Stand Up Straight, Stop Slouching
At some point in your life, you may have been told by a parent, or a teacher, or a caregiver, or a grandparent or, well you get the idea, “stop slouching, stand up straight or “don’t slouch at the table” (dinner table) or something in that general vein. Or maybe while you were in line with siblings at an amusement park, you were told by the sibling in front of you, “stop leaning on me”, as your anticipation of getting on that ride almost magnetically pulled your body forward. You have an etheric body, a human energy field or aura, that surrounds your physical body. When you crave things too deeply, your etheric body leans forward toward others that you feel will help you get what your ego craves. This etheric leaning causes you detriment in two different ways. First, it annoys and repels whoever you are leaning towards, a person, the people in a business deal, the purchase of a new house, a new job, a relationship. Second, its trashes your own inner silent power, the power that gives you both incredible strength and peaceful serenity.
At some point in life everyone needs to ask for help when encountering a particular set of circumstances. There is a huge difference however between asking someone for help with something and constantly leaning on others to satisfy your perceived needs. Put forth effort to shape your thoughts, shape your feelings so that you do not require things from others. Yes, it takes work and discipline to shape your thoughts and feelings just as it takes work and discipline to take off that extra twenty pounds that is bogging you down. However, just as getting that twenty pounds off allows you to feel better, disciplining your thoughts and feelings will do likewise. People may not say it but they really do not like being leaned on by your etheric body. Learn to center yourself. Discipline yourself not to constantly lean toward the future but instead to center yourself in the eternal now of each new day. If you are not able to tell for sure if you are in fact leaning forward, keep this adage in mind, “When in doubt, lean out”.
Struggle: Action Laced With Negative Emotion
All people struggle with something or other during the course of their lives. You have. I have. Struggle can be defined as activity toward some type of achievement with said activity laced with negative emotion. Activity or effort with regard to achieving something is natural but the negative emotion is not. That something that ensures ultimate achievement of an undertaking is faith…….faith in the power of Universal Intelligence…….faith in your inner power emanating from the Kingdom of God within you. Not forcing, not pushing, not leaning, but calm action in the now in an organized and patient manner. You say you need $5,000 by next Friday? Well dear reader, fear and anger over the situation is a turning away from your inner silent power. Yes, a manifestation of that type is definitely a major undertaking. As such, it is imperative that you draw from your silent power to bring it forth. Stop, go within, be silent and listen. Just stop talking, whether it is on the outside or on the inside. Just shut up. Then just listen. Then, do what you naturally feel to be able to do in the time frame of now without leaning into the future. When you properly center yourself, when your etheric body is standing straight without leaning, you can most assuredly feel it in your solar plexus area, the third chakra. It is a feeling that is difficult to translate into the proper words. Rather than a wielding of power, when you are centered, you feel that just by being alive that you are expressing silent power, radiating out into all directions, like the rays of the sun. And yes, it is a beautiful, beautiful, transcendent feeling.
Tomorrow Never Comes…….Start Now
Does bringing forth your own inner silent power sound like something you would like to do? Does exuding a silent inner power that is there with you at all times, in all places, in all circumstances, seem like something that you would want for yourself? You may say to yourself, yes, I would really love to have that power in my life, I will get started looking into it tomorrow. NO, tomorrow never comes, get started now. When you get something started, momemtum kicks in and starts carrying you along like a log being carried by the current of a river. But where to start?
An excellent way or place to get started with the process of developing your inner silent power is simply to designate one room in your dwelling, or one area of your dwelling or your desk or work station at work or your car or a favorite plot of ground outside or whatever place you choose. Then begin the process by getting everything in order in your designated place. Make this space clean and as close as you can, pristene, until it resonates a beautiful energy and a perfect zen. If it is your car, get those three month old fries out from the crack in the front seat. If it is your bedroom, get those dirty socks from last year out from under the bed and into the laundry hamper. Go to your clean energy place each day to generate your silent power. Dwell on God. Dwell in the Kingdom of God. During this amount of time, everything else in this world in which you live is of no importance to you. You are free of anger. You are free of fear. You are free of grudges. You are free of regrets. You are free. Just stay within your inner power that comes from the Divine. Keep with it day after day after day. Gradually, the silent energy within becomes part and parcel of your daily life. You feel stronger because you are stronger. Your etheric body becomes lighter and whatever part of it carried darkness begins turning to light. Your life becomes a living, breathing expression of this inner silent power and a calm peace and serene strength courses through you as you live your life each day.
And if you really want to get yourself into the right frame of mind when you go to your special place, go to You Tube and listen to the fabulous jazz singer, Dianne Reeves, sing the song “Testify”.