is definitely “where it’s at”.