Kid Detachment Vs. Killer Time Lag

In This Corner………

Somewhere along the way, I am reasonably sure that you have watched the beginning of a professional boxing match. Even if you have never been a boxing fan, you may have been introduced to a boxing match on a television show or in a movie. The popular Rocky movie franchise is an example of where you may have seen it.

Before the fight starts, the announcer stands in the middle of the ring as he holds the drop down microphone. The two boxers are standing in opposite corners of the ring. The announcer intones, “In this corner, weighing in at 207 pounds is Tommie “Kid” Callahan. After the cheers for this boxer die down, the announcer continues, “And in this corner, weighing in at 214 pounds, George “Killer” Kowalski. The boxers then go to the center of the ring to hear the referee’s final instructions and shake hands. Then they return to their respective corners, the bell rings, and the fight commences.

Every Day Of Your Life

Every day of your life, you are in an ethereal boxing ring for a boxing match unlike any others. You are “Kid Detachment”. You are pitted against “Killer Time Lag”. The winner of this match determines the very substance of your human existence. If “Kid Detachment” wins, your dreams and desires morph into reality. If “Killer Time Lag” wins, you unfortunately must remain in your state of disappointment and frustration.

What Is Detachment?

Detachment is the most controversial and difficult part of manifesting your chosen desires. There are those that portray detachment as not thinking about the materialization of your desire. This particular school of thought contends that once you set your intention to manifest a specific desire, you then stop thinking about it and detach yourself from the outcome.

True detachment goes far beyond that particular definition. Your state of consciousness called detachment is where your “craving self” dies. Detachment is a state of mind that you, yourself, induce. It is a state of being where your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your reactions, your emotions all reflect one thing. That one thing is that your chosen desire is real, right now. Detachment means that you believe, you know that your manifestation is complete. The desire is fulfilled. It is not something that you will get. It is something that you have. Wherever you are sitting, standing, or laying down, it is real, right now.

The Purpose Of Detachment

The purpose of practicing detachment is to separate (or detach) from your present reactions to current circumstances. Once that detachment occurs, you have removed the frustration and disappointment of the state of “not having”. You have given space for you faith (belief) to connect with Universal Mind.

Jesus Christ stated quite clearly that whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you have received, and they will be yours. Jesus is telling those listening, that if you practice detachment (believe that you already have your chosen desire), your desire will spring to life.

When you rightly practice detachment, you are detached from your current outer reality, your outer circumstances. You are not anxiously awaiting your desire to come about. If you are in a state of detachment, then you are already experiencing your chosen reality.

Come On, Get Real

You may have pressing problems currently that are causing you to feel distress and anxiety. It feels like most of your day is spent attempting to remediate your problems. Perhaps you are thinking to yourself, “This detachment stuff sounds like you are supposed to live in a fantasy world, like a crazy person. I got bills to pay. I have family issues to deal with. My boss at work is a complete clown. With all this going on, you want me to act like these things don’t exist? Come on, get real”.

Biblical scripture states that those who believe, are physically in the world, but not of the world. Your mind is your own personal domain. It is where your imagination is. Your imagination is the power that brings stuff into your life.

If you want to get real about manifesting your true desire, then you have to do what is necessary to bring that about.

Sorry, The Cavalry Is Not Coming

As a kid, I watched a bunch of tv shows and movies that were westerns. In some of these movies, the wagon train would be surrounded by Indians who were trying to decimate the entire wagon train. Just when things were the most desperate, there would be the sound of a cavalry bugle call. Then over the ridge would appear the army cavalry to save the day.

Sorry, but the cavalry is not coming to your rescue. In manifesting what you desire, it is up to you to do what is necessary. You. No shining knight is coming to rescue you. You must use the power that you were given by your Creator as a child of the Almighty Presence. You can choose a glorious path of consciously manifesting a fulfilling life. Or you can choose the same old shit that you have been experiencing.

How To Practice Detachment

If living a life of fulfillment, experiencing inner joy, sounds good to you, then you must take action. Start today. Tomorrow never comes. Start a daily (every day without fail) practice of setting aside a prescribed period of time each day. Next, in this time period that you have chosen, get into a deeply relaxed state. For example, this is the state of relaxation that you feel before nodding off to sleep. You are still awake but your mind and body are in the deepest state of relaxation this side of being asleep. This state of relaxation is called SATS, state akin to sleep.

Use this state of relaxation to your benefit. It may be five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes. Shift your imagination into high gear during this time of deep relaxation. Next, see your desire already fulfilled in your mind’s eye. Hear what you would hear. See what you would see. Feel what you would feel. Say what you would say. Your imaginal scene changes over into your true reality.

Deliver A Knockout Punch To Killer Time Lag

One of the biggest obstacles to getting stuff that you want via conscious manifestation is the time lag. You do your daily session of experiencing detachment. Then you do it the next day. And the next. And the next. Consequently, after a week, you see nothing changed in your outer experience. You get discouraged. You start doubting. Adverse circumstances activate fears. The time lag is hitting you with body blows.

In manifesting, there is almost always a time lag between activating your desire and fulfillment. Killer Time Lag uses this time period to go on the offensive and score a knockout. This is where your faithful and consistent practice of detachment will be your salvation. Every consecutive day of your practice of detachment delivers a solid punch to Killer Time Lag. Then, one day, you will deliver the knockout punch and Killer Time Lag will go down for the count.

When You Believe It, You Will See It

Faith is power. Faith is belief. Belief is the key. Hebrews 11:1 has a beautiful and concise definition of faith. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things not seen. The word assurance means total confidence; complete freedom from doubt; 100% certainty. The word conviction means that your Subconscious Mind is convinced that the circumstance that you created in your imagination is real. When you remain in a state of detachment and your Subconscious Mind buys into what you are selling, there is no force on earth that can prevent your desire from becoming reality.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.