The Kingfish
Have you ever heard of the politician Huey P. Long. His nickname was “The Kingfish”. Huey was a prominent national political figure from the state of Louisiana. His heyday was in the late 1920’s up to 1935 when he was assassinated in the Louisiana State Capitol Building. During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Huey advocated a program he called “Share Our Wealth”.
Millions of Americans joined Share Our Wealth clubs which were springing up all across the country. There didn’t seem to be a middle ground when it came to what people thought about Huey. He was loved as a champion of the poor and forgotten or hated as a dictator demagogue who would dismantle democracy. In the 1920’s when Long argued a case before the U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice (and former president) William Howard Taft called Long “the most brilliant lawyer who ever practiced before the court”. Long was mortally wounded by a lone assassin in September of 1935.
The Share Our Wealth Program
The basic gist of Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth program was that way too much of the wealth of the United States had become concentrated in way too few people. These mega-wealthy individuals relentlessly used their riches to buy political, judicial and mass media influence in order to continuously tip the scales of the system in their favor. Huey advocated for a wealth tax and a wealth distribution program which he labelled Share Our Wealth. In December of 1934, he gave a speech before the Washington Press Club that has been called the “Huey Long Barbeque Speech”. If you wish to watch it, it is freely available on the internet. I will give you a few passages to give you an idea of the flavor of the speech. Note: He mentions the names of Morgan, Rockefeller, Mellon and Baruch. These men were all some of the richest of the rich at that time.
The Barbeque Speech
“How many men ever went to a barbeque and would let one man take off the table what’s intended for 9/10’s of the people to eat. The only way you’ll be able to feed the balance of the people is to make that man come back and bring back some of that grub he ain’t got no business with.”
“We have been praying to the Almighty to send us a feast…The Lord has answered the prayer. He has called the barbeque ‘Come to my feast’ He said to 125 million American people. But Morgan and Baruch and Rockefeller and Mellon have walked up and took 85 percent of the vittles off the table”.
“Now how you going to feed the balance of the people? What’s Morgan and Baruch and Rockefeller and Mellon gonna do with all that grub. They can’t eat it, they can’t wear the clothes. They can’t live in the houses. Give ’em a yacht! Give ’em a palace! Send them to Reno and give them a new wife when they want it, if that’s what they want.”
But when they’ve got everything on God’s loving earth that they can eat and they can wear and they can live in, and all that their children can live in and wear and eat, and all their children’s children can use, then we got to call Mr. Morgan and Mr. Mellon and Mr. Rockefeller back and say, ‘Come on back here. Put that stuff back on the table here that you took away from here — that you don’t need. Leave something else for the American people to consume’. And that’s the program.”
The Big Concentration
In 1984, there were a total of 15 billionaires in the United States. Today in 2024, there are now 813 billionaires. Meanwhile the average wage of the common worker increased 115 % over the same time period. The only problem with that is that during that 40 year timespan inflation pushed prices up 160%. You do the math. While billionaires are proliferating like rabbits, the income of the average American worker is going backwards. While the mega-rich are exponentially increasing their stockpile of money, the average worker has less spending power than 40 years ago. The Big Concentration is in full swing.
Today, 1 % of Americans hold over 40 % of the nation’s wealth. 10 % of Americans hold over 75 % of the wealth of the nation. The remaining 90 % of Americans hold less than 25 % of the wealth. Between 1984 & 2024, the wealth possessed by the 1 % increased from 30 % to over 40 % while the wealth held by the bottom 90 % fell from 35 % to under 25 %.
It would seem that events are trending in a certain direction. How do you feel about this? Do you believe that the mega-rich will be content with 40 % of everything? Were they content with 30 %? If one group keeps gobbling up huge portions of the pie, where will that leave you? Will they allow you to have the crust? And here is the biggest question of all — How can you keep the mega-rich from taking control of your life?
The Henry Frick Syndrome
Have you ever heard of Henry Frick? He lived during the era in American history known as “The Gilded Age” (1865 – 1902). Mark Twain labeled it the gilded age because he said it was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath. Big business owners benefited tremendously from the Second Industrial Revolution. Many were called robber barons because they obtained huge profits through ruthless means and unrestrained greed.
The man they called the “King of the Robber Barons” was a man named Henry Frick. Frick was a first class prick. He was Andrew Carnegie’s right hand man in building up U. S. Steel to be an industrial titan. Frick placed corporate profits above all else. In 1892, when the steelworkers union sought increased wages in line with the corporations mammoth profits, Frick refused to negotiate. He then slashed their wages. When the union went on strike, Frick hired strikebreakers and brought in Pinkerton thugs to attack the strikers and end the strike. Frick subscribed to the philosophy of fellow robber baron Jay Gould who was once quoted as saying “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”.
Frick used his wealth to build himself mansions and amass a priceless collection of art. He was oblivious to the plight of the underpaid workers. His greed had no bounds. And his huge fortune bought him a huge amount of power as he bought politicians and judges left and right. Today’s mega-rich hold Henry Frick as their hero in their relentless march to create an oligarchic society.
A Stacked Deck
In the game of poker, there is a term “a stacked deck”. It means picking up the cards from a completed hand such that you unfairly arrange to deal yourself a good hand on the next hand. In a general sense it means to arrange something in a dishonest way in order to achieve the result that you want. Stacking the deck is a means of controlling others.
The concentration of wealth, in the hands of the mega-rich controllers, is utilized to “stack the deck” in their favor. They do this by purchasing influence with the structuring of society’s laws, rules, regulations and norms. They literally buy politicians, judges and other influential people in order to accomplish their control. The deck is stacked against the average citizen.
It is critical that you choose to learn how to use the power of your subconscious mind. This is so that you can manifest a reality that you desire and not one forced on you by the fat controllers. Your subconscious mind is your direct connection to the Almighty, the Divine Force that holds the universe together, the Divine Force that supersedes everything, everybody, everywhere.
A Nefarious Example
Money is a necessary tool of a civilized society. It is used as a uniform means of trade. Money itself is merely a tool. It is neither good nor evil. It is neutral. It is continuously used however by the mega-rich for the purpose of control over your life.
Take the case of one particularly nefarious mega billionaire. He cunningly masquerades as a philanthropist while at the same time attempting to create a stranglehold on the food seed bank of the world. He owns multiple patents on GMO food seed and constantly touts the benefits of GMO food for humanity. At the same time he also is purchasing huge tracts of farmland. It is a classic example of a massive scam. It is a oblatant push for greater control over human beings through controlling the food supply. Meanwhile, he masquerades as a “do-gooder” telling everyone “I want to help you”.
They Live
Have you ever watched the 1988 film “They Live”? It is a science fiction horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. It portrays a world where “human controllers” are everywhere. They have successfully fooled the overwhelming majority of the earth’s population into following the agenda of the controllers.
Here is a quick synopsis of the film. It has been discovered by human resisters that signals are sent out through television waves (today it would be cell phone signals). These broadcasts have hypnotized most of the population, keeping them in a subservient, dream-like state. After a resisters group has been raided and destroyed, a man finds a box of sunglasses among the wreckage of the raid. Upon trying on a pair, he is shocked to observe that there are subliminal messages everywhere, directing people to conform and obey. These sunglasses also reveal the true faces of the many alien invaders who now co-mingle with human beings.
Ultimately the man is successful in infiltrating the main broadcast nerve center of the aliens. It was during a large meeting of the aliens and their human collaborators. They are celebrating another year of control as well as their successful raid of the resister group. With great difficulty, the man destroys the main broadcast transmitter. He is killed by guards but not before giving them the finger before he dies. The destruction of the transmitter frees humanity from its controlled state. Humans now have the ability to see aliens among them.
Before Your Very Eyes
The scenario of the movie, “They Live”, is in a sense, going on today in front of your very eyes. While it may not involve an alien invasion, large portions of the populace are in a kind of hypnotic state to conform to the dictates of the fat controllers of society. These societal controllers are shaping and molding events so that all the populace will voluntarily buy the bullshit that they are peddling. That is the bullshit that takes you further away from trusting the Kingdom of God within.
In, But Not Of
Jesus Christ stated that those who reside in the Kingdom of God within, are in the world but not of the world. Those who have chosen to go within and live in the Kingdom of God are not influenced by the world’s controllers. Those souls live in the world, eating, working, interacting with others, paying bills, avoiding crazy drivers, etc. However, they are influenced and controlled only by Divine Guidance. That, and that alone is their true “North Star” by which they navigate their life.
The so-called leaders of society, and all facets of mass media and consumerism are not a part of who these souls are. Nor is it part of their thoughts, words, actions, feelings or beliefs. The Kingdom of God within is impenetrable to all the manipulations of the world’s controllers. Living within the Kingdom of God, you are safe, you are powerful, you are at peace. The freedom of God is your freedom.
Please do not just take my word for it. Ask, seek, knock (Matthew 7:7) for yourself. If you have the courage to do so, you will certainly find out for yourself first hand. But you must desire to enter the Kingdom of God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. Half-hearted attempts will just have you spinning your wheels.
You Really CAN Do It, But……
You may say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all that stuff before. You just don’t get it. I got six different things in my face all at the same time. All types of things are hitting me. Things are going on with my wife, with my kids, with my parents, with my health, with my boss. I’m being squeezed, man”.
Regardless of anything, despite everything, you really can follow the very best path for you but you have to earnestly ask Divine Intelligence to guide you. Ask without ceasing. Read this from the Old Testament book of Jeremiah of what your Creator says, “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
If you honestly desire to understand how to live your life in freedom and consciously manifest all manner of good things in your life, you honestly can. Seek the Divine within with all your heart, mind and soul. As Saint Augustine said, “If you really want to see God, you have the means to do so”
The Time Has Now Come
The time has now come. The time has now come for you to tell the controllers of the world to “f**k off”. You can probably come up with numerous reasons why you can’t do this. “I have a family to support”. “I need the diploma so I can get a good job”. “I will be shunned”. “My wife will divorce me”. My kids/friends/relatives will hate me”. “I need the health insurance”. “Everyone will think I am nuts”. The police will arrest me”. “I need food and a place to live”. All are reasons why you have to march to the tune of the controllers.
The controllers have you by your figurative cajones. They have successfully used fear as a motivator for centuries. Fear keeps people “in line” and under control. It is undeniable that technology is moving forward at exponential speed. The full intention of the controllers is to use the power of fear, coupled with the use of technology, to subtly coerce you to switch from voluntary servitude to involuntary servitude in perpetuity. They will do this under the guise of “helping and protecting you”. Beware the microchip implant.
Conceive, Believe, Receive
Jesus Christ stated it with crystal clarity. “Whatsoever things you desire, believe that you have received them, and they will be yours”. Your belief must extend beyond your surface consciousness. It must go far beyond “I think I can achieve this” or even “I believe I will achieve this”. Your belief must go all the way to the very end. Your belief must be “I have already achieved this. I am thankful”. Most human beings, including myself, find this difficult to do for extended periods of time. Doubt and fear always get in the way. If however, you are one that is able to do it, then my friend, you most assuredly have in your hand the golden key that opens the door to successful manifesting, regardless of any and all societal conditions, conundrums or chaos.
Conscious Manifesting
Every human being that has a mind capable of thinking a thought, engages in manifesting. There are two distinct methods of manifesting things in your life The first method is by far the most common. It is unconsciously manifesting. Drawing things to you or pushing things away from you without ever knowing that you are doing so. The second method is conscious manifesting. This is when you consciously discipline yourself to focus on the Presence of God, and with steadfast belief, live as if your desire is fulfilled. Yeah, I know, it’s hard to override the old way of thinking. However, If you so desire, with all your heart, you can do it.
Both methods of manifesting use the same basic ingredients in the creation of your outer circumstances. They are (1) your thoughts, (2) your words, (3) your actions, (4) your feelings and (5) your beliefs. The difference between the two methods, unconscious and conscious, is control.
In unconscious manifesting, your circumstances, thoughts, words, and beliefs control you. If you think fear-based thoughts, speak fear-based words and believe fear-based ideas, then fear-based circumstances will follow, as the night follows the day.
In conscious manifesting, you control what you think, say and believe. You allow love-based thoughts, words, and beliefs to be the focus of your life, no matter what. God is love. Love is God. Going back and forth between fear and love is a classic recipe for frustration. Belief – belief that “it is done, it is complete” – is the real deal that guides all your conscious manifesting. Good things will happen when you maintain your belief. I have seen it happen numerous times. Conscious manifesting will keep you out of the grasp of the controllers.
Conceive. Believe. Receive.