There is a morning prayer that goes like this: “My Creator, help me to make my best effort today better than it was yesterday.” Whenever I pray that, I usually follow that up with with apologies to my Maker if my past ” my best” was actually a crappy version of “my best”.
Having vision, intent and faith in a particular goal, no matter how tiny or large that goal is, means that you simply can’t bullshit yourself when you say “I’m giving it my very best shot”. Ask yourself every time “Are you really?” In the image above, I have no idea what the runners particular goal may be with his run. My perception is that he is giving it his very best whatever the goal is. Every muscle, every part of him seems laser focused on achieving what he is trying to achieve. No posing for the camera. No looking to the left or to the right. No smiles for the camera. Only total concentration and effort in achieving whatever it is that he has set out to achieve.
When you are engaging in specific activity to manifest a particular desire that you have, doing what the man in the image above is doing, putting one foot in front of the other with total concentration and focus, is usually what’s gonna eventually get it done for you. We all need to just kick back and relax from time to time. However, you cannot say to yourself “I’m doing my best” and then spend three to four hours watching tv every night. Of course if what you desire to manifest is a history of watching of tv, then you have succeeded. Congrats. If that is not your manifestation desire however, then you have failed at truly giving it your best and you are just sabotaging yourself. Self-sabotage is definitely one of mankind’s favorite hobbies, and one of the most detrimental. Telling yourself that you are doing your best, when in fact you really aren’t, is an insidious con job that you put over on yourself almost always with bad results. I know because I have been there. I think that we all have to some degree.
At the end of each day, spend a bit of time before you fall asleep, reviewing your activities for that day, starting from when you woke up and continuing over the course of the day. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Five minutes will do. Review objectively. Do not spend time berating yourself where you observe that you could have done better. That does you absolutely no good. You must remember that the scriptural command to “judge not” also includes yourself. If there is no place where you observe that you could have done better, then congratulations, you have had a most great and wonderful day. If there are areas where you could have done better, simply note it to yourself and vow to to work on that in the future. If you do this, you will find that “your best” does, over time, become better and better. The result of that is the prize you are after, the prize we are all after….. greater and greater success in your manifesting your desires.