Invasion USA
In 1988, a movie was made featuring Chuck Norris titled, “Invasion USA”. The gist of the movie involved Chuck single-handedly saving the USA from an army of saboteurs who had silently invaded the country. The arch villian and the leader of the saboteur army in the movie is a man called Rostov played by perpetual movie villian Richard Lynch. In the movie there are two lines of dialogue that one tends to remember. The first involves Chuck telling one of Rostov’s minions that he better tell Chuck what he wants to know or “I’ll hit you with so many rights, you’ll be begging for a left.” The second is a line that Chuck uses a few times in the movie directed at the leader of the army — “Tell Rostov, it’s time to die.”
Tell Rostov It’s Time To Die
I thought about using an image from that film for this blog but due to possible copyright issues, I decided to stick with an available free image. If, however, you wish to view the climatic image from that movie where Chuck tells Rostov in person that it is time for Rostov to die, just conduct a google search, “invasion usa it’s time to die”, then hit “images” after you get your search results. In that image, you will see Chuck standing about twenty feet behind the villian. They both have portable rocket launchers. The villian has been stalking Chuck to kill him. All of a sudden, from behind, the villian hears Chuck load the missile launcher and say to the villian, “It’s time to die”. The look on the face of the villian says it all. He knows that he is totally screwed and Chuck has beaten him. The villian attempts to turn around and kill Chuck but Chuck shoots first and the villian winds up in a million pieces.
Reject Fear
In your life, you have a Rostov stalking you. He is called Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of poor health. Fear of loneliness. Fear of being useless. Fear of being unloved. Fear of enslavement to poor health or poor finances. Fear of not having your life mean something. Fear of not getting your fair share of things in life. Fear of this. Fear of that. Fear. Fear. Fear. Just as Rostov stalked Chuck in the movie, fear is always stalking you. To be successful in manifesting the life you desire, you also must tell fear that “It’s time to die”. Use appropriate manifesting techniques and earnest prayer to use your own inner rocket launcher to blow fear into a million different pieces.
There Are Two Root Emotions
In the image above, Edvard Munch’s impressionist painting “The Scream” epitomizes how it feels for a person to be in the grips of fear. To live in fear is a type of nightmare. Someone once said that there are only two root emotions from which all other emotions spring — love and fear. Love is truth. Fear is error. Make the choice as best as you can in your precious life to choose love. Fear will always take you down a one way street to nowhere.