A New And Tasty Manifesting Recipe

Today’s Recipe – MPT Stir Fry

The very first blog post that I wrote back in August of 2020 stated that you would be receiving different recipes for manifesting your reality. Over the years this has been done. Within the 130 posts that have been published to date, there are several manifesting recipes. This blog post reveals to you another recipe called “Mental Prayer Treatment” (MPT).

A Mental Prayer Treatment is a technique of employing the true power of prayer. This treatment is to bring about healing of a specific troubling situation. In an MPT, you direct the thoughts of your mind to focus on the Presence of God. The Presence of God is in you. Around you. Wherever you are. Always. An MPT differs from general prayer which is a visit with God.

General Versus Specific

General prayer can be compared to enjoying fresh air and sunshine, eating good food in the right amounts, and giving your body a moderate amount of exercise to keep all the muscles in your body in good shape. They are enjoyed as ends unto themselves. They also serve the purpose of keeping you in good health.

The objective of a Mental Prayer Treatment is to focus in on a specific desire that you wish to see manifested into your reality. The power engine of an MPT is the removal of all thought of what you are lacking from your mind. A complete removal. You can call it a “lackectomy”. During this treatment, the one focus of your thoughts is on the One True Presence – God – The I AM that I AM. When you successfully do this, the healing immediately commences.

Two Parts To This Recipe

There are two distinct parts to this manifesting recipe. First, you lay the foundation phase for your creation. Secondly, you proceed with the actual cooking of the ingredients for the second part, the claiming phase. The foundation phase can be compared to all the necessary pre-cooking steps. These include getting the proper utensils and cookware ready, assembling all the various ingredients required in the proper amounts, pre-heating the oven or setting the proper flame level on the range and so on. The claiming phase is the actual cooking of the ingredients.

Give yourself an MPT as often as you desire during the course of your day. Usually, the beginning and the end of your day are best. This is because at these two times you are the most relaxed. The more relaxed you are, the better. Find your own rhythm. If you are a midday napper, just before or after, when you are still drowsy, would be another good time to perform a Mental Prayer Treatment.

Keep Stirring The Pot

When using MPT’s, do your best to banish any feelings of being tense. Stay loose and as relaxed as you can possibly get yourself without falling asleep. It will help greatly with your manifestation. Refrain from continually turning off the range and pouring everything on a plate to check and see if it is cooking the right way. Just keep stirring the pot and have faith in the recipe. If you keep removing the pot from the range, it will take forever for your manifested reality to arrive. If your MPT is done in true faith, the treatment is most assuredly working. Just continue treating every day and be alert. Ultimately, things will start happening for you that will advance the manifestation of your chosen desire. Persevere. Persevere. Persevere. Lack of perseverance and lack of faith are the reasons why 99 percent of people will fail at conscious manifesting.

A Dirty, Scummy Skillet

Before you start your treatment, make sure that the skillet you are using is sparkling clean. No chef is going to get good results if using a dirty, scummy skillet. Keep fear and doubt totally out of your thoughts. This is how you ensure that your skillet is clean. Clean skillet equals good results. Dirty skillet equals poor results. Refrain from blaming the skillet if you refuse to clean it before using. Understand that the blame will be on you. Do what you need to do and stop playing the victim

Look at it like a scientific mathematics equation. First, understand that the Presence of God equals perfection. Second, is the fact that the Kingdom of God is within you and is with you wherever you are. Third, no lack can co-exist with the Presence of God. And fourth, by you choosing to focus all on the Presence of God, right where the problem is, the problem will have no option but to ultimately disappear.

Step One

The MPT is truly a beautiful method of prayer whereby you will see for yourself that good things happen as a result. Faith is critically important. If you do not believe the words of your MPT, why bother even saying them. Your reality in life is primarily what you decide it to be. Thoughts lead to Words (Your MPT). Words lead to Actions. Actions lead to Feelings. Your Feelings lead to Beliefs. Beliefs lead to Faith. Faith lead you to the Kingdom of God where anything and everything is possible.

Just make believe that there is a dimension of reality where the object of your Mental Prayer Treatment is already a “done deal” (There actually is you know). Believe that your chosen reality has already manifested into your current reality. Persevere with an MPT and these two dimensions of reality will, in due time, merge together, bringing forth your chosen desire fulfilled. The two reasons why most people fail with an MPT are: (1) lack of perseverance and (2) lack of faith. A successful MPT requires the personal discipline to persevere until completion and a 100 percent belief in the truth of the MPT.

Here is an example of the first phase (foundation) of a sample Mental Prayer Treatment:

  1. The Kingdom of God is within me.
  2. God is my true North Star.
  3. Thru God I live. Thru God I breathe. Thru God I am.
  4. Thru God I am free of fear.
  5. I am free from fear of the past.
  6. I am free from fear of the future.
  7. I live free from fear of the now.
  8. The freedom of God is my freedom.

The above foundation can be used with a great variety of Step Two (claiming) phases. These include those involving your finances, your health, your relationships, your career or your avocation. It can also be used when you engage in an MPT for someone else or even a beloved pet. The foundation can be shorter or it can be longer. Use the above sample or construct your own.

Step Two

The claiming phase of your mental prayer treatment targets the specific circumstance that you wish to treat or heal.

Here is an example of the claiming phase of a mental prayer treatment to treat your finances:

  1. I live prosperity. I feel prosperity.
  2. I am prosperity.
  3. My faith is the evidence.
  4. My ongoing beliefs produce my ongoing prosperity.
  5. With all that I ever was…….With all that I am now…….With all that I ever will be…….I am truly thankful.
  6. So Be It.

The Portal

What you are able to perceive as you go about your daily activities is your surface consciousness. You are fully aware of things and events that happen in your surface consciousness. The things that you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Your memory of all the events that have ever happened in your life. The laws of nature that you live under. The other human beings with whom you interact. These are all a part of your surface consciousness.

Beneath your surface consciousness however, exists your subconscious. It is just as real as your surface consciousness. What happens in the world of your subconscious has everything to do with what happens in your surface consciousness, that which you call “the real world”.

The subconscious is that mysterious portal that connects you with Divine Intelligence. What a Mental Prayer Treatment does is to penetrate beneath your surface consciousness. Your MPT reaches down into the fertile ground of your subconscious. This visit to your subconscious, with your Mental Prayer Treatment, then ultimately alters what you term “the real world” resulting in benefit to you or for the benefit of a loved one for whom you are giving the treatment.

The Essential Ingredient

In a prized recipe for a much sought after dish, the chef usually has uses one essential ingredient that ensures the success of the recipe. In this recipe, that ingredient is faith. The Mental Prayer Treatment will always be an effective method of prayer if done in faith. “Done in faith” means that you 100% believe in the truth of your treatment. You have banished all fear, all doubt as you relentlessly proceed with your treatment.

This article puts forth information that is for your benefit. It is now up to you whether or not you choose to use it. To use it means that benefit will come to you. To not use it simply means that you will continue to experience the same old shit in your life. Make your choice. It’s your life.

You Will Give Up Some Things

Let me ask you a simple question.

What do you really have to lose by engaging in a Mental Prayer Treatment?

Let me list some things that you will lose:

Your painful frustration as a result of failure after failure;

Your beating your head against the wall and getting the same lousy results;

Your utter exhaustion after running on life’s treadmill and getting nowhere;

Your looking in the mirror at yourself and saying “You suck”.

The Divine Kitchen

Immersing yourself in a Mental Prayer Treatment places you in the Divine Kitchen. Give yourself a Mental Prayer Treatment regarding something that is troubling you. Give yourself a chance to be a vehicle for Divine Power. The Kingdom of God is within you. It always has been. Your being led to read this article is not a random event. It is a Divine synchronicity. Proceed forth. May you always perceive the beauty of the Presence of God.

Conceive. Believe. Receive.