You want to improve your reality. I want to improve my reality. All God’s children want to improve their reality. One course of action on your part that can add power to any manifesting technique or techniques is for you to take a daily bath…..a gratitude bath that is. Start with your body, gratitude for everything that is working right with it. Then move to everything else, anything else, your shelter, means of transportation, food, water, electric power, your toothbrush, whatever. Spend a good ten minutes a day bathing yourself in gratitude. It raises your energy vibration which in turn raises your personal power to manifest. Plus, it feels good.
You may say “yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that bs before. Count your blessings and all that crap.” Well, if you work past an initial negative response on your part, you will discover, to your delight, that an earnest feeling of thankfulness for whatever it is that you do have, will yield you concrete benefit, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Gratitude will, in turn, attract something else for you to be grateful for and so on. Think of it as a sort of nuclear chain reaction.
You may ask about those that are suffering, in pain, infirm, homeless, grieving, etc. How can you be thankful when bad things happen? That is a very valid point. You would have to have a divine perspective to know precise reasons why the world has so much negative stuff going on and why the innocent suffer. I hate suffering anywhere. Nevertheless, the power of gratitude is a universal law. It is immutable and eternal whether we subscibe to it or not.
Regarding gratitude from those that have suffered misfortune, two things come to mind…..Helen Keller and Sachsenhausen. Helen Keller, one of the most amazing human beings of the twentieth century, at the age of nineteen months became blind, deaf and without the ability to speak as a result of illness. Can’t see…Can’t hear…Can’t talk. You are only a kid. Not a good combination. Without going into the full life story of Helen Keller, she became known worldwide as an author, lecturer (yes, she taught herself to speak) and advocate for the blind and downtrodden. Helen Keller herself once gave the following statement, ” I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I found my true self, my life’s work and my God”.
The second thing that comes to mind is an anecdote related by a Holocaust survivor of the dreaded Sachsenhausen nazi concentration camp. An inmate was observed praying. Another inmate asked him afterward as to what he was praying about. The first inmate said he was giving thanks to God. Dumbfounded, the second inmate exclaimed what the hell could he possibly be thanking God for in this “God-forsaken hellhole.” The first inmate calmly explained that he was thanking God that he did not become like his tormentors.
What did he mean? Even though Jews were being starved, brutalized and murdered at the hands of the Germans, the nazi thugs had not taken away his inner self. He found thankfulness in knowing that he still retained his humanity inside and was in fact, the one who was truly free while his deparaved captors were the ones actually enslaved in darkness. Even in such horrific circumstances, he found gratitude that the brutal surroundings did not succeed in taking away who he was inside as a human being.
Go take a bath.