Time – If I Knew Then, What I Know Now

I Could Have Had A V8

Are you old enough to remember the old V8 commercials on tv? The commercials that I refer to are the ones that had different people saying “I could have had a V8”. They frequently were on television during the time of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

V8 is a drink produced by the Campbell Soup Company. It is primarily tomato juice, but it also has 8 other vegetables in it, hence the name V8. The commercial was so ubiquitous at the time that the phrase was coined of someone “having a V8 moment”.

A Healthy Alternative

The basic premise of the commercial was to sell V8 as a healthy alternative to soda or other sweet drinks or snacks. I will walk you through one of the commercials. As the commercial begins you see a young guy with a can of soda in his hand. After a few seconds, he stops as if thinking of something. Then a picture of a large can of V8 flashes up on the screen. Then back to the guy who gives himself a palm slap on the forehead. At the same time, he says out loud, “I could have had a V8”!

The next scene shows a woman stuffing a cupcake down her gullet. Likewise, the picture of the large can of V8 is flashed on the screen. Then back to the woman. She puts the cupcake down. She also gives herself a palm slap on the forehead saying “I could have had a V8”! Then you see a hand pouring a glass of V8. An unseen announcer touts the benefits of V8.

The final scene shows a woman seated at a desk. She has a cup of coffee in her hand. A large can of V8 flashes on the screen. Then back to the woman. She says, “I could have had a V8” while giving herself a palm slap with her other hand.

A V8 Moment

The long running series of V8 commercials spawned the phrase “having a V8 moment”. This phrase meant that you proceeded in a situation in a certain way that you quickly regretted. Or it could also mean that upon reflecting on an event in the past, you now see how you handled it all wrong.

The phrase even entered the world of the television animated comedy, “Family Guy”. In this particular episode, Peter Griffin is laying on a psychiatrist’s couch. The psychiatrist asks Peter to reach back into the deepest memories of his childhood. Peter then says that he recalls a traumatic childhood scene. In the scene, when Peter gave his father a Father’s Day card, his father grumpily told him that he was not his real father.

At this recollection, Peter sits up in the couch and says, “Oh my God, Francis Griffin wasn’t my real father! I wonder what else I repressed in my memory”. After a second or two, he says, “Oh my God, I could have had a V8”, as he gives himself a palm slap.

It Is Poison

How often have you had a V8 moment? That moment when you realize that you did not so the right thing in a situation or event. I confess that I have had way too many. I certainly wish I had the ability to go back and do things differently in those situations. It is the old “if I knew then what I know now” conundrum.

There is something vitally important for you to remember about every V8 moment. Refrain from allowing them to become recurring feelings of regret. Lingering regret is toxic. It is injecting yourself with poison. To learn from your mistakes is growth. Sometimes it takes awhile before you learn something. To revise your subsequent actions based on what you learned from your mistakes is the productive option. Choosing to live with never ending regret is detrimental. It produces nothing good. It is sin.

It Is Going To Happen

The ultimate V8 moment occurs after your body stops functioning and you are declared dead. At that time, your spirit energy, your essence, travels to another realm of existence. You will then experience your life review. It will be an observation and evaluation of your entire lifetime. It will cover everything. You will see your first moment of consciousness to your last breath of life. You will see the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

There will undoubtedly be V8 moments galore. Of course, there will be good things to view as well. Nothing whatsoever will be hidden. Everything will be laid bare. Nothing will be covered up. You will see the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. A unique feature will be the ability to see how your actions made a difference (or made no difference). You will be able to see the effect (or lack of effect) that you had on others. Your life review will be glorious or it will be pure hell. It entirely depends on you. Like it or not, the life review is gonna happen. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Yes, Absolutely Yes

At one time or another, everyone has said “If I only knew then, what I know now”. I readily confess that I have said it regarding a whole assortment of things in my past. If I knew then what I know now, I would have definitely done some things differently. How do you know which ideas to follow in order to live successfully? How do you know when to speak up and when to shut up? When you reach that fork in the road of life, how do you know which side of the fork in the road to travel? Is there a testing device that you can use? The answer is yes. Absolutely, yes.

The book of Matthew describes the unfailing testing device. Ask, and it shall be given. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open. ALL who ask, will receive. ALL who seek, will find. ALL who knock, will gain entry.

Ask, seek, knock are, of course, all metaphors for prayer. Feel free to study the original language. You will discover the true intent of the terms, ask, seek and knock. The true intent is to guide the reader to engage in a continuous ongoing action. This is clearly stated in another Bible verse, “Pray without ceasing”. Ask, and keep asking for guidance. Next, seek, and keep seeking for the right way. Then, knock, and keep knocking. The door to the wisdom of the Kingdom of God will be opened. Continually ask, seek and knock. As a result, if you do this every day, every day of your remaining life will be fruitful. And that, my friend, will make for one orgasmic life review.

Why Do You Exist?

Here is the progression of the average human being. I fully understand that there are variants and exceptions from this progression. First, you are born. Then, you grow up under the auspices of a father and mother. You go to school. Next, you graduate school. Then you get a job. You earn money. You find a place to live independent of your parents. Next, you get married. Then, you have children. You go to work every week for the next forty to fifty years or so. Then you retire from the work world. Next, you live in retirement for an unknown number of years. Then, you get sick and die. Then, within a few generations, all memory that you ever even existed, is gone forever as if you were never born.

If that was all there was to it, you would be no different than a bird, or a squirrel, or a goose. Live. Eat. Shit. Sleep. Work. Copulate. Reproduce. Die. You are different however. You, as a human being, are a child of God. In the book of Genesis, it is stated, “God created mankind in his own image”. Human beings are in the image of God in their spiritual and intellectual nature.

An Expression Of The I AM

You are an expression of a power infinitely greater than you – the Infinite Power, The I Am That I Am – God. Your awareness of being expresses God. First, your mind generates your thoughts. Then, your thoughts generate your feelings. Next, your thoughts and feelings (including your intuition), generate your beliefs. Your inner beliefs then generate all the outer circumstances of your entire life.

You exist in order to demonstrate the glory of God. You exist to express the Most High in a myriad of infinite ways. God has granted you power. God has granted you freedom. You were born with this freedom. Understand that there is only One Presence – God. That One Presence is within you at all times. Spend some of your allotment of time, every single day, without fail, dwelling within the Kingdom of God. Be thankful – thankful you do not have to beg some capricious and arbitrary deity for something that may or may not be granted depending on what mood they are in.

Your Two Precious Possessions

Gold. Cryptocurrency. Stocks. Cold hard cash. Real estate. Classic automobiles. Jewelry. Fine art and other collectables. Society holds these as highly valued commodities as well as precious possessions. They pale in comparison however, to your two most precious possessions. These possessions are your mind and the allotment of time you are permitted on Earth. It is vital to your success in life that you treat them as your two most precious possessions.

If you are young, then start now to learn the art of conscious manifestation. Use your abundance of time to learn how to create your desired reality. Equally important is to shed yourself of the “I’m going to live forever” mentality. You do, but not on this Earth plane of existence. Most importantly, this mentality wastes your precious commodity of time.

If you are middle-aged, there is still time. Call a time out. Step away from everything for a brief bit. Completely and honestly evaluate how you are using your time. Instead of using time on any form of escapism, use your time to create a reality where escapism is completely unnecessary. Do it now. Life really flies by faster than you think.

If you are old, be at peace but also be urgent in the use of your time. There is no longer any time to waste. Not even a single day. Cast aside all resentments as well as any grudges that you have built up over the years. Throw them away. They imprison you in a prison of your own making.. It is very important so I will repeat that –grudges and resentments imprison you. Allow yourself to express Universal Mind. Pay no attention to the opinions of others if it conflicts with you dwelling on the Presence of the Almighty.. Fulfill your true purpose, whatever it may be, while you still have time.

You Possess A Fortune – Use It

Can you think? Then you have a functioning mind.

Are you still breathing? Then you have time.

They are your fortune. Use your fortune to the very best of your ability. Use them in concert with the guidance of Universal Intelligence. Likewise, treat every day as a precious gift, because it truly is, you know.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.

How Do You Stack Up On The 80/20 Scale

The History Of Pareto Scale

Have you ever heard of a concept called the Pareto Principle? If not, it is possible that you may have heard about it under another name- The 80/20 Rule. Management consultant Joseph Juran developed the concept of the Pareto Principle. He developed it for the purposes of organizational quality control and improvement. He picked up on the concept after reading from the works of Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto noted that 80% of the land in Italy is owned by 20% of the population.

In simple terms, the 80/20 Rule means that 80% of your beneficial results comes about from just 20% of available time resources. You get a lot of stuff accomplished in 20% of your time. You get a little bit of stuff done with 80% of your time.

Some Examples of the Pareto Principle

Let’s look at some examples of the Pareto Principle in the world today.

In the business world, there is the axiom that 80% of sales are generated by 20% of clients.

A United Nations report revealed that 80% of the world’s wealth is held by 20% of the population.

In computer science, 80% of software errors and crashes come from 20% of reported bugs.

Software developers have found that 80% of the time people use 20% of a program’s functions.

In baseball, there is a statistic that is kept called “wins above replacement”. This stat basically shows how many wins a team has with a certain player in the lineup as opposed to that player not being in the lineup. Roughly 80% of a team’s wins are achieved with 20% of the roster in the lineup.

In workplace safety, studies via the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, show that 20% of workplace hazards account for 80% of workplace injuries.

In healthcare, 20% of patients use approximately 80% of healthcare resources.

Criminal justice statistics reveals that 80% of the crimes that are committed are committed by 20% of the criminal population.

A 1988 report regarding video rental stores (remember them?) disclosed 80% of sales come from 20% of videotapes.

In my own career experience as a union representative, I definitely can attest that 80% of grievance litigation work came from 20% of the union members (who we used to refer to as “the usual suspects”).

Why Should It Even Matter To You

OK, if you were not familiar with the Pareto Principle, now you have an idea of what it is. If you already had heard of it, this was a super condensed refresher. It is possible your response may be – “So what, who cares? How does all this jazz affect me and my life”? That is a valid question.

Being continually aware of the 80/20 Rule is important to you because it can be applied to a person’s lifetime as well. Almost everybody has “stuff” that they want to accomplish in this lifetime. It matters not what the “stuff” is. You know what it is. It could be money, relationships, career, health or intercession ability or any combination thereof. Even the guy who just wants to get laid. That would fall under the category of relationships (and after he gets an STD, regaining good health).

Permit me to extrapolate the 80/20 Rule. The average person spends approximately 20% of their non-sleeping, non-working, non-eating, non-showering, non-shitting (well, you get the idea) time achieving 80% of the “stuff” that they want to achieve. The grim reaper is a particularly uncompromising fellow. You do not know when he is going to come for you. You do know that there is a limit on the amount of time that you have here in this world.

Now, applying this to the 80/20 Rule, if you get an achievement rate of 80% of what you were going for by using only 20% of your available time, what do you think would happen if, during your entire lifetime, you just as productively used 25%, 30%, even 35% of your available time over your lifetime. You more than likely would surpass what you ever imagined was possible.

Yeah, But…….

“Yeah but” you say, “I need some down time, some goofing off time in my life. I’m not a robot or something”. Even if you pushed up effective usage of your available time to 35%, that would still give you almost two thirds of all the available time in your life to goof off. The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said many moons ago, “To say I don’t have time is to say I don’t want to”.

Time Use Defines Who You Are

Which type are you? Are you the one who says, “God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of discipline”. Or are you the one who says, “I wonder what’s new on Tik Tok?” Are you fully engaged in the disciplined process of clarifying your desires and creating an inner crystal clear image of them? If so, you must prioritize your spending of time in the direction of your heart’s desires rather than the thousand and one distractions that the world throws at you. Ultimately, the way in which you use your available time defines who you are.

For every decade that you live in this earth dimension, your perspective on time changes. In your youth you go through the “I’m going to live forever” stage. In middle-age, you notice time moving faster and say to yourself, “Seems like only yesterday that I was 20, but I still have time to work with”. In your old age, you say to time, “Damnit, slow down, you’re driving too fast”!

The thing about time is this – It is completely free, but at the same time it is beyond putting a value on it. You can spend every “penny” of time that you get but you can’t store any of it away. Once you have spent your hour, your day, your year, your decade, you can never get it back, it’s gone.

Alright let’s say that you have lived your designated amount of years. The grim reaper is walking up the sidewalk to your front door. You did achieve some stuff but other stuff was left undone or you screwed up. You had successes. You had failures. How much of your life conformed to the 80/20 Rule? How much could you have done that was left undone through a misuse of time? Start today to really look at how you are spending your available time. The substance of your life depends on it.

Dammit, Can I get a Re-Do?

When your body stops functioning and your spirit moves on to the next realm, you will have an opportunity to review your life here on earth from start to finish. Everything in your life will be reviewed from several different perspectives. You will not only see happenings and events from your viewpoint. You will also see and feel how your thoughts, words and actions affected all the primary people in your life. You will see how careless words negatively affected a human soul. You will see how a seemingly insignificant kind action on your part positively affected a human soul. You will see and feel – everything. The entire process will be monitored by higher evolved spirits (No, they won’t be piping in and saying, “You jerk, why did you do that”.).

After a certain point in my own life review, I can imagine myself blurting out, “Dammit, can I get a re-do or something”? Whereupon the monitor smacks my hand with a ruler saying, “We don’t swear around here”. That image reminds me of that scene in the movie, The Blues Brothers when Belushi and Ackroyd are visiting the nun. She explains that the orphanage is in a bind and needs help in the form of money. The Belushi character offers to help and his offer is rejected by the nun. Belushi then says, ” Well, I guess your up shit creek”. She promptly smacks him on the hand with a ruler. This causes him to curse again in pain which then causes the nun to continue smacking him. This goes on hilariously until while attempting to retreat back to his car, he tumbles down the stairs while still seated in a way too small for him school desk. She tells both of them not to return until they have redeemed themselves. Thereupon is the basis for his and Ackroyd’s further adventures.

Strait Is The Gate

Have you ever heard someone use the expression, “From now on I’m going to stay on the strait and narrow”. You may see it spelled “straight and narrow” but strait is the correct word. Strait means narrow or constricted. It is where we get the words straitjacket and straitlaced.

What this phrase means is that when someone follows the strait and narrow, they are making every effort to conduct their life according to Universal Law. Universal Law which has been set into action by God.

The actual phrase is taken from the biblical text in the book of Matthew – “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate, and narrow the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”.

In consciously manifesting into this physical world your dreams and desires, be aware of this: that the majority of the world’s population productively uses but 20% of their available precious time to bring about most of what they want to accomplish. The other 80% of available time is by and large wasted. Is just observing and appreciating a bird or a flower or a cloud wasting your time? No. Is gossip and backbiting and jealousy and worry and violence and spite wasting your time? Yes.

Each day requires you to go to work, to school, to attend to family needs, to attend to personal needs, to eat, to sleep. After all the necessaries are done however, comes your available time. In the next twelve months, endeavor to take that 20% effective usage of your time and bump it up to 25% or even 30%. Take that additional time and devote it totally to thoughts, words and actions which will lead you to consciously manifest your inner greatness. Within you is the Kingdom of God which patiently awaits your arrival.

Who knows? If you devote enough of your allotment of time to aligning yourself with Universal Intelligence, the I AM, you may not even be required to have to do a re-do like me.

Believe. Receive.

Seventeen Seconds To Love, Health, Success

One Thousand One, One Thousand Two…….

When I was young, we used to play two-hand touch pickup football games in our neighborhood. Usually we either played in the street (“car coming”) or in the parking lot of a nearby VFW. In two-hand touch football, if you were on defense, you were not allowed to rush the quarterback as soon as the ball was hiked. You were only allowed to go after the quarterback after a five second count that you had to say out loud. You either said, “One Thousand One, One Thousand Two” up to “One Thousand Five”. The alternate was “Mississippi One, Mississippi Two” and so on. When you reached five, you could rush the quarterback and attempt to two-hand touch him to end the play or force him to pass the ball to one of his teammates.

In the amount of time that it takes for you to give a corresponding “one thousand count” to seventeen, you could be engaging in a life changing manifesting technique that could draw to you your heart’s desire. What is your desire? Love? Good health? Money? Having the ability to help a loved one who needs help? A new job? Maybe a combination of these or perhaps all five. If you are not just conning yourself with a bunch of fluff and you really and truly desire to do what is required to draw good stuff into your life, then read on. If not, go watch tv.

Plug Your Self Into The Power Outlet

Every single day of your life you either draw stuff to you or repel stuff away from you. The strength of your drawing power can range from extremely mild to extraordinarily strong. When nothing of note is happening in your life, it could be an indication that your connection to the power source is weak. If you are an atheist, you may say, “Nonsense and balderdash. All the power that I possess is within me so if nothing is happening in my life, I have to reach down and bring it up to the surface.” Ironically, as a believer in the existence of one true God through which we were all created, I am in agreement with that statement insofar as the power of the Kingdom of God is indeed within us all. It is up to us to make the connection with this power in order to use it.

You can own the most awesome stereo or refrigerator or television or microwave oven or whatever. If they are not plugged into a power outlet however, they are of no value to you. Even for something such as a tablet or laptop computer or cellphone that is powered by battery, at some point, in order to recharge the battery, it has to be plugged into a power outlet. If you do not have a strong power source for whatever device you are using, it will ultimately run out of juice. This is what happens to human beings all over the earth. They neglect to plug into the Universal Power Source.

The path of your life is determined by the frequency of the energy vibration that you put out from your inner energy. The higher the frequency of the vibration, the greater the likelihood that you will draw unto yourself the desires of your heart. Caution: outside of the realm of self-defense, if your desire is to inflict harm on another soul, this will inevitably boomerang on you. “For in the way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish

Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. In order to fulfill your desires, you must have a vision of those desires. Using the “Mr. Chi” acronym, your desires will most likely fall into one of five general categories: money, relationships, career (or avocation), health and interceding to help another person.

Form a clear, discernable vision of each of your desires, starting with the strongest desire. If you need more money, visualize having more money. If you are searching for love, visualize how you would feel if you had it right now. Not a particular person per se, just the feeling. A feeling can be as much a vision as an image. If you are in good health, visualize remaining thus. If you have an infirmity, visualize being in good health. If your job sucks, visualize working at an occupation that you would enjoy. If you love your job, visualize and feel the gratitude. If you desire to help someone that is dealing with a problem, visualize helping them and seeing the happiness you create. All of these visions should be created in your mind. Be clear about your vision, not wishy-washy.

By creating the vision, you have created the conduit to plug yourself into the life’s Power Outlet. You have the plug in your hand. Now you need “juice”. You need to connect with the Universal Power Outlet, the Kingdom of God.

The Seventeen Second Technique In A Nutshell

One of the techniques that I have successfully used in my sixty-nine years of living is what I call the “Seventeen Second Technique”. This technique involves consciously and intentionally, focusing at will, on raising your personal energy vibration frequency in order to magnetize your intention. This technique, as in all conscious manifesting techniques, requires you to fully commit to the process. There can be no holding back. There can be no half-hearted attempts. There can be no keeping one foot in the door and one foot out. If you do not believe that it will produce results that will benefit you, move on to another technique. Perhaps at a later date you will feel differently. I have most assuredly used this method successfully. That it works is beyond question. The real question is: will you work? This is not some la-ti-da fluff process. To successfully use the Seventeen Second Technique requires real work on your part.

This technique is all about revving up your energy frequency for a minimum of seventeen consecutive seconds. You do this by creating a mind image. This in turn results in a “feeling good” sensation right down to the depths of your being. Sounds easy huh?. Hint: it’s not. If you make the choice to work at it however, and can get yourself to a point where you can do it at will, there is nothing in the world that will stop good things coming to you. Nothing.

Four Different Approaches To The Same Result

So how do you go about training yourself in this technique? There are a number of ways to do this. It may be best for you to get a pen and spiral bound notebook or legal pad and start writing. You may say, “Write what”? Good, you’re interested. One way to go about it is to write down at least a half dozen things about yourself that you like and admire. It could be a physical feature (such as your eyes, your nose, your hair, etc.). It could be a feature within your body such as your voice, your vision, your hearing, etc. It could be a particular skill (or skills) that you happen to be good at. It may be a particular inner quality of your personality that you look on as a positive asset. Take some time and think it over. Be sure that they are things that actually make you feel good.

When you come up with some choices, then write them down on an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you at all times. Start with the first choice on your list. Be happy that that item is part of you. Think of how that feature or skill or quality has fulfilled you or benefitted you or someone else in some way. Be thankful that it is part of what makes you, you. Enjoy enjoying it. Focus on your choice for a minimum of seventeen seconds. If your mind starts wandering around before that seventeen second time period, just reset and start again. As you get more adept at doing this, explore stretching out that seventeen seconds to a longer time period. The ideal is probably about two minutes but just start with seventeen seconds. If you are in a feel-good state for at least seventeen seconds, the coffee starts to percolate in the universal storehouse of goodies.

Another way of achieving this feel-good state is to dwell on a particular desire that you have “in reverse”. In other words, you have already traded in the “junker”. You are now driving around in a car of your choosing. You feel the texture of the seats. You handle the steering wheel. You turn on and listen to the stereo system. Your hear your passenger stating, “This is a really nice car”. You throw open the moon roof and feel the breeze. The car handles really well and suits your purposes to a tee. If not a car, then a new big sceen tv or a state of the art refrigerator or a new mattress for your bedroom or, well, you get the idea. Whatever floats your boat.

Yet another way of of achieving this feel-good synapse is through the retrieval of beautiful memories of achievements or experiences that have made your life worthwhile. Things that changed the world for the better, if only in a microscopic way, that you were personally responsible for. Make sure that it is “feel-good” only. There is no room in this technique for bittersweet memories tainted with regret. The whole purpose of the procedure is to raise your energy frequency, not lower it.

One more way of approaching this technique involves compiling a list of what brings forth a feel-good vibe from things that you enjoy doing. Eating a wonderful meal, listening to music, dancing, hiking, fishing, swimming, engaging in sex, playing a musical instrument, gardening, spending time in the company of friends and family, and so on. How do you feel when you are fully engaged in your choices? Once your have that feeling, hold it. Hold on to it for at least seventeen seconds. Lose your self in the experience that you have chosen to dwell upon. For a minimum of seventeen seconds, this is your existence.

Some Further Details

How long do you keep doing this? Until you have achieved the results that you desire. Do not be concerned with the means that Universal Intelligence chooses to bring it about. Your job is to continue with the process until the end is reached. If you are looking to manifest a Hyundai sedan, it is going to ultimately appear much sooner than than if you are desiring a Maserati or Mercedes. Before your intention is materialized, if you persist in the process, you will see signs and signals that your “order has been received”. Depending on the size and extent of your intention, it could come to you with “same day service” or in a number of years. Pay attention to everything around you and observe the signs and signals that occur.

One potential obstacle that can throw a monkey wrench into your efforts is doubt. Scripture states, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like the wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord”.

This technique is something that you can do anywhere, at any time of day or night. You can do this at work, at home doing a chore, while sitting, while walking, while jogging, while laying down, while exercising, even when you are in the shower. Do it as many times as you like during the course of the day, whenever you feel like it. Raising your personal energy vibration will be an action that is always to your advantage.

When you have chosen a specific set of feel-good mood flippers, give it awhile to see how things go. If after doing it for a period of time and it is not feeling right for you, make an adjustment to another approach. If you are doing it right, you will after awhile observe things happening in your favor. Sometimes shifting your energy vibration, especially if it was low to start with, may throw your body out of whack for a short period of time. Continue with the process and this will pass. It is a form of your body going through a type of withdrawal as you cease injecting it with toxic thoughts. Again, feel free to experiment and make adjustments as you go along if you feel it necessary.

Bruce Lee — Martial Arts Master

On my personal list of most admired people is the martial arts master and actor, Bruce Lee. One of his most quoted lines is “I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times”. It is a quote that highlights the importance of focus and persistence in becoming skilled in something. Once you get in a groove with this technique, keep at it. Stay with it and you will open the door to a wonderful array of gifts and good surprises.

Believe. Receive.

Easy To Understand Law: You Believe, You Receive

The M & M Boys Nailed It

When you hear the letters “M & M” what do you think of? Perhaps you think of the eponymous button sized candy manufactured with that name. Or if you are in my age category, maybe it brings to mind that famous baseball duo from the New York Yankees, Maris and Mantle. In the slang of the texting world, m & m has a number of different meanings. The “M & M Boys” that I would like to focus on however are two books from the Bible, Matthew and Mark. There is one verse from each book containing the words of Jesus as they relate to the incredible power of belief and its connection to manifesting your current reality.

Let’s take the King James Version of the verse, Matthew 21:22 – And all things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” All things whatsoever. That is what I would call all encompassing. I will follow that up with the translation from the Aramaic Bible in Plain English – “Everything that you ask for in prayer and believe, you will receive.” I believe where things go south in the prayers of humanity is in the interpretation of the words “ask for”.

Next let’s travel over to the book of Mark. Mark 11:24 states – “Therefore I say unto you, what things so ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them” (King James Version). Following up that same verse within the Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation, we find – “Therefore I say to you, that everything that you pray and ask, believe that you are receiving it and you shall have it.”

When you reflect on these two verses, the two words that reverberate with pure energy are “believe” and “receive”. The M & M Boys truly nailed it with these two verses.

Awareness Of Being Makes It Happen

The clarity of the two verses is absolutely unmistakable. ALL things you ask in prayer BELIEVING, you will RECEIVE. EVERYTHING that you pray for and ask, BELIEVE that you are RECEIVING it and you shall have it. To me, the one single key word out of those two verses is believe. By that is meant, you have it now, it is a done deal. It does not mean believing that you can receive it. It does not mean that you will receive it at some undetermined time in the future. It means that in your heart, in your mind, in your soul, you know that what you pray for, what you truly desire, has already been done. Your union with the Kingdom of God is your awareness of being. You are living right now with true gratitude that what you pray for, what you assume upon yourself has been accomplished. It sounds ridiculously easy but it is not. Obstacles appear all around you. Probably the foremost obstacle is the illusion of time. Time is a necessary construct for this earth dimension that we reside in. In the world of spirit, all is now. In our earth dimension however, time is a necessary vector. There is almost always a lapse of time between our believing and our receiving. It is in this time lapse period where the evil counselor of doubt sneaks in, uninvited.

Beware the seeds of doubt because they serve only to short circuit the electrical connection between your “believe” and your “receive”. Doubt is a downer and a losing hand. Your “believe” must be free of doubt otherwise your “receive” loses its connection to you as in the cutting of an electrical cable. If your belief is you have it, you will have it at the appointed time. If your belief is you want, you will continue in that wanting, without fulfillment of your manifestation. Live in the end result. Live in the wish already fulfilled. When a thought shows up in your mind that negates your belief, show it to the exit immediately. You can do this be immediately substituting a new thought of pure gratitude that you have in fact received your manifestation. As Mary Howitt suggests in her poem The Spider and The Fly, “unto an evil counselor (doubt) close heart and ear and eye. Another way to look at it is to understand that your desire has already manifested in another dimension of reality and is just working out the logistics of meshing up with your earth dimension. It does require however your continual belief or it loses contact with you.

I can hear the “yeah buts” arriving in bunches. I don’t care about what you see. I don’t care about what your hear. I don’t care about anything that appears to contradict your faith. I care about you and your manifesting success. I care only about what you believe in the fullest, truest meaning of that word. That, dear reader, whoever you are, is what is going to get it done for you. What is your awareness of being because whatever it is is that is what you receive.

The whole “believe, receive” thing is something that is quite simple but it is not easy. You must go “all-in” as they say in the world of poker. You must choose to put all of your trust in the Universal Intelligence which created you. It is a free will choice to trust your very life to the essence of those words “believe, receive”. It is a scary proposition for most human beings – of letting go and going “all-in”. Your ego will most likely give you a half dozen reasons to hold back.

A True Life Example

Here is a true life example of believing and receiving. The son of someone that I know quite well was in a period of employment transition. The job that he was at was not qualifying to meet his needs. It was important to his financial status that he find replacement employment. The man assured his son that things were going to work out to his best benefit. He prayed in an intercessory manner for his son, creating in his mind a scenario whereby he was congratulating his son on succeeding in his employment mission. In his “real” vision/prayer, he heard him and his son discussing how it actually did turn out that the son was in a better situation now. He was happy to see the look of being successful on the face of his son. All of this without specifying the actual details, just the overall result, the “feeling” of it. You see, the “feeling” is the true secret.

In this occasion, it was a relatively short time later, the son followed his intuition to connect with a contact that he had made years before. It turned out that at the contact’s place of employment, there was a position just right for his son that just opened up. The contact promised to make a strong recommendation for him with Human Resources. In the space of a week after that contact, his son was hired for that position. The synergy of the beliefs of father and son allowed the connection to Universal Energy which brought about the “real-ization” of his desire. And the scenario envisioned with belief in the above paragraph was then played out in reality.

If You Forget All Else, Remember The Boil Down

I am in love with reading. Books, newspapers, magazines, essays, Wikipedia pages, internet articles, peanut butter jar labels, whatever. I just love to read. Over the years I have learned that when I read something that I really wanted to be able to recall later, I have a notebook that I call “the boil down notebook”. I write the name of the book or article or whatever. After that I write down a sentence or two to boil down what I just read. It may even just be a few phrases or a half dozen words. It helps to jog my memory of what I read.

If you find this post of interest to you, the “boil down” that I would leave you with is two words – Believe. Receive. Sometimes in the midst of a manifesting effort I will even use those two words as a kind of mantra to hold off the attacks of the damaging thoughts of fear or doubt or anger. The words of Jesus given to this world for everyone by the M & M Boys – believe, receive – were put out for everyone to hear, to see, and most importantly, to use, in order to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. Just as in the famous image seen above of Lady Justice, what you place in terms of Believe on one side of the scale will be balanced out equally on the other scale with Receive.

Maybe you will think what about the guy in the mental institution that believes he is Napoleon. Or the cult followers who believed Jim Jones was their ticket to salvation. Well, then you delve into the subject of discernment. This is defined as perceiving what is, in the absence of judgement, with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding. In a subsequent post, I will delve into this topic of discernment as it relates to belief. Mental illness can be caused by many factors. For whatever reason, the ability to properly discern goes awry. As to the cult followers, their discernment ability is thrown off kilter by the deceit or error of one type or the other of the primary cult figure.

Sometimes All You Need Is An Adjustment

You have planned out in your mind’s eye everywhere that you want to go in your life. You have put into place everything you can think of to allow you to go there. You believe with all your heart that your efforts will prove successful. Then, plop, you walk straight into a brick wall, a foot thick and ten feet high. Frustration starts seeping into every part of you. What the hell happened?! Well, it may not necessarily mean that everything that you did before hitting the wall was dead wrong. You may just need to make an adjustment and/or get an objective second set of eyes on the entire situation.

The Overnight Hike

In what seems like, at the same time, a thousand years ago and just last month, when I was in my mid-twenties, I was working in a large office in Newark, NJ. One day, during a conversation with a co-worker, the subject turned to backpacking. He was an avid hiker and he suggested an overnight backpack hike in the Adirondack Mountains. He was an experienced backpacker and was familiar with the various trails. I had never backpacked before. My brother and I had plans to do so but he died before we got the chance. I told my co-worker that I was game for it and we made plans for the hike. I drove to his house on Saturday morning and we drove up to the Adirondacks in his vehicle. I had all the proper gear — backback, tent, sleeping bag, canteen, provisions, etc., which I would be carrying on my back. The plan was to hike to the midway point of the trail he had chosen, camp there overnite, then finish up the hike back to the parking area on Sunday.

We set off on the hike with “all systems go”. The weather was perfect. The trail was clearly marked. The scenery was outstanding. After about an hour or so, I started feeling a little bit of pain in my shoulders. I just shrugged it off as something to be expected as a newbie backpacker. After another hour, the pain was not so little anymore. Not wanting to look like a wuss to my fellow hiker, I continued to trudge on. After the third hour, the pain was excruciating. I had finally had enough and told him to hold up a minute. I then told him that I was experiencing a great deal of pain in my shoulders and that we would unfortunately have to turn around and head back to the parking area. At first he just thought it was because I was a novice backpacker. He told me that my body would adjust as I went on. When I insisted that I could not go on, he changed his tune. He looked at me closely and asked me to turn around. He then said, “Let me try something.” He proceeded to make an adjustment to the belt portion of my backpack. All of a sudden (cue the angelic choir singing and sunbeam shining down on me) the weight of the world was now off my shoulders. All the weight of the backpack was now squarely centered on my hips which were infinitely better suited to carry the burden than my shoulders were. I thanked him and we proceeded with our hike. The soreness of the shoulders receded and the overnite hike was a success.

Step Back And Take Another Look

Sometimes, you are on the right track but it all still seems to be going all wrong. You have taken the necessary steps to plan and achieve success in your chosen goal. You have chosen the winning mindset. Yet you are still losing. I have been in that place a number of times. You take a step back, look at the situation and say to yourself, “F**k — What am I doing wrong here?” At this point, an uninformed observer may just throw platitudes at you and merely urge you to push onward. If I had done that with the backpack situation, I may have ended up doing serious harm to my shoulders and spinal column. I was on the right track but an adjustment was definitely required. I needed an experienced and knowledgeable second set of eyes to help me out. When the adjustment was made, my goal was subsequently achieved.

Many times we do not have another experienced and knowledgeable human being nearby that we are able to ask for help. If I had asked someone who was as much a novice as me, it would have been a case of the blind leading the blind. In those situations where you are floundering and have nobody to turn to — go within. Stop. Take a deep breath. Take two or three. Center yourself. Ask for and quietly claim the answer that you need from Universal Supreme Intelligence. Refrain from begging for it. Ask for it with peaceful confidence that you will receive it. You will you know, unless you start doubting. Doubt always throws up a curtain over the solution and causes you not to see it. Be quiet. Ask. Seek. Knock. Listen. When you receive the answer, implement the solution in faith and proceed to bring success to yourself.