Free To You…….The Lectures of Neville Goddard

One of the beautiful things about writings and recordings that are in what is known as “the public domain” is that they are absolutely free of charge to anyone who wishes to read, listen or copy them in any way they choose. One set of writings and recordings that are in the public domain that could help you jumpstart your manifesting efforts involve those of the twentieth century mystic, author and lecturer, Neville Goddard.

Neville Goddard (1905 – 1972) was born in the British West Indies on the island of Barbados. He was the fourth of ten children and immigrated to the United States in 1922. He was the author of several books as well as giving countless lectures in person, on the radio, on television and on recorded albums. He is not an easy person to pigeon hole as a proponent of this philosophy or that philosophy but was definitely radical in his explanation of scripture. I guess you can call him a proponent of the power of imagination to shape your reality.

If you are a person who would rather listen than read a book, there are many of Goddard’s lectures that are available on the internet. A quick sampling of just some of the lectures available to you include: How To Use Your Imagination; Live In The End; You Create The Reality You Live In; How To Really Pray; Your Creative Power; How To Feel Your Way Into The Wish Fulfilled. The lectures where he is talking to a physical audience at a lecture hall are the best as he seems to talk a little slower than when he is under time constraints (radio, tv, albums). This guy could make a fortune today as a voiceover artist. When you listen, it is as if you are listening to a kindly professor (with an melifluous English accent no less) in a lecture hall somewhere. Instead of a lecture on engineering or history or mathematics however, you are listening to a lecture about insights on life.

Q: Why bother with this? A: You can immediately take and use to your benefit the concepts put forth by Goddard to make your life better. If you truly commit yourself, you can shape your life how you really want it to be instead of getting stuck in a life, your life, that somehow just doesn’t feel to you like it’s hitting on all cylinders. If you feel that your life could be better than it is now and you have a true desire to do something about it, then, that is why you take the time to hear what he has to say.

Take advantage of these commercial-free lectures. Just sit, chill, and listen. Open the windows of your mind. Some ideas may give you an “aha moment” while others may give you an “I don’t buy that moment”. If you don’t resonate with all the concepts put forth, that’s ok. Take the ones that resonate with you at this juncture of your life and run with them. You’ve got nothing to lose but less than an hour of your time but you’ve potentially got a whole lot to gain.